Spark train test split - apache-spark

I am curious if there is something similar to sklearn's for apache-spark in the latest 2.0.1 release.
So far I could only find which does not seem to be a great fit for splitting heavily imbalanced dataset into train /test samples.

Let's assume we have a dataset like this:
| id|label|
| 0| 0.0|
| 1| 1.0|
| 2| 0.0|
| 3| 1.0|
| 4| 0.0|
| 5| 1.0|
| 6| 0.0|
| 7| 1.0|
| 8| 0.0|
| 9| 1.0|
This dataset is perfectly balanced, but this approach will work for unbalanced data as well.
Now, let's augment this DataFrame with additional information that will be useful in deciding which rows should go to train set. The steps are as follows:
Determine how many examples of every label should be a part of train set given some ratio.
Shuffle the rows of the DataFrame.
Use window function to partition and order the DataFrame by label and then rank each label's observations using row_number().
We end up with the following data frame:
| id|label|row_number|
| 6| 0.0| 1|
| 2| 0.0| 2|
| 0| 0.0| 3|
| 4| 0.0| 4|
| 8| 0.0| 5|
| 9| 1.0| 1|
| 5| 1.0| 2|
| 3| 1.0| 3|
| 1| 1.0| 4|
| 7| 1.0| 5|
Note: the rows are shuffled (see: random order in id column), partitioned by label (see: label column) and ranked.
Let's assume that we would like to make 80% split. In this case, we would like four 1.0 labels and four 0.0 labels to go to training dataset and one 1.0 label and one 0.0 label to go to test dataset. We have this information in row_number column, so now we can simply use it in user defined function (if row_number is less or equal four, the example goes to train set).
After applying the UDF, the resulting data frame is as follows:
| id|label|row_number|isTrainSet|
| 6| 0.0| 1| true|
| 2| 0.0| 2| true|
| 0| 0.0| 3| true|
| 4| 0.0| 4| true|
| 8| 0.0| 5| false|
| 9| 1.0| 1| true|
| 5| 1.0| 2| true|
| 3| 1.0| 3| true|
| 1| 1.0| 4| true|
| 7| 1.0| 5| false|
Now, to get the train/test data one has to do:
val train = df.where(col("isTrainSet") === true)
val test = df.where(col("isTrainSet") === false)
These sorting and partitioning steps might be prohibitive for some really big datasets, so I suggest first filtering the dataset as much as possible. The physical plan is as follows:
== Physical Plan ==
*(3) Project [id#4, label#5, row_number#11, if (isnull(row_number#11)) null else UDF(label#5, row_number#11) AS isTrainSet#48]
+- Window [row_number() windowspecdefinition(label#5, label#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, specifiedwindowframe(RowFrame, unboundedpreceding$(), currentrow$())) AS row_number#11], [label#5], [label#5 ASC NULLS FIRST]
+- *(2) Sort [label#5 ASC NULLS FIRST, label#5 ASC NULLS FIRST], false, 0
+- Exchange hashpartitioning(label#5, 200)
+- *(1) Project [id#4, label#5]
+- *(1) Sort [_nondeterministic#9 ASC NULLS FIRST], true, 0
+- Exchange rangepartitioning(_nondeterministic#9 ASC NULLS FIRST, 200)
+- LocalTableScan [id#4, label#5, _nondeterministic#9
Here's full working example (tested with Spark 2.3.0 and Scala 2.11.12):
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, row_number, udf, rand}
class StratifiedTrainTestSplitter {
def getNumExamplesPerClass(ss: SparkSession, label: String, trainRatio: Double)(df: DataFrame): Map[Double, Long] = {
val query = f"SELECT $label AS ratioLabel, count, cast(count * $trainRatio as long) AS trainExamples FROM labelCounts"
import ss.implicits._
.select("ratioLabel", "trainExamples")
.map((r: Row) => r.getDouble(0) -> r.getLong(1))
def split(df: DataFrame, label: String, trainRatio: Double): DataFrame = {
val w = Window.partitionBy(col(label)).orderBy(col(label))
val rowNumPartitioner = row_number().over(w)
val dfRowNum = df.sort(rand).select(col("*"), rowNumPartitioner as "row_number")
val observationsPerLabel: Map[Double, Long] = getNumExamplesPerClass(df.sparkSession, label, trainRatio)(df)
val addIsTrainColumn = udf((label: Double, rowNumber: Int) => rowNumber <= observationsPerLabel(label))
dfRowNum.withColumn("isTrainSet", addIsTrainColumn(col(label), col("row_number")))
object StratifiedTrainTestSplitter {
def getDf(ss: SparkSession): DataFrame = {
val data = Seq(
(0, 0.0), (1, 1.0), (2, 0.0), (3, 1.0), (4, 0.0), (5, 1.0), (6, 0.0), (7, 1.0), (8, 0.0), (9, 1.0)
ss.createDataFrame(data).toDF("id", "label")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
.config(new SparkConf().setMaster("local[1]"))
val df = new StratifiedTrainTestSplitter().split(getDf(spark), "label", 0.8)
df.where(col("isTrainSet") === true).show()
df.where(col("isTrainSet") === false).show()
Note: the labels are Doubles in this case. If your labels are Strings you'll have to switch types here and there.

