Running tests in a container on Travis - node.js

While building my application on Travis I am trying to run the tests within a Docker container. The container starts and the tests are run, and when I log the container output I can see they have passed. It is my understanding I can use grep for this as seen below. So this is my travis script:
docker-compose up -d
docker logs dockertestapp_app_1
docker logs 2>&1 dockertestapp_app_1 | grep -q 'npm info ok'
I just want to grep the output of the container logs to see whether or not the tests pass but it always fails. Am I missing something simple?
Thank you in advance!

In order to avoid a sleep of 60 seconds you described in your comment, start your tests manually doing something like this:
docker exec -it dockertestapp_app_1 bash -c ' > /proc/1/fd/1'
Note I'm executing a test file (in this example, and setting output to /proc/1/fd/1. This way you can normally grep the expression that means your tests passed as you are currently doing.
TIP: you may not need to output to /proc/1/fd/1 for docker logs as your test script may return a non-zero exit code to indicate that tests failed. This way you don't even need the grep line in your script.


How can I list docker container names along with node version

I was wondering if there is a smart way to output all docker names along with the version of node.js they are running for the containse/service.
I can run;
docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' get a list of all names, but then I'm stuck running;
docker exec <NAME goes HERE> node -v
...for each item NAME one-by-one to find out the NODE.JS version linked to it (which is somewhat tedious and time consuming even with my fast fingers and copy/paste tool)
Is there a way of combining these two commands into one to output name and node version? Or are we into a linux-scripting-type territory here?!
Please note; I've found these commands via googling and only really understand the docker basics like stop/start/listing stuff out...
Many thanks in advance for any information or answers received!
A think a simple bash script should be easy enough. I don't have docker installed, but you can probably tweak the approach below?
Create and grant it execute permissions.
from the terminal
nano #paste in script below"
for container in `docker ps -q`; do
# show the name of the container
docker inspect --format='{{.Name}}' $container;
# run the command
docker exec {{.Name}} node -v
make the script executable
chmod u+x
Run the script
Should see the node version printed to tty

How to callculate the free space on a host machine and get the information inside a docker container [duplicate]

