Type Specification in a Where Clause - haskell

I'm trying to do something very simple as part of a homework. All I need to do is write a function that takes in a list of 2-tuples of numbers representing base and height lengths for triangles, and return a list of the areas corresponding to those triangles. One of the requirements is that I do that by defining a function and declaring its type in a where clause. Everything I've tried so far fails to compile, here's what I've got:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses 4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
This fails with the error The type signature for ‘triArea’ lacks an accompanying binding, which to me sounds like triArea is not defined inside of the where-clause. Okay, so let's indent it to match the where:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses 4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --... and so does this
This one fails to compile the particularly uninformative error message parse error on input triArea. Just for fun, let's try indenting it a bit more, because idk what else to do:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses 4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --this has 8
but, no dice, fails with the same parse error message. I tried replacing the spacing in each of these with equivalent, 4-space tabs, but that didn't
help. The first two produce the same errors with tabs as with spaces, but the last one, shown here:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses a preceding tab character
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --this has 2
gives the error message
Illegal type signature: ‘(Num, Num) -> Num triArea (base, height)’
Perhaps you intended to use ScopedTypeVariables
In a pattern type-signature
and I have no idea what that's trying to say, but it seems to be ignoring newlines all of a sudden. I've been reading through "Learn You a Haskell", and I'm supposed to be able to do this with the information presented in the first three chapters, but I've scoured those and they never specify the type of a functioned defined in a where clause in those chapters. For the record, their examples seem to be irreverent of spacing, and I copied the style of one of them:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --10 preceding spaces
but this also failed to compile, spitting out the utterly incomprehensible error message:
Expecting one more argument to ‘Num’
The first argument of a tuple should have kind ‘*’,
but ‘Num’ has kind ‘* -> GHC.Prim.Constraint’
In the type signature for ‘triArea’: triArea :: (Num, Num) -> Num
In an equation for ‘calcTriangleAreas’:
calcTriangleAreas xs
= [triArea x | x <- xs]
triArea :: (Num, Num) -> Num
triArea (base, height) = base * height / 2
I can't find anything when I google/hoogle it, and I've looked at this question, but not only is it showing haskell far too
advanced for me to read, but based on the content I don't believe they're having the same problem as me. I've tried specifying the type of calcTriangleAreas, and I've tried aliasing the types in the specification for triArea to be Floating and frankly I'm at the end of my rope. The top line of my file is module ChapterThree where, but beyond that the code I've shown in every example is the entire file.
I'm working on 32-bit Linux Mint 18, and I'm compiling with ghc ChapterThree.hs Chapter3UnitTests.hs -o Test, where ChapterThree.hs is my file and the unit tests are given by my teacher so I can easily tell if my program works (It never gets to the compilation step for ChapterThreeUnitTests.hs, so I didn't think the content would be important), and my ghc version is 7.10.3.
EDIT: Note that if I just remove the type specification altogether, everything compiles just fine, and that function passes all of its associated unit tests.
Please, save me from my madness.

Your last example is correct, but the type you wrote doesn't make sense. Num is a class constraint not a type. You probably wanted to write:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: Num a => (a, a) -> a
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
The rule is: assignments must be aligned.
Moreover (/) requires the Fractional class:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: Fractional a => (a, a) -> a
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
Note that the indentation level is not related in any way with the indentation level of the where. For example you could write that code in this way:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs] where
triArea:: Fractional a => (a, a) -> a
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
The indentation level is defined by the first assignment in a where/let or the first line of a do block. All the other lines must align with that one.
So all of these are correct:
f x = y where
a = b
y = ...
f x = y
where a = b
y = ...
f x = y
a = b
y = ...

spitting out the utterly incomprehensible error message:
Expecting one more argument to ‘Num’
The first argument of a tuple should have kind ‘*’,
but ‘Num’ has kind ‘* -> GHC.Prim.Constraint’
To complement Bakuriu's answer, let me decode that for you.
The error says that -- line by line:
Num is expecting one more argument -- we should write Num a from some a
A tuple type such as (,) expects a type as argument. The statement "should have kind *" means "should be a type". The kinding system of Haskell associates * as the "kind of types". We have e.g. Int :: *, String :: *, and (Maybe Char, [Int]) :: *. Unary type constructors such as Maybe and [] are not types, but functions from types to types. We write Maybe :: *->* and [] :: *->*. Their kind *->* makes it possible to state that, since Maybe :: *->* and Char :: *, we have Maybe Char :: * ("is a type") similarly to ordinary value-level functions. The pair type constructor has kind (,) :: *->*->*: it expects two types and provides a type.
Num has kind *-> Constraint. This means that, for every type T, the kind of Num T will be Constraint, which is not * as (,) expects. This triggers a kind error. The kind Constraint is given to typeclass constraints such as Eq Int, Ord Bool, or Num Int. These are not types, but are requirements on types. When we use (+) :: Num a => a->a->a we see that (+) works on any type a, as long as that type satisfies Num a, i.e. is numeric. Since Num T is not a type, we can not write Maybe (Num T) or [Num T], we can only write e.g. Maybe a and require in the context that a belongs to typeclass Num.


