How can I write this simple code using the state monad? - haskell

I'm a beginner at Haskell and I've come across a situation where I would like to use the state monad. (Or at least, I think I that's what I'd like to use.) There are a million tutorials for the state monad, but all of them seem to assume that my main goal is to understand it on a deep conceptual level, and consequently they stop just before the part where they say how to actually develop software with it. So I'm looking for help with a simplified practical example.
Below is a very simple version of what my current code looks like. As you can see, I'm threading state through my functions, and my question is simply how to re-write the code using the do notation so that I won't have to do that.
data Machine = Register Int
addToState :: Machine -> Int -> Machine
addToState (Register s) a = Register $ s+a
subtractFromState :: Machine -> Int -> Machine
subtractFromState (Register s) a = Register (s-a)
getValue :: Machine -> Int
getValue (Register s) = s
initialState = Register 0
runProgram = getValue (subtractFromState (addToState initialState 6) 4)
The code simulates a simple abstract machine that has a single register, and instructions to add to the register, subtract from it, and get its value. The "program" at the end initialises the register to 0, adds 6 to it, subtracts 4 and returns the result, which of course is 2.
I understand the purpose of the state monad (or at least think I do), and I expect that it will allow me to re-write this so that I end up with something like
runProgram :: ???????
runProgram = do
put 0
addToState 6
subtractFromState 4
value <- getValue
return value
However, despite all the tutorials I've read I still don't quite know how to transform my code into this form.
Of course, my actual machine's state is much more complicated, and I'm also passing around its output (which will be passed to another machine) and various other things, so I'm quite keen to simplify it. Knowing how to do it for this simplified example would be a very great help.
Update: after Lee's great answer I now know how to do this, but I'm stuck on how to write code in the same elegant form when I have multiple interacting machines. I've asked about that in a new question.

First you need to convert your existing functions to return State Machine a values:
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
data Machine = Register Int
addToState :: Int -> State Machine ()
addToState i = do
(Register x) <- get
put $ Register (x + i)
subtractFromState :: Int -> State Machine ()
subtractFromState i = do
(Register x) <- get
put $ Register (x - i)
getValue :: State Machine Int
getValue = do
(Register i) <- get
pure i
then you can combine them into a stateful computation:
program :: State Machine Int
program = do
addToState 6
subtractFromState 4
finally you need can run this computation with evalState to get the final result and discard the state:
runProgram :: Int
runProgram = evalState program (Register 0)


ReaderT static environment

Declaration of the ReaderT monad transformer, which adds a static environment to a given monad.
What does it mean to add a static environment to a given monad?
Someone suggested that this is a duplicate to another question. I believe that this question is unique because I'm asking what it means to have a static environment and also my question pertains to ReaderT. Even if it is similar to Reader, they are still different.
It means that the environment cannot be updated: you can only read from it (hence the name of ReaderT). This is in contrast to monad transformers like StateT which provide you an environment you can both read and write to.
Inside a reader monad, you can reach the envionment using the ask function:
ask :: Monad m => ReaderT r m r
Inside a state monad, you have a similar function for reading called get as well as another function which writes to the state called put:
get :: Monad m => StateT s m s
put :: Monad m => s -> StateT s m ()
Here is a sample usage of both ReaderT and StateT. Let's suppose my underlying monad will be IO so that I will be able to print things along the way.
The contrived example here is a number guessing program - the environment is just a number that you are trying to guess (so Int). guess takes a number and checks whether the number is the same one as the one in the environment. If not, it prints a message to the screen. In either case, it returns whether your guess was successful.
guessReader :: Int -> ReaderT Int IO Bool
guessReader guess = do
actual <- ask
if guess == actual
then return True
else do
lift $ putStrLn ("The number was " ++ show actual)
return False
However, suppose now you want a way of changing the number you are trying to guess randomly after a guess. Then, since you need to change the environment, you will need to use StateT.
import System.Random (randomRIO)
guessState :: Int -> StateT Int IO Bool
guessState guess = do
actual <- get
if guess == actual
then return True
else do
lift $ putStrLn ("The number was " ++ show actual)
newActual <- lift $ randomRIO (0,10)
put newActual
return False
Then, if you run the reader version several times, note that the value you are trying to guess never changes. That is not the case with the state version, which resets to a new number every time you make a wrong guess:
ghci> runReaderT (guessReader 3 >> guessReader 4 >> guessReader 5) 5
The number was 5
The number was 5
ghci> evalStateT (guessState 3 >> guessState 4 >> guessState 5) 5
The number was 5
The number was 6
The number was 2

