Vim(Gvim) - How do I install a script on Windows 7? - vim

I want to install this closetag.vim script:
It says
place this file in your standard vim scripts directory and source it
while editing the file you wish to close tags in.
And this is shown as an example:
:let g:closetag_html_style=1
:source ~/.vim/scripts/closetag.vim
1) What is my standard vim scripts directory on W7?
I have neither .vim nor scripts folder on my system. And if I have\am expected to create one (or ones) where should it (they) be placed? %ProgramFiles%\Vim\vim80 or %ProgramFiles%\Vim\vimfiles or maybe somewhere else?
1.1) Also, this might be a silly thing to ask about, but why do I keep seeing that tilde in path almost every time I read about Vim. Does it mean that Vim is used primarily by Mac/Linux people? Why is that?
2) What does it mean to source the script? Run a command like this let g:closetag_html_style=1 in command mode in Vim?
Btw what does style=1 mean here?
And if I want it to work by default for all html\xhtml\xml files, what do I do? Put this command to _vimrc file?
Thank you so much!

You could find the answers to all your questions just by reading the plugin description carefully. Unfortunately, it is both poorly written and factually incorrect.
What is my standard vim scripts directory on W7?
On Windows, you are supposed to put custom and third-party scripts in various places under:
But that's not what the author means by "standard vim scripts directory". What he is referring to is this:
which is not standard at all.
Also, this might be a silly thing to ask about, but why do I keep seeing that tilde in path almost every time I read about Vim. Does it mean that Vim is used primarily by Mac/Linux people? Why is that?
Yes, Vim is primarily used by UNIX-like systems users. Because of history.
What does it mean to source the script? Run a command like this let g:closetag_html_style=1 in command mode in Vim?
No. Read your question again.
Btw what does style=1 mean here?
But :let g:closetag_html_style=1 means "set the g:closetag_html_style option to true".
And if I want it to work by default for all html\xhtml\xml files, what do I do? Put this command to _vimrc file?
No. This is explained on the plugin's page:
For greater convenience, load this script in an autocommand:
:au Filetype html,xml,xsl source ~/.vim/scripts/closetag.vim
Which is wrong on many levels.
Here is what you actually have to do to use that script:
Save the closetag.vim script to the following location:
Create vimfiles\ and/or vimfiles\scripts\ if they don't exist.
Add the lines below to C:\Users\username\_vimrc:
augroup closetag
autocmd Filetype html,xhtml,xml,xsl runtime scripts/closetag.vim
augroup END
let g:closetag_html_style = 1
:help startup
:help :source
:help :runtime
:help :let
:help autocommand


Ctags path in vim is different from the shell

I was trying to generate the ctags from vim. I use Exuberant ctags.
So the problem is that when I do :!ctags or :call system('ctags') from vim it does not work because it uses my default ctags and not the exuberant ctags.
I had similar problem in my shell which I overcame by specifying the path of exuberant first
like export PATH=/usr/bin/local/:$PATH
So here is the really weird part
When I do echo $PATH in vim it shows the correct path. But When I do :call system('which ctags')
it shows me /usr/bin/ctags and not /usr/bin/local/ctags.
I can't understand what is going on??
Though I can overcome this problem by call system('/usr/bin/local/ctags') but I was just wondering if there is something better out there.
I use OSX 10.9.3
:set shell? -> shell=/bin/zsh
set shellcmdflag -> shellcmdflag=-c
and I set my path in zshrc file as export PATH="/usr/local/bin:usr/local:$PATH
When you do :!command or :call system('command') Vim starts a new subshell according to the values of 'shell' and a bunch of other options listed under :help 'shell'. The 'shellcmdflag' option is important because it usually tells your shell how to start (interactive or not, login or not) which usually has an impact on what *rc files are sourced and thus if your environment variables are seen or not.
Please, update your question with these informations:
your OS
:set shell?
:set shellcmdflag?
in what *rc file did you change your PATH?

vim and sudo vim using different settings on openSUSE

I want vim to save folded code after I've closed the file. I've added the following code to both /etc/vimrc and ~/.vimrc:
au BufWinLeave ?* mkview
au BufWinEnter ?* silent loadview
When I open a file as a regular user (vim file) it works as expected. If I instead open with sudo vim file it doesn't save folded code.
I know /etc/vimrc is being read. My theme is set at the bottom of that file and is working fine. I ran into a similar problem last week installing the vim surround plugin. When that was installed in ~/.vim it only applied to vim file. To get it working with sudo I had to install it separately in /usr/share/vim/current. What could be causing this?
In fact you answered your question, so this is indeed the same issue you had before. It is caused by the algorithm Vim uses to find its configuration (see :help initialization). But I wouldn't call your solution a correct one. See :help $VIM for information how you can use your configuration in sudo environment (e.g. being root).
As for your current issue.
See the following quotes from the documentation. :help :mkview:
:mkvie[w][!] [file] ...
When [file] is omitted or is a number from 1 to 9, a
name is generated and 'viewdir' prepended.
And :help 'viewdir':
'viewdir' 'vdir' string (default for ... for Unix: "~/.vim/view", ...
So after doing sudo all views are stored by Vim at /root/.vim.
Make viewdir point to your ~/.vim/view directory, with something like the following in /root/.vimrc:
:set viewdir=/home/user/.vim/view
Though, this approach has some issues itself:
Updating views saved by root will cause permission errors.
You wont be able to pass stored views for files under /root or /home/user, because Vim generates file names with tilde instead of full paths.
The first issue can be solved by running chown or chmod on new view file right after executing :mkview command. It should be something like:
execute '!chown user:group' eval('&viewdir').'/'.substitute(expand('%:p:~'), '/', '+=', 'g').'='
But I don't know good solution for the second issue, can only suggest writing a script to convert file names to full paths.

