How to get started (Build) Presto on Windows - presto

I see clear requirements that for building presto you need Mac OS/Linux.
I also see there are issues which are being discussed on getting windows support for Presto's build
What I don't see is a proper documentation of how to get started or a way around to get started with windows.
I found this link
but I am not sure is it going to help me in getting started with presto.
If anyone has done it please provide with some basic instructions that would be very helpful!

Presto does not currently support building or running on Windows. There is a community member slowly working on getting this to work, but it is not something Facebook is working on.
In the mean time, I suggest you use Vagrant or VirtualBox to run virtualized Linux on your Windows machine.

Someone at Microsoft got this working on Azure last year with a few tweaks.


Imagemagick IIS install issue VBScript error "800a01ad"

I have Imagemagick running on a remote server and have had it running on a local server successfully for many years, but recently I have had need to reinstall on a new machine and can't for the life of me figure out what i'm doing wrong, It's probably really simple and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
WIN 10 running iis as localhost
Successfully installed Imagemagick 32 and 64 bit so they run on the local machine, however when try to access the localhost web page requiring Imagemagic I'm receiving the following message
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad'
ActiveX component can't create object: 'ImageMagickObject.MagickImage.1'
my app pool is current set to allow 32bt application and as far as I am aware all permissions are correct, although I do believe this may be the issue somewhere.
Can anyone help to shed some light on this issue.
Thanks :-)
Resolved.. It turns out the latest version of Imagemagick 7.1.x does not ship with ImagemagickObject.dll, fortunately, I had a saved download .exe for an earlier version 7.0.8 which still had the .dll, once install I could copy imageMagickObject.dll to the system32 folder, after that everything worked as expected. Not sure what would replace this in my code if I have to ever user a newer version, if someone knows please add to the post.

Cannot run ionic 2 project on Windows while project created on Mac

My team and I are currently working on an Ionic 2 project (version 2.1.1) which is stored in Github in the purpose of version control, source code management and share related tasks. My project is created on a Mac platform while one of my teammate is using Windows. When he clones my project and runs it, He's not able to run with the following errors, whilst the others using Mac also are able to run.
So I have a doubt, is it the problem of OS (Mac, Windows) or I am confusing ?
This is the System Information of my team:
Errors we got on Windows when he serves and runs the project:
PS: I got stuck in this for 4 days in a row now, any ideas or suggestion is much appreciated. Thank you for spending your times :)

I cannot run windows phone 8 emulator
Dear Experts,
I am a newbie to windows phone development and when running the project on VS2012, I get this error message (as shown in the link above)and I am not able to resolve it. Trying playing around with the settings on BIOS without any result.
Please assist me. Thanks a lot.
Mohammed Mohsen
Did you check if Hyper V is supported by your hardware ? you can read this to get an idea about how to check, that might be the cause

Android emulator constantly rebooting on Ubuntu Maverick

and thank you for your time.
I am using Titanium Appcelerator to write an app for Android, and as compared to Windows, where the emulator was quite stable, in Linux I get the following symptoms:
emulator restart with no reason, sometimes after a runtime error, sometimes right after launching my app, and sometimes just right after booting completely after being launched
emulator informs that "process $1 is not responding", where $1 is generally the system process, but sometimes may be acore, or the calendar. This may happen while installing my app on the emulator, right after loading it, or right after unlocking the screen.
As it is easy to imagine, testing code like this can be quite difficult, so I was wondering, has anyone else stumbled upon this problem, and/or know how it could be solved?
Thank you very much in advance, and pls let me know of any info I should provide.
You should verify that the emulator is working fine without Appcelerator first. Definitely update to the latest SDK (r8) and create a new emulator AVD and see if the problem is there without Appcelerator.
I think I found a solution, but I don't claim it is universally valid: I just erased the virtual device created under Titanium, changed the project file for it to use SDK 1.4.2, and had it launched again under 1.4.2. It certainly didn't build my app, but at least it created a new virtual device, which I use now to build against 1.5.0, working like a charm so far.
Thanks again Manfred for pointing me in the right direction!

How a Windows Developer can most easily get his software to work well under Wine

Many of my users have been telling me that they'd like to run my software on their Linux machines under Wine.
But I'm a Windows Developer who has practically no experience with Linux.
Now I could spend a month or two installing Linux, learning Linux, installing Wine, learning Wine, and thoroughly ensure my application runs well under Wine. But I am still developing for Windows, so I don't want to take so much time away from development right now.
So what can I do without too much effort to get my program running as well as possible under Wine?
I did find this General help on running applications under Wine.
Download VMWare and an Ubuntu virtual machine (Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution) from the VMWare site. This will provide you with a working Linux O/S inside your Windows environment without needing to install Linux manually.
You can then use the instructions here to install Wine, that Wiki page also provides you with some instructions on how to use it.
If you follow what Adam Rosenfield suggested and just try running your application in Wine unmodified, you will be able to determine quickly whether there are problems. My guess would be that there are some, otherwise your users would not have contacted you about it :)
There are many ways for getting help with debugging applications in Wine, consult the website for options and pick a few ways that suit you. As always, it's best not to rely on a single channel for communication.
Also, if you are more comfortable with developing in Windows, the approach of using a virtual machine will allow you to compile your code as usual in Windows and copy the binary into the virtual machine for testing (Ubuntu supports browsing/mounting Windows shares).
As long as you're not doing anything unusual such as playing around with hardware or poking around in undocumented API calls and data structures, you should be able to run your code under Wine with few or no modifications. Wine has a fairly complete implementation of the public Windows APIs, so if your program plays nice and doesn't mess around, it should just work.
Don't use too much of the windows API! Don't use anything new from Microsoft ;)
Avoid using WPF is the #1 suggestion.
But it really wouldn't kill you to test your app under Wine. It's not that hard to try; it certainly won't take months. For instance:
Use to install
Ubuntu into a file on your Windows machine, then start ubuntu and install the latest Wine from
Then try running your app's installer.
If it doesn't work, check the Wine FAQ, ask for help in one of the wine forums, and/or file bugs in wine's bug tracker.
Should take about three hours from a dead start to trying out your installer.
I was rather surprised when one of my Delphi5 applications just worked out of the zip.
The only real way this is going to work is to do it yourself, i.e. install vmware and a linux distro as Sean suggested. Linux isn't actually that hard, and we're all here to help.
Having done a quick test I can confirm that it largely works. There is an ACCVIO reading 0x34 during start up, the error dialog can be ignored and the application runs, I opened the Steve McCarthy GEDCOM.
This was using Wine 1.1.12 under MEPIS 7.9.94-rc1_32 under VMWare. Highly recommend to use VMWare for this sort of thing.
What language/platform do you develop with? Depending on which it is, it should be no trouble to get it running native. For example, if you use Java or Python, both operate very cleanly on Linux. Likewise, if you're a .NET developer, you should be able, with some pain, to get your app running in Mono.
Find Linux beta testers. It can reports a bug to WINE developers or find a bug in your application.
Wine is more sensitive to errors than Windows. For example, Wine will crash on NULL window handles, and fail to create windows if the class is invalid, whereas Windows is more robust and will just circumvent the error.
It's an opportunity to clean up your code.
I was amazed at how well Wine ran my app the first time I tried. However, I had to get rid of a third-party driver-based component.
