authentication using node.js and mongoose and expressjs and passportjs - node.js

Guys where can I get an example of authentication using node js and mongodb and passportjs using the username and password entered in the text fields.I am unable to figure out the stuff given in passportjs website.Can I get a simple running example of this type and from where?

You could implement this feature even easier by using passport-local-mongoose that offers an integrated solution for passport, passport-local and a mongoose model. You can find documentation and examples at the github page.
Btw: I'm the author of this module.

Have you taken a look at this page of the passportjs guide?


How to do facebook authentication in React Native with nodejs as backend?

I have following problem:
I have an App with React Native and I need authentication via Facebook.
I figured out how to do it with expo and the expo-facebook but my problem is, that I also need authentication in the backend, which is done with NodeJs.
What is the right approach to do it, when the backend also needs to be secure?
I looked thru the internet for ours and didnĀ“t find any tutorial...
Thanks in advance!
Check Passportjs. It's an authentication middleware for Nodejs. Search for the relevant strategy. Should be fairly easy to implement.

Is there any middleware library like PassportJS for Fastify?

I was experimenting with NestJS and Fastify as an underlying HTTP framework but soon ran into a problem when tried implementing an OAuth for Google signup. Since PassportJS has been my goto library for this purpose, I thought it would work here too. Later realized that PassportJS is only compatible with Express-based web apps.
Is there a way to make PassportJS work with Fastify or a good alternate for it?

Nodejs Log-in Page

I am new to NodeJs and what to create a login page by Node JS and afterwards I want to authentication for login with the same.
Kindly let me know what all I should know to do a basic nodejs login page and how should I proceed?
this example made using express which is small framework for node.js
Easy Node Authentication

How to do authentication with Node.js, Express and Sequelize?

I've made simple nodejs application by using nodejs+express+angular. Now I want to make user authentification. I want to session handling by using sequelize. Can you advise Simple example which include login/logout and home page using sequelize?
A Google search produces: - this is a great tutorial that explains and demonstrates exactly what you are looking for!

Any suggestions for what Node.js modules I should use for user log ins?

I am building a website with the MEAN (mongodb, express, angular, node js) stack. I want users to be able to create an account on my site as well as integrate with facebook/twitter accounts. The main two options I am considering right now are Passport and Express-jwt.
I have been able to find examples of integrating Passport into node/express, but no examples of how to handle things on the front end with angular. Is this hard to do?
My main concern about express-jwt is that I have not found examples of using that with facebook log ins while there is passport-facebook for passport. Thanks for your help.
By Far the best for authentication is Passport. See the link If this could prove of worth to you. Also go through the article can also be productive. Hope this is what you were asking.
