Error: write after end on Meteor app - node.js

I have today for the first time our new meteor app on modulus uploaded. When I tried to test them, the app crash with the error :
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: write after end
at writeAfterEnd (_stream_writable.js:167:12)
at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:212:5)
at Socket.write (net.js:626:40)
at [object Object].Connection.write (/mnt/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/connection.js:502:58)
at /mnt/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/connection/pool.js:204:16
at executeScram (/mnt/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/auth/scram.js:176:5)
at /mnt/app/bundle/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/npm-mongo/node_modules/mongodb-core/lib/auth/scram.js:281:7
at nextTickCallbackWith0Args (node.js:420:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:349:13)
The app tried three times to restart. The app ran normally for the fourth time. I could test everything and it worked. After about 10 minutes, the app crashed again with the same error message. From then on always randomly. What can I do?
My packages:
aaronroberson:ng-mask 3.0.16 AngularJS input masks packaged for meteor
accounts-base 1.2.14 A user account system
accounts-password 1.3.1 Password support for accounts
alanning:roles 1.2.15 Authorization package for Meteor
aldeed:simple-schema 1.5.3 A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used by collection2 a...
alisalaah:jquery-contextmenu 1.6.6 JQuery ContextMenu by Rodney Rehm
altapp:recaptcha 2.0.1 Form bot protection for Meteor.
angular-meteor-auth 1.0.3* Angular-Meteor authentication module
angular-with-blaze 1.3.11 Everything you need to use both AngularJS and Blaze templates in your M...
angular:angular-animate 1.5.3_1 AngularJS (official) release. For full solution: http://angular-meteor...
angular:angular-material 1.0.6 Google Material design written for AngularJs (official repo)
angularui:angular-ui-router 0.2.15 angular-ui-router (official): Flexible routing with nested views in Ang...
bevanhunt:leaflet 2.0.1* leaflet - mobile-friendly maps.
check 1.2.4 Check whether a value matches a pattern
dandv:jquery-rateit 1.0.22_2 RateIt - a modern, mobile-friendly, jQuery (star) rating plugin
ecmascript 0.5.9 Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
edgee:slingshot 0.7.1 Directly post files to cloud storage services, such as AWS-S3.
ejson 1.0.13 Extended and Extensible JSON library
email 1.1.18 Send email messages
erasaur:meteor-lodash 4.0.0 Wrapper for Lo-Dash v4.0.0
erasaur:server-session 0.0.5 Meteor Server-side Sessions, similar to the typical Client Session
es5-shim 4.6.15 Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
fortawesome:fontawesome 4.6.3* Font Awesome (official): 500+ scalable vector icons, customizable via CS...
gfk:mediator 1.0.0 Adds a mediator to your application
gromo:jquery.scrollbar 0.0.1 Cross-browser CSS customizable scrollbar with advanced features.
harrison:papa-parse 1.1.1 A powerful, in-browser CSV parser for big boys and girls
http 1.2.10 Make HTTP calls to remote servers
jonblum:jquery-cropper 2.3.0 Fengyuan Chen's terrific jQuery plugin for cropping/zooming/rotating ima...
lucavandro:angular-moment-with-locales 0.10.3 Angular-Meteor directive and filters for Moment.JS with locales
matb33:collection-hooks 0.8.4 Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/update/remov...
matthieuh:angular-local-storage 0.2.2 Angular module that gives you access to the browsers local storage with ...
maxkferg:temp 1.0.0 Create tracked temporary files on the server
mdg:validated-method 1.1.0 A simple wrapper for Meteor.methods
meteor-base 1.0.4 Packages that every Meteor app needs
meteorhacks:kadira 2.30.0* Performance Monitoring for Meteor
meteorhacks:meteor-down 1.1.2 Load Testing Framework for Meteor
meteorhacks:npm 1.5.0 Use npm modules with your Meteor App
meteorhacks:sikka 1.0.1 Sikka - A Firewall for Meteor Apps
mobile-experience 1.0.4 Packages for a great mobile user experience
mongo 1.1.14 Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
mrt:external-file-loader 0.1.4 The External File Loader package helps easily load external js, css and ...
nimble:restivus 0.8.11 Create authenticated REST APIs in Meteor 0.9+ via HTTP/HTTPS. Setup CRU...
npm-container 1.2.0+ Contains all your npm dependencies
pacozaa:angular-material-data-table 0.9.9 Material Design Data Table for Angular Material
pdiniz:canvas-to-blob 0.0.2 Simple wrapper around the blueimp's JavaScript-Canvas-to-Blob package
peerlibrary:aws-sdk 2.4.9_1 SDK for AWS services including Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, DynamoDB, and Am...
perak:joins 1.0.8 Generic collection joins for Meteor
percolate:synced-cron 1.3.2 Allows you to define and run scheduled jobs across multiple servers.
planettraining:angular-translate 2.10.0 Angular Translate
planettraining:angular-translate-loader-static-files 2.10.0 Angular Translate
practicalmeteor:chai 2.1.0_1 The Chai Assertion Library, v2.1.0
practicalmeteor:mocha 2.4.5_6 Write package tests with mocha and run them in the browser or from the...
random 1.0.10 Random number generator and utilities
reactive-var 1.0.11 Reactive variable
rzymek:moment-locale-de 2.14.1 Moment.js de locale. Companion package for rzymek:moment
sathriawan:angular-timer 1.3.5_3 Angular-Timer : A simple AngularJS directive demonstrating re-usabilit...
shell-server 0.2.1 Server-side component of the `meteor shell` command.
standard-minifier-css 1.3.2 Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js 1.2.1 Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.
tracker 1.1.1 Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks
undeadlol1:angular-filter-count-to 1.0.0 Angular directive to animate counting to a number (by sparkalow)
urigo:angular-blaze-template 0.3.0 Include Blaze templates in your angular-meteor application.
urigo:angular-ui-router 0.7.0 urigo:angular-ui-router, adds the ability to use Blaze templates with ui...
veekungx:sc-date-time 1.1.6 A Date-Time picker based on Googles Material Design Spec http://simeonc....

