Throttling limit with Docusign User Management api - docusignapi

What is the technical limit for docusign users? is there any chance we can expect 1M users from {docusigndomain}/restapi/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/users
we need these details to implement throttling logic to handle huge volume of records

What I would do is use the "paging" feature that lets you get 100 records at a time. You do that by specifying:
&count=100&start_position=100 (200, 300 etc..)
And looping until you get no more records.
is there any chance we can expect 1M users from
Theoretically, yes. Most accounts won't have more than 50 users, but some large enterprise accounts can have as many as they want.
Please see for details.


Limit on max users and groups in Docusign

Is there a max limit on the number of users I can create/manage from a single admin account?
Is there a max limit on the number of groups I can create while managing those users ?
Is there a way to send additional params in the webhook url ?(I am configuring it through the docusign connect in admin portal) ?
Thanking you in advance
AFAIK, the only limit to the number of users is the number of seats you have purchased on your account. There's no technical limit.
I'm similarly not aware of any limit to the number of groups.
Now your last question is not clear and may require a separate thread. What kind of parameters you would like to send? from where to where? One method to include meta-data on envelopes is using custom fields, which can be sent to the webhook UI (Connect), but I'm not sure that is what you mean.

Docusign API Polling/Rate limiting doubts

Docusign eSignature API has a limit of polling 15 min in 15 minutes for requesting a unique url resources.
However in the documentation it is not explained if normal user behaviour is allowed , which is completely different from polling X in X minutes (e.g. clicking to view an envelope multiple times in a row).
Question 1
Is there a problem in Docusign if the same resource is called multiple times within 15 minutes in normal user actions?
There could be scenarios where the resource needs to be fetched much more frequently within 2 or 3 minutes, but almost 0 the rest of the day for that resource).
Common examples may be: asking for an envelope information, related entities and audit events within a short time span.
Question 2
Do all GET unique resource url have the 15 min rate limiting restrictions in eSignaturesAPI (envelopes, recipients, events, status, templates etc)?
Some documentation indicate only status related endpoints are poll restricted, other docs specify that all GET resources in the eSignaturesAPI are.
Question 3
One alternative for polling is to use Docusign Webhooks (Connect) as suggested in many articles, however to secure it with HMAC, it not possible in combination with oAuth.
The connect keys are associated with the user's account and not the client's app account (each user would have to setup their own keys, which is not feasible). One suggestion seems to be mTLS (which won't be an option).
What other ways exist to secure webhooks when using oAuth?
Wondering how other integrations have done it with the current webhook security limitations.
The reason that DocuSign cares about polling is because developers have built integrations that poll every 1 sec resulting in millions or API calls that clogs the servers.
It sounds like your integration is not doing polling.
Then all you have to do is pass go-live and you should be fine.
The last 20 API calls for your go-live review should adhere to the polling rules, make sure they are so. There's no way for DocuSign to know the intention of API calls, so the polling rule are strict, but they should not be hard for you to figure out.

Is there a way to bulk process customer data in Stripe?

I have a long list of old customers (>10K) in Stripe for which I would like to give a new trial period. Is there a way to bulk process those or we have to do that manually one by one?
I guess this depends entirely on what exactly you mean by 'new trial'. Do these customers have pre-existing Stripe subscriptions?
There's really no way to do this via the dashboard. However if there are no pre-existing subscriptions, you could programmatically create subscriptions for each customer object accordingly. You can specify the trial period on the price or on a per subscription basis.
As there are no batch endpoints for these operations, please be wary of the rate limiting if working with the API in this way

Instagram API restrictions

Instagram API has limit for 5000 calls per hour. Some instagram analytics services (for example ) allow to analyze multiple accounts at same time. I've analyzed multiple accounts with total followers 200k and smartmetrics done it with 3 hours and results looks true. How can it be possible? Is any way to increase limit for API calls?
it depends on what API they using to analyze, you can get up to 50 followers data with one API call, so 200K followers will take 4000 API calls and can be done with the one hour.
If they are analyzing more details and posts of individual follower, then they have to make an API call for every follower.

Instagram API Apps Limit

We deliver social local media products which listen to several different hashtags on Instagram, among others. I'm very much in fear of hitting their API limits, and can't find how to handle many large projects with an Instagram API account.
Right now, I have 5 different clients on Instagram (the maximum), but the problem is if I have 40 projects with 40 separate hashtags each then that is 1600 different hashtags to listen to. If I check each hashtag for new updates every 5 minutes, at 1 API request per hashtag I would hit the hourly limit of the API extremely fast.
How does Instagram want one to handle this sort of thing?
Instagram's recommendation is to authenticate users and use the OAuth per endpoint, since the rate limit for authenticated calls scales as you grow the amount of people using your app.
Why or how it will scale is, the Rate Limit for Authenticated users is per hour per token. So if you have 50 authenticated users, you can make 50 x 5000 = 250,000 API calls before you hit the limit.
From their API Limits Documentation Page:
