Cannot access eclipse orion server from local machine using local IP - linux

I have been given a centos server to lauch eclipse orion code editor. I installed eclipse orion as per the instruction on (steps for linux using jetty server). It works fine on centos browser. The centos os is running on So that I can access the following urls on web browser of centos.
But when I tried to access the from other local machines on local network, that is not accessible. I searched the StackOverflow Questions like how to make jetty server accessible from LAN? and Unable to access jetty server with local IP address but both are useless for me. How can I fix this situation? Can I fix it editing the code on orion.ini file or need to deal with configuration file or something else?
I have also tried the orion for windows computer but it worked itself for accessing the orion system for any other computer in local network. But I am surprised to face it on centos using the jetty server for setting up eclipse-orion system .

First of all check that have you allowed specific port (8080) from eclispse.
add rule with that port no. in centos iptables as below:-
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8080 (adjust according your port no.) -j ACCEPT


Docker Xdebug LAN / Public Dev server

I want to get Xdebug running in a semi secure manner over LAN in the office. Our current setup is as follows:
Local server on LAN network under with Ubuntu Server 16
Multiple instances of docker with PHP / Apache running on Ubuntu server
Jwilder nginx proxy for forwarding all requests to individual docker containers
Files are directly edited over an internal SMB share where Windows hosts connect to the Linux share. These are the hosts running PhpStorm.
The machine is exposed to the world using port 80. LAN has access to all ports.
I'm at a bit of a loss how to properly setup Xdebug using PhpStorm where only those within our LAN can trigger the debugger and debug from map files from a Linux host on Windows.
A DBGp proxy would be the answer here.
It limits all debugging connections from the web server to a single host inside the LAN.
It allows you to perform multi-user debugging with the help of IDE keys.
JFYI, in Xdebug, it's the web server that initiates a TCP connection to the client (the DBGp proxy in this case), so some Docker networking magic is required here.

Can not access weblogic console from a different machine

I am having trouble accessing the weblogic console from a different machine in the same network.
I installed weblogic on a server from a different machine by ssh. The weblogic is up and running, but now I can't access the console on a browser from my machine. Both machines are part of the same network.
I am able to SSH in to the server from my local machine. Ping also works on both machines using each other's IP address.
telnet gives me the following output:
am#Linux-Vostro-3250:~$ telnet 192.x.x.x 7002
Trying 192.x.x.x...
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: No route to host
This is confusing me, because I am able to access the server using ssh.
I searched everywhere for a possible solution, but I could only find more problems.
In very simple language, how do I resolve this issue or what exactly may the cause be?
There was no firewall cinfigured in the server. I set up a firewall by following the instructions from this site ""
There are two GUI options but none of them worked for me so better stick to the CLI.
then, using the following command i granted access to my local machine from the server :
# Accept packets from specific host (x.x.x.x).
iptables -A INPUT -s x.x.x.x -j ACCEPT
Now i can access the Weblogic console from my x.x.x.x machine.

Accessing remote linux server's localhost:8080 from windows desktop

I am a complete beginner with Linux. I have ssh access (I think that's what it is) to a linux server. I have a program called SpagoBI installed on the server, and it needs to be accessed through localhost:8080 in a browser. I have changed the xml file that points to localhost to the ip of the server but I still can't access it. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to access the localhost through the ip?
With SpagoBI configured to answer on localhost (the default), you can use Putty on Windows create an SSH tunnel from your local system to the SpagoBI system. If you were to redirect local 8080 (of your local system) to 8080 of the SpagoBI system, then you could access the remote SpagoBI server like this http://localhost:8080/SpagoBI while the SSH tunnel is up.
Now... to configure the SpagoBI server correctly so that it answers on a specific FQDNS... you'll need to modify the Tomcat server.xml
Go to the Tomcat config directory and edit server.xml. These are two entries you'll need to modify. Then restart tomcat and try to access SpagoBI using the FQDNS and URL.
<Environment name="spagobi_service_url" type="java.lang.String" value=""/>
<Environment name="spagobi_host_url" type="java.lang.String" value=""/>
After restart, try accessing SpagoBI like
I hope I understood. Do you write "localhost:8080" on your remote windows machine? If so, you should write the SpagoBI's address instead of localhost.
If you already doing so, I see on SpagoBI troubleshooting that you should try with http://serverIP:8080/SpagoBI/servlet/AdapterHTTP?PAGE=LoginPage&NEW_SESSION=TRUE.
I would check that 8080 port is open on firewall anyway.
If you have access to the GUI on server I would try to open in a browser that http://localhost:8080 is actually working at least locally.
Check whether the spagoBI is working in linux server or not. If not follow these steps:
If it's working in linux server, it can be opened in you windows system with the url:http://ipaddress of linux server:portnumber/SpagoBI.