Spark supports stratified samples as outlined in
df.stat.sampleBy("label", Map(0 -> .10, 1 -> .20, 2 -> .3), 0)

Perhaps this method wasn't available when the OP posted this question, but I'm leaving this here for future reference:
# splitting dataset into train and test set
train, test = df.randomSplit([0.7, 0.3], seed=42)

Although this answer is not specific to Spark, in Apache beam I do this to split train 66% and test 33% (just an illustrative example, you can customize the partition_fn below to be more sophisticated and accept arguments such to specify the number of buckets or bias selection towards something or assure randomization is fair across dimensions, etc):
raw_data = p | 'Read Data' >> Read(...)
clean_data = (raw_data
| "Clean Data" >> beam.ParDo(CleanFieldsFn())
def partition_fn(element):
return random.randint(0, 2)
random_buckets = (clean_data | beam.Partition(partition_fn, 3))
clean_train_data = ((random_buckets[0], random_buckets[1])
| beam.Flatten())
clean_eval_data = random_buckets[2]


Passing multiple columns in Pandas UDF PySpark

I want to calculate the Jaro Winkler distance between two columns of a PySpark DataFrame. Jaro Winkler distance is available through pyjarowinkler package on all nodes.
pyjarowinkler works as follows:
from pyjarowinkler import distance
distance.get_jaro_distance("A", "A", winkler=True, scaling=0.1)
I am trying to write a Pandas UDF to pass two columns as Series and calculate the distance using lambda function.
Here's how I am doing it:
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col1, col2):
import pandas as pd
distance_df = pd.DataFrame({'column_A': col1, 'column_B': col2})
distance_df['distance'] = distance_df.apply(lambda x: distance.get_jaro_distance(str(distance_df['column_A']), str(distance_df['column_B']), winkler = True, scaling = 0.1))
return distance_df['distance']
temp = temp.withColumn('jaro_distance', get_distance(temp.x, temp.x))
I should be able to pass any two string columns in the above function.
I am getting the following output:
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| A| 1| 2| null|
| B| 3| 4| null|
| C| 5| 6| null|
| D| 7| 8| null|
Expected Output:
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| A| 1| 2| 1.0|
| B| 3| 4| 1.0|
| C| 5| 6| 1.0|
| D| 7| 8| 1.0|
I suspect this might be because str(distance_df['column_A']) is not correct. It contains the concatenated string of all row values.
While this code works for me:
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col):
return col.apply(lambda x: distance.get_jaro_distance(x, "A", winkler = True, scaling = 0.1))
temp = temp.withColumn('jaro_distance', get_distance(temp.x))
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| A| 1| 2| 1.0|
| B| 3| 4| 0.0|
| C| 5| 6| 0.0|
| D| 7| 8| 0.0|
Is there a way to do this with Pandas UDF? I'm dealing with millions of records so UDF will be expensive but still acceptable if it works. Thanks.
The error was from your function in the df.apply method, adjust it to the following should fix it:
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col1, col2):
import pandas as pd
distance_df = pd.DataFrame({'column_A': col1, 'column_B': col2})
distance_df['distance'] = distance_df.apply(lambda x: distance.get_jaro_distance(x['column_A'], x['column_B'], winkler = True, scaling = 0.1), axis=1)
return distance_df['distance']
However, Pandas df.apply method is not vectorised which beats the purpose why we need pandas_udf over udf in PySpark. A faster and less overhead solution is to use list comprehension to create the returning pd.Series (check this link for more discussion about Pandas df.apply and its alternatives):
from pandas import Series
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col1, col2):
return Series([ distance.get_jaro_distance(c1, c2, winkler=True, scaling=0.1) for c1,c2 in zip(col1, col2) ])
df.withColumn('jaro_distance', get_distance('x', 'y')).show()
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| AB| 1B| 2| 0.67|
| BB| BB| 4| 1.0|
| CB| 5D| 6| 0.0|
| DB|B7F| 8| 0.61|
You can union all the data frame first, partition by the same partition key after the partitions were shuffled and distributed to the worker nodes, and restore them before the pandas computing. Pls check the example where I wrote a small toolkit for this scenario: SparkyPandas

