Recovering loaded Varnish config - varnish

I've accidentally copied over my default.vcl and erased my fairly complex configuration. So long as I don't try to reload the configuration or restart Varnish everything is running fine - I'm hoping there's a way to view or "extract" my loaded configuration from Varnish so I don't have to rewrite it from scratch. Thanks for any ideas.

You may as well login in the admin console ( varnishadm) and run vcl.list to list all the vcl that are loaded. And then to display the most recent one.
Vcl list is cleared when varnish service is restarted or stopped.

Solved my issue by recovering my loaded config file using -
grep -i -a -B100 -A100 'text' /dev/vda
Replaced 'text' with a line of code I remembered from the config.


Magento not storing to Memcached

I have installed memcached in the same server that magento is running, i have follow the instructions to configure Magento in /app/etc/local.xml
by adding this lines after the tag. I flushed all the caches and deleted the var/cache and var/sessions but still its not writing anything to memcached.
I tried to write to memcached with a custom php script and it works fine.
any suggestion?

Apache2 Won't Start

I have set up ubuntu server on an old pc with webmin as well. I am not sure what was going on but i restarted the server and when it boots it now get this when Apache tries to start.
* Starting web server apache2
apache2: Syntax error on line 237 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: No such file or directory
Action 'start' failed.
The Apache error log may have more information.
I have checked this file on this line and it looks like this:
# Include the virtual host configurations:
Include sites-enabled/
I have removed Apache and re installed it but not sure why it still fails.
As also answered by Qben, the issue was an invalid symlink in the sites-enabled folder. Removing the broken symlink and adding a valid one will fix the issue.
You do not have a default site enabled:
/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default: No such file or directory
site-enabled should contain symlinks to files in site-available and I guess your 000-default symlink does not link to a real file in site-available.
I guess this Ubuntu guide might be of interest for you.
One of the reason may be that you might have some site that is not enabled.To check that
Go to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
Out of many/some [sitename].conf files , one/some may be crossed
Delete those found crossed
Restart apache server
sudo service apache2 restart.
Hope this has helped you , but may be some other reason too. Thank you.

PHP-FPM and capistrano, "No input file specified"

I use capistrano to deploy new versions of a website to servers that run nginx and php-fpm, and sometimes it seems like php-fpm gets a bit confused after deployment and expects old files to exist, generating the "No input file specified" error. I thought it could have had something to do with APC, which I uninstalled, but I realize the process doesn't get as far as checking stuff with APC.
Is there a permission friendly way to tell php-fpm that after deployment it needs to flush its memory (or similar), that I could use? I don't think I want to do sudo restarts.
rlimit_files isn't set in php-fpm.conf, and ulimit -n is 250000.
Nginx has it's own rather aggressive filecache. It's worse when NFS is involved since that has it's own cache as well. Tell capistrano to restart nginx after deployment.
It can also be an issue with your configuration as Mohammad suggests, but then a restart shouldn't fix the issue, so you can tell the two apart.

Netbeans and Xdebug in Linux

I have installed Xdebug, and I can confirm from phpinfo() that it is correctly installed. I have taken all the steps given in all of the sites that come up with I google "netbeans xdebug install, etc".
It still does not work in Netbeans.
Is there any advice that someone can offer?
Here is my php.ini debug section...
zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5/20090626/
xdebug.remote_enable = 1
xdebug.remote_mode = "req"
xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp
xdebug.remote_host =
xdebug.remote_port = 9000
xdebug.idekey = "netbeans-xdebug"
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Since the information available to me is very sparse, I have to describe the settings in more detail.
Netbeans and xdebug settings.
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin
What ought to be installed.
Global settings:
Tools -- Options
PHP settings:
With phpinfo() you get.. see below image.
Only one php.ini is important ! Look at Loaded Configuration File
If you wrote a xdebug entry into another "php.ini" file be sure to clear all these entries again. ( xdebug ONLY in one php.ini ). Look also at Additional .ini files parsed. We come to this later.
Additional .ini files parsed.
Add or controlling, only the first line must be the same as in the "php.ini".( Without " " )
Make sure that the file is really there!
Make sure that the session.save_path is really there!
Control the xdebug version that should be equal to or greater.( Matching PHP Version-5.3.10-1 ). If everything was done as described in this answer, and it does not work, then it is with great probability of an incorrect or defective "".
Create a new Php Project:
Project Properties:
In our test program, it is important the Project Folder and Source Folder are exactly alike!
Run Configuration
Start Debug: -- press Debug button
The default Browser opens and remains at Connecting .. stand while Netbeans in debug mode is.
(If Netbeans do not open a Browser or can not connect, go back to Advanced Web Configuration and select Do Not Open Web Browser. Close an reopen the browser and type the URL as seen below)
Go through your code. You will see only something in the browser when you're done with the debugging. Don't forget to press the Stop Button . If you forget this xdebug is running on.
Try using xdebug.remote_connect_back=1 instead of xdebug.remote_host to avoid security issues
In fact,
Must be enough.
Make sure that project properties->run configuration->advanced->do not open web browser option is NOT selected (in netbeans project config).
Also, check project url value in run configuration
The issue wasn't with the configuration of xdebug itself, but how I had NetBeans configured. It was a simple error... basically I was having NetBeans navigate to my /var/www/Application directory, which I hadn't actually set up yet.
Thanks to everyone for their help. I learned a lot about how xdebug works!
Make sure the remote port is set to 9000 in the xdebug.ini file, mine was set to 8000 and once I changed it, xdebug worked immediately.

Tomcat 6 log4j - linux - safely remove catalina.out

Adding log4j [1] in tomcat 6.0.x forces tomcat to produce logs in "catalina" file. However, the default catalina.out is still produced and populated with logs. So, questions:
Is it safe to delete catalina.out file (while server running)?
If yes, could this deletion be added to tomcat startup script? If yes, could anyone please point out the file and the required script?
Is it possible for tomcat to stop createing the catalina.out, since it is not nessesary anymore?
Thanks in advance people!
Tomcat redirects its stdout and stderr to catalina.out. So direct out/err writes and log4j ConsoleAppender messages will go to catalina.out. See file for details. To disable it completely you can redirect stdout and stderr to /dev/null setting CATALINA_OUT environment variable:
export CATALINA_OUT=/dev/null
But I recommend to disable ConsoleAppender instead to reduce catalina.out size and monitor it periodically looking for error messages, that may go to stdout bypassing log4j.
If the catalina.out is deleted after tomcat is stopped, it will create a new catalina.out once tomcat starts again and it is totally safe.
But if you remove the catalina.out while tomcat is running, it will keep on logging to catalina.out which is removed already (reference of the file is hold by the tomcat) hence the space will not be released. So you will need to restart the tomcat sever to release the space. It is not recommended.
You can try following to disable writing to catalina.out :
Locate and Edit File: {CATALINA_BASE}/bin/
Locate "CATALINA_OUT" and replace the path with "/dev/null":
CATALINA_OUT="$CATALINA_BASE"/logs/catalina.out // Original Location
CATALINA_OUT=/dev/null // replace path to /dev/null
Is there a reason you'd want to delete the catalina.out file? It seems like it might lead to potentially missing important event messages. Perhaps consider just setting
Otherwise I can't think of a reason that it would negatively impact the functionality of the container if you deleted it. On a *nix install its still writing to the file descriptor of a file that is diconnected from an inode(so otherwise unreachable) and on windows it won't let you delete it because the container will have a file lock.
logging docs - a quick rtfm and it looks like you should just be able to remove the handlers from to discontinue producing this file
