How to define effective use case? - uml

I'm trying to define use cases for my project. The problem is I'm not sure how to effectively define a use case, and it looks very messy.
For example like my use case below. I feel like 'View profile', 'View Club' 'View Workshop' is necessary to include because of 'common sense' for user to click on certain profile to view it. So do I really need to define such use cases?
Car Club Use Case

Yes, synthesizing use cases is difficult. And often people try to depict functional parts using lots of include/extend to show the system under consideration. But actually use cases are not about functionality. They are about added value. So if you sit down a moment and think which of those bubbles really represent added value, you will find that Request repair service, Make appointment and Manage club are real candidates while most of the others are just technical paraphernalia. Manage <x> is a bit of a borderline. I'd eventually use CRUD here, that's 4 use cases, since they are used in different contexts and often different actors. When you synthesize use cases just ask yourself: does it add value. Only if the answer is yes, add this as use case. Else you have some technical sequence of actions or even simpler a constraint (like for Login).

You need to define all the cases necessary to achieve your goal. Generally speaking if there is something important in 'View Workshop' to have it on paper or to pass it to someone - you have to write it.
Ihsan Ramli, while your problem is "I'm not sure how to effectively do %something%" and assuming that you can't give the task to someone else - why not to learn more about it? You can start from couple of widely recommended books, for example Writing Effective Use Cases by Alistair Cockburn.
Sentences like "because... for user to click on certain profile to view it" immediately light a red bulb since use cases represent behaviour requirements and are detached from implementation and design (but can and should refer to them when necessary).
Some comments about your diagram:
'Create club' (along with 'Delete club', 'Change club name') would look better as a use case one goal level lower and triggered from summary scenario 'Manage club'.
'Manage workshop' is probably missing for its owner.
Name 'Update item' tells nothing to reader.
'Join club' would probably look more reasonably triggered from 'View club'.
I don't believe that appointments for workshop and repair have a lot in common to be the same scenario.


UML Use Case - Do I use it right?

I am to create a UseCase diagram for an existing web program. Unfortunately I am very unsure about UseCase, I like to mix it with other UMLs.
For this purpose, I have picked out the order page.
There are 3 different users, the admin, driver and customer.
The admin can view all orders and has the ability to create a new order.
The driver can see his own orders, as well as orders he can accept.
The customer can see his own orders, as well as place a new order.
There is a possibility to choose between the standard view (row view) and a widget view of the meta information of the order.
Last but not least, there is the possibility to click on one of the orders and a single order overview will open.
Based on this I have now created a UseCase diagram, my first question would be: Is this all correct, with the informations i gave?
Will this then become a huge UseCase diagram? Or should this rather be done page by page for web applications? For example, if this is the order overview and I now have the use case that I change the page (In this case, when I go to the single order overview). And is there a way to make this look cleaner? All these extends/includes on 1 place looks confusing.
I'm afraid I don't know if I'm doing this only partially right, or completely missing the point.
What you need to remember is that Use Cases are about added value and not about technical realization. That's really hard for tech people and that's why they always start functional decomposition. So looking at the above, the only use case is Show Order and nothing else.
Login is no use case from that perspective. It is just a constraint you apply to certain use cases.
You just have focused on the Show aspect but likely there's also add/edit/delete. Such CRUD can be dealed with in variuous ways and there's no general rule. There might be a Manage and a Show or what ever combination along with constraints.
Basically, when your UC diagram resembles a spider web your design is likely broken.

Use Case for Course Registration

I am making a use-case for Course Registration where students have to choose their programme, then a list of courses for that programme will be shown for student to choose from. After student has chosen their courses, they register for their class schedule (timetable).
I made this use-case diagram and wanted to know if this is a correct method to do so:
The Register new account, Generate report & Confirmation E-letter is asked by the question too.
Thank you for all the help
Basically your UCs look ok. That is your extend/include are connected the right way. Also the naming is fine.
However, I would not overuse the latter relations. The reason is simply that people tend to start functional analysis instead of synthesizing use cases. A use case is about added value a system brings to its actors. And each added value should be at the front, not somewhere hidden behind include/extend.
As always I recommend to read Bittner/Spence about use cases.

