Hosting azure app api on custom server - azure

I am working on xamarin android. I want to connect my local DB to my mobile app. For this i have created a azure app api with swagger. Now i want it to use it locally i.e. i don't want it to host on azure portal all i want is to host it on my static IP on which I have bought. I have searched for this question but can't find any thing related to it. Is there a way to host my azure app api on custom server?
Any help would be highly appreciated


An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. (localhost:5001)

I'm facing issue with my multiple project solution in .net core webAPI. I've gatewayAPI which internally makes call to different microservices via http call.
Gateway API URI exposed to outer world which has domain as azure app name but the internal calls from gateway to microservices are configured with http://localhost:5001/{apiEndPoint} which is working fine in my local machine but after deploying it on azure app service I'm getting below error:
PostToServer call URL:'http://localhost:5001/api/authservice/authenticate' with Exception message An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. (localhost:5001).
Can someone please help me with this, I'm new to azure and learning on my own but could not find any solution for this yet.
PS: After going through some YouTube videos and blogs I got to know we have to use AKS but I'm not confident in that.
Would really appreciate any help on this issue.
The Gateway API you deployed to azure app service, it doesn't support custom port usage for 5001. Azure App Service only supports port 80|443(HTTP|HTTPS).
If you must use multiple ports in your actual project, then it is recommended to check whether Azure Cloud Service meets your needs. But it not the best choice.
The Best Practice:
Microservices architecture design
In short,create a Azure Gateway service, and your other microservice can be deployed in any where.(azure app service, vm or aks)
You just make sure you can access your microservices in your internal or public network environment.
If you're just learning, or the app isn't actually used by a lot of users, you can try the following suggestions:
Use SignalR (not azure signalr) to replace the websocket in your current project.
You have on azure app service, you can deploy your Gateway API Application to app service, and your other microservices can be deployed to Virtual Application in azure app service.

Azure : Deploy Angular(Front-End) & Node (Back-End) app without VM

I am new to Azure. I have never used azure. So don't mind if this is some silly question.
I have a client who also doesn't know much about deploying.
I have angular/node apps. He wants to host on Azure WITHOUT using a VM.
I am not sure about azure. So i don't know how to deploy without VM.
I know to deploy with RDP(Remote Desktop).
Can anyone help me with this. Is there a way to deploy angular & node app without VM?
Is there any specific documentation for it? Which services will i need in Azure?
Thanks in advance!
Except Azure VM, there are normally two ways to deploy Node.js app on Azure which include App Service - Web Apps and Web Apps for Containers, please see the links below to know these guides.
For deploying Node.js app on Azure Web Apps.
Create a Node.js web app in Azure
Tutorial: Build a Node.js and MongoDB web app in Azure
To deploy the app with a ZIP file, or via FTP, cloud sync, or deploy continuously, or from local Git, etc. You can see more at the left sidebar of these pages.
For deploying Node.js app on Azure Web App for Containers, it's a simple way to deploy the app on Azure as similiar as on local docker.
Create a Node.js web app in Azure App Service on Linux
Build a Node.js and MongoDB web app in Azure App Service on Linux
To deploy via FTP, cloud sync, or deploy continuously, or from local git, etc. Also, you can see more at the left sidebar of these pages.
Some important tools will help deploying easier.
Deploy via VSCode, you can refer to these offical documents for WebApp(App Services) or Container(Docker Images).
To deploy on WebApp not Container, Kudu is a common tool for debuging and deployment. Meanwhile, for Node.js app, we need to use iisnode to connect IIS as revese proxy for your app, and configure the web.config file via follow the kudu wiki document. The Kudu wiki is very useful and valuable for new to Azure.
There are more details for this topic which can not be listed one by one at here, but the above these are necessary. The offical guide for Javascript developers is helpful for new to Azure.
Jay Gong posted a great answer for hosting on Azure. However, you might want to ask your client if s/he means s/he wants a micro services architecture. For more information on micro services, check out this link.
The other viable option would be an App Service (which is an Azure service that manages deployment and abstracts a lot away, but there's a VM under the hood)? Without a VM for hosting, it would be rather difficult to do anything in the cloud on Azure - the only other option is local hosting, which would be without Azure. I would argue that it ruins the purpose of using cloud services, as it seems your client is confused.

Assigning static IP to Node application in Google Cloud

I have delpoyed my Node.js application in Google Cloud and need to access our SQL database hosted in GCP. I am not able to configure static IP for the Node app to connect with DB.
Please suggest if configuring static IP in the Node app is the only way or any alternate way to permanently interact with the database hosted in the google cloud. Node app forms the backend of my android app.

microsoft azure hosted database and firewalls

I am doing mobile development on Xcode and using hosted database from Microsoft Azure.
I noticed there is firewall settings on Microsoft Azure in order to add clients.
How will this work when the mobile app is deployed? Should all ports be opened on the database? Or do I need to use Web Services?
How will this work when the mobile app is deployed? Should all ports
be opened on the database? Or do I need to use Web Services?
You should definitely NOT open all ports and direct connectivity to the database from mobile apps is strongly discouraged.
Recommended way would be to use some kind of service layer sitting between your mobile app and the database. All the requests from the app should go to this service layer which will perform database operations. This service layer could be deployed as Azure Mobile App Service, Azure API App Service or a Web API hosted in Azure Web Apps Service.

Azure Get Ip address of hosting server for Google Cloud Services

I have a Web Api 2 project that sends Push Notification to an android app via Google Cloud Services. Running locally, I can get my machine's ip address and set this in my included IP's for my service api in Google API console, which works fine. However, I now deployed to azure and this is no longer working. I did an ip looking on my site name, so for example, where the site is hosted, but this does not seem to work.
Is there a way I can get the ip address of the service that is hosting my asp web api project in azure?
Have a look at the following tutorial. This might help you out in finding out the the IP address of the web api project you have hosted on Azure.
