Short-cut for selecting excel ready-made cell formatting. NOT formatting to table. - excel

I have previously known an excel short-cut command that popped up an window where one could select a layout for a range of cells in the worksheet. There were many selections and several of them were quite beautiful. The layout would change the background color of the heading (first row selected), and format the first column and the cells in the body respectively.
I'm not talking about making tables or the table formatter, also it was only accessible through the shortcut command as far as I know (which I've now forgotten). Does anyone recall what I mean and could that person please share? I've been trying to remember it for some time now.

I believe what you first need to do is enable Excel to recognise your table. Take a look at my screenshot above!

By using Alt + O + A one will get up the AutoFormat window.


How to filter out multiple values assigned to a specific name in my filer column?

I need to create an Excel template with f.e following columns and data:
Example of an Excel Table
and so on. So my goal is to set up the filter in such a way, that when I choose A1 from A column, I can get all the related B,C and D values, like B1,C1,D1; B1.1,C1.1,D1.1;B1.2,C1.2,D1.2
With the normal filter I can only see B1,C1,D1 when I choose A1.
The only solution I came up with, is writing A1 in every row that has relevant B 1.x ,C 1.x and D 1,x. Then I can see all relevant stuff, but this solution is not the most effective one(especially when values inserted will be a small text, writing same sentences in each row makes it look a bit messy)
The Pivot Table also does not recognize B1.1 C1.1,D1.1; B1.2 C1.2,D1.2 as related to A1. Even when I copied A1 in every row, it still couldn't sort it correctly.
Can you please help me with these quesitons? Many thanks in advance!
Update: I created a following example for clarification, hope it will help a bit! Unfortunately I cannot share the Excel Sheet per Stack Overflow, so here is a screenshot of it:Example of the content
In your example which is a Table but not a pivot table,
Highlight Column Problems in your table;
Press Ctrl+G on your keyboard to bring out the Go To window;
Click Special... button at the left corner of the window;
Select Blanks then click OK;
Do not alter anything, go to the formula bar and enter =A2, then hold Ctrl key and press Enter.
If you have done the above steps correctly, you should have column A filled with Problem IDs.
FYI, if you are using Excel 2010 Professional Plus or later versions of Excel, you can add your data table to Power Query Editor, right click the column header of the first column and select Fill -> Down to quickly fill the column with all Problem ID.
If you want to show row labels in each line in a pivot table (as mentioned in your post), click somewhere within the pivot table, go to Design tab in the Excel ribbon, click Report Layout and select Repeat All Item Labels.
Let me know if you have any questions. Cheers :)

Auto Grouping/Merging in Excel

I think the image attached describes better than I can in words the functionality I am trying to locate within excel.
Is there a way to auto group based on the contents within the columns as shown? This is achievable for the example shown, but when there are up to say 30 Groups and many sub group types, I am wondering whether excel can auto-detect and work its way through the list, grouping as shown as it goes.
You can get a similar result using conditional formatting. select the whole table and create a new conditional format rule and choose formula and enter =A1=A2 set the format font to white (I've used very light grey to show that the data is still there)
To get the borders, do the same again and this time enter the formula =A1<>A2 and make the top border black.
It's not exactly the same as yours but it's close.

CKEditor: Tabletools doesnt remember my properties

ive installed CKEditor on my website with the tabletools Plugins from here: Everything but the tabletool dialog works well.
For example: I have edited my table cell width to 33.333% and hit ok. A few minutes later I wanted to set a background color on that table cell, but unfortunatly the width (and all the other changes ive made in that dialog) was empty. That means that i cant make any further changes to that cell if i dont want to fill all the other again. Does anyone knows if this is intended and if their are any solutions to get the fields filled again?
I'm pretty certain that next time you (unconsciously) select different table cells than previously. Unfortunately it's not visible, because browsers render selections in tables poorly. For example selection may be extended to contain beginning of next cell and in such case you will see only selection in the first cell.
To make sure that on right click selection won't overflow current cell make sure to click in the middle of the text. Or, if you mistakenly opened dialog for two table cells (then width of first cell won't be loaded into the dialog), just set the values you want to change and editor won't reset those values which you haven't filled.

Excel 2007: Using Excel Tooltip to display cell data?

I can usually find an answer to the problems I'm having via a quick google search, but this one I'm struggling to even form the question in order to locate an answer.
I'm trying to find out whether it is possible to use Excel Tooltips to display cell data. For example, on mouse over: a tooltip appears displaying the cell values from selected cells, preferably with some plain text but not essential.
i.e. I have an overview table which simplifies data from another table but want said cell values to appear on mouse over.

Is there a way to transfer MSWord numbering bullets to MSExcel column?

I have been using MSWord 2010 to compose list of questions. These questions are organized in single MSWord document, using numbering - 1. first question, etc...
I was wondering could contents of each bullet be transffered to MSExcel cell? So if i have 20 questions, i would have cell with 20 rows, each containing one question.
I am asking this because i have 300 questions that i want to import to excel.
It's possible to copy your numbered bullets from Excel to Word and then break them up using Excel worksheet functions. However, it's real easy to just do it with the built-in Excel commands.
In Word:
Increase the width on the hanging indent on your numbered list. It will make the conversion in Excel easier to deal with.
Select your bullets and copy them.
In Excel:
"Paste Special" the copied text into Excel using the Match Destination Formatting option.
Select the cells you pasted the bullets by the number of digits in the bullets (i.e., first do 1-9, then do 10-99, etc.)
With the cells selected, choose the Text to Columns command from the Data tab on the ribbon.
Make sure that the 'Fixed Width" radio box is selected on the dialogue box that comes up, then move to the next step.
Adjust the break lines so that there are three fields: one with the number + period, another the spaces between the numbers and text, the third the text.
Moving to the next step - select the second field (the spaces) and click the "Do not import column (skip) radio button.
Click finish and the bullets are imported.
The above answer is best if you have an already established list. The best workflow I've found for this is to create a table to work in, in word. That table then copies perfectly into cells in excel, allowing you to create a structure that will pass between the tow docs seamlessly.