Do I have this Use Case diagram correct?

With this Use Case diagram, I'm unsure if I'm currently doing it correctly or not. Checked online and each site is giving me a different answer. I just need a direction or someone to correct me.
This is interesting as I am currently going through the exact same discussion with a client...
I would say "no" simply because I am unsure of what this actually represents.
A use case must bring a benefit to a user, and I really don't this in this diagram. What does Actor0 actually trying to accomplish? I do not get this from the diagram.
Did you write down statements before trying to do this? I find that going to a whiteboard and writing down what your actor's goal and how you see this happening so that the actor achieves the goal is a good start to better understanding the use case and differentiate the system being built from external systems. One way to do this is through a set of user stories (or use case slices).
And answering Thomas Kilian's excellent questions will also help you in this task!
Also, you are doing something that I see too often from people starting with use cases (and sometimes with UML experience): use case decomposition as a set of actions - basically trying to model a set of activities by breaking it down. Doing that is typically the second step in your analysis (e.g., by using activity and sequence diagrams).
No. Only "Register" (what?) and "Add/View Details" (which?) can be regarded as use cases since they add value. Neither "Login" nor "Main Menu" are use cases. The first is a constraint and the second an implementation detail.

Should Multiple Actors share the same Goals in Actor-Goal list

Craig Larman states that creating an Actor[/User]-Goal list in form of some table/grid is a good technique for finding Use Cases during Requirements Analysis. (Applying UML and Patterns - P. 69 ff)
Some simple two-column table should be enough to provide a good Overview for this example; imagine following Actor-Goal List:
Actor Goal
Admin Create User
" Read User
" .. (full CRUD)
" CRUD Entry
" Assign Entry (to User)
" ..
User Create Entry
" .. (full CRUD)
" CRUD himself?
" ..
Admin can do what User can + more like managing the Users of the System under Development or assigning Entries to them.
Admin and User clearly are sharing some Goals(Can we use the term Use Case yet?).
Im not really sure where to go from here in terms of refining this Actor-Goal list.
My brain tells me that i can spare time and effort by reusing/abstraction here, so I will most likely end up with one common superclass implementing the CRUD Entry behaviour, where Admin is extending the functionality by the Manage Goals(CRUD User, assign, etc.).
But I know that this is rather a question of Design than Analysis.
I also know that I can write the Use Case for this in isolation: I dont have to state who exactly uses it, I just need to know that it's some entity which is adhering to the given contract[/interface].
When is the time to start thinking about abstraction?
Am I overcomplicating things by doing so right now?
Should We leave the Actor-Goal list like above and check it off as a "complete" Artifact?
Since the classical purpose of an Actor-Goal list is to provide some quick overview for our next Artifact - the Use Case Diagram - could we begin the transition right here?:
The Use Case Diagram makes the whole reusing part much more visible (at least to me). Would it be advisable to adopt the redundancy right now and take care of it during later stages (e.g. design)?
Appreciate your input!
EDIT: Also I'm not quite sure about the User CRUDing himself.. But lets keep things simple and stick to the main question.
It's an excellent idea to identify the candidate use cases in an actor-goal list, as you have described.
The issues when identifying use cases
In the real life, you'll quickly encounter consistency issues when elaborating the list during requirement elicitation :
some interviewed users/business experts will describe very detailed step by step goals (corresponding to system functions), whereas other will describe rather high level goals user goals. So you'll need a third column to identify the goal level of each use case.
terminology and user goals will not always be expressed in an homogeneous way. So cross checking, and renaming of use cases might be required. For example, I had a system where:
an admin claimed to manage authorizations, and a business user claimed to manage authorization. Was it the same use case ? No: it appeared that the first maintained assignment of authorizations in the system and the second was empowered to decide on authorizations assignment and request them from the admin.
a purchaser explained that for a purchase order someone has to register a good receipt before the invoice is paid. The warehouse clerk explained that at warehouse they manage stock movement. Latter, though, it appeared, that those movements where good receipts, good issues, and stock transfers.
So a fourth column for comments about main variants could help to keep the overview, and to spot hidden sharing potential.
There is generally a great deal of cross checking and harmonization to be done before sharing/reusing use cases. Reusing too quickly might end up loosing more time than expected.
The use case diagramming
I will now be very provocative: once you have the nice and consistent table with all the actors and use cases, what will be the benefit that you expect from a use case diagram ?
It is generally recommended not to abuse use case diagrams for functional decomposition (see also here). So the use case diagram will add little more to what you already have in the list.
In addition, <<Include>> , <<Extend>> and generalization relations should be used scarcely because they tend to quickly make the diagram difficult to understand.
Finally, does abstraction and reuse really happen at the level of the use case ? Is this relevant to the actors outside of the system ? If not, it's more about design and implementation details. So I'd suggest to consider these more in the class model that you will create (or derive) to implement the use cases.

