Spark worker directory - apache-spark

I'm running Spark on a node with 4 disks (/mnt1, /mnt2, /mnt3, /mnt4). I want to write my temporary output from executors to a local directory. Is there any way to uniformly assign each of these disks to executors, so that all disks are uniformly used ? Currently, all data it written to /mnt1 from "forEachParition" action.


Partitioning in Spark 3.1 with java

I am using spark 3.1 with java. In my code, I am writing final result dataset into GCP storage, in that it creates multiple files as my dataset is large. I am spark job in GCP dataproc cluster. It is configured to use 250 worker nodes(each has 8 vCPUs). Spark command is configured to run 2 executers per node and 3 cores for each executor. When the spark job is trigger YARN ResourceManager is showing only 25% of worker cores being used to containers per node. Also I configured, shuffle partition size as 5500(spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=5500). And I used
mydataset.coalesce(4500) to reduce the number of result files creating in Cloud stoage. But it creates 5499 files for one of the dataset which has nearly 45000 rows and 3500 files for another dataset which has nearly 85000 rows. Its really confusing on what basis its creating file partition s. Can't I control that? Is there any default value there? If yes, can i get that default value in Java code?
Thanks in Advance

SparkDataframe.load(),when I execute a load command where actually my data get stored?

If I am loading one table from cassandra using spark dataframe.load().Where will my data gets loaded.Is it in spark memory.Or in datanode blocks ,if I am using yarn resource manager.
It will try to store in memory per number of partitions on the Worker Nodes / which in this context is a slightly better term than Data Nodes.
It will spill to disk if not enough memory on the Worker Nodes.
Per number of Cores / Executors, processing will occur. E.g. if you have, say, 20 Executors with 1 Core each, your concurrency of processing is 20 and spilling will occur via eviction. If you run out of disk, an error will result.
Worker Nodes is a better term here compared to Data Nodes, unless you have HDFS and processing locally, then Worker Node is equal to Data Node. Although you could argue what's in a name?
Of course, an Action will need to have been initiated.
And repartition and join or union latterly in the data pipeline affect things, but that goes without saying.

Spark behavior on native file system

We are experimenting to run Spark in our project without Hadoop and no distributed storage like HDFS. Spark is installed on a single node with 10 Cores and 16GB RAM and this node is not part of any cluster. Assuming Spark driver takes 2 cores and the rest of them are consumed by executors(2 each) at the time of execution.
If we process a big CSV file (of size 1 GB) stored in local disk in Spark as RDD and repartition it to 4 different partitions, will executors process each partition in parallel?
What would executors do if we don't repartition the RDD to 4 diff partitions?
Do we loose the power of distributed computing and parallelism if dont use HDFS?
Spark caps the maximum size of a partition at 2G, so you should be able to process the entire data with minimal partitioning and quicker processing time. You can set spark.executor.cores to 8 so as to utilize all you resources.
Ideally, you should set the number of partitions depending on the size of your data, and you are better off setting the number of partitions as a multiple of cores/executors.
To answer your question, setting number of partitions to 4 in your case will probably result in each partition being sent to an executor. So yes, each partition will be processed in parallel.
If you don't repartition, then Spark will do it for you depending on the data and split the load between the executors.
Spark works perfectly fine without Hadoop. You might see a negligible performance drop since your files are on the local filesystem and not on HDFS, but for a file of size 1GB it really doesn't matter.

unable to launch more tasks in spark cluster

I have a 6 node cluster with 8 cores and 32 gb ram each. I am reading a simple csv file from azure blob storage and writing to hive table.
when the job runs I see only a single task getting launched and single executor working and all the other executor and instances sitting idle/dead.
How to increase the number of tasks so the job can run faster.
any help appreciated
I'm guessing that your csv file is in one block. Therefore your data is only on one partition and since Spark "only" creates one task per partition, you only have one.
You can call repartition(X) on your dataframe/rdd just after reading it to increase the number of partitions. Reading won't be faster but all your transformations and the writting will be parallelized.

