Cannot run ionic 2 project on Windows while project created on Mac - node.js

My team and I are currently working on an Ionic 2 project (version 2.1.1) which is stored in Github in the purpose of version control, source code management and share related tasks. My project is created on a Mac platform while one of my teammate is using Windows. When he clones my project and runs it, He's not able to run with the following errors, whilst the others using Mac also are able to run.
So I have a doubt, is it the problem of OS (Mac, Windows) or I am confusing ?
This is the System Information of my team:
Errors we got on Windows when he serves and runs the project:
PS: I got stuck in this for 4 days in a row now, any ideas or suggestion is much appreciated. Thank you for spending your times :)


Imagemagick IIS install issue VBScript error "800a01ad"

I have Imagemagick running on a remote server and have had it running on a local server successfully for many years, but recently I have had need to reinstall on a new machine and can't for the life of me figure out what i'm doing wrong, It's probably really simple and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
WIN 10 running iis as localhost
Successfully installed Imagemagick 32 and 64 bit so they run on the local machine, however when try to access the localhost web page requiring Imagemagic I'm receiving the following message
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1'
my app pool is current set to allow 32bt application and as far as I am aware all permissions are correct, although I do believe this may be the issue somewhere.
Can anyone help to shed some light on this issue.
Thanks :-)
Resolved.. It turns out the latest version of Imagemagick 7.1.x does not ship with ImagemagickObject.dll, fortunately, I had a saved download .exe for an earlier version 7.0.8 which still had the .dll, once install I could copy imageMagickObject.dll to the system32 folder, after that everything worked as expected. Not sure what would replace this in my code if I have to ever user a newer version, if someone knows please add to the post.

Please wait while Windows configures Node.js - slow uninstall

I am new to this environment and working through the set up for Phoenix Framework.
I installed Node on Windows before someone recommended switching to LINUX. I need to uninstall it on Windows, but following the typical uninstall process produces:
enter image description here
Microsoft assistant said to leave it (expected to take 5 hours - it has now been over 24).

Is it possible to build a React-Native app for Windows in Linux?

Last Thursday I was asked to code fairly small app for an Android device and I went with React-Native. The app is now in the testing phase (it's really small) and I was asked again if we could also deploy the app on a Windows machine.
I code exclusively in Linux, but I also know about NW.js which does produce an output for both Linux, Mac and Windows regardless of the environment, so I said : "Sure! I'll see what I can do!"
But reading the react-native-windows' documentation, I'm not sure if that's possible. At least it is not clear to me.
So the question is not really "can it be done?" but rather "how can it be done?" I could request a Windows machine if I have to, but if I can avoid it I'd rather not go there because that would mean maintaining two computers where one'd be used only for that purpose, etc.
Edit : Basically, I am wondering if it is possible to generate an executable JAR archive of a React-Native project which then can be launched from any Java-supported desktop computer.

Using Manifoldjs with windows 10 10122 - has anyone got the app to show up?

Using manifoldjs on a windows 10 box - tried to use a simplistic site such as or even which is the demo used in Build 2015.
The app can install correctly with powershell and I am able to start the app but all I get is a blank screen and then in say 30 seconds the app quits.
Anyone had any success with the Hosted Web Apps in windows 10?
I know this is an older post but I just came across it. it sounds like the generator was using a different version of the manifest than what you build was on. We tried to stay with the most recent versions of each of the Insider releases.
The good news is we think we are on the final one now, and I'm guessing you are on a newer build as well. Head over to the issue log: or post a reply here if it's still not working for you.
If you are specifically looking to get a hosted web app working we do have a yo generator that gets one up and running.
Install yo generator
npm i -g gulp yo generator-appx
Create yo project
yo appx
To install a Windows 10 hosted app (Must be on Windows 10 of course, your build 10122 should work fine)
gulp appx:dev
I think someone from the ManifoldJS team will respond as well.
There is probably an error logged in Microsoft-Windows-AppHost. You may have to enable the diagnostics tracing by right-clicking on the log and choosing the option to enable tracing.

How to get started (Build) Presto on Windows

I see clear requirements that for building presto you need Mac OS/Linux.
I also see there are issues which are being discussed on getting windows support for Presto's build
What I don't see is a proper documentation of how to get started or a way around to get started with windows.
I found this link
but I am not sure is it going to help me in getting started with presto.
If anyone has done it please provide with some basic instructions that would be very helpful!
Presto does not currently support building or running on Windows. There is a community member slowly working on getting this to work, but it is not something Facebook is working on.
In the mean time, I suggest you use Vagrant or VirtualBox to run virtualized Linux on your Windows machine.
Someone at Microsoft got this working on Azure last year with a few tweaks.
