Fetch excel files from FTP server and save in Google Drive - excel

The requirement is to upload an excel file to Google Drive which file is initially being stored on an FTP server.
I would like to know if it is Possible achieving this through Google App Script. If not App script, is there any way in which we can fetch files from the FTP server and then upload it to Google Drive.
I found out about the Class UrlFetchApp.
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://www.google.com/");
makes request to fetch url.
UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://example.com/upload_form.cgi", parameters);
Makes a request to fetch a URL using optional advanced parameters.
I don't know if the above 2 methods would be of any use.

Well, I found on this thread that FTP access is currently unavailable for Google Drive.
But I found a tutorial here that can connect or integrate Google Drive to FTP. This tutorial use a multiple cloud storage manager that easily combine the two services together.
So if you are interested with it, just read the tutorial link to know more about MultCloud.


Read Words from a PDF or DOC file in React or Firebase Cloud Functions

I have a simple React application (with no back-end servers), hosted on Firebase.
The application takes in a file(either a word document or a pdf) and stores it in firebase storage and stores the metadata in firestore.
I have a requirement to read the number of words in the file and if it is more than 500, block the upload.
I have been searching for a way to do this using just React and i think it cant be done. The other option i have is to use Cloud Functions in Firebase which use NodeJs and even with that i am not finding any solution to do this.
At this point in time, i cant setup a proper back-end server to do this work.
I would be grateful if someone can point me in the right direction to solve this.
A few pdf readers exist for node which can be installed in Cloud Functions since most don't support in browser. It is advised to upload the pdf to storage to save processing issues, simply add the reference path to the Cloud Function payload and delete it after completion.
pdfreader at this current time the best available for PDF's parsing, but requires a node environment such as Cloud Functions.
The second issue is reading image-based pdf's which require OCR, link provided.

Script in server saving locally

I wrote a script that is using slack API to parse AWS S3 files looking for strings or samples. As this is in testing, I'm using my local machine and ngrok to forward localhost traffic.
The thing is that the generated files are getting stores in my machine and will be stored in server once the script is ready for production.
Ideally, I'd like to avoid users needing to grab files from server. Do you think it's possible to store directly in user local machine?
No. Slack does not allow you to access the local machine of their users through a Slack app / API.
Solution 1: Download via browser
The easiest solution would be to offer a direct download link in a Slack message, e.g. via a Link button. Once the user clicks it he is prompted to download the file to his local machine.
Here is an example from one of my apps:
And once you click it you get this window:
To enable downloading via browser you need to set appropriate headers and send the file contents to the browser.
One approach is to have a helper script for the actual download and include a link to the helper script in the link button (you may also want to include some parameters in the link that defines what which file is downloaded).
The helper script then does the following:
Fetch the file to be downloaded (e.g. an PNG image)
Set headers to enable downloading via browser
Send the file to the browser
Here is an example in PHP:
$filename = "demo.png";
$file = file_get_contents($filename);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=' . $filename);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo $file;
For more infos on download headers see also this answer on SO.
Solution 2: Upload to Slack
Alternatively you could upload the file to the user's Slack workspace via file.upload API method. That way the user does not need to download anything and and you can remove the file from your server after your app has finished processing.

Rest API - Uploading large files to S3 using Pre-signed URLs and updating backend on success

I am building Stateless REST APIs for a browser-based platform that needs to store some user-generated files. These files could potentially be in the GBs.
I am using AWS S3 for storage. I have used AWS SDK in the past for this to route the file uploads through the NodeJS server (Basically - Upload to Server, Server uploads to S3).
I am trying to figure out how to improve it using the Pre-signed urls. I understand the dynamics and the flow on how to get the presigned urls and how to upload the file to S3 directly.
I cannot use SQS or Lambda to trigger object created event.
The architecture needs to be AWS independent.
The simplest of flows I need to achieve is pretty common -
User --> Opens Profile
Clicks Upload Photo
Client Sends Request to /getSignedUrl
Server Returns the signedURL for the file name/type
The client executes the PUT/POST request to upload the file to the signedUrl
Upload Successful
After this - my understanding is -
Client tells the server - File Uploaded Successfully
Server associates the S3 Url for the Photo to the User.
...and that's my problem. How do I associate the successfully uploaded file back to the user on the server in a secure way?
Not sure what I've been missing. It seems like a trivial use case but I haven't been able to find anything regarding it.
1/ I think for the avatar, you should set it as public-read.
When create signed upload url in the
GET: /signed-upload-url
You need to set the image as public-read. After that you are free to interact with image through the direct url. Since this is an avatar, so you can compress it, reduce the size of image by the AWS Lambda function.
2/ If you don't want to have the public-read, you need to associate with server to get signed-download-url to interact with image
GET: /signed-download-url

using backend files nodejs

Sorry, It might be very novice problem but I am new to node and web apps and just have been stuck on this for couples of days.
I have been working with a API called "Face++" that requires user to upload images to detect faces. So basically users needed to upload images to my webapps backend and my backend would do an API request with that image. I somehow managed to upload the files at my node's backend using tutorial provided below but now I am struggling how to use those image files. I really don't know how to have access to those files. I thought writing just the filepath/filename would help but it did not. I am really new at webapps.
I used tutorial from here: https://coligo.io/building-ajax-file-uploader-with-node/
to upload my files at back-end.
You can also use the Face++ REST API node client
As per in documentation it requires a live URL on web. Then you have to upload your files into remote location (You may upload files to a Amazon S3 Bucket)
And also you check the sample codes from Documentation where you can upload directly to Face++

Google apps script in HTML

Is it possible to use google apps script in my HTML? I want to be able to write to a spreadsheet from a form in purely Javascript from an external framework such as Node.js.
Google Apps Script's syntax is Javascript, however it is a unique server-side framework that does not behave as a library to applications outside of the Apps Script servers. (No, you won't be able to use Google Apps Script in your node.js app.)
However, that doesn't mean that your node.js app (or any other app on the web) can't interact with your spreadsheet. For instance, your app could authenticate as you using the OAuth API, then access the spreadsheet through the Google Drive API. For an example of this, see Accessing Google Spreadsheets from Node.js
Alternatively, you could roll your own spreadsheet API in Google Apps Script, to support read / write of your sheet via HTTP requests from your node.js app. There are plenty of examples of that, for example Insert new rows into Google Spreadsheet via cURL/PHP - HOW?.
Sure you can. You can use HtmlService to create your web form, then send the submission data to your Spreadsheet with server functions.
Nowadays you could use the Google Apps Script API to call your Google Apps Script code from other platforms like Node.js, actually the official docs include a quickstart for Node.js.
You can you use HtmlService, but maybe can be helpfull to read the Google Hosted Libraries https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries/
To use a Javascrtip library inside GAS, I recommend JQuery.
But Maybe, you can use Node.js inside your external website and make a AJAX Request (get or post) to a GAS and return from GAS this:
ContentService.createTextOutput(e.parameter.callback + "("+Utilities.jsonStringify(JSONDATA)+")").setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.JSON);
After that, process it inside your AJAX request...
Mogsad is right that you might be better of with Google Drive API to interact with your Spreadsheet!
...But depending on your exact need you might have some possible interaction between external service and google apps scrip using Content service Google Dev link.
Content Service can send back several information upon GET request (ATOM, CSV, ICAL, JAVASCRIPT, JSON, RSS, TEXT, VCARD, XML). By playing around with url parameters you can get information out and in a spreadsheet, send an email, trigger some action etc!.
But that is far from a real external library and direct interaction with server side functions!
