How to kill child processes in Bash? [duplicate] - linux

This question already has answers here:
How to kill all subprocesses of shell?
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to do an operation in linux trying to burn cpu using openssl speed
this is my code from netflix simian army
# Script for BurnCpu Chaos Monkey
cat << EOF > /tmp/
while true;
do openssl speed;
# 32 parallel 100% CPU tasks should hit even the biggest EC2 instances
for i in {1..32}
nohup /bin/bash /tmp/ &
so this is Netflix simian army code to do burn cpu, this executes properly but the issue is I cannot kill all 32 processes, I tried everything
pkill -f pid/process name
killall -9 pid/process name
the only successful way I killed the process is through killing it via user
pkill -u username
How can I kill these process without using username?
any help is greatly appreciated

finally, I found a solution to my own question,
kill -- -$(ps -o pgid= $PID | grep -o [0-9]*)
where PID is the process ID of any of the one processes running, this works fine but I am open to hear any other options available

Killing a process doesn't automatically kill its children. Killing your bash script won't kill the openssl speed processes.
You can either cast a wider net with your kill call, which is what you're doing with pkill -u. Or you could use trap in your script and add an error handler.
cleanup() {
# kill children
trap cleanup EXIT

I had a similar problem and solution where I needed to kill a NodeJS server after some amount of time.
To do this, I enabled Job control, and killed async processes by group id with jobs:
set -m
./node_modules/.bin/node src/index.js &
sleep 2
kill -- -$(jobs -p)


Linux "kill -9 <PID>" for all processes? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Kill all processes for a given user
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a bunch of processes on my school's server that have been running for about a week without it being terminated. I found out that I could use "kill -9 [PID]" for each of the PIDs, but it took me awhile to individually kill each of them.
If, for instance, I have hundreds of processes I want to forcefully kill, is there a way to kill them all instantly?
You don't linux has number of commands, use the following with caution, killall or you could try pkill -U UID or pkill -U username
Note when using pkill, it will kill all processes including your tty terminal session if you are using SSH, you will be kicked out!
You can kill process by grep your applicationName. For example
ps aux |grep kpark06 | awk '{print $2}' | xargs sudo kill -9
man kill:
kill [options] [...]
<pid> can be a list. You can put a giant space-separated list of processes after kill, like kill 123 543.
A PID of -1 is special; it indicates all processes except the kill process itself
and init
So, kill -9 -1 will get everything, but that could easily be more than you expect. Having no idea what else is running there, I would only kill all the processes if prepared to restart the server.
If these processes have something in common, you may want killall, which can filter the processes to kill by age, user, and name/context regular expression, as well as asking for confirmation.

Killing process started by bash script but not script itself

So basically I have one script that is keeping a server alive. It starts the server process and then starts it again after the process stops. Although sometimes the server becomes non responsive. For that I want to have another script which would ping the server and would kill the process if it wouldn't respond in 60 seconds.
The problem is that if I kill the server process the bash script also gets terminated.
The start script is just while do: sh It calls other shell script that has additional parameters for starting the server. The server is using java so it starts a java process. If the server hangs I use kill -9 pid because nothing else stops it. If the server doesn't hang and does the usual restart it gracefully stops and the bash script start second loop.
Doing The Right Thing
Use a real process supervision system -- your Linux distribution almost certainly includes one.
Directly monitoring the supervised process by PID
An awful, ugly, moderately buggy approach (for instance, able to kill the wrong process in the event of a PID collision) is the following:
while :; do
./ & server_pid=$!
echo "$server_pid" >
wait "$server_pid"
...and, to kill the process:
# ^^^^ - DO NOT run this with "sh scriptname"; it must be "bash scriptname".
server_pid="$(<"; [[ $server_pid ]] || exit
# allow 5 seconds for clean shutdown -- adjust to taste
for (( i=0; i<5; i++ )); do
if kill -0 "$server_pid"; then
sleep 1
exit 0 # server exited gracefully, nothing else to do
# escalate to a SIGKILL
kill -9 "$server_pid"
Note that we're storing the PID of the server in our pidfile, and killing that directly -- thus, avoiding inadvertently targeting the supervision script.
Monitoring the supervised process and all children via lockfile
Note that this is using some Linux-specific tools -- but you do have linux on your question.
A more robust approach -- which will work across reboots even in the case of pidfile reuse -- is to use a lockfile:
while :; do
flock -x Server.lock sh
...and, on the other end:
# kill all programs having a handle on Server.lock
fuser -k Server.lock
for ((i=0; i<5; i++)); do
if fuser -s Server.lock; then
sleep 1
exit 0
fuser -k -KILL Server.lock

In Bash, Kill background function will not kill internal process, why they have different pid?

