Dynamic URL Goal Set up in Google Analytics - dynamic-pages

I need to to set up goal in Google Analytic:-
Step 1: /PaymentAddress?prodID=171364
Step 2: /order-step3.php?prodID=171364
Step 3: /thank-you-page.php
Please suggest me how can i set up goal for these dynamic page urls.

You need to qualify the dynamic portions of the URLs:
Step 1: ^/PaymentAddress\?prodID=.*
Step 2: ^/order-step3.php\?prodID=.*
Step 3: ^/thank-you-page.php


Facets count limit 5 in Azure cognitive search site autogenerated

first of all I am not familiar with javascript but I saw the easy way azure search generator offers a portal with search features and I used it to make a search portal for more than 100K files. Everything is fine except that I'm facing the same issue of the limit of 5 facets mentionned in this old post (Facet count in Azure cognitive search (Automagic)). Using search explorer I can see the request url needed (example : facet=category,count:10 / https://xxxxxsearch.search.windows.net/indexes/azureblob-index/docs?api-version=2020-06-30-Preview&search=*&facet=category%2Ccount%3A10) but can't figure out where to put this in search app hmtl page or how I can parse it to automagic to consider this.
thank you Gaurav for your feedback. no, that part is clear for me. Please let me show an example of what I want to achieve.I generated a search a portal using AzSearchGenerator and for this sample I have 7 files with the same metadata key but with 7 differents values (blob-content-files). I am seeking a way to override the limit of 5 checkboxfacets in the search portal generated (check here : portal-search-generated). Is there a way to change this by including the request url with count parameter higher than 5 checkboxes (storage-explorer-request ) to update the automagic instance in the html code (automagic-intialization-html).
Could you please advice me how I can complete this.
If I understand correctly, you're looking for a way to specify facet parameter in Search Explorer in Azure Portal.
Simply add &facet=category,count:10 in the Query string field and that should do the trick. For example, see the screenshot below.
I finally found which parameter to update. In the AzSearch.bundle.js referenced in in the html page (see printscreen parameter to change), the default value is at line 44 on the checkboxfacet part. I just updated it with the right value, in my case I put count:30 and now I have more than 5 items in the checkboxes.
Result after change

How to attach the screenshot to each step in ExtentReport?

I'm trying to use ExtentReport with Cucumber v4. I'm able to generate the execution report at the end of the test case, including the proper step list (for all steps that were executed) with their screenshots.
However, although the screenshots are properly generated, the link that ties the step with its respective screenshot seems to be broken (when clicking on it, nothing happens).
Any ideas of what should I try?
Thanks in advance!

Skip the steps after certain condition

Is there any way to skip the steps after certain condition and get the scenario result passed.
My scenario is this: check for a certain product if that product is not visible skip the remaining steps and result should be passed
Please check this answer. The answer is in Ruby and not in Java, but the condition is the same. You can also use this example if this is your use case.
Thanks Royg,
But found the answer - we can use Assume.True(condition) - to halt the execution and remaining steps will be skipped with scenario status passed
But in the cucumber report, this scenario will not be shown as JSON was not created yet

Disable one of the direct download link

we offer some freeware and I created text counter to count the downloads but some of the visitors or web pages uses direct link instead of my
txt counter's links for example
My text counter's link is:
Direct link is:
is it posible to disable second direct link but allow the only firs direct link (there are more than 20 links like that)

How to load my silverlight user control step by step?

how can i load my silverlight user control step by step? what we can see is one completes, after 1 second the other starts.... Thanks very much if can provide a demo.
Can you use a TransitionControl like this: http://demos.telerik.com/silverlight/#TransitionControl/FirstLook
Then you can manually set a timer in code behind to switch the content every second or so?
