Dynamics Sub Grid (+) behavior in Multi-Solution Environment - dynamics-crm-2011

I have Quote Line Entity in Solution-1. I have customized "Add New Record" (+) button in Solution-1. Similarly I have customized "Add New Record" (+) ribbon button in Solution-2. Both of them are managed solutions.
If I Import both the solutions one on top of the other, Will one over write the ribbon customizations of previously installed solution ?

Yes, it would, remember customizations essentially all boil down to XML. CRM stores customizations as XML, so importing solution on top of another which target similar attributes, elements end up overwriting the XML (customization).


Add Solver to Custom Ribbon to Show the Solver Parameters Dialog Box

The goal is to add the standard Solver button to a custom ribbon.
Background: I have code that creates a Solver model automatically using custom ribbon buttons. However, before actually running Solver, I would like the user to verify, and modify as necessary, the automatically-generated Solver model - by showing the Solver Parameters dialog box. For the user's convenience, I want to put the standard Solver button on my custom ribbon.
Problems were:
Solver does not have an official Microsoft msoImage or onAction item. So, I created my own button that called SolverOkDialog(). BUT,...
SolverOkDialog does not display the Solver Parameters dialog box (at least I couldn't get it to do so).
Big picture: Grab the icon and link from Solver.xlam.
Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Library\SOLVER\SOLVER.XLAM to a new file, Solver.zip.
Copy ….zip\customui\images\solver_icon.png to someplace convenient.
Using your favorite ribbon xml editor(1) assign solver_icon to RibbonX14.
Insert the following code to your custom ribbon:
<button id="btnSolver"
supertip="What-if analysis tool that finds the optimal value of a target cell by changing values in cells used to calculate the target cell."/>
I hope this helps someone.
If I am missing something, please let me know.
​(1) I use Leaf Creations Office ​Ribbon Editor because it is simple, functions well, and it is Creative Commons compliant.

Design-time support on composite control

I'm creating a specific DataGridView control that includes two scrollbars so that I can control their size and visibility. So, I have created a User control that contains the DataGridView and the two scrollbars inside a 2x2 TableLayoutPanel.
The issue I'm facing is that when I add my control to a Windows Form, I can't set my DataGridView's DataSource or define the column styles from the design view, because the link that I use for that when I use a common DataGridView (that little white arrow appearing on the top right side of the DataGridView) is not appearing.
While doing some testing, I saw that if I inherit my control from DataGridView, that link appears. But if I do that, I guess that I can only extend the functionality for the DataGridView, but I need my control to be a composite control.
So, that's my question: how can I get those design-time capabilities on my custom control? I am specially interested on the columns layout and the datasource.
Best regards.
If you are doing a usercontrol (a control that has an .ascx codebehind file) there seems to be no way to control this:
How to hide the inner controls of a UserControl in the Designer?
If you are doing a WebControl (a class that inehrits from WebControl with no .ascx file) you may create your own designer and maybe somehow output the designers of both conrols. Have a look at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/12yydcke.aspx it explains how to create a webcontrol and its desgner.
Some things with usercontrols/webcontrols seem to be easy but are hard to implement...
Hope this helps!

Accessing Ribbon Controls Programatically in an XML Ribbon

For programming Office Add-ins using C# 4.0, Microsoft provides two different ways of creating and/or modifying the Ribbon interface: you can use the Ribbon Designer or define the Ribbon's layout in Ribbon XML.
If you create a ribbon using the Ribbon designer, the class generated in the code behind has visibility to all the controls you've placed on the ribbon. So if I've placed a RibbonDropDown called "dropdown1", I could use the following code to add an item to it:
RibbonDropDownItem item = Factory.CreateRibbonDropDownItem();
item.Label = submatrix.Name;
item.Tag = submatrix;
However, if you create the same Ribbon using Ribbon XML, dropDown1 or Factory aren't found ("The name does not exist in the current context").
Is there a way to access the items added to a Ribbon XML-defined ribbon in code?
Might be a little late, but hopefully this helps someone.
I was utterly confused about this same issue. Turns out, you can only access these controls as string ids, and the model is heavy on invalidation events. So for example, when you get a button click via onAction method, you only have the sender's id from the control object, however, in this event handler, you can invalidate the other controls and have their events called using
check out this MS Lab, it has everything you need to get up and running

How to reset SharePoint 2010 List forms from InfoPath to the default forms?

I've converted a Custom List forms to use InfoPath forms using SharePoint Designer, now I want to revert this back and return to the normal New, Edit and Details forms.
How can I achieve this?
Edit: Here is what I did
In SharePoint Designer 2010 I Clicked on Lists and Libraries
Click on the List I modified
In the Ribbon I select Design Forms in InfoPath in Actions Group
I started to design the form like I want
I published the modifications to the List
Now I want to undo what I did and return to the normal New, Edit and Details forms
List -> List Settings -> there is some InfoPath forms server settings link that leads to the page where you can remove customization.
Changing default Edit/New pages will not help - you need to modify pages for default content type of this list if you want to go this route.
You should be able to do this in SharePoint without needing SP Designer.
Navigate to the list in SharePoint.
On the List ribbon bar, click List Settings.
Under General Settings, click Form Settings link (bottom of first column).
Select the Use the default SharePoint Form option.
You can also opt to delete the custom form by checking Delete the InfoPath Form from the server.
If you created new forms, in sharepoint designer, set the orginal dispform.aspx, editform.aspx and upload.aspx as default.
if you changed the original files, from the navigation pane, go to "All files" --> "/lists/your list" or "your library" --> forms.
Right click the changed files (a blue icon should be present) and then click on "Reset to site definition"
Please note that if you go into the List Settings and click on Form Settings you should see "Infopath" or "Sharepoint" as an option. If you do not see that the form hasn't been checked back in. Open the form back up in Infopath, Publish the form, then go back to your sharepoint list settings and select "Form Settings" from there you should now see the sharepoint option. Select that and you should be good.
If you are looking to hide some of the questions but still see them in Data View (alot of the reason why some of us are doing our forms in infopath) you can actually hide some of them by going to "Advanced Settings" and turning on "Allow Management of Content Types" then going into content type by selecting your list, and from there you can make all the changes by clicking on the column item. This is a great way to hide columns you don't need everyone seeing that you may need to make updates to (lookup columns etc)

SharePoint 2007 - add additional menu to Global Navigation in a Master Page

In the source code for a master page, there is a section that has the following ASP.NET item: . This contains the "Welcome (User Name)" and Site Actions menus.
How do I create an additional menu that is similar to the look and feel of the Welcome menu? I've tried to create Front End HTML that behaves similar to the out of the box SharePoint menus, but it isn't quite right. I would prefer to utilize an ASP.NET or SharePoint control that acts similar to the SharePoint menu if that is possible.
For example, is <SharePoint:AspMenu> the appropriate control to use?
i am sure you will get better answer than this but just wanted to point what i have done to do this
i have added javascript library (JQuery) (for some other reason ) and when time come to do this thing i just added a JQuery code that creates another item in the navigation list with appropriate style and css class with the needed link and caption.
You could try another instance of the PersonalActions control with a custom GroupId. But when the control is rendered, it might also say "Welcome, [User]" just like the original.
