Batch generate height map from images - graphics

I have many many .png files and I'm looking for a way to generate height maps (or normal maps) for each of them. I can get the result I want from the gimp normalmap plugin but I need a way to automate the process or an alternative tool. I don't know enough about the underlying algorithms to reproduce them, and very little about cg in general. Is there a library or tool that will do this? I'm not picky about the language as long as the api/interface is high-level enough, though open source is preferable as I don't have access to fancy software at the moment. Thanks!

You can jsut script GIMP itself for that.
I don't know which plug-in you are calling 'normalmap' - or what you mean by 'height map' (height maps I know are just the grayscale version of the image) - but even if it is a third party plug-in, it should be possible to run it through the scripting interface.
Just go to plug-ins-> Python-FU->console - you will be dropped to a Python prompt. Click on the "browse" button - then locate the plug-on you want to call. If you click "apply" - the browser will paste a template for the plug-in call to the Python prompt.
SO, prior to doing that, you may want to test the call: open a sample image, go to the Python prompt, and get a reference to the image by typing:
image = gimp.image_list()[0], then get a reference to the first layer of the image typing drawable = image.layers[0] .
These should be all the data the call for your plug-in would need to be pre-created. Do as above to paste a call to your desired plug-in on the prompt. Note that the names image and drawable above are just variable names - you may chooseyour own - but these are the names that are usually pre-filled in when you pick "apply" from the "Browse" button for a procedure call.
Once you get it working up to here, you can leverage on Python to open all images in a folder, apply the plug-in, and save them back - you can typ e this directly on the console, or later, create a plug-in that will show up in the menus.
import os
for filename in os.listdir('mydir'):
if not filename.endswith('.png'): continue
name = 'mydir/' + filename
image = pdb.gimp_file_load(name, name)
pdb.plug_in_bump_map(......) # use your plug-in here
outputname = 'mydir/' + name.split('.')[0] + '_normal.png'
pdb.gimp_file_save(image, image.layers[0], outputname, outputname)
pdb.gimp_image_delete(image) # just frees the image from memory.
Just press twice and the sequence will be run for an entire folder.
(Note that if you want to run the "bump-map" plug-in there are several parameters that have to be replaced from variable names to the actual values you want).
If that is what you want, and you will be using it a lot, save it as a .py file, and put that code inside a proper function to turn it into a plug-in
- there is a fill examplee for that in my answer here:
GIMP: Create image stack from all image files in folder


apply same curve-color to tiff in batch in GIMP

I would like to apply a specific color curve to some 2000 .tif files.
I am a Windows user and so far I have used GIMP for photo editing.
Using Gimp 2.10 I was able to perform such task working on .JPG files using the batch Image Manipulation plug-in (bimp v 2.6;
Work flow so far for Jpegs in GIMP-2.10:
Using I created a color curve working on a jpg file (Colors-> curves).
once happy with corrections I saved the curve in an external file ("myset") which hasbeen saved in '\User\appData\roaming\gimp\2.10\curves'
using bimp plug in I choose Add->color correction
in the new window that pop-up I then select only the checkbox "change the color curv from external file" (or similar, menus are not in english...sorry) and navigate to my "myset" curve file.
finally run the batch
When I tried to do the same BUT WITH the .tif files, I got warnings of the kind "unknown filed tag encountered" at the step of importing in bimp the images to process.
That said, I can open the individual tif files in Gimp (File -> open...).
When I do, I still get the warnings "unknown filed tag encountered", but i can click "OK" on the message window and continue importing the file.
Now the "import TIFF" window show me a "Page 1" icon in the top part, then I can choose if opening the file as "levels" or "image". Both choices seem to give the same result.
At that point I can apply my "myset" curve to the file from the tool Colors-> curves.
One potential solution I've been thinking of is to write a script to do this and call it from the command line. I found something along that line here: .
I have no experience in writing script-fu scripts and very few on command line.
looking at the example in the above link I cannot figure out how/where to point to the "myset" curve in the script.
looking into the Procedure Brouser I do not know which is the one corresponding to the Color->curve tool. ( possibly someting like gimp-drawable-curves-splines, but again I dont know how to have that refer to "myset")
A copy of my "myset" curve and a some .tif esample files can be found here.
Dows anyone have suggestion on perform batch curve color changes on these tif files similarly to what I describe for the jpg? I am open to other solution then GIMP (but for example I cannot open those tif in rawtherappe - don't know why - so that is less of an option)
IMPORTANT: the I need to preserve the tiff metadata (they're georeferenced)

Opening a random file only knowing the extension name anywhere on the computer in python [duplicate]

