Redirect program output to a file but not at the end of the runtime - linux

i want to Redirect the output from a program to a file in Linux console. I found the soultion to use the ">" command . But it doesn`t work for me.
I need the output during the runtime of the program not at the end of the runtime. Because the program streams the Progress (Percent) to stdout. I have no possibility to install new Tools to the Linux System.
The program does a update function:
**The expected Output is:
( The Perecent is moving during the program ((from 0 -100 %) )
# erase
# load file XXX
# 100%
# erase
# load file XXX
# 100%
only 100 Percent Information at the end of the program is recorded. Not while the program is running. For me its important to get the percent information while the program is runing and at the end. I want to visualize the Percent in a detached GUI.

Have You tried piping to tee ? here are some examples.
echo "text" | tee /home/yourusername/file
bash | tee /home/yourusername/somescript.log

How about:
$ nohup program > output.txt ; tail -f output.txt
nohup runs program in the background redirecting it's output to a file
tail -f streams the end of the file on the screen
This of course means that you can't interact with the program while it's running.


How to use set -x without showing stdout?

Within CI, I am running a bash script that calls many bash scripts.
./internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" > /dev/null
This doest not disable the stdout returned by the script.
The Gitlabi-CI runners stop logging after 100MB of log, It says Job's log exceeded limit of 10240000 bytes.
I know the log script can only grow up.
How can I optimize the output log size?
I don't need to have all the stdout, I can have stderr but then it will be a long running script without information.
Is there a way to display the commands which is running like when doing set -x?
Reading the answers, I was not able to solve my issue. I need to add that I am using nodejs to run the bash script that run the long bash script.
This is how I call my node script within .gitlab-ci.yml:
- node my_script.js
Within my_script.js, I have:
exports.handler = () => {
const ls = spawn('bash', [path.join(__dirname, '')], { stdio: 'inherit' });
ls.on('close', (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.log(`ps process exited with code ${code}`);
process.exitCode = code;
Within, I have:
./internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" > /dev/null
You can selectively redirect file handles with exec.
exec >stdout 2>stderr
This however loses the connection to the terminal, so there is no simple way to output anything to the terminal after this point.
You can instead duplicate a file handle with m>&n where m is the number of the file descriptor to duplicate and n is the number of the new one (choose a big number like 99 to not accidentally clobber an existing handle).
exec 98<&1 # stdout
exec 99<&2 # stderr
exec >/dev/null 2>&1
To re-enable output,
exec 1<&98 2<&99
If you redirected to a temporary file instead of /dev/null you could obviously now show the tail of those files to the caller.
tail -n 100 "$TMPDIR"/stdout "$TMPDIR"/stderr
(On a shared server, probably use mktemp to create a unique temporary directory at the beginning of your script; static hard-coded file names make it impossible to run two builds at the same time.)
As you usually can't predict where the next error will happen, probably put all of this in a wrapper script which performs the redirection, runs the build, and finally displays the tail end of the temporary log files. Some build servers probably want to see some signs of life in the log file every few minutes, so perhaps tail a few lines every once in a while in a loop, too.
On the other hand, if there is just a single build command, the whole build job's stdout and stderr can simply be redirected to a log file, and you don't need to exec things back and forth. If you need to enable output selectively for portions of the script, use exec as above; but for wholesale redirection, just redirect the one command.
In summary, maybe your build script would look something like this.
t=$(mktemp -t -d cibuild.XXXXXXXX) || exit
trap 'kill $buildpid; wait $buildpid; tail -n 500 "$t"/*; rm -rf "$t"' 0 1 2 3 5 15
# Your original commands here
${initial_process_wd}/internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}">"$t"/stdout 2>"$t"/stderr &
while kill -0 $buildpid; do
sleep 180
tail -n 1 "$t"/*
A flaw with this approach is that you lose timing information. A proper solution woud let you see when each line was produced, and display standard output and standard error intermixed in the order the messages were printed, perhaps with visible time stamps, and even with coloring hints (red time stamps for stderr?)
Option 1
If your script will output the error message to stderr, you can ignore all output to stdout by using command > /dev/null, where /dev/null is a black hole that will take away any output to it.
Option 2
If there's any pattern on your error message, you can use grep to filter out those error messages.
Edit 1:
To show the command that is running, you can supply -x command to bash; therefore, your command will be
bash -x ${initial_process_wd}/internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" > /dev/null
bash will print the command executed to stderr
Edit 2:
If you want to reduce the size of the output file, you can pass it to gzip by using ${initial_process_wd}/internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" | gzip > logfile.
To read the content of the logfile, you can use zcat logfile.

Why is the command in /proc/XXX/cmdline truncated but not the arguments

I have a small bash script
echo $(cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline | strings -1)
I call this script from a perl script which is run through nginx.
my $output_string = `/tmp/`;
print $output_string;
When I load this in a browser, the result is something like:
/mnt/my_working_d -d /etc/my_httpd -f /etc/my_httpd/conf/httpd.conf
The location of the perl script is indeed somewhere in /mnt/my_working_directory/.... but why is this truncated and is there anyting I can do to log the whole command. I don't think the cmdline limit of 4k characters (?) which seems hardcoded in the kernel applies here.

