How to do authentication with Node.js, Express and Sequelize? - node.js

I've made simple nodejs application by using nodejs+express+angular. Now I want to make user authentification. I want to session handling by using sequelize. Can you advise Simple example which include login/logout and home page using sequelize?

A Google search produces: - this is a great tutorial that explains and demonstrates exactly what you are looking for!


How to do facebook authentication in React Native with nodejs as backend?

I have following problem:
I have an App with React Native and I need authentication via Facebook.
I figured out how to do it with expo and the expo-facebook but my problem is, that I also need authentication in the backend, which is done with NodeJs.
What is the right approach to do it, when the backend also needs to be secure?
I looked thru the internet for ours and didnĀ“t find any tutorial...
Thanks in advance!
Check Passportjs. It's an authentication middleware for Nodejs. Search for the relevant strategy. Should be fairly easy to implement.

Does any one know about simple CRUD operations example in ReactJS and Nodejs?

I am beginner in Reactjs and Nodejs.
I just want to build a simple application which performs CRUD operations.
ReactJS for displaying data and act as a front-end.
Nodejs have some API which returns static data.
If anyone know about some blog or have some example with you than please share. This will help me to start with this.
I also searched for many articles online but they all are consist database connection, ExpressJs which i don not need at this time.
You can see here:-
In this repository you can see crud operation in reactjs and nodejs and mysql database used here.

Node.js or Express.js REST API document generator

I'm working on a restAPI using Express.js and I'm wondering if there is a way for me to generate API documents that allow a user to view API definitions or possibly even try out the API call?
What you are looking for is a good JavaScript documentation generator. I found a decent one here
This will allow you to use just Express as OP asked.
Swagger isn't for generating docs, it's for making APIs. So you are going to need to learn a full system to get that feature.
I found a couple more here that I haven't fully looked into yet which seem promising:
Docco here JSDoc here and an article on Documentor for Node
Swagger is an amazing project for auto generating API documentation. It includes an Express module.
I found this library to be very useful when it comes to keeping your documentation and route declaration logic close together:
If you use Postman while developing you might already have a Postman collection containing the most relevant calls.
If that is the case Postman has a docs feature

Node.js and for Dynamic Opengraph tags

I have a JS wep app & backend which I would like to hook up to Facebook using Opengraph actions. Problem is being a web app, it's not possible to manipulate the meta tags in such a way so that the Facebook scraper will use it.
Most solutions point to having a server side implementation running alongside your web app. Having read a little about Node.js...I think there could be another way and I was wondering if Node.js experts could shed some light.
Would it be possible to use Node.js to query my DB based on URL parameters in order to serve up the proper meta tags? And would it be quick enough a solution?
Something like
- Request comes in - ''
- Node queries DB with user=1234
- Parse returns the information for meta tags
- Node serves up HTML page with the correct meta tags
- Web app runs as normal
Thanks in advance for contemplating this question.
You can absolutely do this. To set up a simple webserver with node.js, you can follow the simple example on their homepage.
To communicate with Parse from node.js, you can use the Parse JavaScript SDK, available through through npm.

authentication using node.js and mongoose and expressjs and passportjs

Guys where can I get an example of authentication using node js and mongodb and passportjs using the username and password entered in the text fields.I am unable to figure out the stuff given in passportjs website.Can I get a simple running example of this type and from where?
You could implement this feature even easier by using passport-local-mongoose that offers an integrated solution for passport, passport-local and a mongoose model. You can find documentation and examples at the github page.
Btw: I'm the author of this module.
Have you taken a look at this page of the passportjs guide?