After 10 days I finally found the solution. After I deleted certain packages and reinstalled them, I checked the environment variables. Here was the environment variable:
MONGO_URL: mongodb://<username>:<password>#shard1:15689,shard2:15689/myDB
This I changed to
MONGO_URL: mongodb://<username>:<password>#shard1:15689/myDB.
That solved the problem.


ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED - serverkess package

I am getting error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported for a serverless package command.
Have referred to multiple SO questions and other documents. Most of them suggest the following:
Downgrading node version to any LTS lesser than 17:
Downgrading the node version creates a lot of library compatibility issues. For example, one of the many errors I get from the node-fetch library during webpacking is Can't resolve 'node:util' in <project-directory>\node_modules\node-fetch\src
Set Node to use openssl legacy provider: Since the newer versions of node use the encryption algorithms supported by the newer openssl but the libraries in the project still (guessing) only support the algorithms supported by openssl 1.1, which is the main reason behind the ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED issue, we need to override node's default encryption algorithms to the ones supported by openssl 1.1 by setting NODE_OPTIONS to --openssl-legacy-provider. This solution is working for react projects or even frontend frameworks like ionic where the node options can be easily overridden in the scripts in package.json or the documentation of ionic tells us how to set it so that it can pick it up during build stage. But this does not work for backend framework libraries like serverless. I am not sure how the node options can be overridden for serverless because setting it as an environment variable is not working nor can I find any documentation.

crypto.getCurves is undefined

I am trying to use an oauth helper library called 'openid-client'. I am getting an error that reads in part '(TypeError): getCurves is not a function'. I poke around and find that getCurves is part of an inbuilt module of node.js 'crypto'.
If I console.log(typeOf(crypto.getCurves)) I get undefined. If I console.log(crypto) I see that crypto has many available methods but getCurves is not among them.
I am running node on my macbook and my project is a barebones npx create-react-app app with openid-client installed.
The node documentation outlines a way for determining if crypto support is unavailable, but that does not seem to indicate that crypto is unavailable for me.
I'm not sure why my version of node crypto does not have getCurves. Is there a way to install the correct version? Is there some sort of encryption restriction I am hitting due to OS? Any help appreciated.
node-openid-client is using APIs which are provided by Node and are missing in browser.
Node is being used by CRA as a development tool. App itself is running in browser and can't access Node's API-s, so it doesn't matter which Node version CRA is using.
When built, app is a set of JS files which can be served by a webserver (such as Nginx) directly without using Node at all.
So, this library can't be used with CRA apps.
As you said, crypto is a built-in module, which means that its functionality depends on the version of node.js you have installed (you can check it via node -v from the shell or via console.log(process.version) at runtime).
Node.js API docs say that getCurves() was added in v2.3.0, so make sure your node is more recent than that.