How to highlight Bash scripts in Vim?

My Vim editor auto highlights PHP files (vim file.php), HTML files (vim file.html) and so on.
But when I type: vim file and inside it write a Bash script, it doesn't highlight it.
How can I tell Vim to highlight it as a Bash script?
I start typing #!/bin/bash at the top of the file, but it doesn't make it work.
Are you correctly giving the shell script a .sh extension? Vim's automatic syntax selection is almost completely based on file name (extension) detection. If a file doesn't have a syntax set (or is the wrong syntax), Vim won't automatically change to the correct syntax just because you started typing a script in a given language.
As a temporary workaround, the command :set syn=sh will turn on shell-script syntax highlighting.
The answers so far are correct that you can use the extension (like .sh) or a shebang line (like #!/bin/bash) to identify the file type. If you don't have one of those, you can still specify the file type manually by using a modeline comment at the top or bottom of your file.
For instance, if you want to identify a script without an extension as a shell script, you could add this comment to the top of your file:
# vim: set filetype=sh :
# vim: filetype=sh
That will tell vim to treat the file as a shell script. (You can set other things in the modeline, too. In vim type :help modeline for more info.)
Actually syntax highlighting is a feature of vim not vi.
Try using vim command and then do
:syntax on.
I came to this answer looking for specifically how to highlight bash syntax, not POSIX shell. Simply doing a set ft=sh (or equivalent) will result in the file being highlighted for POSIX shell, which leaves a lot of syntax that's valid in bash highlighted in red. To get bash highlighting:
" Set a variable on the buffer that tells the sh syntax highlighter
" that this is bash:
let b:is_bash = 1
" Set the filetype to sh
set ft=sh
Note that if your ft is already sh, you still need the set command; otherwise the let doesn't take effect immediately.
You can make this a global default by making the variable global, i.e., let g:is_bash = 1.
:help ft-sh-syntax is the manual page I had to find; it explains this, and how to trigger highlighting of other flavors of shell.
Vim can also detect file types by inspecting their contents (like for example if the first line contains a bash shebang), here is a quote from filetype.txt help file:
If your filetype can only be detected by inspecting the contents of the file
Create your user runtime directory. You would normally use the first item of the 'runtimepath' option. Example for Unix:
:!mkdir ~/.vim
Create a vim script file for doing this. Example:
if did_filetype() " filetype already set..
finish " ..don't do these checks
if getline(1) =~ '^#!.*\<mine\>'
setfiletype mine
elseif getline(1) =~? '\<drawing\>'
setfiletype drawing
See $VIMRUNTIME/scripts.vim for more examples.
Write this file as "scripts.vim" in your user runtime directory. For
example, for Unix:
:w ~/.vim/scripts.vim
The detection will work right away, no need to restart Vim.
Your scripts.vim is loaded before the default checks for file types, which
means that your rules override the default rules in
Vim can detect the file type reading the first line. Add the following line as first line.
For those who have a variant of this question i.e. how to enable syntax highlighting on bash files without .sh extension automatically when opened...
Add filetype on in your .vimrc. This enables file type detection by also considering the file's contents. For example, bash scripts will be set to sh file-type. However, typing the #! won't trigger file type detection on a new file created with vim and you will need to use set ft=sh in that case. For more info, type :h filetype in vim.
As mentioned in the comments, you will need to use this in conjuction with syntax enable to turn on highlighting.
Or you could use :filetype detect.
From the doc:
Use this if you started with an empty file and typed text that makes
it possible to detect the file type. For example, when you entered
this in a shell script: "#!/bin/csh".
Once you add the shebang at the top of the file, save it and reload it (e.g. :w|e) and syntax coloring can kick in.
See also Vim inconsistently syntax highlighting bash files, the accepted answer may help as well.
vim already recognizes many file types by default. Most of them work by file extensions, but in a case like this, vim will also analyze the content of the file to guess the correct type.
vim sets the filetype for specific file names like .bashrc, .tcshrc, etc. automatically. But a file with a .sh extension will be recognized as either csh, ksh or bash script. To determine what kind of script this is exactly, vim reads the first line of the file to look at the #! line.
If the first line contains the word bash, the file is identified as a bash script. Usually you see #!/bin/bash if the script is meant to be executed directly, but for a shell configuration file using a simple # bash would work as well.
If you want to look at the details, this is implemented in $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim.
Probably the easiest way to get syntax highlighting on a new file, is to just reload it after writing the shebang line. A simple :w :e will write out the file, reload it, and interprete the shebang line you have just written to provide you with the appropriate syntax highlighting.
If you already know the file-type before opening the script or if you're creating a new script without an extension which is common, you can pass it to vim on the command-line like so:
vim -c 'setfiletype sh' path/to/script
vim -c 'setfiletype python' path/to/script
To toggle syntax highlight on/off while you're inside the editor.
Turn on
:syntax on
Turn off
:syntax off
Run this to always have syntax highlighting on when opening vim.
echo ":syntax on" >> ~/.vimrc
When you create a new file, only the filename detection comes into play; content detection (#!/bin/bash) doesn't apply if you type it after creating a new buffer.
The sensible thing is to just do :set ft=bash the first time around, and the next time you edit it, the #!/bin/bash will set the right filetype automatically.

