How can we connect our Azure service fabric cluster to on-premises service/ database? - azure

We are in process of moving our on-premises services to service fabric and planning to host it on Azure Service Fabric cluster. These service will require access to resources which are on-premises (corp network) and we currently can not move them.
What are the options we have? In past, I've used Hybrid connection for Azure web app but I'm not sure how this can be done for services hosted with Azure Service Fabric.

Your cluster runs on nodes in a VM scale set. The nodes are connected using a VNet. Regular VPN rules apply.
So Point to site, site to site and express route should all work.
You'll need to use ARM to configure a cluster to run in an existing vnet.


Does webapps integrates with existing VMs on Azure?

I have an existing linux VM on Azure that has PHP + MySql legacy system running on it
I also have a Flask Webapp running under same Azure subscription
is it possible to the Python WebApp reach the existing MySql database running on Linux VM using the existing internal network ?
It seems that you want to access MySql database on the Azure VM from Azure web app hosted in azure app service. If so, it's possible to integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network.
You could have a quick start in that document, just note that there are two forms to the VNet Integration feature:
Reginal VNet integration. One version enables integration with VNets in the same region. Currently, this feature is still in preview but is supported for Windows app production workloads and Linux Web App for development and integration testing purposes. Read more details here.
Gateway required VNet Integration. The other version enables integration with VNets in other regions or with Classic VNets. This version requires the deployment of a Virtual Network Gateway into your VNet. It is only supported by Windows apps.
Additionally, Since VNet Integration is extended to use Azure container instance. For Linux web app, you could deploy it on Azure container instance in a VNet. See the template. This feature is currently in preview and you could know some limitations about deploying container instances into an Azure virtual network.
If your web app is hosting on other Azure services like Azure VM, you could use VNet to VNet connection or VNet peering or VPN connection to enable the communication between the two different virtual networks. Read more details here.
Hope this could help you.

Azure Web App for Containers networking VNET

I'm exploring Azure but unable to figure out how to allow my App service to connect to the VNET I created so it can access the HDInsight cluster.
My scenario is this, I'm running a Kafka HDInsight cluster deployed in the VNET I created and I need to also deploy my Azure Web App for Container in the same VNET so it can connect to the Kafka brokers.
I haven't seen a good documentation on this, need help on how to set the Azure app service to connect to my VNET over a private network?
The Network is disabled (don't know why) on my App service.
VNET integration is not available yet for Web App for Containers or App service on Linux. Please follow the UserVoice request for updates on when it will be supported.

Running Service Fabric on non-Azure clouds

I have just started exploring Azure Service Fabric & I'm finding the concepts involved a little overwhelming
Consider these 2 statements -
"Service Fabric is agnostic to the underlying hosting provider. You
can run it in Azure, you can run it on AWS, you can run it on 5
laptops - it doesn't matter."
"Azure Service Fabric for Windows Server..can be used
to..provision Service Fabric clusters in their own datacenters or
other cloud providers, and run production workloads"...any Windows Server environment...there is no real lock-in to Azure as a cloud platform
As per my understanding,
1) in Azure, app can be deployed to "Azure Service Fabric" PaaS platform.
2) On a local development machine, it can be deployed to physical or virtual machine(S) that support Azure Service Fabric SDK
3) On "other cloud providers", "Azure Service Fabric for Windows Server" has to be installed(?) on VMs before app can be deployed.
So when an app runs on Azure, it is the "Azure Service Fabric" PaaS platform but if it is deployed to any other cloud provider, it is in an IaaS mode and the maintenance of the SF infrastructure & supporting functions have to be done by deployer of the app
Is my understanding correct?
Is there any documentation on running Service Fabric on non-Azure cloud like AWS?
Can someone elaborate on the purpose of "Azure Service Fabric for Windows Server" & Azure Service Fabric SDK?
When using Azure as the cloud platform to host your Service Fabric cluster then you get some benefits from being able to setup and manage (some aspects of) your cluster directly in the Azure portal, as well as connecting it to other Azure resources such as Azure Key Vault for storing your cluster certificate securely and OMS/Azure Log Analytics for analyzing your log data from the cluster. You still get a set of IaaS resources created for you though when you set up a Service Fabric cluster in Azure, a minimum of the following IaaS resources are at least created for you:
Virtual Machine Scaleset
Public IP address
Virtual Network
Load Balancer
Storage accounts
Depending on the number of nodes and nodetypes there may be multiple instances of these. Each of the nodes are in turn a VM running (by default) Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter (you can change that in your template as well).
Running Azure Service Fabric on Azure is not really a PaaS solution, you are far to much in contact with the supporting infrastucture for that to be true. It is a mix of IaaS and PaaS I would say.
On you local development machine you can run a local development cluster that emulates running a 1 or 5 nodes cluser on you local machine. It is only intended for development and there are some features of this local cluster that will behave differently (for instance, you cannot run a reverse proxy there).
If you want to run Service Fabric on any other platform than Azure, such as an on premice data center or in another cloud platform (AWS for instance), then you should look at Create and manage a cluster running on Windows Server. You will then need to create an infrastructure similar to the infrastructure created by Azure when you create an Azure Service Fabric resource directly in Azure. You will need to create a number of VMs (or physical machines) with Windows Server 2012 R2 (or later) that are connected on the same network (virtual or physical) and you will likely need some form of load balancer. When you run Azure Service Fabric in this way you are yourself responsible for maintaining your infrastructure in terms of monitoring and maintaining them (patching the OS on your VM's, monitoring the network for vulnerabilities, etc.).
There is also a preview for running Service Fabric on Linux machines but it does not support Standalone installations yet.
When you have your Service Fabric cluster running on either Azure, local development cluster or as a Standalone cluster, then you could in a way consider that installation as your PaaS platform for adding new microservices.

Connecting to an on-premises SQL database from Azure WebJob

How do I connect to a database on-premises from an Azure WebJob or an Azure Function? Is this even possible?
I've been recently researching this and have found there a 3 avenues to connect app services to on prem database, as of today anyway.
Hybrid Connection, VNET Integration or App Service Environment
The later 2 options require VPN or Express (I think) connectivity to a cloud VNET. The VNET Integration option requires a separate VNET with PointToSite gateway connecting to your existing VNET. The App Service Environment is a quite expensive option as your App Service Plan is actually hosted inside your VNET, no longer being a shared host.

Connecting Azure Web App to Service Fabric

I'm considering Reliable Actors right now that's part of Service Fabric. I have an existing Web App that I'd like to keep and act as an API surface to my actors. The Web App will also handle authentication and authorization before any calls get to my actors.
I can't tell from the documentation, but is it possible to connect a Web App to Service Fabric? Additionally, is it possible to limit connections to Service Fabric so that it doesn't except any public connections? How would I go about setting this up, or is it even advisable to do something like this?
I know with Cloud Services, you can connect a Cloud Service to a Web App through a Virtual Network, so I'm at least familiar with that kind of setup.
You would do it the same way you do with cloud services - use a virtual network. Service Fabric is just a framework running on VMs in a cloud service.
Connection to the service fabric can be controlled through the loadbalancers in the cluster VNET. I would suggest that you integrate the WebApp into the Service fabric cluster VNET, to do that you will have to add a VNET gateway