I want to do the following:
Save numeric data in a CSV-like formatting, with a ".foo" extension;
Associate the ".foo" file extension with some python script, which in turns opens the .foo file, reads its content, and plots something with a plotting library (matplotlib most probably).
The use-case would be: double-click the file, and its respective plot pops up right away.
I wonder how I should write a python script in order to do that.
Besides, the windows "open with" dialog only allows me to choose executables (*.exe). If I choose "", it doesn't work.
This isn't really a programming question, but what you need to do is to figure out how to get the Python executable into the registry key that opens your data file.
For example, I created a little Python script called that looks like this:
import sys
Then I created a and used the "change" button in that file's property dialog to choose (You can do this if you click Browse and change the Open With dialog's file filter to "All Files".)
Of course this didn't work (as you noticed). So I opened regedit and searched for and found it at the following registry key:
The default value of this key was "C:\" %1. I changed it to python "C:\" %1. It worked!
Long story short, to do this properly you need to custom-edit the registry. Actually setting up the file association is more complex than just editing that one key (you have to also indicate that .foo is associated with
An alternative approach would be to turn your Python script into a standalone executable using one of the several tools available for that purpose, or write a small executable in C that launches the script.
press the windows key
type cmd
right click the result and choose "run as administrator"
assoc .foo=foofile
ftype foofile="C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\PYTHON~1\python.exe" "C:\<whatever>\" "%1" %*
Use pythonw.exe if it's a .pyw file (to prevent a cmd window from spawning).
If you want to use an existing file type, you can find its alias by not assigning anything. For example, assoc .txt returns .txt=txtfile.
instead of editing registry, you can create batch file
with content
python "C:\<whatever>\" %1
and associate extension with this file.
It works!

Script to paste a specific string into a text field with a hotkey

I am trying to find a way to paste a predefined string upon entering a specific keyboard sequence, on any app.
For example if I have to paste an url or a password into a field, I can have said password in a hidden script and when I press, say, [ctrl] + [5], it would write "example123" on the text field where my cursor is.
Ideally without copying to the clipboard (I'd prefer keeping what I have on my clipboard and also avoiding to paste a password or such by mistake elsewhere).
I have tried every solution I've found so far that include xclip, xdotool and xvkdb. All of them either do not work or are really inconsistent: They only paste the string sometimes, and when they do, it's usually only part of the string ("ample123" instead of "example123").
I thought of using compose key, which I heavily use anyway to write in french on an us keyboard, but it seems it only supports 1 character sequences, as nothing is printed when I modify my .XCompose to include custom output sequences of len > 1.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 with Gnome as a DE. Ideally something that also works when logging back (like compose keys).
You need to walk the Document Object Model for either Gnome or your web-page. My concern is that with a desktop script you wont be able to access the web page because you will need to be able to establish a target to send string to. I see in your question that you tried using using "x{tool-name}" to grab the text field element. Delivering the sting really isn't the problem. The problem is getting the GUI element of text box pragmatically. The easiest way to get access to this in a user loaded web-page is with WebExtensions API which is how to make extensions for most modern browsers. Otherwise, if you can get away with only having access to Gnome's GUI I would try LDTP, it's a library used for testing, but it looks like it can be used for automation too.
For keyboard shortcuts:
It really shouldn't matter what the script is doing to how you want to activate it. I would just go to Gnome/Settings/Keyboard and set the path to where I saved the script to be the Command. If you go the WebExtension route, you will want to build the shortcut into your extension.

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

how can I extract text contents from GUI apps in linux?

I want to extract text contents from GUI apps,here are 2 examples::
example 1:
Suppose I opened firefox, and input url :
how can I extract the string "" from firefox using my own app ?
example 2:
open calculator(using gcalctool),then input 1+1
How can I extract the string "1+1" of calculator from my own program?
in brief ,what I want is to find out whether there is a way to extract the text contents from any widget of an GUI application
I don't think there's a generic way to do this, at least not a very elegant one.
Some inelegant ideas:
You might be able to modify the X window system or even some toolkit framework to extract what is being displayed in specific window elements as text.
You could take a screenshot and use an OCR library to convert the pixels back into text for the interesting areas.
You could recompile the apps of interest to add some kind of mechanism for asking them questions.
You could use something like xtest to inject events highlighting the region of interest and copying it to the clipboard.
I believe firefox and gcalctool are for examples only and you just want to know in general how to pass output of one application to other application.
There are many ways to do that on Linux, like:
application1 | application2
btw here is the Firefox command line manual if you want to start firefox on Ubuntu with a URL. eg:
firefox "$url"
where $url is a variable whose value can be
That sounds difficult. Supposing you're running X11, you can very easily grab a window picture ( see "man xwd"); however there is no easy way to get to the text unless it's selected and therefore copied to the clipboard.
Alternatively, if you only want to capture user input, this is quite easy to do, too, by activation the X11 record extension: put this in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Section "Module"
Load "record"
#Load other modules you need ...
though it may prove difficult to use too, see example code for Xorg/X11 record extension fails