How does Spark parallelize the processing of a 1TB file?

Imaginary problem
A gigantic CSV log file, let's say 1 TB in size, the file is located on a USB drive
The log contains activities logs of users around the world, let's assume that the line contains 50 columns, among those there is Country.
We want a line count per country, descending order.
Let's assume the Spark cluster has enough nodes with RAM to process the entire 1TB in memory (20 nodes, 4 cores CPU, each node has 64GB RAM)
My Poorman's conceptual solution
Using SparkSQL & Databricks spark-csv
$ ./spark-shell --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.10:1.4.0
val dfBigLog =
.option("header", "true")
.agg(count($"Country") as "CountryCount")
Question 1: How does Spark parallelize the processing?
I suppose the majority of the execution time (99% ?) of the above solution is to read the 1TB file from the USB drive into the Spark cluster. Reading the file from the USB drive is not parallelizable. But after reading the entire file, what does Spark do under the hood to parallelize the processing?
How many nodes used for creating the DataFrame? (maybe only one?)
How many nodes used for groupBy & count? Let's assume there are 100+ countries (but Spark doesn't know that yet). How would Spark partition to distribute the 100+ country values on 20 nodes?
Question 2: How to make the Spark application the fastest possible?
I suppose the area of improvement would be to parallelize the reading of the 1TB file.
Convert the CSV File into a Parquet file format + using Snappy compression. Let's assume this can be done in advance.
Copy the Parquet file on HDFS. Let's assume the Spark cluster is within the same Hadoop cluster and the datanodes are independant from the 20 nodes Spark cluster.
Change the Spark application to read from HDFS. I suppose Spark would now use several nodes to read the file as Parquet is splittable.
Let's assume the Parquet file compressed by Snappy is 10x smaller, size = 100GB, HDFS block = 128 MB in size. Total 782 HDFS blocks.
But then how does Spark manage to use all the 20 nodes for both creating the DataFrame and the processing (groupBy and count)? Does Spark use all the nodes each time?
Question 1: How does Spark parallelize the processing (of reading a
file from a USB drive)?
This scenario is not possible.
Spark relies on a hadoop compliant filesystem to read a file. When you mount the USB drive, you can only access it from the local host. Attempting to execute
will fail in cluster configuration, as executors in the cluster will not have access to that local path.
It would be possible to read the file with Spark in local mode (master=local[*]) in which case you only will have 1 host and hence the rest of the questions would not apply.
Question 2: How to make the Spark application the fastest possible?
Divide and conquer.
The strategy outlined in the question is good. Using Parquet will allow Spark to do a projection on the data and only .select("Country") column, further reducing the amount of data required to be ingested and hence speeding things up.
The cornerstone to parallelism in Spark are partitions. Again, as we are reading from a file, Spark relies on the Hadoop filesystem. When reading from HDFS, the partitioning will be dictated by the splits of the file on HDFS. Those splits will be evenly distributed among the executors. That's how Spark will initially distribute the work across all available executors for the job.
I'm not deeply familiar with the Catalist optimizations, but I think I could assume that .groupBy("Country").agg(count($"Country") will become something similar to: => (country,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
The map operation will not affect partitioning, so can be applied on site.
The reduceByKey will be applied first locally on each partition and partial results will be combined on the driver. So most counting happens distributed in the cluster, and adding it up will be centralized.
Reading the file from the USB drive is not parallelizable.
USB drive or any other data source the same rules apply. Either source is accessible from the driver and all worker machines and data is accessed in parallel (up to the source limits) or data is not accessed at all you get an exception.
How many nodes used for creating the DataFrame? (maybe only one?)
Assuming that files is accessible from all machines it depends on a configuration. For starters you should take a look at the split size.
How many nodes used for the GroupBy & Count?
Once again it depends on a configuration.
