I am running a CNN program for medical images which also includes data augmentation by randomly transforming given images. In data augmentation part, I am facing this error. Please help me out.
This is the issue with older version of python skimage. On updating python skimage, this issue will not be anymore.
This can help you. Try to install the bleeding edge version of Theano.
pip install --upgrade --no-deps git+git://github.com/Theano/Theano.git
I am trying to make face recognition program with python and facenet. The use of the file "facenet_keras.h5" (load_model("facenet_keras.h5")) gave me a compatibility problem in python 3.9.10 that's why I now use python 3.10.8. but when installing tensorflow I find myself with this error. Need help please.
ERROR: THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES FROM THE REQUIREMENTS FILE. If you have updated the package versions, please update the hashes. Otherwise, examine the package contents carefully; someone may have tampered with them.
tensorflow from https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/39/46/f488bd08388dd7d9545a85948cd92b5d976c29b68220439a3d843643853b/tensorflow-2.10.0-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl:
Expected sha256 0a3b58d90fadb5bdf81a964bea73bb89019a9d1e9ac12de75375c8f65e0d7570
Got e1f4e20287769e84cac77e45dbcda513806ba1a32f22a083acec9a51d2f0a0bf
I am trying to convert a parquet table to pandas data frame, and to avoid memory doubling as per the documentation(enter link description here), I used following code;
df = table.to_pandas(split_blocks=True, self_destruct=True)
But I am getting following error;
TypeError: to_pandas() got an unexpected keyword argument 'split_blocks'
Right now I have the pyarrow version 0.15.1 installed. When I run the code Conda update pyarrow I get the message, required packages are installed.
May I know how can this error be remedied. Thanks in advance.
Version 0.15.1 support fewer options than the latest version. You can see the options here. If you are worried about memory you can try to pass zero_copy=True.
I'm not an expert in conda, but have you tried conda install pyarrow=1.0.1
I am trying to go through the following tutorial published here but get the error below when I run these lines fo code:
run = exp.submit(est)
"message": "Could not import package \"azureml-dataprep\". Please ensure it is installed by running: pip install \"azureml-dataprep[fuse,pandas]\""
However, I have already installed the required packages:
I am running this through Jupyter Notebooks in an Anacoda Python 3.7 environment.
Tried creating a new conda environment as specified here but still get the same error.
conda create -n aml python=3.7.3
After installing all the required packages, I am able to reproduce the exeception by executing the following:
Sorry for this. Take a look at the Jupyter Notebook version of the same tutorial:
When configuring estimator, you need to specify the pip packages u wanna install on the remote compute. In this case, azureml-dataprep[fuse, blob]. Installing the package to your local computer is not useful since the training script is executed on the remote compute target, which doesn't have the required package installed yet.
est = TensorFlow(source_directory=script_folder,
Can you pls try the fix and let us know whether it solves your issue :) In the mean time, I will update the public documentation to include pip_packages in estimator config.
Have you gone through the known issues and Troubleshooting page?. It is mentioned as one of the known issue.
Error message: ERROR: No matching distribution found for azureml-dataprep-native
Anaconda's Python 3.7.4 distribution has a bug that breaks azureml-sdk
install. This issue is discussed in this GitHub Issue This can be
worked around by creating a new Conda Environment using this command:
I am new to Tensorflow and need help with the problem below in my console. It seems that I am able to import tensorflow, yet tf.add(3,5) returns:
cannot open shared object. No such file or directory.
From the information you've given, the best bet is to make sure both tensorflow and python are updated to latest version. I might try uninstalling and reinstalling python and/or some libraries, or checking the ROOT directory: https://askubuntu.com/questions/262063/how-to-find-python-installation-directory-on-ubuntu . Good luck!
Now TensorFlow is finally released on Windows, I have been trying to install it for the last 2 days, still no success. Need some help please.
After installing Anaconda 3, I followed the instructions here. But was not able to proceed further beyond activating the environment...
Just sorted things out...what a journey!! The solution is below:
So basically, we need to follow the process here. Also, you may get an error message like this:
Cannot remove entries from nonexistent file c:\users\george.liu\appdata\local\co
So, you just need to do this instead in Anaconda Prompt:
pip install --upgrade --ignore-installed https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/windows/cpu/tensorflow-0.12.0rc0-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl
This is due to a known bug as explained here.
Then you're all set. Enjoy!!