How to control host from docker container?
For example, how to execute copied to host bash script?
This answer is just a more detailed version of Bradford Medeiros's solution, which for me as well turned out to be the best answer, so credit goes to him.
In his answer, he explains WHAT to do (named pipes) but not exactly HOW to do it.
I have to admit I didn't know what named pipes were when I read his solution. So I struggled to implement it (while it's actually very simple), but I did succeed.
So the point of my answer is just detailing the commands you need to run in order to get it working, but again, credit goes to him.
PART 1 - Testing the named pipe concept without docker
On the main host, chose the folder where you want to put your named pipe file, for instance /path/to/pipe/ and a pipe name, for instance mypipe, and then run:
mkfifo /path/to/pipe/mypipe
The pipe is created.
ls -l /path/to/pipe/mypipe
And check the access rights start with "p", such as
prw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 mypipe
Now run:
tail -f /path/to/pipe/mypipe
The terminal is now waiting for data to be sent into this pipe
Now open another terminal window.
And then run:
echo "hello world" > /path/to/pipe/mypipe
Check the first terminal (the one with tail -f), it should display "hello world"
PART 2 - Run commands through the pipe
On the host container, instead of running tail -f which just outputs whatever is sent as input, run this command that will execute it as commands:
eval "$(cat /path/to/pipe/mypipe)"
Then, from the other terminal, try running:
echo "ls -l" > /path/to/pipe/mypipe
Go back to the first terminal and you should see the result of the ls -l command.
PART 3 - Make it listen forever
You may have noticed that in the previous part, right after ls -l output is displayed, it stops listening for commands.
Instead of eval "$(cat /path/to/pipe/mypipe)", run:
while true; do eval "$(cat /path/to/pipe/mypipe)"; done
(you can nohup that)
Now you can send unlimited number of commands one after the other, they will all be executed, not just the first one.
PART 4 - Make it work even when reboot happens
The only caveat is if the host has to reboot, the "while" loop will stop working.
To handle reboot, here what I've done:
Put the while true; do eval "$(cat /path/to/pipe/mypipe)"; done in a file called with #!/bin/bash header
Don't forget to chmod +x it
Add it to crontab by running
crontab -e
And then adding
#reboot /path/to/
At this point, test it: reboot your server, and when it's back up, echo some commands into the pipe and check if they are executed.
Of course, you aren't able to see the output of commands, so ls -l won't help, but touch somefile will help.
Another option is to modify the script to put the output in a file, such as:
while true; do eval "$(cat /path/to/pipe/mypipe)" &> /somepath/output.txt; done
Now you can run ls -l and the output (both stdout and stderr using &> in bash) should be in output.txt.
PART 5 - Make it work with docker
If you are using both docker compose and dockerfile like I do, here is what I've done:
Let's assume you want to mount the mypipe's parent folder as /hostpipe in your container
Add this:
VOLUME /hostpipe
in your dockerfile in order to create a mount point
Then add this:
- /path/to/pipe:/hostpipe
in your docker compose file in order to mount /path/to/pipe as /hostpipe
Restart your docker containers.
PART 6 - Testing
Exec into your docker container:
docker exec -it <container> bash
Go into the mount folder and check you can see the pipe:
cd /hostpipe && ls -l
Now try running a command from within the container:
echo "touch this_file_was_created_on_main_host_from_a_container.txt" > /hostpipe/mypipe
And it should work!
WARNING: If you have an OSX (Mac OS) host and a Linux container, it won't work (explanation here and issue here ) because the pipe implementation is not the same, so what you write into the pipe from Linux can be read only by a Linux and what you write into the pipe from Mac OS can be read only by a Mac OS (this sentence might not be very accurate, but just be aware that a cross-platform issue exists).
For instance, when I run my docker setup in DEV from my Mac OS computer, the named pipe as explained above does not work. But in staging and production, I have Linux host and Linux containers, and it works perfectly.
PART 7 - Example from Node.JS container
Here is how I send a command from my Node.JS container to the main host and retrieve the output:
const pipePath = "/hostpipe/mypipe"
const outputPath = "/hostpipe/output.txt"
const commandToRun = "pwd && ls-l"
console.log("delete previous output")
if (fs.existsSync(outputPath)) fs.unlinkSync(outputPath)
console.log("writing to pipe...")
const wstream = fs.createWriteStream(pipePath)
console.log("waiting for output.txt...") //there are better ways to do that than setInterval
let timeout = 10000 //stop waiting after 10 seconds (something might be wrong)
const timeoutStart =
const myLoop = setInterval(function () {
if ( - timeoutStart > timeout) {
console.log("timed out")
} else {
//if output.txt exists, read it
if (fs.existsSync(outputPath)) {
const data = fs.readFileSync(outputPath).toString()
if (fs.existsSync(outputPath)) fs.unlinkSync(outputPath) //delete the output file
console.log(data) //log the output of the command
}, 300);
Use a named pipe.
On the host OS, create a script to loop and read commands, and then you call eval on that.
Have the docker container read to that named pipe.
To be able to access the pipe, you need to mount it via a volume.
This is similar to the SSH mechanism (or a similar socket-based method), but restricts you properly to the host device, which is probably better. Plus you don't have to be passing around authentication information.
My only warning is to be cautious about why you are doing this. It's totally something to do if you want to create a method to self-upgrade with user input or whatever, but you probably don't want to call a command to get some config data, as the proper way would be to pass that in as args/volume into docker. Also, be cautious about the fact that you are evaling, so just give the permission model a thought.
Some of the other answers such as running a script. Under a volume won't work generically since they won't have access to the full system resources, but it might be more appropriate depending on your usage.
The solution I use is to connect to the host over SSH and execute the command like this:
As this answer keeps getting up votes, I would like to remind (and highly recommend), that the account which is being used to invoke the script should be an account with no permissions at all, but only executing that script as sudo (that can be done from sudoers file).
UPDATE: Named Pipes
The solution I suggested above was only the one I used while I was relatively new to Docker. Now in 2021 take a look on the answers that talk about Named Pipes. This seems to be a better solution.
However, nobody there mentioned anything about security. The script that will evaluate the commands sent through the pipe (the script that calls eval) must actually not use eval for the whole pipe output, but to handle specific cases and call the required commands according to the text sent, otherwise any command that can do anything can be sent through the pipe.
That REALLY depends on what you need that bash script to do!
