jspm registry create without prompt - jspm

To add a custom git source as a JSPM registry, it seems the only option is to run the following at the command line :
jspm registry create mySource jspm-git
At which point you get prompted to enter the source url, ssh://git#whatever.com. How can I do this in a single command, without the prompt? This would be pretty useful for automated, unattended builds. Better still, can registries be defined directly in a project's package.json file, as part of the local jspm config?

Found the answer at https://github.com/jspm/jspm-cli/issues/431
All you need to do is add the " -y" switch at the end of your statement, for example,
jspm registry create bower jspm-bower-endpoint -y
will add bower without prompting you. Confirmed working on Linux and Windows 10, I'm not sure if it's a bash convention, so it might not work on older version of Windows.
The answer above is wrong, I muddled the git and bower endpoint handlers. To properly register bitbucket from script, use
jspm config registries.bitbucket.remote https://bitbucket.org
jspm config registries.bitbucket.baseurl https://bitbucket.org
jspm config registries.bitbucket.handler jspm-git


Executing .git commands inside electron without having git installed

I am trying to get some git information (for instance command hash) from an electron app. I am reading a file from a certain path and I want to check if this file inside a repo then I will get the super project and get the commit hash.
This is doable if the git is installed on the machine , but if not then this will fail.
I can deal with file paths and get to .git folder and get information from it, but still I prefer if there is another way.
I tried to install npm nodegit, but it has its problems with electron and webpack.
Also there is git-revision but its methods are simple and I need more functionalities (like getting the super project )
Is there a way or a library to achieve that if we need to run the project on machine with no git installed on it?

How To Setup Private NPM Module With Firebase Cloud Functions .npmrc?

I have created a private typings npm module that I am using for my firebase functions and app projects. When I went to deploy firebase functions, I get a big error for every function that basically says ERR! remote: Invalid username or password.
For what I have read, it looks like I need to create a .npmrc file and put it in the /functions directory. (https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/writing/specifying-dependencies-nodejs#using_private_modules)
I cannot however find proper instructions on how to do this anywhere. From what I found, I have done the following:
ran npm login
ran npm token create --read-only
This then gave me a token that looks like this: XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX.
I then create a file called .npmrc in my functions directory, and placed //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX in it.
Additionally, I saw that the error message was trying to use ssh to install my private repo package, I have not setup ssh and am using https instead, because of this I changed my package file to git+https://github.com/accounts-name/repo#commit-num so that it uses HTTPS.
However, I still get the same error message. What am I missing? The above is what I have strung together from lots of google searching.
It seems that you have made too many different changes while trying to make it work, so let's just go through the whole process step by step.
Check the package.json of your npm module and publish it:
Remove "private" property or set it to false because private modules in the npm are meant to be never published. That is not obvious but that is true.
Next step is to apply restricted access to the package. In order to do that, add such property in the package.json file:
"publishConfig": {
"access": "restricted"
Make sure that npm account you use for publishing supports private packages.
Now open the terminal in the root directory of your package, type npm login then sign in to npm. Check if you put the proper version in the package.json.
Run npm publish. The package should be published in few seconds. No worries, thanks to publishConfig property nobody can access it.
Now it is time to allow package installation in your project
Go to the directory of the project and open package.json file
Check that you have the name and version of your package in the dependencies list
Open browser, navigate to https://npmjs.com, login to your account, navigate to settings page of your account and open the tokens tab
Create new token and copy it
Now again go to the directory of your project, on same level where package.json file is situated (that is important!) and create .npmrc file there.
Put such string in the .npmrc file:
You are done!
Deployment with remote CI/CD services
The easiest approach is not add .npmrc into .gitignore. In such case the file will be always in repository, so npm install will run smoothly on any machine where project was cloned
If you don't want to have token string in the repository, you can move it to the environment variable of your CI/CD service and then link .npmrc file to that variable. For example, you can put generated token into the NPM_TOKEN env variable (Just token from npmjs, not the whole string from .npmrc!)
And then change the .npmrc file in the next way:
So, with those steps you should be able to install your restricted packages without any issues. Good luck!
If you are trying to deploy you functions with firebase deploy from a CI and your .npmrc file looks like this.
You will run into the problem even if you have the env var set.
Build failed: Error: Failed to replace env in config: ${NPM_REGISTRY_TOKEN}
Firebase for some reason needs access to that private repo. But the env var is not sent over to firebase.
Solution I've implemented was to replace ${NPM_REGISTRY_TOKEN} in the .npmrc file on every run of the CI pipeline.
sed -i.bak "s/\${NPM_REGISTRY_TOKEN}/${NPM_REGISTRY_TOKEN}/g" .npmrc
This breaks if you use Yarn. Took me a while to find a thread pointing to npm install in the firebase cli predeploy step. If there's no package-lock.json and you only use yarn, this will break. Remove yarn.lock and install using npm to resolve the issue.