How to model a simple use case diagram

suppose you have to do a Use Case Diagram for this simple problem (that is part of a much bigger exercise i am doing):
a registered user (of a web application) can search for tourist attractions in two ways: by category (for example: museums, parks, theaters, archaeological sites) or by location (city, county).
How should i model this UCD?
The most simple way would be: the actor (registered user), two use cases (search tourist attraction by category and search by location), the secondary actor (the server of the web application, which would process the query and send back the results).
My concern is that in this way the four categories and the two type of locations would not be present in the use case.
I was thinking of using the "extend" relationship. For example, i would add a use case named "Search parks" that extends the use case "Search by category". The extension point would be the event that the user chooses to search for parks.
Or i could use an inheritance relationship between the "Search by category" and "Search parks"...mmmm...i am a little confused...
How would you model this little problem using USD??
Thank you,
First of all you have to realize, that Use Case Diagrams aren't substitute for actual (written) Use Cases. Use Case descriptions contain many important details, which are omitted in Use Case diagrams. Use Case diagrams are good for depicting hierarchies of actors, associated use cases and relationships between use cases, but nothing more.
Another important thing is to realize what an use case actually is. Good way to think about them is to find a goal of an actor, which he/she wants to achieve with help from the system. Achieving this goal should give the actor some business value. My point is, that from what you described, registered user might want to search for a sightseeing and/or buy entry tickets. So this is his goal and this should be a an use case, don't confuse use cases with functionality/features like different ways of searching etc.
In your first suggestion you have two use cases, which differ only in data (e.g. it might be just different choice from a combo box in a form). Such differences, if they don't influence the way the system and actors interact, are described separately from the use cases in a data glossary, which you reference in your use case. This way you avoid many unnecessary details in use case descriptions. If on the other hand, the steps in the description change (e.g. when registečred user chooses location system gives him/her an option to select another registered user as a friend and pre-selects favourite locations of both or something like that...), you can capture this by using alternatives/extensions.
You mention the system you are developing as the secondary actor. Don't forget, the system under development is an implicit actor and is not shown diagrams as a separate actor. Use boundary box (rectangle encompassing use cases excluding actors) to depict scope of your system.
Finally to your concern. These are all just details about the data, which are not part of an use case. You can capture those details in text (by namicng all categories etc.) using the data glossary as mentioned above. If you think the structure and relations between data is important and needs to be captured using diagrams, you can use class diagrams to create data/domain models.
Last note about use case relationships - don't use them if you don't have to. They are often hard to understand and vaguely defined. Never ever use them to decompose the functionality, that is up to design, not analysis with use cases.
I hate depicting Search in a use case. There are simply too many variables. It's like trying to write a use case for using a browser.
Search is a good candidate for early prototyping supplemented with business rules.