For example, if the bash script just echoes some output, you could just do
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/ ubuntu bash /
Another possibility is that you want the bash script to install some software- say the script to install docker-compose. you could do something like
docker run --rm -v /usr/bin:/usr/bin --privileged -v $(pwd)/ ubuntu bash /
But at this point you're really getting into having to know intimately what the script is doing to allow the specific permissions it needs on your host from inside the container.
My laziness led me to find the easiest solution that wasn't published as an answer here.
It is based on the great article by luc juggery.
All you need to do in order to gain a full shell to your linux host from within your docker container is:
docker run --privileged --pid=host -it alpine:3.8 \
nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
--privileged : grants additional permissions to the container, it allows the container to gain access to the devices of the host (/dev)
--pid=host : allows the containers to use the processes tree of the Docker host (the VM in which the Docker daemon is running)
nsenter utility: allows to run a process in existing namespaces (the building blocks that provide isolation to containers)
nsenter (-t 1 -m -u -n -i sh) allows to run the process sh in the same isolation context as the process with PID 1.
The whole command will then provide an interactive sh shell in the VM
This setup has major security implications and should be used with cautions (if any).
Write a simple server python server listening on a port (say 8080), bind the port -p 8080:8080 with the container, make a HTTP request to localhost:8080 to ask the python server running shell scripts with popen, run a curl or writing code to make a HTTP request curl -d '{"foo":"bar"}' localhost:8080
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler,HTTPServer
import subprocess
import json
# This class will handles any incoming request from
# the browser
class myHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_POST(self):
content_len = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
post_body =
data = json.loads(post_body)
# Use the post data
cmd = "your shell cmd"
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
p_status = p.wait()
(output, err) = p.communicate()
print "Command output : ", output
print "Command exit status/return code : ", p_status
self.wfile.write(cmd + "\n")
# Create a web server and define the handler to manage the
# incoming request
server = HTTPServer(('', PORT_NUMBER), myHandler)
print 'Started httpserver on port ' , PORT_NUMBER
# Wait forever for incoming http requests
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print '^C received, shutting down the web server'
If you are not worried about security and you're simply looking to start a docker container on the host from within another docker container like the OP, you can share the docker server running on the host with the docker container by sharing it's listen socket.
Please see and see if your personal risk tolerance allows this for this particular application.
You can do this by adding the following volume args to your start command
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...
or by sharing /var/run/docker.sock within your docker compose file like this:
version: '3'
command: ...
image: ...
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
When you run the docker start command within your docker container,
the docker server running on your host will see the request and provision the sibling container.
As Marcus reminds, docker is basically process isolation. Starting with docker 1.8, you can copy files both ways between the host and the container, see the doc of docker cp
Once a file is copied, you can run it locally
docker run --detach-keys="ctrl-p" -it -v /:/mnt/rootdir --name testing busybox
# chroot /mnt/rootdir
I have a simple approach.
Step 1: Mount /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock (So you will be able to execute docker commands inside your container)
Step 2: Execute this below inside your container. The key part here is (--network host as this will execute from host context)
docker run -i --rm --network host -v /opt/ alpine:3.7
sh / should contain the some commands (ifconfig, netstat etc...) whatever you need.
Now you will be able to get host context output.
You can use the pipe concept, but use a file on the host and fswatch to accomplish the goal to execute a script on the host machine from a docker container. Like so (Use at your own risk):
#! /bin/bash
touch .command_pipe
chmod +x .command_pipe
# Use fswatch to execute a command on the host machine and log result
fswatch -o --event Updated .command_pipe | \
xargs -n1 -I "{}" .command_pipe >> .command_pipe_log &
docker run -it --rm \
--name alpine \
-w /home/test \
-v $PWD/.command_pipe:/dev/command_pipe \
alpine:3.7 sh
rm -rf .command_pipe
kill %1
In this example, inside the container send commands to /dev/command_pipe, like so:
/home/test # echo 'docker network create' > /dev/command_pipe
On the host, you can check if the network was created:
$ docker network ls | grep test2
8e029ec83afe bridge local
In my scenario I just ssh login the host (via host ip) within a container and then I can do anything I want to the host machine
I found answers using named pipes awesome. But I was wondering if there is a way to get the output of the executed command.
The solution is to create two named pipes:
mkfifo /path/to/pipe/exec_in
mkfifo /path/to/pipe/exec_out
Then, the solution using a loop, as suggested by #Vincent, would become:
# on the host
while true; do eval "$(cat exec_in)" > exec_out; done
And then on the docker container, we can execute the command and get the output using:
# on the container
echo "ls -l" > /path/to/pipe/exec_in
cat /path/to/pipe/exec_out
If anyone interested, my need was to use a failover IP on the host from the container, I created this simple ruby method:
def fifo_exec(cmd)
exec_in = '/path/to/pipe/exec_in'
exec_out = '/path/to/pipe/exec_out'
%x[ echo #{cmd} > #{exec_in} ]
%x[ cat #{exec_out} ]
# example
fifo_exec "curl"
Depending on the situation, this could be a helpful resource.
This uses a job queue (Celery) that can be run on the host, commands/data could be passed to this through Redis (or rabbitmq). In the example below, this is occurring in a django application (which is commonly dockerized).
To expand on user2915097's response:
The idea of isolation is to be able to restrict what an application/process/container (whatever your angle at this is) can do to the host system very clearly. Hence, being able to copy and execute a file would really break the whole concept.
Yes. But it's sometimes necessary.
No. That's not the case, or Docker is not the right thing to use. What you should do is declare a clear interface for what you want to do (e.g. updating a host config), and write a minimal client/server to do exactly that and nothing more. Generally, however, this doesn't seem to be very desirable. In many cases, you should simply rethink your approach and eradicate that need. Docker came into an existence when basically everything was a service that was reachable using some protocol. I can't think of any proper usecase of a Docker container getting the rights to execute arbitrary stuff on the host.

