Getting 'Cannot GET /' when trying to connect to localhost:5000 Firebase - node.js

I am trying to get my localhost server on Firebase to work but I am continuing to get the following message in the browser 'Cannot GET /'. I took a look in the console and all it says is 'http://localhost:5000/ 404 (Not Found)'.
I have tried re-running the server using 'firebase serve' and that doesn't help.
I ran 'firebase init' again and that didn't help either.
I re-installed the firebase tools by running 'npm install -g firebase-tools' and then running firebase serve again and still nothing.
Not sure whats going on because it was initially working. I installed some grunt plugins and moved my index.html file under an html folder although I still have an index.html file under the public folder it still says 'Cannot GET /'
I have also tried in different browsers restarting them etc.
I am using a Mac OS X El Capitan.
Let me know if you need any more info. Thanks in advance

I had this issue running firebase serve from within the scripts directory in the "Friendly Chat" tutorial. Starting the server from the parent directory got it working again as expected.

if this will help someone save time.. a possibility: it could be that the build step did not complete, this was my case, and the build/... directory had no index.html

I had the same issue when was trying to serve an Angular application with the firebase command.
Firstly, you should see the firebase.json file.
It should contain the "public" value, like:
But the dist folder will be auto created only after you build the Angular project:
ng build --prod
After you can do the:
firebase serve
Hope it will be helpful for beginners.

Ok so got this working but pretty much had to start from scratch again. I deleted the public folder and just moved my html, css, js, and node-module folders out of my project directory and then re-installed firebase-tools and ran the 'firebase init' command and then restarted the localhost server and everything started working again. After which point I moved back all my previous folders and things are working as before.
Not a 100% sure how the issue happened but at one point I did delete my index.html file and then put it back in later on as I was testing something. At which point I feel the issue started. I will try to test this scenario in a test project but I guess for the time being don't delete your index.html file just modify the existing one. Thanks all.

The error message shows up if you run 'firebase serve' within the project folder.
Navigate to the parent folder (up one level) using 'cd ..' and start the server from there.

Please check if content of your website is present in folder
"hosting": {
"public": "<folder with your website files>",
from your config "firebase.json"

If you like me, before overthinking the problem, make sure you provided the correct URL to index.html.
In my case, I didn't take into account different structure of my directory. You should provide the path to index.html relative to the root directory of your firebase project. For example, in my case, the correct URL was http://localhost:5000/button-component/public/


index.html not found while deploying MERN app to

I was trying to deploy my MERN based E-commerce website on, after the render terminal shows the build was successful the the webpage shows the error as,
{“message”:“ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘/opt/render/project/src/frontend/build/index.html’”,“stack”:null}
I’m a complete beginner to render and MERN too,
I have no bulid folder in my local
then I tried to create another test app by npx create-react-app test to check if build folder is actually present in there or not, But it is not there, I’m totally in Confused now…
I’m Giving my repo here → stunning spark
I just want to have clear answers for my questions(Please!!!)
Things I want to change in my directory to deploy and host my app Successfully.
Things Need to be configured in the render’s settings
Thanks in Advance!!!
I just want to deploy and host my application on
Just run npm run build into your frontend folder and do check you have removed the "build" keyword from the .gitignore file because it won't let you push the build folder to GitHub and you are good to go.

npm-bundle doesnt work behind firewall but works fine in personal laptop

When I try to bundle the node test suite project using npm-bundle for devicefarm Appium Node Run,
it is creating .npmbndle folder at the root of the project and an empty node_modules folder.
It works just fine in personal laptop, attached screenshot of logs.
If I'm reading these logs correctly, then they're saying that npm-bundle cannot find your package.json file, which is essential for telling it which packages to bundle. Can you confirm if this file is in the local directory in which you're bundling? If so, can you post your full logs pasted as text here?
Thank you,

npm doesn't compile changes made on production server

I have a laravel application deployed on a shared hosting server. I managed to deploy the app, install all the composer/node dependencies and it all runs with no error. I'm trying to make some minor changes on one of my components, but for some reason after the npm run dev(production) everything seems to be compilled with no error, but the actual application in the browser does not reflect the changes. I tried to clear all the caches in the app and in the browsers I'm using. I tried also to run 'npm run watch'. I replaced files, also I replaced the whole folder. If I remove something npm does display the error about the missing files, but the changes are not compiled. I've been googling now for 2 hours,but I cannot find anything useful . Any idea is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
Using Laravel Mix's .version() could help in cache busting. Don't forget to use mix('path') instead of asset('path') in your blade files

I can't start my NextJS js app using plesk

I'm trying to start a NextJS application on my Node server using Plesk but it is not working. I activated NodeJS for my Plesk environment, and I was able to run npm install and npm build, but now, when I try to start the application, Plesk only shows "Please wait" and stays like that with no change, I have been waiting for more than 2 hours now, but I don't get any results, no errors, nothing.
The only issue I can think of is that, according to what I could find, the Application startup file and the package.json file should be in the same directory, the root folder, but in my case this is not possible. I have my package.json in the root directory, but the startup file for NextJS, index.js, is inside the pages folder. I tested building and starting the app locally and everything works fine, I don't understand why it's not working with Plesk.
I was able to fix this after correcting the startup file, it should be "node_modules/.bin/next" and not "pages/index.js".
Also when you start your app, Plesk will tell you to wait. Just check the site and make sure it is running, if it is, you can close Plesk.
You might need to install Express in your Next.js
You may refer to this repo fmi #
If you're referring to the package.json's command we'll have:
In Plesk's Node Application extension.
Website & Domains > "Your Domain" > Enable Node.js
Simply set server.js as my Application Startup File.
Ensure that all dependencies is installed using "Npm Install" helper.
You must run build command before start command.
Helpful NPM/Plesk reference:
Running scripts in Node.js Application
Adding .npmrc file in Node.js Application Root folder

ERROR in : Cannot determine the module for class SomeComponent in /path to that component.ts! Add SomeComponent to the NgModule to fix it

I have angular 6 / node js system which is already in live. So now i need to move the latest changes to live server and before that to dev server. Both are same environment that is Linux Server (RHEL7.6) and am in working windows.
So am getting this error when am doing ng build --prod in dev server but ng serve will work and ng build will work, and am not getting this error in my local machine which is windows. I googled and found some case sensitive can be a reason for this but i double checked and am 100% sure that is not a reason here. And also i refereed this page Cannot determine the module for class X in X.ts! Add X to the NgModule to fix it error in ionic2 but that also does not helping me. The issue is happening only for the components that already exits, i just changed location of that components and one components name. And i moved all the changes through winSCP to dev server.
Any help is appreciated.
This issue was because when i changed location of a component in local and moved whole folder to dev server using winscp, in dev the component will exits in new location and also it will be there in old location as it will not be deleting files when you move folder like that using winscp. So there will be component with same name in different location and that was the reason for this issue
Note :- There was no import code for this duplicate entry from old
location in my app.module.ts (Angular Code where we import components) file still this issue occurred i don't know how and why.
Deleted files from old location and tried ng build --prod and it worked.