Vim :e starting directory?

I code in Vim, not an IDE.
My source code is often nested 2-3 directories deep.
~/foo$ find
~/foo$ vim
// inside of vim
:e bar/abc
... some work ...
:e <-- is there a way I can have this :e start in ~/foo/bar instead of ~/foo ?
Basically, I want :e to start the directory in "pathname of last edited file"
There's a lot of reasons not to like autochdir as it messes up some plugins and if you end up doing :e ../../../foo.txt you are not gaining anything. Just as an idea try this cmap I knocked up
:cnoremap red edit <c-r>=expand("%:h")<cr>/
then you can type :red and get
:e /the/path/to/your/current/files/dir/
(edit: perhaps use z instead of red as there are commands that start with red)
To expand the topic, also check out the FuzzyFinder plugin and some custom mappings to rapidly jump to common files you are always editing. Eg
10 or so of your regular files should be no more than 2 keystrokes away. It helps if they are systematically named
Here's an idea I use for django.
Try the autochdir option. It will automatically change the current working directory to whatever file was most recently opened or selected. In .vimrc:
set autochdir
For more info, :help autochdir
To always change the working directory to the current file's directory I have this in my .vimrc:
if has("autocmd")
autocmd BufEnter * :lcd %:p:h
endif " has("autocmd")
Sorry, but vim's :edit command takes a path which is interpreted relative to the present working directory of the vim instance.
You do have a :cd command which you could use to :cd bar then work for a while, then :cd ...
Hope that help some.
Some time ago I asked questions related to this on the vim mailing list: Maybe you will find useful tips in that thread.
I tested a lot of plugins, but since CLI based GUIs are not my taste, I simply ended up using standard vim with a few configuration settings.
As honk pointed out, this line sets the working directory to the same as the file your working on:
autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
My other tip is to use the wildmenu. It makes it easier to get an overview of the files in your current directory when you go :e and then TAB. I'm a python programmer so the last line shows how to hide auto generated files that the python interpreter spits out, but you could use it to hide java .class files or c .obj files or whatever.
set wildmode=list:longest
set wildignore=*.pyc,*pyo
:cd changes directory
:pwd prints the current one.
why not just :E? Explore directory of current file.
:help :E
This isn't exactly what you wanted, but check out NERDTree.
On vim/gVim I just have cd C:/blah/blah at the top of my vimrc. I imagine it works on all platforms.
I personally use vagrant for each project so one CD is enough, but I think you can get vim to use different config files too, -u flag I think.
Or map a key to each project you have so pressing Ctrl+F1 does cd path/to/project/1 and Ctrl+F2 does cd path/to/project/2 perhaps?
Note: I don't use any plugins

How to turn-off a plugin in Vim temporarily?

I have multiple plugins in Vim and some of them modify the default behavior of Vim. For example I use Vimacs plugin, which makes Vim behave like emacs in the insert mode alone. Sometime I want to turn off the Vimacs plugin without moving the vimacs.vim out of the plugins directory. Is there a way to do it?
You can do this if you use a plugin manager like Vundle or Pathogen, which will keep the plugin in its own directory underneath the ~/.vim/bundle/ directory.
In that case, just find out the runtimepath of the vimacs plugin with the following command:
set runtimepath?
Let's say it's ~/.vim/bundle/vimacs.
Then, put this command in your .vimrc:
set runtimepath-=~/.vim/bundle/vimacs
To load vimacs, just comment that line out and relaunch Vim (or source your .vimrc).
See which variable vimacs check on start. On the begin of the script file find something Like if exists('g:vimacs_is_loaded").... Then set this variable in your .vimrc or while start vim with vim --cmd "let g:vimacs_is_loaded = 1".
In case you are using pathogen, this post gives a better answer, in my opinion. Since I have frequent need to disable snippets when using latex, also added this in my ~/.config/ranger/rc.conf:
map bs shell vim --cmd "let g:pathogen_blacklist = [ 'ultisnips', 'vim-snipmate' ]" %f
This way, whenever I want to open a file with snippets disabled, it is easy.