Why Angular need Node Js? and what is role of Angular Cli?

I am a Beginner to Angular technology and came across this question.
why is Node js needed in Angular as Node js is a backend technology?
You need NodeJs for angular if you intend to create a front end server, use typescript or make anything other than a purely in browser application(unless you use another server framework: Apache, nginx, lighttp, ruby/rails etc.). For example Vanilla javascript does not support require or import functionality so you need node to load file dependencies, and angularjs does not allow for server creation on its own. You can also choose to build angular applications in TypeScript which utilises NodeJs.
It is worth noting that technically speaking nodejs and angularjs are separate frameworks, angular can be run without node but would only support limited functionality(no db access, no server etc).
The CLI is needed in order to run angular commands through the command line, to generate services / components etc.
You can read more about angular here
Angular does not need Node. However to make the dependencies management easier especially in package.json , npm which is a package manager is required. And in order to get npm, you need to install Node first.
As for angular cli, it provides a terminal that makes it easy to execute operations like creation of an angular app, angular components, building...

How to determine when features were introduced into React

I am currently creating a package which I will publish on NPM. My package uses React but I don't want to add it as a dependency in my package to avoid consumers of my package from ending up with multiple versions of React in their projects (which will always be React projects as my package is React specific), thus bloating their projects unnecessarily.
Therefore I am going to add React to my package as a peer dependency.
My package uses React.Component, React.isValidElement and React.createElement. Therefore I need to find the oldest version of React which supports these features and make this version the minimum version in my peer dependency.
I am struggling in determining how to determine which version of React to use. If anybody is able to offer advice on how to work this out then I'd greatly appreciate it.
According to the changelog, the minimum version you can depend on is 0.13.0. I would recommend setting your dependency version to >=0.13.0. It would be best to use a CI tool like Travis to test your build on many versions of React (starting at the minimum) to ensure that you don't accidentally break things by relying on newer features.
Component in 0.13.0 (Support for using ES6 classes to build React components)
isValidElement in 0.12.0 (React.isValidComponent --> React.isValidElement)
createElement in 0.11.12 (Added React.createElement API in preparation for React v0.12)

Angular2 working with NodeJs

My understanding is that AngularJS including Angular2 is a client-side framework, while Node.JS is a server side platform. They should not cross. But all Angular2 tutorials I found use Node/NPM. Why is that?
Because npm is a package manager for packages written in JavaScript, and JavaScript can run both on client and server side. In other words, frontend and backend applications can both benefit from packages. Many development tools also use node as an underlying process (e.g. Jest-cli).
I would suggest you to use angular2 only on client side. The performance of angular2 really shines when it comes to handling view containers over regular server side codes. On the NodeJS side, I would recommend using es6 features. Which has revolutionised how you can not only code, but also performance.
The reason you see most tutorials using npm is because they are either using TypeScript or a build tool that uses Node to convert to ES5 or build your project.
However you can still build Angular2 apps using the sfx version (self-executing bundle) of Angular2 and using ES5 syntaxes without having to use node or npm. Here is a blog post that shows how to do that
Angular2 is a front-end framework but a lot of tooling that assists in building Angular2 applications are available via NPM.
If you want a package manager that's geared specifically to front-end development I suggest JSPM. It supports front-end modules of various formats (ie AMD, CommonJS, UMD), handles transpiling out of the box, and can be used as a build tool to concatenate/minify your application code.
You'll still need NPM for many other utilities and you'll need a back-end server for testing (I recommend live-server).
As far as the back-end is concerned. One of the Angular2 dev teams is working on a Node/Express extension that supports isomorphic rendering of JS. In short, it pre-renders the view on the server so the user can interact with it in the browser while the app loads in the background. The start time of launching a fully-featured SPA will still be kind of slow (relatively) but perceived speed will be instantaneous.
