How to scan through objects that are inside object. [JavaScript] - object

I am making a barcode scanner for my school project but i am stuck. I dont know how to scan through this object. I have this object with objects inside, and I need to scan through each object inside storage variable to check its barcode.
var storage = {
bolts: {
barcode: 57263144,
price: 0.5,
name: 'Plain Brackets',
stock: 25,
brackets: {
barcode: 13245627,
price: 0.2,
name: '100mm Bolts',
stock: 2,
I have a variable called barcode, and I need to test this variable if its the same like one of these. I tried using
for (var key in storage){
if (storage[key].barcode === barcode){
I would like the most simple way to do that.

Use Object.keys:
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
console.log(key, obj[key]);
Below is the example:
var storage = {
"bolts": {
barcode: 57263144,
price: 0.5,
name: 'Plain Brackets',
stock: 25,
"brackets": {
barcode: 13245627,
price: 0.2,
name: '100mm Bolts',
stock: 2,
var barcode = 57263144;
Object.keys(storage).forEach(function(key) {
if(storage[key].barcode === barcode) { console.log("do something")}
A Fiddle:

Use the recursive function to verify if exist more nodes in the objects, example:
const complexObj = {
name: "nobody",
address: { number: 22, moreNumbers: [1,2,3,4,5] },
colors: ["green", "red"],
numbersAgain: { first: 1, second: 4 }
function scanObj(obj){
for (let i in obj) {
*Do some verificatio, example:
*I'd like to verify all numbers and if the numbers is greater than 3:
if(typeof obj[i] == "number" && obj[i] > 3){ console.log(obj[i]); }
if (typeof obj[i] === "object") {
//call the method
Output: 22 4 5 4


Compare two nested objects and return an object with the keys which are into both of object

Let say that I have these two nested objects:
const sourceKeys = {
school: {
name: "Elisa Lemonnier",
students: 250
house: {
room : 2,
kids: true,
assets: "elevator",
const targetKeys = {
school: {
name: "Lucie Faure",
students: 150,
address: "123 Main St.",
phone: "555-555-5555"
house: {
room : 4,
kids: false,
assets: "Garden",
shop: "Auchan"
And I want the targetKeys keep ONLY the keys that are in sourceKeys. So I will get that :
const targetKeysMatchingSourceKeys = {
school: {
name: "Lucie Faure",
students: 150,
house: {
room : 4,
kids: false,
assets: "Garden",
I don't know how to proceed given that is a nested object. So, I will appreciate any help.
thanks you
I have find the solution, here is
const filteredJSON = Object.assign({}, TargetJsonToObject)
// Recursive function to filter the properties of the object
function filterObject(SourceJsonToObject, filteredObj) {
for (const key of Object.keys(filteredObj)) {
// If the key is not present in the source JSON, delete it from filtered JSON
if (!SourceJsonToObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
delete filteredObj[key]
} else if (typeof filteredObj[key] === "object") {
// If the key is present in the source JSON and the value is an object, recursively call the function on the nested object
filterObject(SourceJsonToObject[key], filteredObj[key])
filterObject(SourceJsonToObject, TargetJsonToObject)

How can a file created on a node express temp folder be exported properly via http res.sendFile(...) or