Apply a transformation to multiple columns pyspark dataframe

Suppose I have the following spark-dataframe:
| word| label|
| red| color|
| red| color|
| blue| color|
| blue|feeling|
Which can be created using the following code:
sample_df = spark.createDataFrame([
('red', 'color'),
('red', 'color'),
('blue', 'color'),
('blue', 'feeling'),
('happy', 'feeling')
('word', 'label')
I can perform a groupBy() to get the counts of each word-label pair:
sample_df = sample_df.groupBy('word', 'label').count()
#| word| label|count|
#| blue| color| 1|
#| blue|feeling| 1|
#| red| color| 2|
#|happy|feeling| 1|
And then pivot() and sum() to get the label counts as columns:
import pyspark.sql.functions as f
sample_df = sample_df.groupBy('word').pivot('label').agg(f.sum('count')).na.fill(0)
#| word|color|feeling|
#| red| 2| 0|
#|happy| 0| 1|
#| blue| 1| 1|
What is the best way to transform this dataframe such that each row is divided by the total for that row?
# Desired output
| word|color|feeling|
| red| 1.0| 0.0|
|happy| 0.0| 1.0|
| blue| 0.5| 0.5|
One way to achieve this result is to use __builtin__.sum (NOT pyspark.sql.functions.sum) to get the row-wise sum and then call withColumn() for each label:
labels = ['color', 'feeling']
sample_df.withColumn('total', sum([f.col(x) for x in labels]))\
.withColumn('color', f.col('color')/f.col('total'))\
.withColumn('feeling', f.col('feeling')/f.col('total'))\
.select('word', 'color', 'feeling')\
But there has to be a better way than enumerating each of the possible columns.
More generally, my question is:
How can I apply an arbitrary transformation, that is a function of the current row, to multiple columns simultaneously?
Found an answer on this Medium post.
First make a column for the total (as above), then use the * operator to unpack a list comprehension over the labels in select():
labels = ['color', 'feeling']
sample_df = sample_df.withColumn('total', sum([f.col(x) for x in labels]))
'word', *[(f.col(col_name)/f.col('total')).alias(col_name) for col_name in labels]
The approach shown on the linked post shows how to generalize this for arbitrary transformations.

How to join a DataFrame with the same aggregated DataFramefor e

Given a DataFrame
| id| v|date|
| 1| a| 1|
| 2| a| 2|
| 3| b| 3|
| 4| b| 4|
And we want to add a column with the mean value of date by v
| v| id|date|avg(date)|
| a| 1| 1| 1.5|
| a| 2| 2| 1.5|
| b| 3| 3| 3.5|
| b| 4| 4| 3.5|
Is there a better way (e.g in term of performance) ?
val df = sc.parallelize(List((1,"a",1), (2, "a", 2), (3, "b", 3), (4, "b", 4))).toDF("id", "v", "date")
val aggregated = df.groupBy("v").agg(avg("date"))
df.join(aggregated, usingColumn = "v")
More precisely, I think this join will trigger a shuffle.
[update] add some precisions because I don't think it's a duplicate. The join has a key in this case.
I may different options to avoid it :
automatic. Spark has an automaticBroadcastJoin but it requires that Hive metadata had been computed. Right ?
by using a known partitioner ? If yes, how to do that with DataFrame.
by forcing a broadcast (leftDF.join(broadcast(rightDF), usingColumn = "v") ?

