I think I am seeing too many formulas now and have kind of hit a wall.
Basically I have a worksheet and it contains a value in cell A2. This is my current project phase
I then have a table, called 'Table1' and it has a column for 'Phase', which contains a range of unique values, one of which will match cell A2.
Also in Table1, I have another column called 'Overrun' which shows a Yes or No value to indicate that that phase has overrun (this is calculated by checking some dates).
So far so good.
I am now trying in a new cell (cell I2) to put a Yes or No if the CURRENT phase has the 'Overrun' value set to Yes. i.e. Where the Phase column matches cell A2, and the Overrun value for that phase is = Yes.
My query currently sits at this, but it is giving me a #VALUE result and I am not sure what I am missing:
My guess is that it is checking the full range of Overrun instead of the specific row for the current phase, but I am not sure how to check that with the AND.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Example of sheet - http://imgur.com/a/ETNrd
I suggest you look at the vlookup function, it should do what you want.
If the formula referencing the table is not in the same row as the table, then it shows #VALUE, like in the image. Note that I did add a $ to keep the A2 value constant across all of the rows.
Here is a resource about using structured references in excel tables.
I'm trying to create a dashboard, where upon selecting a company from a dropdown list, it will list all of the company's bankers where the data is on another worksheet tab.
So far, the Index Match formula seems to be running fine, however, it keeps on running and lists the bankers from other companies. How can I fix this?
File can be downloaded here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fw7yh4AEF1vx3cuG6E_1RBTrTD_k74KD/view?usp=sharing
You can try below approach by pasting below formula in cell E5:
This is array formula so it needs to be committed by CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER and then copy it down as much needed.
INDEX is retrieves the range reference from the defined GRID based on the row and column reference.
In this particular case, we intend to extract the references sequentially. This is performed by SMALL(IF(RAW!$B$2:$B$279=$C$5,ROW(RAW!$D$2:$D$279)-1,10^10),ROWS($A$1:A1))
Within this formula, first portion is the ARRAY building IF formula as below
IF(RAW!$B$2:$B$279=$C$5,ROW(RAW!$D$2:$D$279)-1,10^10) which tests cells in column B if they match criterion value. If the value matches then ROW reference is returned and if it doesn't then it returns a very large value i.e. 10^10. We subtract 1 from row reference as the data starts from row 2 so it should be (n-1) in principle. This arrangement produces an ARRAY like {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;10000000000....} for value "Acorda".
But we need to pass one element at a time to INDEX formula so this is done by SMALL(IfBasedArray,k) where k part is serially generated by ROWS($A$1:A1) which starts with 1 and increments downwards as the formula gets copied which thus enables INDEX to return desired results.
Finally, when the matches are finished then big number i.e. 10000000000 gets fed and generates an error which then is covered by IFERROR formula to return blank!
Please apply this formula to your sheet's E5 and copy down. Note that I created the named range Coms which refers to RAW!B2:B279.
If you prefer, the name in the formula can be replaced with the address, as you had it originally, or you define the named range to expand dynamically.
A simpler option than the 2 previous answers (doesn't require an CSE array entered formula or multiple nested INDEX/MATCHES) would be to have a couple of 'helper' cells in say G5/G6
Start Row would be =MATCH(C5,RAW!B:B,0) This finds the first row on your RAW sheet where the selected company appears
Advisor Count would be =COUNTIFS(RAW!B:B,C5) counts how many rows there are for this particular company
Then your formula in cell E5 becomes =IF(D5<=$G$6,INDEX(RAW!$D:$D,$G$5+D5-1),"") which you can drag down.
screenshot showing formulas/result
I used this VLookup formula to retrieve value from another sheet Sheet2 which contains a table with two columns NumEchelon, Indice:
But it doesn't return any value, when i click on the cell i found just the formula not the value i want to retrieve from the sheet Sheet2.
Looks like you are using french version of Excel, so I will leave it up to you to find the translated commands. The basic problem from what I am gathering is you are looking up "1/1" in the named range NumEchelon. I am going to guess that this named range is 1 column wide. sheet2[Indice] is a separate chunk of data.
Vloopkup is supposed to search for a specified term in a table (usually 2 or more columns wide located to the right of the search column) and return a value in the same row as the found value in a specified column. The columns are numbered left to right with the first column being zero. The false or FAUX at the end tells it you want an exact match.
So without seeing your data I would say make sure that NumEchelon covers both columns of information, and INDICE column is to the right of NumEchelon. Where you have Sheet2 Indice replace with with a numeric value for the column its from the table you made for the vlookup.
So Assuming NumEchelon is A1:A8 and Indice is B1:B8 I would do the following:
Use a new named range "MonTableaux" and define it as sheet2!A1:B8
Without the named range it would look like
'note the 0 is the same as false
Now you may be using TABLES and I am not all that familiar with table so there may be short cuts. If that is the case someone point it out to me and I will delete my answer.
If your information you want to return in not lined up vertically with the information you are searching for or if the information you want to return is located to the left of what you are searching for you will want to use a combination of INDEX and MATCH. maybe something like this:
If the formula is showing up in the cell, and not a result like #N/A then the cell is likely formatted as Text, change it to General and click in the formula bar and hit enter again to show the formula result instead of the formula text.
I am using excel to create data sets that are used in a vba application later. I am using this formula:
usually with a range from f.ex.: A2 - A10000, because my data can be differently long and often vary in data selection.
However, this slows my excel extremely down. I switched to manual calculations, but then, when activating automatic again, my excel instance takes extremely long and often crashes.