Update Bash commands every 2 seconds (without re-running code everytime)

for my first bash project I am developing a simple bash script that shows basic information about my system:
MHZ=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq)
TEMP=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)
#UPTIME shows the uptime of the device
#MHZ shows the overclocked specs
#TEMP shows the current CPU Temperature
echo "$UPTIME" #displays uptime
echo "$MHZ" #displays overclocked specs
echo "$TEMP" #displays CPU Temperature
MY QUESTION: How can I code this so that the uptime and CPU temperature refresh every 2seconds without re-generating the code new every time (I just want these two variables to update without having to enter the file path again and re-running the whole script).
This code is already working fine on my system but after it executes in the command line, the information isn't updating because it executed the command and is standing by for the next command instead of updating the variables such as UPTIME in real time.
I hope someone understands what I am trying to achieve, sorry about my bad wordings of this idea.
Thank you in advance...
I think it will help you. You can use the watch command for updating that for every two seconds without the loop.
watch ./
It will give you the update of that command for every two second.
watch - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
Not sure to really understand the main goal, but here's an answer to the basic question "How can I code this so that the uptime and CPU temperature refresh every two seconds ?" :
while :; do
MHZ=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq)
TEMP=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp)
#UPTIME shows the uptime of the device
#MHZ shows the overclocked specs
#TEMP shows the current CPU Temperature
echo "$UPTIME" #displays uptime
echo "$MHZ" #displays overclocked specs
echo "$TEMP" #displays CPU Temperature
sleep 2
I may suggest some modifications.
For such simple job I may recommend no to use external utilities. So instead of $(cat file) you could use $(<file). This is a cheaper method as bash does not have to launch cat.
On the other hand if reading those devices returns only one line, you can use the bash built-in read like: read ENV_VAR <single_line_file. It is even cheaper. If there are more lines and for example you want to read the 2nd line, you could use sg like this: { read line_1; read line2;} <file.
As I see w provides much more information and as I assume you need only the header line. This is exactly what uptime prints. The external utility uptime reads the /proc/uptime pseudo file. So to avoid to call externals, you can read this pseudo file directly.
The looping part also uses the external sleep(1) utility. For this the timeout feature of the read internal could be used.
So in short the script would look like this:
while :; do
# /proc/uptime has two fields, uptime and idle time
read UPTIME IDLE </proc/uptime
# Not having these pseudo files on my system, the whole line is read
# Maybe some formatting is needed. For MHZ /proc/cpuinfo may be used
read MHZ </sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
read TEMP </sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
# Bash supports only integer arithmetic, so chomp off float
echo "Uptime: $UPTIME_HOURS hours"
echo $MHZ
echo $TEMP
# It reads stdin, so pressing an ENTER it returns immediately
read -t 2
This does not call any external utility and does not make any fork. So instead of executing 3 external utilities (using the expensive fork and execve system calls) in every 2 seconds this executes none. Much less system resources are used.
you could use while [ : ] and sleep 2
You need the awesome power of loops! Something like this should be a good starting point:
while true ; do
echo 'Uptime:'
w 2>&1 | sed 's/^/ /'
echo 'Clocking:'
sed 's/^/ /' /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
echo 'Temperature:'
sed 's/^/ /' /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
echo '=========='
sleep 2
That should give you your three sections, with the data of each nicely indented.

What is the order of redirection in terminal?

I want to take input from file input.txt and write output of execution to output.txt What is the right order? The below does not work.
./a.out < input.txt > output.txt
Do I have to wait for execution to complete for it to be written? I usually break in the middle to see if o/p is getting written as run time is very high.
This C program (P1) iterates through a loop and feeds the loop value x to a system() call which calls another C program (P2) using ./P2 < x. Program P2 executes for each value of x and outputs to screen. I want to the complete output of both programs to output.txt.
If you're killing the command before it finishes, this is probably a buffering issue. Line-buffered terminal output and block-buffered file output are default behaviors in the C stdio library, so redirection can cause output to be buffered until a few kilobytes have been written.
Some programs have a command line option to force line-buffered or unbuffered output. They do this by calling setvbuf. If that a.out is a program you wrote, you could addsetvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
If the program is not yours and you can't recompile it, there is a utility called stdbuf that might help, as in stdbuf -oL ./a.out < in > out
stdbuf is kind of a kludge though. I wouldn't use it unless there is no other option.

stdout all at once instead of line by line

I wrote a script that gets load and mem information for a list of servers by ssh'ing to each server. However, since there are around 20 servers, it's not very efficient to wait for the script to end. That's why I thought it might be interesting to make a crontab that writes the output of the script to a file, so all I need to do is cat this file whenever I need to know load and mem information for the 20 servers. However, when I cat this file during the execution of the crontab it will give me incomplete information. That's because the output of my script is written line by line to the file instead of all at once at termination. I wonder what needs to be done to make this work...
My crontab:
* * * * * (date;~/bin/RUP_ssh) &> ~/bin/RUP.out
My bash script (RUP_ssh):
for comp in `cat ~/bin/servers`; do
ssh $comp ~/bin/ca
You can buffer the output to a temporary file and then output all at once like this:
outputbuffer=`mktemp` # Create a new temporary file, usually in /tmp/
trap "rm '$outputbuffer'" EXIT # Remove the temporary file if we exit early.
for comp in `cat ~/bin/servers`; do
ssh $comp ~/bin/ca >> "$outputbuffer" # gather info to buffer file
cat "$outputbuffer" # print buffer to stdout
# rm "$outputbuffer" # delete temporary file, not necessary when using trap
Assuming there is a string to identify which host the mem/load data has come from you can update your txt file as each result comes in. Asuming the data block is one line long you could use
for comp in `cat ~/bin/servers`; do
output=$( ssh $comp ~/bin/ca )
# remove old mem/load data for $comp from RUP.out
sed -i '/'"$comp"'/d' RUP.out # this assumes that the string "$comp" is
# integrated into the output from ca, and
# not elsewhere
echo "$output" >> RUP.out
This can be adapted depending on the output of ca. There is lots of help on sed across the net.
