Tkinter cross-platform compatability - python-3.x

I have written a set of customized tkinter widgets, defined as classes, and loaded into the main app as modules. I am working in Windows 10, but have specific concerns in three areas in regard to compatibility with Linux and Mac. These are shown below.
I am sticking with tkinter default fonts, and defining the desired font within each individual custom widget. I have found, surprisingly, that I can successfully specify fonts as follows, naming 'TkDefaultFont' just as I might name 'Arial' for example.
Would this approach work across Linux and Mac as well as windows?
Importing modules
All of the resources for my main app are stored in a Folder named 'AppAssets' (which is in the same folder as the main app). The custom widgets are stored inside that folder, in another folder named 'TkMods'. In Windows, I am successfully importing these modules as follows, specifying a relative path:
from AppAssets.TkMods import ModButton
Again, would this work across Linux and Mac? If not, is there a line or lines of code that would work instead across all three platforms?
Importing image files
Many of the modules use custom image files (such as a rounded button image, for example). I am importing these as follows, again specifying a relative path.
btnimg = tk.PhotoImage(file="AppAssets/TkMods/Button.png")
Again, would this work cross-platform? If not, is there a single solution that would work across Windows, Mac and Linux?
Any advice appreciated.

I have found, surprisingly, that I can successfully specify fonts as follows, naming 'TkDefaultFont' just as I might name 'Arial' for example...
Would this approach work across Linux and Mac as well as windows?
It works, but probably not the way you think. You could use 'NotARealFont' instead of 'TkDefaultFont' and get the same results. The first parameter when defining a font as a tuple is a font family, and TkDefaultFont is not the name of a valid font family. It's the name of an internal font object, which is not the same thing. When you don't give a valid font family, tkinter will fall back to using the font defined by TkDefaultFont.
I am successfully importing these modules as follows... Again, would this work across Linux and Mac?
Yes, importing python modules works the same on platforms. This isn't anything unique to tkinter.
Many of the modules use custom image files ... I am importing these as follows, again specifying a relative path... Again, would this work cross-platform?
It should work the same on all platforms. Note that "work the same" also means it will fail in the same way on all platforms. The path is relative to the current working directory which may or may not be the same as the directory with the script.


Problem with Imagemagick import (import-im6.q16) jammy/gnome

I use Imagemagick's "import" (import-im6.q16) a lot for capturing screen data. And it works great on my primary workstation using the Mate desktop.
But I am trying to use it on Jammy/Gnome and it just hangs.
Nothing in any of the obvious logs (syslog,Xorg). Searched the web and the Imagemagick communities and come up empty.
Executing import tmp.png should turn the "cross-hair" cursor on and allow selection of a region of the default X display. Upon "mouse up", the selected region is written to the file specified. An existing file will be overwritten permissions permitting. The suffix should be an image file type or errors can occur (.pdf is an example).
Can anyone confirm this is broken or working with Gnome?

How to open multiple files in PyCharm with one click?

I have a directory with multiple files. There is one main file and other ones in subdirectories (including in a virtual environment directory) all of which I want to open with one click in the same instance of PyCharm. Is there a way to do this? Is there a native PyCharm way? Is there a way to do it using a Bash script. For the latter I have managed using (see Open files from the command line). However, the different files are opened in different PyCharm instances which is not what I want.
I just tried this on Windows running from CMD. Simply listing the paths to the files separated by a space opens them in a single editor instance. (Although the documentation doesn't clearly mention this possibility, suggesting only 1 single file/project as argument).
For example executing the following:
pycharm64.exe C:\test_file1.txt C:\test_file2.txt
Opens like this:
This means PyCharm does accept a list of individual files as command line arguments to open them in a single instance.
all of which I want to open with one click in the same instance of PyCharm.
If the above example works on your shell you should be able to create a shell script that can be clicked.
However, the different files are opened in different PyCharm instances which is not what I want.
I don't know if depending on the shell any special rule applies that might cause each file to be opened in a different PyCharm instance/window, but if that's the case there's also likely to be a shell specific syntax rule to launch a single instance of the application passing multiple arguments.
Is there a native PyCharm way?
It seems PyCharm is naturally geared to working with projects. Looking closely at some functionalities like open/close/search in the PyCharm IDE their logic is entirely "project oriented" not like the usual concept of opening a set of unrelated files as in some other editors. (This is actually really smart, it doesn't clutter the UI with marginal functionalities and it forces users to set up a project - see this thread for a similar example about using search with individual unrelated files in PyCharm).
If you look at the screenshot, it's noteworthy that only 1 file is listed in the Project Tool Window although several files are opened in the editor.

Adding custom font file locations in Linux

I need to use some proprietary fonts, and linux by default scans the following directory for font files. However, in my environment, I don't have write access to these locations.
I am looking at the following two workarounds for this but have had no luck so far.
Can I explicitly load a font file into the Linux font cache?
Can I add a custom font location to the list of scanned folders so it's picked up when I run fa-cache -fv, in case there is an XML config file I can add my custom paths to?

How to prepare a Linux app to find ttf font directory?

I'm working on an application primary targeted for Linux, which use a TTF font. I need the font's file name and path, because I have to load it with SDL function TTF_OpenFont(char *file, ...). The problem is that there are a lot of different directories for TTF fonts on different distribution. Which is the best way to deal with this problem? I've came up some solutution, but each of them seems suboptimal for me:
pack the font along with the application, and install it to the application's own /usr/share/ directory.
check the font path with fc-list : file.
hardcode every path variation to the application and try them out when load the file.
Your first and second solutions are quite good, except it may be better to call FcFontList function. Third one is quite unreliable, but it highly depends on application type (it can be ok in some cases, if you have this path configurable by user).

How do I have Emacs load a font from a file?

In the interest of making my emacs setup more portable, I'd like to be able to set the current font by specifying a file rather than a font name, i.e. "Load ~/config/myfont.ttf and use size 12". Is there a way to do that in my .emacs? All the instructions I've found assume the font is already installed on the system. I'm using the XFT support on Linux, so a linux specific hack would be OK but I'd prefer something that would work on all targets.
Update: To be clear, I'm using a font that isn't standard on Windows / OS X / Linux. I'm not just looking to set a different font based on platform, but to specify a specific font file that I have (TTFs work on Windows and Linux, if not on Mac I'll get another version of the file but I still want to specify the font via file rather than name).
Unfortunately, you can't.
Emacs on different platforms uses different windowing toolkits, all of which take care of font handling for it. I don't believe you can specify a font filename in Emacs on any platform - it just doesn't work that way.
As for how to find the font:
On Linux, you could use XFT's support for a user-specific font config file which is usually ~/.fonts.conf (but check /etc/fonts/font.conf to be sure) to add whatever directory you place your fonts into.
On a Mac, you can add the font into ~/Library/Fonts. TTFs work fine on Macs, BTW.
On Windows, I think you'd just have to add it to the system fonts directory.
From there, you then go and tell Emacs (through customize or not) to use your font. You'll find the naming schemes to be different on each platform (not sure what Windows looks like), but customize should help take care of this for you - just keep a separate customize file per machine if need be. basically your portable Emacs setup has to encompass more than just an Emacs config file (which, given that you're carrying a font file around, it already does).