Why does ghc warn that ^2 requires "defaulting the constraint to type 'Integer'?

If I compile the following source file with ghc -Wall:
main = putStr . show $ squareOfSum 5
squareOfSum :: Integral a => a -> a
squareOfSum n = (^2) $ sum [1..n]
I get:
powerTypes.hs:4:18: warning: [-Wtype-defaults]
• Defaulting the following constraints to type ‘Integer’
(Integral b0) arising from a use of ‘^’ at powerTypes.hs:4:18-19
(Num b0) arising from the literal ‘2’ at powerTypes.hs:4:19
• In the expression: (^ 2)
In the expression: (^ 2) $ sum [1 .. n]
In an equation for ‘squareOfSum’:
squareOfSum n = (^ 2) $ sum [1 .. n]
4 | squareOfSum n = (^2) $ sum [1..n]
| ^^
I understand that the type of (^) is:
Prelude> :t (^)
(^) :: (Integral b, Num a) => a -> b -> a
which means it works for any a^b provided a is a Num and b is an Integral. I also understand the type hierarchy to be:
Num --> Integral --> Int or Integer
where --> denotes "includes" and the first two are typeclasses while the last two are types.
Why does ghc not conclusively infer that 2 is an Int, instead of "defaulting the constraints to Integer". Why is ghc defaulting anything? Is replacing 2 with 2 :: Int a good way to resolve this warning?
In Haskell, numeric literals have a polymorphic type
2 :: Num a => a
This means that the expression 2 can be used to generate a value in any numeric type. For instance, all these expression type-check:
2 :: Int
2 :: Integer
2 :: Float
2 :: Double
2 :: MyCustomTypeForWhichIDefinedANumInstance
Technically, each time we use 2 we would have to write 2 :: T to choose the actual numeric type T we want. Fortunately, this is often not needed since type inference can frequently deduce T from the context. E.g.,
foo :: Int -> Int
foo x = x + 2
Here, x is an Int because of the type annotation, and + requires both operands to have the same type, hence Haskell infers 2 :: Int. Technically, this is because (+) has type
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Sometimes, however, type inference can not deduce T from the context. Consider this example involving a custom type class:
class C a where bar :: a -> String
instance C Int where bar x = "Int: " ++ show x
instance C Integer where bar x = "Integer: " ++ show x
test :: String
test = bar 2
What is the value of test? Well, if 2 is an Int, then we have test = "Int: 2". If it is an Integer, then we have test = "Integer: 2". If it's another numeric type T, we can not find an instance for C T.
This code is inherently ambiguous. In such a case, Haskell mandates that numeric types that can not be deduced are defaulted to Integer (the programmer can change this default to another type, but it's not relevant now). Hence we have test = "Integer: 2".
While this mechanism makes our code type check, it might cause an unintended result: for all we know, the programmer might have wanted 2 :: Int instead. Because of this, GHC chooses the default, but warns about it.
In your code, (^) can work with any Integral type for the exponent. But, in principle, x ^ (2::Int) and x ^ (2::Integer) could lead to different results. We know this is not the case since we know the semantics of (^), but for the compiler (^) is only a random function with that type, which could behave differently on Int and Integer. Consider, e.g.,
a ^ n = if n + 3000000000 < 0 then 0 else 1
When n = 2, if we use n :: Int the if guard could be true on a 32 bit system. This is not the case when using n :: Integer which never overflows.
The standard solution, in these cases, is to resolve the warning using something like x ^ (2 :: Int).

