Too many Paste Options When Using Right Click In Excel - excel

Every time I right click within an Excel cell, whether there is something on the clipboard or not, I always get too many "Values" under paste options. Is there any way to remove these, as it can get annoying scrolling down.
I've been searching online since last year trying to resolve this and finally thought I would ask and see if someone has resolved this before.
See screenshot, below:


How to hide text in certain cells from a script?

Windows 10, Google Sheets, LVL: Rookie.
So I have a sheet, that is kinda like a scoreboard, the main purpose of it is to do scoreboard things, but that's irrelevant. Basically, for new people that use the sheet, I have green sentences near cells to show them what goes there, kinda like tutorials.
But, for people that have used the sheet for a while, they are going to get tired of all this extra space used up by green sentences that don't actually teach them anything cause they already know it.
SO I wanted to create a button from a UI box, that disables tutorials (Just hiding/deleting these green sentences), and whenever they wanted to see the tutorials "sentences" again, they could use another UI Button to enable them, which unhides/adds the text back in the cells.
I already have the UI Box setup...
The only thing I don't know how to do or what to code, is hiding/deleting these sentences, and being able to unhide/paste the sentences.
Now, if this can be done in an easy formula, please let me know, but otherwise, please help me write out a script for this. I will credit you if you wish.
You have a complicated spreadsheet that included about 25 text "hints" to user. You want experienced users to have the ability to "hide" the hints if they wish.
You could do this with a checkbox.
Untick (the default): the comments appear.
Tick the box: the comments are hidden
Create a checkbox (say, it is in Cell G1),
Edit all your hints along these lines.
=if($G$1=TRUE,"","Team name goes here --->")
$G$1=TRUE`: this means that the check box has been ticked
if TRUE, then display nothing: ""
if not TRUE (the checkbox is NOT ticked), then display the hint. Such as "Team name goes here --->"

How can I limit the display of columns on Excel?

I would like to create an Excel document with all the date from 01-01-2018 to 31-12-2018 with each day in a separate columns but only display a certain amount of days (not the entire year) with the possibility to scroll left or right to see the rest. What can I do to achieve this ?
I've tried to to freeze the panes but it's not what I want.
What I have :
What I would like (with a scroll bar) :
You can only freeze one side of the table, and even if you use the Split button to try to hold the other side still, it turns off the freeze, so you can't do both at once (which would have solved it).
If you turn the spreadsheet sideways, so the dates go down the page instead of across, you may be able to do something with the Group button:
Sorry but I don't think there is a way to solve it properly, maybe you can move the static columns from the right over to the left too?

SSRS - Merge Cells of Same Data Vertically

Please see attached screenshot as I think this will help show better. I have an SSRS report, in that one column can have the same value across many rows. For this report, you can see Site column has a value of "JAC-FL". How can I "merge" this so it only appears once (See screen shot of "Excel Layout" as I know how to do this in Excel). For the life of me, I cannot seem to get this.
I already have a rowgroup defined for the data (see Row Group screenshot) (Please note, there is data for Username, but I removed it so it wouldn't appear in the screen shot).
Site = lvl_2_value, UMFullName = User Name, stream_3_Stream = Stream
I cannot seem to get my Site (I plan on doing this to the other columns as well, but thought if I get the first to work, I can do it to the others) to appear like the Excel layout. Would anyone be able to help?
You'll want to split out the rows into child groups, instead of grouping on all of them at once. Take a look at the bottom left of your first screenshot, you can see the "row groups" section there.
If all you see in that box is a line that says "(Details)", then you will need to start by right-clicking that and adding a parent group. Then you can add a child to that parent, and so on, going from most inclusive to least inclusive. So for example, if we were working with locations, we could do something like Country > State/Province > City).
It may be easiest to start a new tablix (keep your old tablix until you're done though so you can copy and paste expressions and get the formatting right again!), as things tend to get shifted around when you add groups to an existing tablix.

Short-cut for selecting excel ready-made cell formatting. NOT formatting to table.

I have previously known an excel short-cut command that popped up an window where one could select a layout for a range of cells in the worksheet. There were many selections and several of them were quite beautiful. The layout would change the background color of the heading (first row selected), and format the first column and the cells in the body respectively.
I'm not talking about making tables or the table formatter, also it was only accessible through the shortcut command as far as I know (which I've now forgotten). Does anyone recall what I mean and could that person please share? I've been trying to remember it for some time now.
I believe what you first need to do is enable Excel to recognise your table. Take a look at my screenshot above!
By using Alt + O + A one will get up the AutoFormat window.

CKEditor: Tabletools doesnt remember my properties

ive installed CKEditor on my website with the tabletools Plugins from here: Everything but the tabletool dialog works well.
For example: I have edited my table cell width to 33.333% and hit ok. A few minutes later I wanted to set a background color on that table cell, but unfortunatly the width (and all the other changes ive made in that dialog) was empty. That means that i cant make any further changes to that cell if i dont want to fill all the other again. Does anyone knows if this is intended and if their are any solutions to get the fields filled again?
I'm pretty certain that next time you (unconsciously) select different table cells than previously. Unfortunately it's not visible, because browsers render selections in tables poorly. For example selection may be extended to contain beginning of next cell and in such case you will see only selection in the first cell.
To make sure that on right click selection won't overflow current cell make sure to click in the middle of the text. Or, if you mistakenly opened dialog for two table cells (then width of first cell won't be loaded into the dialog), just set the values you want to change and editor won't reset those values which you haven't filled.
