npm doesn't compile changes made on production server - node.js

I have a laravel application deployed on a shared hosting server. I managed to deploy the app, install all the composer/node dependencies and it all runs with no error. I'm trying to make some minor changes on one of my components, but for some reason after the npm run dev(production) everything seems to be compilled with no error, but the actual application in the browser does not reflect the changes. I tried to clear all the caches in the app and in the browsers I'm using. I tried also to run 'npm run watch'. I replaced files, also I replaced the whole folder. If I remove something npm does display the error about the missing files, but the changes are not compiled. I've been googling now for 2 hours,but I cannot find anything useful . Any idea is welcomed. Thanks in advance.

Using Laravel Mix's .version() could help in cache busting. Don't forget to use mix('path') instead of asset('path') in your blade files


React unable to find modules

I run into this problem pretty frequently while developing react applications. The latest is hwid. I am using yarn to manage dependencies.
I added the module using
yarn add hwid
It added it to the package.json file and gave me no errors. When I run the application, it says it is unable to find the module. The module is there in node_modules and everything seems to be correct and in place. So I tried deleting node_modules and running yarn install. I've done this several times. I tried force cleaning the npm cache. I have run yarn remove and yarn add several times.
I am using the WebStorm IDE. It gives me no errors, and in fact, if I let it resolve the import, it finds it just fine. This seems to only happen to me in react projects. I think, but I'm not sure, that it is usually typescript modules that give me problems.
Is there a magic bullet for this? The module is a pretty critical part of my app, so if I can't resolve it using node and react's import system, I'm going to have to just copy the files into my project. I would really rather not do that for obvious reasons.
Any help is appreciated.
If it's about typescript modules, have you tries also installing types of that modulea?
E.g.yarn add #types/hwid

Missing module "aws-exports" among other Amplify and AWS files

I was sent a "trial project" by a company looking to hire. It's a simple project but uses Amplify and AWS. The CTO told me I need to have a certain version of Node (10.18.1 or 10.19.0) and that I should run yarn install and everything will be good to go. So I completely uninstalled Node, installed NVM and the version of node I'm supposed to use. Then I opened the project and ran yarn install.
When I open the project in browser I am apparently a module, ./aws-exports, among other files that seem to be related to Amplify and AWS. I've noticed that most of these files are in the gitignore. But again, the CTO told me that I shouldn't have to do any setup.
I've tried installing with Npm instead. Using different versions of node. All sorts of silly little fixes and I'm just totally lost.
The file ./aws-exports will be created after the initialisation of Amplify
It is in .gitignore because it contains configurations information of the AWS account, which you have configured in your terminal.
Does the project have a README? If so, read that. If not, don't work there.
Google the missing package name. If you find nothing, it is likely a private package.
A quick Google search gets me this:
And this:
Use Google.

Best practice for nodejs deployment - Directly moving node_modules to server or run npm install command

What is the best practice for deploying a nodejs application?
1) Directly moving the node_modules folders from the development server to production server, so that our same local environment can be created in the production also. Whatever changes made to any of the node modules remotely will not affect our code.
2) Run npm install command in the production server with the help of package.json. Here the problem is, any changes in the node modules will affect our code. I have faced some issues with the loopback module (issue link).
Can anyone help me?
Running npm install in production server cannot be done in certain scenario (lack of compiling tools, restricted internet access, etc...) and also if you have to deploy the same project on multiple machines, can be a waste of cpu, memory and bandwidth.
You should run npm install --production on a machine with the same libraries and node version of the production server, compress node_modules and deploy on production server. You should also keep the package-lock.json file to pinpoint versions.
This approach allows you also to build/test your code using development packages and then pruning the node_modules before the actual deploy.
Moving node_modules folder is overkilled.
Running npm install might break the version dependencies.
The best approach is npm ci. It uses the package_lock file and installs the required dependencies without modify the versions.
npm ci meant for continuous integration projects. LINK
I am an ASP.NET Core developer but I recently started working with Node.js apps. For me this was one of the challenges you mentioned to move the node_modules folder to production. Instead of moving the whole folder to production or only running the npm install command on production server, I figured out and tried a way of bundling my Node.js app using Webpack into a single/multiple bundles, and I just got rid of the mess of managing node_modules folder. It only picks up the required node_modules packages that are being used/referred in my app and bundles up in a single file along with my app code and I deploy that single file to production without moving the entire node_modules folder.
I found this approach useful in my case but please suggest me if this is not the correct way regarding the performance of the app or if any cons of this approach.
Definitely npm install. But you shouldn't do this by your own hand when it comes to deploying your app.
Use the tool for this like PM2.
As for your concern about changes in packages, the short answer is package-lock.json.
My guess is that by asking this question you don't really understand the point of the package.json file.
The package.json file is explicitly intended for this purpose (that, and uploading to the npm registry), the transfer of a node package without having to transfer the sizeable number of dependencies along with it.
I would go as far as to say that one should never manually move the node_modules directory at all.
Definitely use the npm install command on your production server, this is the proper way of doing it. To avoid any changes to the node_modules directory as compared to your local environment, use the package lock file. That should help with minimising changes to the source code in node_modules.
I mean no bad intent by saying this

How to work on two npm packages at the same time?

I'm trying to write an npm package that will be published and used as a framework in other projects. The problem is -- I can't figure out a solid workflow for working on it at the same time as working on projects that depend on it.
I know this seems super basic and that npm link solves the issue, but this is a bigger one than just being able to import one local package from another.
I have my framework package scaffolded out; let's call it gumby, It exports a function that does console.log('hello from gumby'). That's all that matters for right now.
Now I'm ready to create a project that will use gumby. Let's call this one client. I set that up too and npm link gumby so client can import from it, etc. OK cool, it's working as expected.
So now it's time to publish gumby. I run npm publish and it goes out to npm as version 0.0.1.
At this point, how do I get the published, npm-hosted version of gumby into the package.json for client? I mean, I could just delete the symlinked copy from my node_modules and then yarn add gumby, but what if I want to go back and work on it locally again? And then run it against the npm version again? And then work on it some more? And then...
You get the point, I imagine. There's no obvious way to switch between the npm copy of a package that you're working on, and the local one. There's the additional problem of how to do that without messing with your package.json too much, e.g. what if I accidentally commit to it version control with some weird file:// dependency path. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
For local development, having the package symlinked is definitely the way to go, the idea of constantly publishing / re-installing the package sounds like a total pain.
The real issue sounds more like you’re concerned about committing a dev configuration to prod - you could address that problem with something as simple as a pre-commit hook on your VCS e.g. block if it detects any local file references in the package.json.

Easy Install of Node js package on without publishing

I am looking for a way to deploy a node js app to multiple machines locally.
Is there some way to create a batch file to zip, or installer file, that will put my node js application and all its dependencies, and possibly get node js too easily on multiple machines by sending one or more files to install?
Also, is there some way to provide updates if the code is updated to all these machines?
Basically, I want to be able to install my node js package/application on multiple locations locally without having to publish my work to npm. Any ideas? cant seem to find anything out there except for putting node js on a web server, or publishing to npm?
This is quite vast. Without using advanced tools these two could work :
git pull origin master
npm install
or a solution with rsync
node js application and all its dependencies
Run an npm install where you're developing your application. Then, just tarball the whole thing, including the node_modules directory. When you deploy your tarball to another machine, be sure to run npm rebuild so that any binary dependencies are built for the platform you just deployed to. If you do your initial npm install on the same platform type, you can usually skip the rebuild step.
Also, is there some way to provide updates if the code is updated to all these machines?
There are an infinite number of ways, and what you pick depends on your needs. You could check-in your whole project including node_modules to version control and just have a Bash script regularly pull from a branch and bounce things as necessary for your specific needs. Beware though that node_modules tends to be huge... it's usually left out of version control. Perhaps stick to the tarball on a server and pull that as necessary.
and possibly get node js too
Keep that separate. You don't need to deploy Node.js every time you deploy your application.