Using to wait on an endpoint with a slash

I have a project that runs a docker image (in production it will run in knative, but for testing, docker/docker compose is a good first step), and as part of my CI/CD pipeline, I would like to run acceptance tests against the image. I have the image configured to run in docker, and the (cucumber) acceptance tests run as part of a gradle task. I would like the gradle testing to wait until the image is spun up (the image itself takes under .02 of a second to start thanks to graalvm ahead of time compilation, but the gitlab runner can be slow). I have hooked up a script ( and that works to wait for localhost:8080 (you can verify yourself by executing the following command: docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 connorbutch/reading-comprehension-server-quarkus-impl & ./ localhost:8080 --timeout=10 --strict -- ./gradlew acceptanceTest), but but I would like to have the task wait for localhost:8080/health/readiness, and the following command does not work: docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 connorbutch/reading-comprehension-server-quarkus-impl & ./ localhost:8080/health/readiness --timeout=10 --strict -- ./gradlew acceptanceTest It is important to note the application starts up in .02 seconds at the slowest, so the endpoint is up and working, it is an issue with how I am running the wait-for-it script
Any ideas on how to input the values to wait for it so that I have the test a url containing a slash? Alternatively, any other input on how to perform this ordering would be great too!
If you'd like to run locally, clone the code from ( (only requirement is to have docker), execute the ./, then use the above commands
Connor is a pure bash script that will wait on the availability of a host and TCP port.
you can't use it to check if service deployed into the server or URL is returning response or not , so you have to implement your own entry point script by using curl command and sleep to wait for that URL to return 200 ok or the response which you are expecting
you can start from here
while [ $S -ne 200 ]
S=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" )
sleep 1
done ;
echo "DONE !!"
#write the script to start the service

bash script does not capture exit code 1 properly

I have a bash script in which I start a docker. The docker start fails due to some error which exist in there and it clearly says exit code 1. This is the script I have to run the docker command
echo "change directory to ..."
cd "..."
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Executed docker-compose successfully on ${HOST_APP_HOME}"
echo "Failed to start container on ${HOST_APP_HOME}. Failed command: docker-compose -f ${DOCKER_CONF_FILE} up -d"
The docker-compose command fails and it clearly prints this message
exited with code 1
But my script does not capture it and the first condition (-eq 0) gets executed. Why it can't capture this error and consider it as a successful command?
I think the status code of the docker-compose doesn't really make sense on it's own. It is in charge of running multiple other containers, the exist status you see printed is probably from one of the containers.
Base on what your docker-compose file is doing you can use --exit-code-from option to get the exit code of each service. You can also add a health-check mechanism for desired services in order to know which one is running and which one is not (a service which is deployed successfully doesn't return any value but could be checked with health check).
You can read about --exit-code-from here.
Sorry that I don't know a better way.

Why does "docker attach" hang?