The problems is the excel file I create in a node/express app, downloads the file with zero bytes via http. What should I be doing to download the file with data?
I have a node/express code that generates an excel file and saves it to a temporary folder. Ultimately I intend to move this code to google cloud functions once it works. The problems is, even though, the excel file does get created with data (as I can see it in the temp folder), the via http downloads a file with zero bytes. What should I be doing to download the file with data?
Sample code follows below. Please ignore significance of sample data, commented code and console.logs
// import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as Excel from 'exceljs';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as os from 'os';
import * as path from 'path';
const app = express();
const tempFilePath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), "excel.xlsx");
interface Country {
id: number;
country: string;
capital: string;
population: number;
interface Heading {
header: string;
key: string;
width: number;
interface Align { col: string; align: string; }
function addBottomBorder(worksheet: any, cols: number, rowNo: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
const col = String.fromCharCode(65 + i) + rowNo;
worksheet.getCell(col).border = {
bottom: {style:'thin'},
function hiliteRow(worksheet: any, row: number, color: string, cols: number) {
for (let i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
const col = String.fromCharCode(65 + i) + row;
worksheet.getCell(col).fill = {
type: 'pattern',
pattern: 'solid',
fgColor: { argb: color }
function createHeadings(worksheet: any, headings: Heading[]) {
worksheet.columns = headings;
hiliteRow(worksheet, 1, '808B96', headings.length);
addBottomBorder(worksheet, headings.length, 1);
// add filters
const lastColumn = String.fromCharCode(64 + headings.length);
worksheet.autoFilter = { from: 'A1', to: `${lastColumn}1`, };
async function generate(data: Country[], headings: Heading[], sheetname: string, alignments: Align[]) {
const workbook = new Excel.Workbook();
const worksheet: any = workbook.addWorksheet(sheetname);
createHeadings(worksheet, headings);
for (const alignObj of alignments) {
worksheet.getColumn(alignObj.col).alignment = { vertical: 'middle', horizontal: alignObj.align };
data.forEach((r: any , i: number) => {
if (i % 2 !== 0) {
hiliteRow(worksheet, i + 2, 'D6DBDF', headings.length)
addBottomBorder(worksheet, headings.length, data.length + 1);
workbook.xlsx.writeFile(tempFilePath).then( result => {
console.log('...ready', result)
return tempFilePath;
.catch( err => {
return err;
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
const alignments = [
{ col: 'A', align: 'left'},
{ col: 'D', align: 'right'},
const columns = [
{ header: 'ID', key: 'id', width: 4 },
{ header: 'Country', key: 'country', width: 10 },
{ header: 'Capital', key: 'capital', width: 22 },
{ header: 'Population', key: 'population', width: 9 }
const data = [{
id: 1,
country: 'USA',
capital: 'Washington DC',
population: 325
}, {
id: 2,
country: 'UK',
capital: 'London',
population: 66
}, {
id: 3,
country: 'Italy',
capital: 'Rome',
population: 60.59
}, {
id: 4,
country: 'China',
capital: 'Beijing',
population: 1386
}, {
id: 5,
country: 'Canada',
capital: 'Ottawa',
population: 36.7
}, {
id: 6,
country: 'UK',
capital: 'London',
population: 66
}, {
id: 7,
country: 'Italy',
capital: 'Rome',
population: 60.59
}, {
id: 8,
country: 'China',
capital: 'Beijing',
population: 1386
}, {
id: 9,
country: 'Canada',
capital: 'Ottawa',
population: 36.7
const sheetname = 'countries';
try {
generate(data, columns, sheetname, alignments).then( notImportant => {
// !!!!!!!!! - a file with zero bytes is downloaded
// !!!!!!!!! - same result with res.sendFile(...)
} catch (error) {
app.listen(3001, () => {
// exports.getExcel = functions.https.onRequest(app);
The solution for me to this issue was to make 2 endpoints - 1s to generate the file, and a second to download the file

how to change a object value in VUE.js

export default {
data() {
return {
a: {}
methods: {
//a function that can get data from backend
getdata() {
someAPI.getdata.then(response => {
// manage this data
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if ((data[i]["name"] = "Peter")) {
this.a["peter"] = [
{ age: data[i]["age"], grade: "9" },
{ age: data[i]["age"], grade: "9" }
} else if ((data[i]["name"] = "Wong")) {
this.a["peter"] = [
{ age: data[i]["age"], grade: "9" },
{ age: data[i]["age"], grade: "9" }
mounted() {
this function I changed the a object in data.but in another function I want to console.log to watch. if I console.log(this.a) I can get whole object
{'age': 11, 'grade': '9'},{'age': 12, 'grade': '9'},
],'Wong':[{'age': 13, 'grade': '9'}, {'age': 14, 'grade': '9'},]}
But if I console.log(this.a['Peter']) or console.log(this.a.Peter) than I will get a null object, but why?
I have use this.$set but it does not work.
this.$set(this.student,"age", 24)
like this

How to specify any number as a valid property key in Mongoose?