How to check jboss running in redhat environment?

I have installed jboss-eap-6.2.0 in redhat environment and started the server.But i'm not able to access the home page via http://<>:8080 .Here i have to access home using ip address or name like http://<>:8080 its getting time out. So i would like to know what is the problem here and why not to see the jboss home here ?
1.Is there any way to check the server running in putty command line ?
2.Able to install the software connecting via ip but same ip is not allowing to access jboss page .So is firewall blocking the port 8080 ?
Please advise
Open the standalone.xml file from the JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration directory.
Look for all the texts jboss.bind.address in there and change the ip with the server's IP address so that you can access it from your local pc.
For example
... and so on...
Also, you can look for the loop back ip address( in the xml file as well and replace it.
Even i faced same issue wheni installed jboss7 on centos machine.i found that 8080 port was being used by some other app,thus disabling jboss7 to use that port.
-you can
telnet localhost 8080 (or) ps -ef|grep java
to check if jboss is running
if its running properly and you still not able to connect through your browser
use nmap to check services running on that port
you can edit your port configuration at
run jboss again
You need to set the value of the default interface in socket-binding as well in your standalone.xml.

Can't access tomcat web page from lan

I installed a tomcat7 server on a ubuntu 12.04 box. I simply used "apt-get install tomcat7". I did not install apache2. I can access the default page from localhost:8080,, and, where the latter is the IP address from my LAN. my end goal is to be able to access the web server from outside the LAN with port forwarding. For now, however, I can't even access it inside the LAN.
I can't access the web page from any other computer (windows 7, iPad) on the same LAN! I
get the "connection has timed out" error from the browser.
Question: Can I run tomcat on it's own without installing Apache2 first? This is the current setup and I can access pages hosted on tomcat on the same server, but not over the LAN.
Other information:
I can ping the ubuntu computer from other machines
The ubuntu firewall is disabled (checked via the firewall GUI interface).
I also tried "sudo ufw disable"
I tried: "sudo service iptables stop" and got the message: "iptables: unrecognized service"
I also tried disabling the appArmor firewall:
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor teardown
sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove
I set the router firewall policy to minimum: inbound: accept all; outbount: accept all.
All computers (including ubuntu server) are connected to LAN via wireless
The ubuntu server IP address is static, not DHCP
I checked the SELinux folder and it's empty. I removed it.
Thank you for your help,
I can connect from within the LAN using ssh (I installed OpenSSH on ubuntu).
I found the solution to this problem. It turned out there was a firewall active that was blocking the port. The firewall is called "firestarter". Not sure how this was installed, but it can be downloaded from the ubuntu software center. The default inboud policy blocks all ports except for SSH (22). I opened port 8080 and everything worked just fine. The other firewalls (ufw and SELinux) were disabled.
Thank you all again for your help.
First of all make sure all of the IP addresses are topologically correct, then ping to the your apache server system, If all this succeeds your network is fine.
Now the question are you using the Ubuntu Server edition? if this is the case i believe you can setup apache out of the box.
In case of the Desktop edition you could install it using command line or just install something like XAMP from apache friends.
Make sure your apache Server is started
If you do not already have Apache installed, you can do so now by issuing the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apache2
This is all that is necessary to have a working web server.
I think, "apt-get install tomcat7" doesnt works in Ubuntu. You have to manually download the TAR file & then you can install it with the scripts. Please check whether it is properly installed or not. it should show a Apache Tomcat Homepage # localhost:8080
Also if it is installed properly, check whether it is running on the port 8080, or any other port.
If everything is fine, then disable the firewall of the Server, where you have installed the Tomcat. check for the server IP.
Now from other machine, access that server using http://server_ip:port
This should work fine. No issues should be there.
The other thing, you have metioned in your question, UBUNTU BOX. May be this issue arises due to UBUNTU BOX. If possible, make a clean install of Ubuntu.