How to modify an npm package built with TypeScript

I want to try and make some changes to a package published in npm? (I've suggest some changes as an issue but I think they are simple enough for me to attempt them).
The author supplies some information on how to modify the package, but not really enough for someone doing it for the first time.
Where should I clone the GitHub repo to? The folder where the package is installed? I tried it in my home folder and that would not build (unmodified).
The command npm run build - where is this run from? The root folder of the package where the package.json is?
Will I need to modify the package.json?
In general what is the best way to develop something like this for npm? I've worked on packages before but they were simply Javascript.
If you want to work on the bt-presence package in isolation, you can put the cloned repository anywhere. If you want to use your modified version of bt-presence in combination with an application, my recommended approach is to register bt-presence as a dependency in the application's package.json file with the version set to a relative path to your bt-presence repository; then running npm install in the application will make a symlink from node_modules/bt-presence in the application to your bt-presence repository.
npm run build should indeed be run from the root folder that contains the package.json of bt-presence.
If you just want to change the code of bt-presence, you won't need to modify its package.json. You would only modify the package.json if you need to change any of the settings in there, e.g, if you need to add additional dependencies to your version of bt-presence.
None of the above is really specific to TypeScript. (Some JavaScript packages have build processes too if they need to transform or package the JavaScript files in some way.)

NodeJs Plugin Installation not found in Jenkins/configure

I am trying to configure Jenkins to build my code using NodeJS Plugin. I have installed NodeJS plugin but NodeJS Installation are not available in System Configuration.
ManageJenkins -> Configure System -> NodeJS installation (not
I am running Jenkins on localhost.
What can I do to resolve this issue?
Have you installed and followed the instruction mentioned in node.js plugin? It is quite straight forward:
After installing the plugin, go to the global jenkins configuration
panel (JENKINS_HOME/configure or JENKINS_HOME/configureTools if
using jenkins 2), and add new NodeJS installations For every Nodejs
installation, you can choose to install some global npm packages.
Now, go to a job configuration screen, you will have 2 new items :
On the "Build environnment" section, you will be able to pick one of
the NodeJS installations to provide its bin/ folder to the PATH.
This way, during shell build scripts, you will have some npm
executables available to the command line (like bower or grunt)
Go to a job configuration screen, you will have 2 new items : On the
"Build environnment" section, you will be able to pick one of the
NodeJS installations to provide its bin/ folder to the PATH. This
way, during shell build scripts, you will have some npm executables
available to the command line (like bower or grunt)
You have to goto "/pluginManager/advanced" and run "check now" so that it will check the nodejs site and do the global install.
This will solve your problem

NPM how to configure location of global repository

Does anyone know how to configure location of global repository?
My global repo is somewhere under $HOMEDRIVE/$HOMEPATH/blahblahblah
and all my packages are being installed under that place fopr global reference
but I want to park it somewhere specific and secret like the docroot of my appserver ? so I can operate demos and proof-of-concepts and prototypes ands show them off
can you tell me how I can configure the path to my global repository? I am on windows7 which is thoroughly supported and chmod chown issues are not as prevalent on linux
is this directory anchor controlled by a designated variable within NPM?
is this variable ever referenced by javascript modules indiscriminantly? i would hope not
I assume this variable is within the NPM tool itself.
what about bower... would bower operate the same configurable? or is bower a different animal and place.
is bower a subset of npm? anmd of so does it operate the same configuration as npm?
thank you
See the npm docs about the folders. It states that the global modules are installed under a configured prefix. You can get it from the npm config comand:
npm config get prefix
And you may change it with a similar command:
npm config set prefix /path/to/my/global/folder
However, modules are usually installed globally if want to use some command line command they provide. For using in some node.js application, prefer to install them locally. If you still want to use the globally installed modules inside the application, you should use the link command (though I'm not sure if it works in a Windows environment).
Bower is another thing completely. Looking at the api documentation, you will see that there is no option to install modules globally (which makes sense, as Bower is intended for front-end dependencies).
You could change the default folder using the directory parameter of your .bowerrc file (see the documentation). This way you would be able to set all projects to use the same folder, but notice that's not the way it's intended to use and you would need to set it in all projects.
npm config set registry <registry url>
once this command is run, check in ~/.npmrc, it must show your changes.
