Order Custom View elements by creation date? - pimcore

How can I order my Custom View list elements by o_creationDate instead of the standard alphabetic order?
Thanks in advance!

As it seems this is currently not possible. The custom views query parameters are applied in this method and there is no support for order:
The actual order parameter is set in:
The above is valid for Pimcore 4.3.1


Customize search results and facets in Liferay 7.1

this is my first question, thanks in advance.
I am trying to customize the liferay results portlet and facets, with custom results. I need to filter the results once the search is launched, and remove the results that do not have layoutId :
layoutIds = journalContentSearchLocalService.getLayoutIds(groupId,false,articleIdResult);
I´m doing this in a jsp fragment, but i think that it´s not correct.
I have been searching and i think the correct way is to modify the java class with the action, for example with acction coomand hook, is this correct?
Please, can you explain me the correct way to modify this functionalities?
ok. it looks you want result of journalarticle having display page is set. in that case, you need to look for JournalarticleModelPreFiltercontributor component extension or journalarticlepostprocessor if you are using legacy search api. when article gets indexed layoutuuid field is also indexed for each article. that field will have value if display page is set for specific web content or article.
So, you can use any of the above mentioned way to add check that this field should not be empty as search term. which will filter your result in request itself. instead adding overhead on result as later filtering in jsp.

how do i correctly set up a parameterized information link in spotfire?

Also posted on super users:
I'm a spotfire novice trying to create a parameterized info link. Ultimate goal is to create a default template that may be customized to return specific rows in a very large table. I've not been able to cobble together enough information from online searches to get me from point A to Z.
Spotfire version is 7.11 on an Oracle 11.2 SE DB.
Currently I've got a date/time prompt in the info link that will be global to all users. What I need is to be able to further filter to 1 of 2 columns (one is real, the other a string) in order to minimize loading times. There are 17 other on-demand tables that are related to the main one. Limiting the initial query will greatly speed up performance.
In information designer for the information link, if I edit the SQL in the WHERE and explicitly define the value or string for the column, I get the rows I want. When I try to define it using an input parameter (?ParamName), I either get nothing when I reload or get asked to input a parameter "for testing".
Q1: In the document properties for the analysis, I've been adding in properties that I assume is supposed to get picked up by the query.
- What part do scripts play in passing this variable to the SQL?
- Do I just need to define a value for a property name or include a IronPython script? - If script is required, can I just define the parameter to pass?
Q2: In the info link SQL, what is the correct syntax for defining the parameter variable depending on the type (real v string)? If I use a string, I need to include LIKE in order to pick up the desired rows. If I use a real, is it possible to define it as a list of values?
Thanks in advance.
Though not exactly clear from your description, I think you should be able to accomplish your goals using the "Load on demand" dialog that is accessed either when you add your data table to your analysis, or subsequently using the Data Table Properties>Type of Data>Settings dialog.
Spotfire uses this dialog to dynamically modify your SQL. Thus, you do not need to explicitly include the LIKE statement in your SQL. Spotfire will add it in based on what you define in the On-Demand settings. For example, you could have an Input Field where you type a constraint that will be stored as a Document Property and then refer to that Document Property in your On-Demand settings to control the table loading.

global search on geojsons from geoserver

I want to get Features corresponding to search text based on properties present in geojsons from geoserver. Search should be performed on value of each property from properties in geojson.
There are some ways I found to filter results with use of cql_filters but in order to perform global search on every attribute I need to send a request to filter on a parameter.
Is there a way by which I can get all shape files matching my search text from every layer present in a workspace of geoserver.
#Raviraj-walke Please go through the geoserver discussion forum. There is a topic that discuss this problem https://sourceforge.net/p/geoserver/mailman/message/25471393/

how to filter inside Included model using Looback REST URL?

I want to do include with filters based on REST REQUEST. Something like :
I am using MYSQL connector.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's not possible to filter the model based on included items directly. But you can have a few options here:
Set up a remote hook to remove entries that don't match the included items. See http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Remote+hooks.
Create custom method that call Album.find with include and remove entries that don't match the included items. See http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Remote+methods.

Hiding a SharePoint Custom Field Type in Edit and Create mode

I am trying to create a Custom Field Type in SharePoint.
This control has it's value set based on another field in the same list.
Because of this requirement, this field should be displayed only in the Display Mode, and not in the Edit or Create mode.
How do I ensure this?
If I just code the ASCX control to not render a field, the field will show up like this in the Edit and Create mode.
alt text http://www.mannsoftware.com/blog/Lists/Photos/121308_0204_CrossSiteLo6.png
Generally you set the SPField.ReadOnlyField property to True to achieve the desired behaviour for any field. (Don't forget to SPField.Update accordingly!) There is an equivalent CAML attribute for list definitions, I believe.
That said, in your control class deriving from BaseFieldControl, you might just override the RenderFieldForInput() method and not call the base implementation to ensure nothing is rendered during Create or Edit. However, this would still render the field's table row in the form, which is probably not what you want. So to enforce the desired behaviour, use ReadOnlyField and override Update() in your SPField (not field control) class to always have it set to True.
It might be easier to just change this on a list-by-list basis by going to the Advanced section of the List Settings, setting Allow management of content types? to Yes, and then editing your content type to change the value of your field to 'hidden'.
Take a look at this blog post. I think it will give you some ideas. The concept uses different rendering templates based on the mode.
Did you try and set the field as hidden?
Custom FORMS pages for new item and edit item (NewForm.aspx and EditForm.aspx) would be another way to achieve this.
Setting the ShowInEditForm and ShowInNewForm properties solved this for me.