PySpark: Randomize rows in dataframe

I have a dataframe and I want to randomize rows in the dataframe. I tried sampling the data by giving a fraction of 1, which didn't work (interestingly this works in Pandas).
It works in Pandas because taking sample in local systems is typically solved by shuffling data. Spark from the other hand avoids shuffling by performing linear scans over the data. It means that sampling in Spark only randomizes members of the sample not an order.
You can order DataFrame by a column of random numbers:
from pyspark.sql.functions import rand
df = sc.parallelize(range(20)).map(lambda x: (x, )).toDF(["x"])
## +---+
## | x|
## +---+
## | 2|
## | 7|
## | 14|
## +---+
## only showing top 3 rows
but it is:
expensive - because it requires full shuffle and it something you typically want to avoid.
suspicious - because order of values in a DataFrame is not something you can really depend on in non-trivial cases and since DataFrame doesn't support indexing it is relatively useless without collecting.
This code works for me without any RDD operations:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df ="*").orderBy(F.rand())
Here is a more elaborated example:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
# Example: create a Dataframe for the example
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame(([1,2],[3,1],[4,2],[7,2],[32,7],[123,3]),columns=["id","col1"])
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df)
df ="*").orderBy(F.rand())
| id|col1|
| 1| 2|
| 3| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 7| 2|
| 32| 7|
|123| 3|
| id|col1|
| 7| 2|
|123| 3|
| 3| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 32| 7|
| 1| 2|

How to use mllib.recommendation if the user ids are string instead of contiguous integers?

I want to use Spark's mllib.recommendation library to build a prototype recommender system. However, the format of the user data I have is something of the following format:
If I want to use the mllib.recommendation library, according to the API of the Rating class, the user ids have to be integers (also have to be contiguous?)
It looks like some kind of conversion between the real user ids and the numeric ones used by Spark must be done. But how should I do this?
Spark don't really require numeric id, it just needs to bee some unique value, but for implementation they picked Int.
You can do simple back and forth transformation for userId:
case class MyRating(userId: String, product: Int, rating: Double)
val data: RDD[MyRating] = ???
// Assign unique Long id for each userId
val userIdToInt: RDD[(String, Long)] =
// Reverse mapping from generated id to original
val reverseMapping: RDD[(Long, String)]
userIdToInt map { case (l, r) => (r, l) }
// Depends on data size, maybe too big to keep
// on single machine
val map: Map[String, Int] =
// Transform to MLLib rating
val rating: RDD[Rating] = { r =>
Rating(userIdToInt.lookup(r.userId).head.toInt, r.product, r.rating)
// -- or
Rating(map(r.userId), r.product, r.rating)
// ... train model
// ... get back to MyRating userId from Int
val someUserId: String = reverseMapping.lookup(123).head
You can also try 'data.zipWithUniqueId()' but I'm not sure that in this case .toInt will be safe transformation even if dataset size is small.
You need to run StringIndexer across your userids to convert the string to unique integer index. They don't have to be continuous.
We use this for our item recommendation engine in
df is (user:String, product,rating)
val stringindexer = new StringIndexer()
val modelc =
val df = modelc.transform(df)
#Ganesh Krishnan is right, StringIndexer solve this problem.
from import OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
>>> spark = SQLContext(sc)
>>> df = spark.createDataFrame(
... [(0, "a"), (1, "b"), (2, "c"), (3, "a"), (4, "a"), (5, "c")],
... ["id", "category"])
| id|category|
| 0| a|
| 1| b|
| 2| c|
| 3| a|
| 4| a|
| 5| c|
>>> stringIndexer = StringIndexer(inputCol="category", outputCol="categoryIndex")
>>> model =
>>> indexed = model.transform(df)
| id|category|categoryIndex|
| 0| a| 0.0|
| 1| b| 2.0|
| 2| c| 1.0|
| 3| a| 0.0|
| 4| a| 0.0|
| 5| c| 1.0|
>>> converter = IndexToString(inputCol="categoryIndex", outputCol="originalCategory")
>>> converted = converter.transform(indexed)
| id|category|categoryIndex|originalCategory|
| 0| a| 0.0| a|
| 1| b| 2.0| b|
| 2| c| 1.0| c|
| 3| a| 0.0| a|
| 4| a| 0.0| a|
| 5| c| 1.0| c|
>>>"id", "originalCategory").show()
| id|originalCategory|
| 0| a|
| 1| b|
| 2| c|
| 3| a|
| 4| a|
| 5| c|
The above solution might not always work as I discovered. Spark is not able to perform RDD transformations from within other RDD's. Error output:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: RDD transformations and actions can
only be enter code hereinvoked by the driver, not inside of other
transformations; for example, => rdd2.values.count() * x)
is invalid because the values transformation and count action cannot
be performed inside of the transformation. For more
information, see SPARK-5063.
As a solution you could join the userIdToInt RDD with the original data RDD to store the relation between userId and the uniqueId. Then later on you can join the results RDD with this RDD again.
// Create RDD with the unique id included
val dataWithUniqueUserId: RDD[(String, Int, Int, Double)] =
data.keyBy(_.userId).join(userIdToInt).map(r =>
(r._2._1.userId, r._2._2.toInt, r._2._1.productId, 1))
