Connecting Azure Web App to Service Fabric - azure

I'm considering Reliable Actors right now that's part of Service Fabric. I have an existing Web App that I'd like to keep and act as an API surface to my actors. The Web App will also handle authentication and authorization before any calls get to my actors.
I can't tell from the documentation, but is it possible to connect a Web App to Service Fabric? Additionally, is it possible to limit connections to Service Fabric so that it doesn't except any public connections? How would I go about setting this up, or is it even advisable to do something like this?
I know with Cloud Services, you can connect a Cloud Service to a Web App through a Virtual Network, so I'm at least familiar with that kind of setup.

You would do it the same way you do with cloud services - use a virtual network. Service Fabric is just a framework running on VMs in a cloud service.

Connection to the service fabric can be controlled through the loadbalancers in the cluster VNET. I would suggest that you integrate the WebApp into the Service fabric cluster VNET, to do that you will have to add a VNET gateway


Does Azure Application Gateway Support Azure App Servers Backends?

I would like to setup my apps with High Availability and Security in mind and thinking of using the Azure Application Gateway to provide WAF and Load Balancing (Layer-7) capabilities. I couldn't find any concrete information from official documentation that this is a supported setup (using App Service as AG backends). The official documentation only states VMs:
Here's a simplified architecture.
Does anyone have first-hand experience with this setup?
Azure Application gateway support app services as the backend. If you want to use the High Availability of app service, you could target two app services in the same backend pool, then the APP GW frontend receiving traffic will go round-robin to the backends in the pool. You could get more details from Configure App Service with Application Gateway
If you just want to host multi-site in the same Azure application gateway, then each site will direct to each backend pool, you could follow this tutorial: Create and configure an application gateway to host multiple web sites using the Azure portal

Accessing service on a Virtual Machine from azure app service

We have got VMs on Azure and services are running in there.
We are trying to deploy our MVC Web application to Azure App service, which accesses some of the services from the VM using the private IPs but it can't connect to the service hosted on the VM using the private IP. We were assuming that all of our resources will be in the same network, can anyone help with this?
Azure App service are having two kinds of hostings
Single Tenant (App Service Environment) which is dedicated to the customer
Multi tenant ( shareable across other customer subscription inside a data center scale unit)
If your application is hosted as multi tenant application meaning app service URL {WEbAppName} then its internet facing application and if it needs to connect to any VNET (Virtual Network) hosted service then it needs to integrate to any or same VNET.
How to do App service VNET Integration:
Once the App service integrated with VNET then ideally it has connectivity with all the services present inside the same VNET or with peered VNET.
How to confirm connectivity from App Service to VNET hosted resource.
Go to App Services application => Advanced tools or console => perform below commands sequence wise as the HTTP communication happens through this sequence:
nslookup {Destination_FQDN} {Optional-DNSServer}/nameresolver {Destination_FQDN} {Optional-DNSServer}
tcpping {Destination FQDN}
curl -v {DestinationFQDN}
Common Scenarios:
If you're receiving connection refused it means its NSG is not allowing the communication.
If you're getting request time out it means it could be due to firewall or no proper routes to reach to destination.
If its connection abort it means its intermediate device is not passing connection through.
Troubleshoot connectivity issues using Azure Network Watcher:

Azure Web App for Containers networking VNET

I'm exploring Azure but unable to figure out how to allow my App service to connect to the VNET I created so it can access the HDInsight cluster.
My scenario is this, I'm running a Kafka HDInsight cluster deployed in the VNET I created and I need to also deploy my Azure Web App for Container in the same VNET so it can connect to the Kafka brokers.
I haven't seen a good documentation on this, need help on how to set the Azure app service to connect to my VNET over a private network?
The Network is disabled (don't know why) on my App service.
VNET integration is not available yet for Web App for Containers or App service on Linux. Please follow the UserVoice request for updates on when it will be supported.

Azure service fabric with ApplicationGateway

i have Service fabric Cluster Running on Azure ,i have deployed Application to Service Fabric.
Now i want to use azure Application Gateway on this Scenario like Request First served to Application Gateway and then it migrated to Fabric Load Ba-lancer. I am Quite Confused on this.How to meet above Challenges with ApplicationGateway
I also able to configure ApplicationGateway but dont have IDea how to use it for service fabric
Microsoft Azure Application Gateway offers layer 7 load balancing capabilities, SSL offloading, layer-7 routeing, cookie based session affinity, URL routeing and able to host multiple web application. Azure Application Gateway requires its subnet; sometimes it is confusing if you are not familiar with Azure VNet and Subnet segmentation.
First what you need to understand is the architecture pattern, how Microsoft Application Gateway would play a part in.
I have written some detail series documenting my journey throughout Azure ServiceFabric.
I would suggest you go through these posts, and it will explain Architecture viewpoint for having Application Gateway in front of Service Fabric Cluster.
Irrespective of Application Gateway, you would need Internal Loadbalancer or External Loadbalancer (depends on your topology).
Cloud Architecture Pattern: Azure Service Fabric and Microservices - Part 1 (Physical Architecture)
How to implement Application Gateway with Azure Service Fabric
Also try to understand how it is going to impact, security architecture of your implementation
Also, I would recommend you Reverse proxy in Azure Service Fabric.
Not fully sure your meaning, but you could create sf cluster and related resources using ARM teplates. Thats what I have done. I created appgw, cluster, vmss etc. In the virtualMachinesScalesets networkProfile you must configure the ApplicationGateway back endAddress pool instead of configuring loadBalancerBackendAddressPools. The appgw must exist before vmss deployment. You don't necessarily need lb at all. Appgw can handle the load balancing for you. Even though internal lb would bring in some nice additional features, which you could utilize later on...
I have to admit that these things are quite poorly documented...

How can we connect our Azure service fabric cluster to on-premises service/ database?

We are in process of moving our on-premises services to service fabric and planning to host it on Azure Service Fabric cluster. These service will require access to resources which are on-premises (corp network) and we currently can not move them.
What are the options we have? In past, I've used Hybrid connection for Azure web app but I'm not sure how this can be done for services hosted with Azure Service Fabric.
Your cluster runs on nodes in a VM scale set. The nodes are connected using a VNet. Regular VPN rules apply.
So Point to site, site to site and express route should all work.
You'll need to use ARM to configure a cluster to run in an existing vnet.