What does has kind 'Constraint' mean in Haskell

I am fresh to Haskell and I am trying to understand the language by writing some code. I am only familiar with very simple instructions on ghci: head, tail, sum, (*), and the like – very simple.
The function I am trying to make is for solving Pythagoras's theorem for vectors of any number of dimensions. This looks something like this: square root (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 ...)
What I can do in ghci in a few lines, which I am trying to make a function is the following:
sq x = x*x
b = map sq [1,2,3]
a = sum b
x = sqrt b
When I do this I try to include a signature of many sorts,
Currently my function looks like this:
mod :: [Num a] => a
mod x = sqrt a
where a = sum [b]
where [b] = map sq [x]
I do not understand the issue when I try to run it:
Expected a constraint, but ‘[Num a]’ has kind ‘*’
• In the type signature:
Main.mod :: [Num a] => a
A few things to adjust:
0) mod isn't a good name for your function, as it is the name of the modulo function from the standard library. I will call it norm instead.
1) The type signature you meant to write is:
norm :: Num a => [a] -> a
[a] is the type of a list with elements of type a. The Num a before the => isn't a type, but a constraint, which specifies that a must be a number type (or, more accurately, that it has to be an instance of the Num class). [Num a] => leads to the error you have seen because, given the square brackets, the type checker takes it as an attempt to use a list type instead of a constraint.
Beyond the Num a issue, you have left out the result type from the signature. The corrected signature reflects that your function takes a list of numbers and returns a number.
2) The Num a constraint is too weak for what you are trying to do. In order to use sqrt, you need to have not merely a number type, but one that is an instance of Floating (cf. leftaroundabout's comment to this answer):
GHCi> :t sqrt
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
Therefore, your signature should be
norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a
3) [x] is a list with a single element, x. If your argument is already a list, as the type signature says, there is no need to enclose it in square brackets. Your function, then, becomes:
norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a
norm x = sqrt a
where a = sum b
where b = map sq x
Or, more neatly, without the second where-block:
norm :: Floating a => [a] -> a
norm x = sqrt (sum b)
where b = map sq x
As you are aware, values can be classified by their type. "foo" has type [Char], Just 'c' has type Maybe Char, etc.
Similarly, types can be classified by their kind. All concrete types for which you can provide a value have kind *. You can see this using the :k command in GHCi:
> :k Int
Int :: *
> :k Maybe Int
Maybe Int :: *
Type constructors also have kinds. They are essentially type-valued functions, so their kinds are similar to regular functions.
> :t id
id :: a -> a
> :k Maybe
Maybe :: * -> *
But what is Num a? It's not a type, so it doesn't have kind *. It's not a type constructor, so it doesn't have an arrow kind. It is something new, so a new kind was created to describe it.
> :k Num Int
Num Int :: Constraint
And Num itself is a Constraint-valued function: it takes a value of kind * and produces a Constraint:
> :k Num
Num :: * -> Constraint
A thing with kind Constraint is used to specify the typeclass that a particular type must be an instance of. It is the value that can occur before => in a type signature. It is also the "argument" to the instance "function":
instance Num Int where

why is this snippet valid with an explicit value, but invalid as a function?

I'm trying to work a problem where I need to calculate the "small" divisors of an integer. I'm just bruteforcing through all numbers up to the square root of the given number, so to get the divisors of 10 I'd write:
[k|k<-[1...floor(sqrt 10)],rem 10 k<1]
This seems to work well. But as soon as I plug this in a function
f n=[k|k<-[1...floor(sqrt n)],rem n k<1]
And actually call this function, I do get an error
f 10
No instance for (Floating t0) arising from a use of `it'
The type variable `t0' is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance Floating Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Floating Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
In the first argument of `print', namely `it'
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
As far as I undrestand the actual print function that prints the result to the console is causing trouble, but I cannot find out what is wrong. It says the type is ambiguous, but the function can clearly only return a list of integers. Then again I checked the type, and it the (inferred) type of f is
f :: (Floating t, Integral t, RealFrac t) => t -> [t]
I can understand that fshould be able to accept any real numerical value, but can anyone explain why the return type should be anything else than Integral or int?
[k|k<-[1...floor(sqrt 10)],rem 10 k<1]
this works because the first 10 is not the same as the latter one - to see this, we need the type signature of your functions:
sqrt :: Floating a => a -> a
rem :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
so the first one means that it works for stuff that have a floating point representation - a.k.a. Float, Double ..., and the second one works for Int, Integer (bigint), Word8 (unsigned 8bit integers)...
so for the 10 in sqrt 10 the compiler says - ahh this is a floating point number, null problemo, and for the 10 in rem 10 k, ahh this is an integer like number, null problemo as well.
But when you bundle them up in a function - you are saying n has to be a floating point and an integral number, the compiler knows no such thing and - complains.
So what do we do to fix that (and a side note ranges in haskell are indicated by .. not ...!). So let us start by taking a concrete solution and generalize it.
f :: Int -> [Int]
f n = [k|k <- [1..n'],rem n k < 1]
where n' = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
the neccessary part was converting the Int to a floating point number. But if you are putting that in a library all your users need to stick with using Int which is okay, but far from ideal - so how do we generalize (as promised)? We use GHCi to do that for us, using a lazy language we ourselves tend to be lazy as well.
We start by commenting out the type-signature
-- f :: Int -> [Int]
f n = [k|k <- [1..n'],rem n k < 1]
where n' = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral n
$> ghci MyLib.hs
MyLib > :type f
f :: Integral a => a -> [a]
then we can take this and put it into the library and if someone worked with Word8 or Integer that would work as well.
Another solution would be to use rem (floor n) k < 1 and have
f :: Floating a, Integral b => a -> [b]
as the type, but that would be kind of awkward.

