Azure Get Ip address of hosting server for Google Cloud Services - azure

I have a Web Api 2 project that sends Push Notification to an android app via Google Cloud Services. Running locally, I can get my machine's ip address and set this in my included IP's for my service api in Google API console, which works fine. However, I now deployed to azure and this is no longer working. I did an ip looking on my site name, so for example, where the site is hosted, but this does not seem to work.
Is there a way I can get the ip address of the service that is hosting my asp web api project in azure?

Have a look at the following tutorial. This might help you out in finding out the the IP address of the web api project you have hosted on Azure.


Azure API App Service not accessible with VIP but Working with URL

I have a API App With is accessible with URL. But VIP of same API is not working?
How can i Fix this?
I have checked same URL with NSLOOKUP Its showing same IP.
Azure App service Architecture is not based on the IP as like Azure Cloud Service. There is not way to Access the Azure APP via IP.
you can configure internal, External, Static IP for the APP but its for App's internal use only.

Connect to Azure App Service from Azure VM

I am planning on using an outsourcing team for data processing and want to avoid them downloading or storing client data on their local machines. To facilitate this, I want to create an Azure VM in which they can do all their work (msoft office, etc.) and access an ASP MVC app hosted as an app service in Azure. The MVC app is integrated with the corporate AD and for the outsourcing logins I want to see if the request is coming from my VM or the internet (the latter gets denied). So far I have:
Created a ASP MVC5 app and an Azure VM
Connected the two via VPN (point to site)
When I attempt to go to the public URL for the website on the VM, I get the "this page can't be displayed" thing, which leads me to believe I'm on the right track (now I have to update the hostfile of the machine to the private IP of the mvc app service app?). How do I do the following:
Connect to the app service via web browser (this needs to be over the vnet so that I can pick and choose in the app code who can login outside the network)
Get the network ip of the app service so I can update the VM hostfile
Am I on the right track here? Thanks in advance!
Your understanding of Azure App service is not accurate. Azure App service cannot be accessed via a private IP. They already sit inside a private vnet. They can be only accessed via public hostname with a common DNS name (
Your scenario requires the Azure Web app and the VM to reside in the same VNET, which is not possible. There is another offering called ILB ASE, which allows you to do this. But it's a more elaborate setup. See this for more information: Using ILB with AN ASE
In your scenario you can restrict access to the web app via IP Restrictions module. See this article: IP & Domain Restrictions in Azure App Service
I understand this not the solution u wanted. What you want can be achieved via ILB ASE, but that is an expensive and elaborate set-up.
you may want to try using cloud service, though MS recommends App Service, you requirement doesn't fit into App service..
Official documentation from MS:
Block a specific IP address
You can restrict an Azure web role access to a set of specified IP addresses by modifying your IIS web.config file. You also need to use a command file which unlocks the ipSecurity section of the ApplicationHost.config file.

Hosting azure app api on custom server

I am working on xamarin android. I want to connect my local DB to my mobile app. For this i have created a azure app api with swagger. Now i want it to use it locally i.e. i don't want it to host on azure portal all i want is to host it on my static IP on which I have bought. I have searched for this question but can't find any thing related to it. Is there a way to host my azure app api on custom server?
Any help would be highly appreciated

Azure App Service - My Host file

I published my app on Azure App Service.
I don't want to buy domain for now.
I just want to use my local Host file to connect to my Azure App with the futur domain I will buy.
I added an entry in host file:
But how could I configure my Azure App?
This will not work. Azure App Services work on the basis of DNS Names. By adding the above entry in the host file, the record will reach the App Services Front-End Servers. However, they will not be able to map the domain name to a web app and this will result in a 404 error.
You will have to map a domain name to your Azure Web App in order to get this working. This implies that you will need to own a domain name, this in turn implies that you need to buy a domain name. :-)
If you want to use an IP address, you can use a cloud service web worker role (probably with a reserved IP, if you don't want a dynamic IP) instead of an Azure web app.

Can't browse to Azure Cloud Service site URL

I've deployed an Azure cloud service (not a web site) and I'm trying to access it via a browser. When I attempt to browse to the 'site url', it times out. Nor can I ping the Public VIP listed in the Azure dashboard for the service. Hrm.
Now, if I log on to one of the instance VMs, fire up IIS Manager and find the IP address it has listed for the web site, I can browse to that one. Weird.
I'm sure I'm just thick and am missing something simple here. Can anyone point me in a good direction to make my service's site url browsable?
The service definition I'm using is, if that helps.
You can check the "endpoints" tab under the cloud service section of the Azure portal.
There should be an endpoint listed for HTTP that redirects to your VM. You can forward different public ports on the cloud service to individual ports on specific VMs within the cloud service.