I want to store sensor data in MongoDB, say at a frequency of 1hz. To do this efficiently I want to do it the way this article recommends, namely storing multiple data points in the same document, using the number of seconds elapsed as object properties.
This is how I want a typical document to look:
const record = {
startingHour: 'Sun Sep 11 2016 03:00:00', // Date object
values: {
0: { // minute
0: { lat: 52.0001, lon: 13.0001 },
// ... all other seconds
59: { lat: 52.9999, lon: 13.9999 }
// ... all other minutes
59: {
0: { lat: 53.0001, lon: 14.0001 },
// ...
59: { lat: 53.9999, lon: 14.9999 }
How could I specify in Mongoose that I want each document t represent an hour with 60 properties, each key being a number from 1 to 59 - one for each minute - and each of those properties to have 60 properties in turn, and those records to represent the actual location values?
So to save a new record I would do record.values.59.59 = { lat: 53.9999, lon: 14.9999 }
How could I represent this kind of schema in Mongoose?
I managed to do it by creating functions to generate the objects I want. I then use those generated objects as schemas, embed one within the other and put those in the final schema:
* Functions to generate objects for Minutes and Seconds
* Each object containing 60 keys, going from 0 to 59
function second() {
let obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
obj[i] = Location;
return obj;
function minute() {
let obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
obj[i] = Second;
return obj;
const Location = new Schema({
latitude: { type: Number, required: true },
longitude: { type: Number, required: true }
// Instantiates Second and Minute objects as schemas
const Second = new Schema(second());
const Minute = new Schema(minute());
// Actual schema
const RecordSchema = new Schema({
startingHour: {
type: Date,
required: true
values: {
type: Minute
This allows me to save objects like these:
startingHour: new Date(),
values: {
0: {
0: {
location: { latitude: 0.03, longitude: 51.7 }
1: {
location: { latitude: 0.03, longitude: 51.7 }
// ...
// ...
59: {
// ...
59: {
location: { latitude: 0.03, longitude: 51.7 }

How to get the ID of an inserted or updated record in Sequelize upsert?