For convenience, I put my server command into a function, but I background the function got a pid is not my server's pid.
# May contain complicate parameter
sleep 10
myserver > my.log &
ps aux|grep sleep
echo "Found PID " $pid is different from ps
So, if I kill $pid will not kill real server process(here is sleep).What should I do ?
sleep 10 &
ps aux|grep sleep
echo Found PID $pid is same
In this case
# May contain complicate parameter
sleep 10
myserver > my.log &
kill $!
Will kill the sleep process, but actually, my server is java -jar, when I do kill $!, the java process will not get killed.
In order to kill via the kill command you should provide the PID and not the Job Id.
Check this post about JID and PID
Update on Comment:
Are u sre you are providing it right?
In my system:
$ sleep 20 &
[2] 10080
$ kill -9 $!
[2]- Killed sleep 20
Folow up
Ok now I get it. Sorry i misinterpretted your question. What you describe is the expected behavior:
$! Expands to the decimal process ID of the most recent background command (see Lists) executed from the current shell. (For example, background commands executed from subshells do not affect the value of "$!" in the current shell environment.) For a pipeline, the process ID is that of the last command in the pipeline.
So in that case maybe try this proposed solution
Update on Question:
Ok, in the case of java proces I would try a regexp:
pkill -f 'java.*<your process name or some -classpath jar or something unique to the process you want to kill>'
In fact, any string or classpath jar that came along with this command and would result to a match would do the job.

Kill a "background process" in Linux using a C Program

I have started my process in background and I would like to kill that process using a C program using popen().
I have tried in many ways but in vain. The reason is when I run a C code, it is executed in a sub-shell because of which I can't get the processes running in main shell.
I used $! to get the latest pid running in the background, but because of the above reason it didn't work.
my_process & pids="${pids-} $!" //start my process
sleep 10 // run for 10 seconds
kill -2 $pids //kill the process
Also you can store PID in file and kill
./ &
echo $! > /tmp/
kill -9 `cat /tmp/process*.pid`
rm /tmp/process*.pid
You should make your process into a daemon, that way you can start, end and restart it without complications.
You can start here: Best way to make a shell script daemon?
+1 on Raydel's answer
Another alternative (since there are so many ways to do things) If you have root you can also create it as a service and then start it and stop it manually using the "service" commands.
(Sorry wanted to add as a comment to Raydel's but my rep is not high enough apparently so adding as a separate answer)

syncing a shell script with kernel operations

For stopping activity in my embedded Linux system, I have the following shell script (interpreted by busybox):
pkill usefulp_program
swapoff /home/.swapfile
umount -l /home
sleep 3 # While I can't find a way to sync, sleep
If I take off the sleep line, the script returns immediately, without waiting even for the umount (which is lazy, as for some reason it refuses to unmount otherwise). Do you know how can I wait for all the three operations to complete before finishing the script? Resorting to an arbitrary sleep does not look like a good solution.
Also, any hint on why I can not umount without the -l?
You need to wait for the killed process to terminate. As per your comment...
wait <pid>
...doesn't work! So, could loop ala:
while ps -p <pid> > /dev/null; do sleep 1; done
to wait for the killed process to terminate before doing the swapoff and umount.
As others already mentioned you should and only the -l when the process is terminated. An option if it takes long/it just ignores you polite request to stop itself is using a different signal. The option would be -9 to the kill/killall/pkill command to send the SIGKILL instead of SIGTERM. If you dont want to use the hammer on your first try you could do something like
pkill your_programm
sleep 10
pkill -9 your_programm