Converting types in Haskell

I'm working on a conversion problem for homework, and am a complete Haskell newbie, so bear with me. On one of them, it asks us to attempt to get the type of a function to be:
fc :: (Bool, [Char]) -> Int -> Integer -> [Bool]
Without worrying about what the actual function does or anything. These functions will not be run, it is just a test to see if we can convert types correctly. So far the furthest I can get is this:
fc :: (Bool, [Char]) -> Int
fc (x, y) = ord (head y)
Where I am turning it into an Int. When I try to turn it into an Integer using the toInteger function, it gives me:
Couldn't match expected type `Int -> Integer'
with actual type `Integer'
In the return type of a call of `toInteger'
Probable cause: `toInteger' is applied to too many arguments
In the expression: toInteger (ord (head y))
Any tips for the new guy?
What I have been trying, for reference, is:
fc :: (Bool, [Char]) -> Int -> Integer
fc (x, y) = toInteger (ord (head y))
And I am getting the error above.
Your type signature is wrong. If you convert something you can't write it into the type signature. Only the last one is the return type. The others are parameter types.
Follow these:
fc (x,y) = toInteger . ord . head $ y
fc (x,y) n = if n == w then n else w
where w = toInteger . ord . head $ y
The others mentioned currying what is absolutely correct if your teacher expect it. But the conversions doesn't take place in the type sign.
As n.m. says, the idea this is getting at is called currying. Basically, in Haskell, any function takes a single value and returns a single value: a -> b.
So, given this restriction, how can we implement functions like addition, which need two parameters? The answer is that we implement a function which takes a number, and returns another function which takes a number and returns a number. Laying it out this way might clarify things:
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x = f where f y = x + y
(which is equivalent to add x y = x + y, as well as add = (+)).
In your case, you should read the error carefully: Couldn't match expected type Int -> Integer with actual type Integer In the return type of a call of toInteger means that Haskell is expecting fc to return a value of type Int -> Integer, because that's what your type signature says, but the definition you've provided will always produce a value of type Integer.

No instance for (Integral [t0]) error in Haskell code

I'm getting an error:
No instance for (Integral [t0]) when I run this haskell code.
boomBangs xs = [(a,b,c) |a<-[1..xs],b<-[1..xs],c<-[1..xs], xs <- xs `div` 2]
Where am I going wrong?
The problem is that you're trying to divide a list. In particular, xs `div` 2 is the incorrect expression.
You can get this from the error message: it's complaining that [t0] does not behave like an integer (e.g. it isn't in the Integral class). [t0] is just a list of stuff--the t0, being in lowercase, is a type variable that represntes any type.
Since lists of stuff aren't numbers, we can't really know how to divide them.
You can see why you get this exact error message by looking at the type of div:
div :: Integral i => i -> i -> i
All this means is that given some type i in the Integral class, you can divide two of them together to get a third. Since lists of things are not part of the integral class, you can't divide them and so you get an error.
If div had a concrete type like div :: Int -> Int -> Int, you would get an error telling you that it can't match the expected type Int with the actual type [t0]. However, since the type actually contains a variable i, the error is a bit more complex: [t0] cannot be a valid type to use in place of i because it is not in the Integral class.
What you said was:
Give me a tuple of a, b, and c:
[ (a, b, c)
For each a, b, and c in the list of values from 1 to xs1:
| a <- [1..xs1]
, b <- [1..xs1]
, c <- [1..xs1]
For each xs2 in the quotient of xs1 and 2.
, xs2 <- xs1 `div` 2
If you compile with warnings enabled (-Wall) or turn them on in GHCi (:set -Wall) then you’ll get a warning that the xs in xs <- ... shadows the xs in boomBangs xs = ..., and also that it’s unused. Obviously this kind of warning can be very helpful, as it points right to your problem.
Since xs1 is the input to your function, you end up with a type like this:
(Integral [t]) => [t] -> [([t], [t], [t])]
Which is to say that the function takes a list (xs1) that can act as a number ((`div` 2)) and gives you back a list of tuples of such lists. Even though you’re trying to divide a list by a number, GHC allows it and infers a more general type because you could have defined an Integral instance for lists. It only discovers that you haven’t when you actually try to use the function on a concrete type. Writing down type signatures can help keep the compiler grounded and give you better error messages.
I can only guess you meant for boomBangs to have a type like:
Integral t => [t] -> [(t, t, t)]
Or just:
[Int] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
In which case maybe you were thinking of something like this:
[ (a, b, c)
| x <- xs
, a <- [1..x `div` 2]
, b <- [1..x `div` 2]
, c <- [1..x `div` 2]