i need to get the id for the inserted/updated record when using .upsert() in sequelize.
right now .upsert() returns a boolean indicating whether the row was created or updated.
return db.VenueAddress.upsert({
venueId: venue.venueId,
street: address.street,
zipCode: address.zipCode,
venueAddressDeletedAt: null
//test returned here as true or false how can i get the inserted id here so i can insert data in other tables using this new id?
I don't think that returning the upserted record was available when the OP asked this question, but it has since been implemented with this PR. As of Sequelize v4.32.1, you can pass a boolean returning as a query param to select between returning an array with the record and a boolean, or just a boolean indicating whether or not a new record was created.
You do still need to provide the id of the record you want to upsert or a new record will be created.
For example:
const [record, created] = await Model.upsert(
{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }, // Record to upsert
{ returning: true } // Return upserted record
I wanted upsert to return the created or updated object. It doesn't because only PGSQL supports it directly, apparently.
So I created a naive implementation that will - probably in a non-performant way, and possibly with all sorts of race conditions, do that:
Sequelize.Model.prototype.findCreateUpdate = function(findWhereMap, newValuesMap) {
return this.findOrCreate({
where: findWhereMap,
defaults: findWhereMap
.spread(function(newObj, created) {
// set:
for(var key in newValuesMap) {
newObj[key] = newValuesMap[key];
Usage when trying to create/update a move in a game (contrived example alert!):
.findOne({where: {gameId: gameId}})
.then(function(game) {
return db.Move.findCreateUpdate(
{gameId: gameId, moveNum: game.moveNum+1},
{startPos: 'kr4', endPos: 'Kp2'}
This is what worked for me:
title:your title,
desc:your description,
location:your locations
}).then(function (test) {
res.send("Successfully stored");
res.send("Successfully inserted");
It will check db to find based on your primary key. If it finds then, it will update the data otherwise it will create a new row/insert into a new row.
i know this is an old post, but in case this helps anyone
const upsert = async (model: any, values: any, condition: any): Promise<any> => {
const obj = await model.findOne({ where: condition })
if (obj) {
// only do update is value is different from queried object from db
for (var key in values) {
const val = values[key]
if (parseFloat(obj[key]) !== val) {
obj.isUpdatedRecord = true
return obj.update(values)
obj.isUpdatedRecord = false
return obj
} else {
// insert
const merged = { ...values, ...condition }
return model.create(merged)
It isn't using upsert, but .bulkCreate has an updateOnDuplicate parameter, which allows you to update certain fields (instead of creating a new row) in the event that the primary key already exists.
updateOnDuplicate: ["venueId", ...]
I believe this returns the resulting objects, and so I think this might enable the functionality you're looking for?
janmeier said:
This is only supported by postgres, so to keep the API consistent across dialects this is not possible.
please see :
I believe my solution is the most up to date with most minimal coding.
const SequelizeModel = require('sequelize/lib/model')
SequelizeModel.upsert = function() {
return this.findOne({
where: arguments[0].where
}).then(obj => {
if(obj) {
return this.create(arguments[0].defaults)
I know this is an old post, but in case this helps can get the returned id or any other value in this way based on OP data.
var data = {
venueId: venue.venueId,
street: address.street,
zipCode: address.zipCode,
venueAddressDeletedAt: null
const result = await db.VenueAddress.upsert(data, { returning: true });
console.log('resulttttttttttttttttt =>', result)
res.status(200).json({ message: 'Your success message', data: result[0].id});
Noticed how I passed { returning: true } and get the value from the result data.
Super old, but if it helps someone:
const [city, created] = await City.upsert({
id: 5,
cityName: "Glasgow",
population: 99999,
created is the boolean saying whether the item was created, and in city you have the whole item, where you can get your id.
No need of returning, and this is db agnostic :)
The only solution for SQLite in Sequelize 6.14.0 is to query the inserted row again
I haven't found a solution that works besides a new SELECT query.
It does work in PostgreSQL however.
Presumably, this is because RETURNING was only implemented relatively recently in SQLite 3.35.0 from 2021: and Sequelize doesn't use that version yet.
I've tried both:
Model.upsert with returning: true: did not work on SQLite. BTW, as mentioned at: returning already defaults to true now, so you don't need to pass it explicitly
Model.bulkCreate with updatOnDuplicate
In both of those cases, some dummy value is returned when the object is present, not the one that is actually modified.
Minimal runnable examples from
#!/usr/bin/env node
const assert = require('assert')
const path = require('path')
const { DataTypes, Sequelize } = require('sequelize')
let sequelize
if (process.argv[2] === 'p') {
sequelize = new Sequelize('tmp', undefined, undefined, {
dialect: 'postgres',
host: '/var/run/postgresql',
} else {
sequelize = new Sequelize({
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: 'tmp.sqlite',
function assertEqual(rows, rowsExpect) {
assert.strictEqual(rows.length, rowsExpect.length)
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let row = rows[i]
let rowExpect = rowsExpect[i]
for (let key in rowExpect) {
assert.strictEqual(row[key], rowExpect[key])
;(async () => {
const Integer = sequelize.define('Integer',
value: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
unique: true, // mandatory
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
inverse: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
timestamps: false,
await Integer.sync({ force: true })
await Integer.create({ value: 2, inverse: -2, name: 'two' });
await Integer.create({ value: 3, inverse: -3, name: 'three' });