I also tried to past some data, but when creating a new dataset, I have to pull the formula down again and sometimes through this errors occur in my data set.
Any suggestions what I can do to make the INDEX-MATCH formulas more performant?
I appreciate your replies!
I guess a lot of performance goes away because index-match does not select the exact range, but also counts in blank rows. How to get the exactl range with index match automatically?
As I mention in my comment above, as long as this is a 'regular' formula and not an Array Formula, you may find success simply replacing "A1:A10000" with "A:A". However barring that, you can create a cell which will calculate reference the number of rows of data which you have, and then use that cell to indirectly reference the complete column with data in it.
For the following example to work, I assume that: Column A includes an index key in the form of numbers only; Column A includes no numbers in the header and above; and that the index rows are continuous, with no breaks. Start with the following formula:
If my assumptions above hold, then this will return the number of data elements in your table. Once we know where this data starts, we can use this COUNT to determine where it ends. Assume your header is in row 2. (I like to include the header so that if you insert a row beneath the header, Excel picks up that you want to include the new row in your formulas).With that in mind, this formula will create the Excel-style reference which finds the last cell in column A which has data in it:
Assuming 50 rows of data [which start at row 3, below the header], and all other assumptions above, this formula will return the text result "$A$53".
If you wanted to do the same thing, but instead return the full range in Column A where data exists (from the header to row 53), you could do as follows:
This returns the text string result "$A$2:$A$53", which is a reference to the full index of unique ID values. It will automatically move around as you would generally expect if you insert any rows or columns. Now assume for your INDEX that you want to pull the same data, but for column B, instead. The formula will be exactly the same, except that where I have "COLUMN(A2)" above, replace with "COLUMN(B2)".
So now you have the address of your proper, limited columns - but how do you actually reference those areas in a formula? By using the INDIRECT function. INDIRECT says "Evaluate some specific criteria. It will create a cell reference. Now look at that cell reference." In its simplest form, this could look like this:
Assume that A1 holds the value "B5". Indirect will pick up the value "B5", and instead of displaying "B5", it will go to B5, and pick up the value there. So to use this with the above, wrap the whole thing in the INDIRECT function. Instead of picking up the text string "$A$1:$A$53", it will actually now reference that range properly. Like so:
But that is a very long formula to have, and you won't want to use it within a specific cell for a simple INDEX/MATCH. Instead of entering these formulas in cells (although you could), I recommend you go to the Formula Ribbon -> Name Manager -> New Name. Call the name for the index of A "ID_COLUMN". Call the name for the index of "B_COLUMN" (or something more specific).
Now, if you wanted to make an INDEX/MATCH of your table, which automatically grows/shrinks as you change the data, your formula would look like this [this would, for example, pick the row from column B where column A has the number 100]:
I'm having a formula in some cells which is based on values in other cells(say A1,B1) which in turn are getting populated from database.My formula is coming correct but it is always considering null value in A1,B1...ie,on opening my excel, the value in cells having formula is always zero..unless I change it in the generated excel.
I want it to consider cell values which are getting dynamically populated and then show the result.Please help!!!!!
In case your sheet has some formula for say A3=sum(A1:A2) is calculated and it is working fine with A1=5, A2 =4. Now if change the value of A2 with 2 like
sh.getRow(0).getCell(0).setCellValue(2); // set A1=2
and perform write operation, check the value of A3 it is still showing 9. It seems wrong but actully not. The point is that Excel caches previously calculated results and you need to trigger recalculation to updated them.
or with
and then perform Write operation. This will give you the correct result. For Detail check here
I would like to use a VLOOKUP function referring to a data table placed in a different sheet from the one where the VLOOKUP function in written.
Example: in Sheet 1, cell AA3 I would like to insert the VLOOKUP function.
I want the function to check the number in cell M3, find the same number in Sheet 2 range address A2:Q47 first column, and reproduce the value in the 13th column of that table.
I've written this function but it reports #N/A as a result:
One of the common problems with VLOOKUP is "data mismatch" where #N/A is returned because a numeric lookup value doesn't match a text-formatted value in the VLOOKUP table (or vice versa)
Does either of these versions work?
The former converts a numeric lookup value to text (assuming that lookup table 1st column contains numbers formatted as text). The latter does the reverse, changing a text-formatted lookup value to a number.
Depending on which one works (assuming one does) then you may want to permanently change the format of your data so that the standard VLOOKUP will work
I faced this problem and when i started searching the important point i found is, the value u are looking up i.e M3 column should be present in the first column of the table u want to search
check in lookup_value
Your formula looks fine. Maybe the value you are looking for is not in the first column of the second table?
If the second sheet is in another workbook, you need to add a Workbook reference to your formula:
There might be something wrong with your formula if you are looking from another sheet maybe you have to change Sheet1 to Sheet2 ---> =VLOOKUP(M3,Sheet2!$A$2:$Q$47,13,FALSE) --- Where Sheet2 is your table array
This lookup only features exact matches. If you have an extra space in one of the columns or something similar it will not recognize it.
I have faced similar problem and it was returning #N/A. That means matching data is present but you might having extra space in the M3 column record, that may prevent it from getting exact value. Because you have set last parameter as FALSE, it is looking for "exact match".
This formula is correct: =VLOOKUP(M3,Sheet1!$A$2:$Q$47,13,FALSE)
Copy =VLOOKUP(M3,A$2:Q$47,13,FALSE) to other sheets, then search for ! replace by !$, search for : replace by :$ one time for all sheets