I can run an ubuntu container successfully:
# docker run -it -d ubuntu
# docker ps
3aef6e642327 ubuntu "/bin/bash" 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds condescending_sammet
But executing docker attach hangs:
# docker attach 3aef6e642327
Until I press any key, such as Enter:
# docker attach 3aef6e642327
root#3aef6e642327:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
Why does docker attach hang?
After reading the comments, I think I get the answers:
"docker attach" reuse the same tty, not open new tty.
(1) Executing the docker run without daemon mode:
# docker run -it ubuntu
Everything is OK, then run ls command:
root#eb3c9d86d7a2:/# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
(2) Run docker run in daemon mode:
# docker run -it -d ubuntu
Actually, the following should have been outputted to stdout from the running container:
So executing docker attach seems to hang, but actually it is waiting for your input:
# docker attach 91262536f7c9
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
It does not really hang. As you can see in the comment below (You are running "/bin/bash" as command) it seems to be expected behaviour when attaching.
As far as I understand you attach to the running shell and just the stdin/stdout/stderr - depending on the options you pass along with the run command - will just show you whatever goes in/out from that moment. (Someone with a bit more in-depth knowledge hopefuly can explain this on a higher level).
As I wrote in my comment on your question, there are several people who have opened an issue on the docker github repo describing similar behaviour:
docker attach [container] hangs, requires input #8521
docker attach hangs setting terminal state when attaching to container
Since you mention shell, I assume you have a shell already running. attach doesn't start a new process, so what is the expected behavior of connecting to the in/out/err streams of a running process?
I didn't think about this. Of course this is the expected behavior of attaching to a running shell, but is it desirable?
Would it be at all possible to flush stdout/stderr on docker attach thereby forcing the shell prompt to be printed or is it a bit more complex than that? That's what I personally would "expect" when attaching to an already running shell.
Feel free to close this issue if necessary, I just felt the need to document this and get some feedback.
Taken from a comment on this github issue. You can find more insight in the comments of this issue.
If instead of enter you would start typing a command, you would not see the extra empty prompt line. If you were to run
$ docker exec -it ubuntu <container-ID-or-name> bash
where <container-ID-or-name> is the ID or name of the container after you run docker run -it -d ubuntu (so 3aef6e642327 or condescending_sammet in your question) it would run a new command, thus not having this "stdout problem" of attaching to an existing one.
If you would have a Dockerfile in a directory containing:
FROM ubuntu:latest
ADD ./ /
RUN chmod +x /
CMD ["/"]
And have a simple bash script in the same directory containing:
#trap ctrl-c and exit, couldn't get out
#of the docker container once attached
trap ctrl_c INT
function ctrl_c() {
while true; do
time=$(date +%N)
echo $time;
sleep 1;
Then build (in this example in the same directory as the Dockerfile and and run it with
$ docker build -t nan-xiao/time-test .
..stuff happening...
$ docker run -itd --name time-test nan-xiao/time-test
Finally attach
$ docker attach time-test
You will end up attached to a container printing out the time every second. (CTRL-C to get out)
Example 2
Or if you would have a Dockerfile containing for example the following:
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get -y install irssi
ENTRYPOINT ["irssi"]
Then run in the same directory:
$ docker build -t nan-xiao/irssi-test .
Then run it:
$ docker run -itd --name irssi-test nan-xiao/irssi-test
And finally
$ docker attach irssi-test
You would end up in a running irssi window without this particular behaviour. Of course you can substitute irrsi for another program.
I ran into this issue as well when attempting to attach to a container that was developed by someone else and already running a daemon. (In this case, it was LinuxServer's transmission docker image).
What happened was the terminal appeared to 'hang', where typing anything didn't help and wouldn't show up. Only Ctrl-C would kick me back out.
docker run, docker start, docker attach all was not successful, turns out the command I needed (after the container has been started with run or start) was to execute bash, as chances are the container you pulled from doesn't have bash already running.
docker exec -it <container-id> bash
(you can find the container-id from running docker ps -a).
This will pull you into the instance with a functional bash as root (assuming there was no other explicit set up done by the image you pulled).
I know the accepted answer has captured this as well, but decided to post another one that is a little more terse and obvious, as the solution didn't pop out for me when I was reading it.
When I run docker attach container-name, then nothing output, even Ctrl-c is invalid. So, first try
docker attach container-name --sig-proxy=false
and then ctrl-c can stop it. Why it didn't output anything?
just because the container doesn't output. Actually I need to enter my container and run some shell command. So the correct command is
docker exec -ti container-name bash
This happened to me once for the following reason:
It could be that the bash command inside the container is executing a "cat" command.
So when you attach to the container (the bash command) you are actualy inside the cat command which is expecting input. (text and/or ctrl-d to write the file)
If you cannot access command line, just make sure you run your container with -i flag at start.
I just had a similar problem today and was able to fix it:
Here is what was happening for me:
docker-compose logs -f nginx
Attaching to laradock_nginx_1
Then it would hang there until I quit via CTRL-C: ^CERROR: Aborting.
docker ps -a showed that what SHOULD have been called laradock_nginx did not exist with that Image Name, so I figured I'd just remove and re "up" that container:
docker stop cce0c32f7556
docker rm cce0c32f7556
docker-compose up -d laradock_nginx
Unfortunately: ERROR: No such service: laradock_nginx
So I did a sudo reboot and then docker ps -a, but laradock_nginx still wasn't there.
Luckily, docker-compose up -d nginx then worked and docker-compose logs -f nginx now works.
Using: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID/NAME bash
Instead: docker attach...