await Integer.create({ value: 5, inverse: -5, name: 'five' });
let rows
// Initial state.
rows = await Integer.findAll({ order: [['id', 'ASC']]})
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 1, value: 2, name: 'two', inverse: -2 },
{ id: 2, value: 3, name: 'three', inverse: -3 },
{ id: 3, value: 5, name: 'five', inverse: -5 },
// Update.
rows = await Integer.bulkCreate(
{ value: 2, name: 'TWO' },
{ value: 3, name: 'THREE' },
{ value: 7, name: 'SEVEN' },
{ updateOnDuplicate: ["name"] }
// PostgreSQL runs the desired:
// INSERT INTO "Integers" ("id","value","name") VALUES (DEFAULT,2,'TWO'),(DEFAULT,3,'THREE'),(DEFAULT,7,'SEVEN') ON CONFLICT ("value") DO UPDATE SET "name"=EXCLUDED."name" RETURNING "id","value","name","inverse";
// but "sequelize": "6.14.0" "sqlite3": "5.0.2" does not use the desired RETURNING which was only added in 3.35.0 2021:
// INSERT INTO `Integers` (`id`,`value`,`name`) VALUES (NULL,2,'TWO'),(NULL,3,'THREE'),(NULL,7,'SEVEN') ON CONFLICT (`value`) DO UPDATE SET `name`=EXCLUDED.`name`;
// so not sure how it returns any IDs at all, is it just incrementing them manually? In any case, those IDs are
// all wrong as they don't match the final database state, Likely RETURNING will be added at some point.
// *
// *
// *
// *
if (sequelize.options.dialect === 'postgres') {
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 1, value: 2, name: 'TWO', inverse: -2 },
{ id: 2, value: 3, name: 'THREE', inverse: -3 },
// The 6 here seems to be because the new TWO and THREE initially take up dummy rows,
// but are finally restored to final values.
{ id: 6, value: 7, name: 'SEVEN', inverse: null },
} else {
assertEqual(rows, [
// These IDs are just completely wrong as mentioned at:
// Will be fixed when one day they use RETURNING.
{ id: 4, value: 2, name: 'TWO', inverse: undefined },
{ id: 5, value: 3, name: 'THREE', inverse: undefined },
{ id: 6, value: 7, name: 'SEVEN', inverse: undefined },
// Final state.
rows = await Integer.findAll({ order: [['id', 'ASC']]})
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 1, value: 2, name: 'TWO', inverse: -2 },
{ id: 2, value: 3, name: 'THREE', inverse: -3 },
{ id: 3, value: 5, name: 'five', inverse: -5 },
{ id: 6, value: 7, name: 'SEVEN', inverse: null },
})().finally(() => { return sequelize.close() });
#!/usr/bin/env node
const assert = require('assert')
const path = require('path')
const { DataTypes, Sequelize } = require('sequelize')
let sequelize
if (process.argv[2] === 'p') {
sequelize = new Sequelize('tmp', undefined, undefined, {
dialect: 'postgres',
host: '/var/run/postgresql',
} else {
sequelize = new Sequelize({
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: 'tmp.sqlite',
function assertEqual(rows, rowsExpect) {
assert.strictEqual(rows.length, rowsExpect.length)
for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
let row = rows[i]
let rowExpect = rowsExpect[i]
for (let key in rowExpect) {
assert.strictEqual(row[key], rowExpect[key])
;(async () => {
const Integer = sequelize.define('Integer',
value: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
unique: true,
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
inverse: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
timestamps: false,
await Integer.sync({ force: true })
await Integer.create({ value: 2, inverse: -2, name: 'two' });
await Integer.create({ value: 3, inverse: -3, name: 'three' });
await Integer.create({ value: 5, inverse: -5, name: 'five' });
let rows
// Initial state.
rows = await Integer.findAll({ order: [['id', 'ASC']]})
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 1, value: 2, name: 'two', inverse: -2 },
{ id: 2, value: 3, name: 'three', inverse: -3 },
{ id: 3, value: 5, name: 'five', inverse: -5 },
// Update.
rows = [(await Integer.upsert({ value: 2, name: 'TWO' }))[0]]
if (sequelize.options.dialect === 'postgres') {
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 1, value: 2, name: 'TWO', inverse: -2 },
} else {
// Unexpected ID returned due to the lack of RETURNING, we wanted it to be 1.
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 3, value: 2, name: 'TWO', inverse: undefined },
rows = [(await Integer.upsert({ value: 3, name: 'THREE' }))[0]]
if (sequelize.options.dialect === 'postgres') {
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 2, value: 3, name: 'THREE', inverse: -3 },
} else {
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 3, value: 3, name: 'THREE', inverse: undefined },
rows = [(await Integer.upsert({ value: 7, name: 'SEVEN' }))[0]]
if (sequelize.options.dialect === 'postgres') {
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 6, value: 7, name: 'SEVEN', inverse: null },
} else {
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 6, value: 7, name: 'SEVEN', inverse: undefined },
// Final state.
rows = await Integer.findAll({ order: [['value', 'ASC']]})
assertEqual(rows, [
{ id: 1, value: 2, name: 'TWO', inverse: -2 },
{ id: 2, value: 3, name: 'THREE', inverse: -3 },
{ id: 3, value: 5, name: 'five', inverse: -5 },
{ id: 6, value: 7, name: 'SEVEN', inverse: null },
})().finally(() => { return sequelize.close() });
"name": "tmp",
"private": true,
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"pg": "8.5.1",
"pg-hstore": "2.3.3",
"sequelize": "6.14.0",
"sql-formatter": "4.0.2",
"sqlite3": "5.0.2"
In both of those examples, we see that PostgreSQL runs the desired:
INSERT INTO "Integers" ("id","value","name") VALUES (DEFAULT,2,'TWO'),(DEFAULT,3,'THREE'),(DEFAULT,7,'SEVEN') ON CONFLICT ("value") DO UPDATE SET "name"=EXCLUDED."name" RETURNING "id","value","name","inverse";
which works due to RETURNING, but sequelize does not use the desired RETURNING
INSERT INTO `Integers` (`id`,`value`,`name`) VALUES (NULL,2,'TWO'),(NULL,3,'THREE'),(NULL,7,'SEVEN') ON CONFLICT (`value`) DO UPDATE SET `name`=EXCLUDED.`name`;
Tested on Ubuntu 21.10, PostgreSQL 13.5.
Which I myself resolved as follows:
return db.VenueAddress.upsert({
venueId: venue.venueId,
street: address.street,
zipCode: address.zipCode,
venueAddressDeletedAt: null
},{individualHooks: true}).then(function(test){
// note individualHooks
