Pushpad or Web push notification how to custom dialog message - web-push

This is default dialog.
How to custom permission dialog look like this

First of all, those custom dialogs are normal HTML overlays.
Even if you use a custom dialog, the next step would be to display the default dialog. To ask for notification-permission using javascript, that default dialog is the only way to go.
Sadly there is nothing one can do about it.
Hope this clarifies your doubts :)


How to disable intrusive template picker dialog?

Is there any global option to disable the template picker dialog for 2sxc after the application is configured? Now this dialog is popping up every page load in edit mode and interferes with general website editing.
I'm not sure what your question is - maybe add some context or screenshot.
My guess is you added a module to the page and didn't configure it yet - so the picker automatically appears. Just pick something - or delete the module, and you should be good to go.

Can I add a button next to Share and Follow to open a application page?

I want to add a button like "Share" or "Follow" next to Share or Follow button in the picture.
I want button to open an application page preferably on same master page without redirect.
As visible in this picture
IS it possible ?
The area with the share and follow buttons is called "Promoted Actions". You can create a control and attach it to the "PromotedActions Delegate Control". Here's an example:
However to do this, you need to create a farm solution. If for some reason you want to avoid a farm solution, there might be a way to create a new link in the #RibbonContainer-TabRowRight div via JavaScript, but I haven't looked into it.

xPage as Welcome Page

I am trying to setup xPage as Welcome page for notes client and to be deployed via policies. Only issue it opens up 2 window, one which is Bookmarks.nsf frameset and second one is the xPage. Tried many different ways to close frameset, but some internal setting doesn't like this since its a welcome page frame... any ideas or if somebody has done similar project.
I tried opening a view thru welcome page which opens up the xPage and then to close the view in Postopen event, but no luck. also tried same with Form.
Appreciate help .. badly stuck in it.
One way to do that is:
open your xpage in the client
right click on the tab and create a new bookmark for it
right click on the newly created bookmark and click "set bookmark as home page"
I don't know if you can do that via policies, but at least it works if I do it interactively
You can set this by policy by adding to the ini
StartupDB =
That will load the NSF every time the client opens. This command does not respect the enforce flag as its enforced by default, do not set the enforce flag...
You can also set the nsf to replicate by policy so remote users will be able to open it as well.

In XPages Mobile App, can you clear viewScope variables between page changes?

I'm working on an XPages Mobile app using mobile controls from Extension Library.
My hope page is a menu leading to 4 different mobilePages.
I get this this is 1 XPage and we're dealing with "Virtual Pages". But is there a way to clear viewScope variables and document bindings as you go back and forth between virtual pages?
For instance. In one of my pages I ask the user for some data. 3 Fields stored in viewScope Variables. Using that I then have a button to Create a new document which gets bound to a panel and then I do things with it.
If the user hits "back" from the menu bar, to go to the Home screen and then goes back to the same page I want to clear everything and start all over.
setting resetContent= true doesn't do anything here.
My virtual page is a custom control and I tried to clear everything on beforePageLoad but that wiped it all during a manual refresh.
I tried hooking into the rendered property of the back button but that fired during a full page refresh. Possibly I could live with partial refreshes but someone might still manually refresh it.
Any way to get this ability inside the single page app mobile context?
See the following XSnippet on OpenNTF.org for your answer and a worked example - have fun! BTW: this is something we want to support on the Mobile App Page in an upcoming release - for now you can use the worked example I provide on XSnippets!
Have you tried using requestScope for the virtual page bindings? From your description, it sounds like this would be the correct scope to use.

Best practice in building outlook layout in asp.NET & telerik radpanelbar as a page arch?

I am working on enterprise apps, I am using telerik controls to make life easier ;)
The layout of my application on the left radpanelbar used for the navigation menu, on the right side is the content.
I want to make this navigation menu to navigate to a usercontrol (.ascx file) instead of a page (.aspx file)
The navigation control is in the master page.
I have multiple reasons to make this kind of navigation:
I have many user controls, and do not want to make pages (.aspx) as many user controls as I have.
Which is the most important I want to make this happen on the fly with out post pack (AJAX).
So please could any one tell about the best practice to do it.
One possible solution might be to load the navigation user control programmatically via AJAX when the user clicks a panelbar item. Still positioning this user control on the master page and loading it from the content page is quite odd to me and I personally do not approve it as a good architectural decision.
