Instagram API restrictions - instagram

Instagram API has limit for 5000 calls per hour. Some instagram analytics services (for example ) allow to analyze multiple accounts at same time. I've analyzed multiple accounts with total followers 200k and smartmetrics done it with 3 hours and results looks true. How can it be possible? Is any way to increase limit for API calls?

it depends on what API they using to analyze, you can get up to 50 followers data with one API call, so 200K followers will take 4000 API calls and can be done with the one hour.
If they are analyzing more details and posts of individual follower, then they have to make an API call for every follower.


Throttling limit with Docusign User Management api

What is the technical limit for docusign users? is there any chance we can expect 1M users from {docusigndomain}/restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/users
we need these details to implement throttling logic to handle huge volume of records
What I would do is use the "paging" feature that lets you get 100 records at a time. You do that by specifying:
&count=100&start_position=100 (200, 300 etc..)
And looping until you get no more records.
is there any chance we can expect 1M users from
Theoretically, yes. Most accounts won't have more than 50 users, but some large enterprise accounts can have as many as they want.
Please see for details.

How 3rd party apps like pictaram do not hit instagram API limits?

Instagram has default API limits for API calls, for sandbox users its 500 and live users its 5000 / hour for an access-token.
Like and and other apps, which don't sign in users for getting access token from Instagram, provides services that you can pull data unlimited, for example, in pictaram I search for a hashtag media, normally if we assume that site has own access token which has 5000 calls for an hour can provide 100k images(because one call for tags recent media responses with 20 pictures and next page URL) so you can get max 100k images with 1 access token if you use it for just a tag search but I could manage to get more than 100k media for a tag and the site continued to work like a charm.
How can these sites provides all data without hitting the API limits? They are acting just like Instagram itself.

Instagram API Apps Limit

We deliver social local media products which listen to several different hashtags on Instagram, among others. I'm very much in fear of hitting their API limits, and can't find how to handle many large projects with an Instagram API account.
Right now, I have 5 different clients on Instagram (the maximum), but the problem is if I have 40 projects with 40 separate hashtags each then that is 1600 different hashtags to listen to. If I check each hashtag for new updates every 5 minutes, at 1 API request per hashtag I would hit the hourly limit of the API extremely fast.
How does Instagram want one to handle this sort of thing?
Instagram's recommendation is to authenticate users and use the OAuth per endpoint, since the rate limit for authenticated calls scales as you grow the amount of people using your app.
Why or how it will scale is, the Rate Limit for Authenticated users is per hour per token. So if you have 50 authenticated users, you can make 50 x 5000 = 250,000 API calls before you hit the limit.
From their API Limits Documentation Page:

Instagram API to retrieve images based on search query

Is there an API to retrieve Instagram images based on a search query, and is there any limit to calling this API?
You have 2 options for searching Instagram using the API:
Search by tag (single tag only):
Search media in a given location:
The API will limit you to 5000 requests per hour for a single Client_ID or 5000 requests per hour for individual Access_Tokens which require the user to be authenticated. You can also only retrieve around 20-30 images per request without because of pagination.
Hope that helps!
First, register as a developer.
Then use this url:
after replace with your access token and your search term. it's 30 calls/hr max, so regulate : )

Limit on requests per hour for foursquare Userless Venues Api

Is there a way to go above the 5000 requests per hour for the userless venue api?
From the documentation at FourSquare;
The platform offers all of this without requiring end user
authentication and is available at high rate limits (5,000 requests
per hour, with more available on request by email to