Simulating interacting stateful objects in Haskell

I'm currently writing a Haskell program that involves simulating an abstract machine, which has internal state, takes input and gives output. I know how to implement this using the state monad, which results in much cleaner and more manageable code.
My problem is that I don't know how to pull the same trick when I have two (or more) stateful objects interacting with one another. Below I give a highly simplified version of the problem and sketch out what I have so far.
For the sake of this question, let's assume a machine's internal state consists only of a single integer register, so that its data type is
data Machine = Register Int
deriving (Show)
(The actual machine might have multiple registers, a program pointer, a call stack etc. etc., but let's not worry about that for now.) After a previous question I know how to implement the machine using the state monad, so that I don't have to explicitly pass its internal state around. In this simplified example the implementation looks like this, after importing Control.Monad.State.Lazy:
addToState :: Int -> State Machine ()
addToState i = do
(Register x) <- get
put $ Register (x + i)
getValue :: State Machine Int
getValue = do
(Register i) <- get
return i
This allows me to write things like
program :: State Machine Int
program = do
addToState 6
addToState (-4)
runProgram = evalState program (Register 0)
This adds 6 to the register, then subtracts 4, then returns the result. The state monad keeps track of the machine's internal state so that the "program" code doesn't have to explicitly track it.
In object oriented style in an imperative language, this "program" code might look like
def runProgram(machine):
return machine.getValue()
In that case, if I want to simulate two machines interacting with each other I might write
def doInteraction(machine1, machine2):
a = machine1.getValue()
return machine2.getValue()
which sets machine1's state to 0, adding its value onto machine2's state and returning the result.
My question is simply, what is the paradigmatic way to write this kind of imperative code in Haskell? Originally I thought I needed to chain two state monads, but after a hint by Benjamin Hodgson in the comments I realised I should be able to do it with a single state monad where the state is a tuple containing both machines.
The problem is that I don't know how to implement this in a nice clean imperative style. Currently I have the following, which works but is inelegant and fragile:
interaction :: State (Machine, Machine) Int
interaction = do
(m1, m2) <- get
let a = evalState (getValue) m1
let m1' = execState (addToState (-a)) m1
let m2' = execState (addToState a) m2
let result = evalState (getValue) m2'
put $ (m1',m2')
return result
doInteraction = runState interaction (Register 3, Register 5)
The type signature interaction :: State (Machine, Machine) Int is a nice direct translation of the Python function declaration def doInteraction(machine1, machine2):, but the code is fragile because I resorted to threading state through the functions using explicit let bindings. This requires me to introduce a new name every time I want to change the state of one of the machines, which in turn means I have to manually keep track of which variable represents the most up-to-date state. For longer interactions this is likely to make the code error-prone and hard to edit.
I expect that the result will have something to do with lenses. The problem is that I don't know how to run a monadic action on only one of the two machines. Lenses has an operator <<~ whose documentation says "Run a monadic action, and set the target of Lens to its result", but this action gets run in the current monad, where the state is type (Machine, Machine) rather than Machine.
So at this point my question is, how can I implement the interaction function above in a more imperative / object-oriented style, using state monads (or some other trick) to implicitly keep track of the internal states of the two machines, without having to pass the states around explicitly?
Finally, I realise that wanting to write object oriented code in a pure functional language might be a sign that I'm doing something wrong, so I'm very open to being shown another way to think about the problem of simulating multiple stateful things interacting with each other. Basically I just want to know the "right way" to approach this sort of problem in Haskell.
I think good practice would dictate that you should actually make a System data type to wrap your two machines, and then you might as well use lens.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
-- With these records, it will be very easy to add extra machines or registers
-- without having to refactor any of the code that follows
data Machine = Machine { _register :: Int } deriving (Show)
data System = System { _machine1, _machine2 :: Machine } deriving (Show)
-- This is some TemplateHaskell magic that makes special `register`, `machine1`,
-- and `machine2` functions.
makeLenses ''Machine
makeLenses ''System
doInteraction :: MonadState System m => m Int
doInteraction = do
a <- use (machine1.register)
machine1.register -= a
machine2.register += a
use (machine2.register)
Also, just to test this code, we can check at GHCi that it does what we want:
ghci> runState doInteraction (System (Machine 3) (Machine 4))
(7,System {_machine1 = Machine {_register = 0}, _machine2 = Machine {_register = 7}})
By using records and lens, there will be no refactoring if I decide to add extra fields. For example, say I want a third machine, then all I do is change System:
data System = System
{ _machine1, _machine2, _machine3 :: Machine } deriving (Show)
But nothing else in my existing code will change - just now I will be able to use machine3 like I use machine1 and machine2.
By using lens, I can scale more easily to nested structures. Note that I just avoided the very simple addToState and getValue functions completely. Since a Lens is actually just a function, machine1.register is just regular function composition. For example, lets say I want a machine to now have an array of registers, then getting or setting particular registers is still simple. We just modify Machine and doInteraction:
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
data Machine = Machine { _registers :: UArray Int Int } deriving (Show)
-- code snipped
doInteraction2 :: MonadState System m => m Int
doInteraction2 = do
Just a <- preuse (machine1.registers.ix 2) -- get 3rd reg on machine1
machine1.registers.ix 2 -= a -- modify 3rd reg on machine1
machine2.registers.ix 1 += a -- modify 2nd reg on machine2
Just b <- preuse (machine2.registers.ix 1) -- get 2nd reg on machine2
return b
Note that this is equivalent to having a function like the following in Python:
def doInteraction2(machine1,machine2):
a = machine1.registers[2]
machine1.registers[2] -= a
machine2.registers[1] += a
b = machine2.registers[1]
return b
You can again test this out on GHCi:
ghci> import Data.Array.IArray (listArray)
ghci> let regs1 = listArray (0,3) [0,0,6,0]
ghci> let regs2 = listArray (0,3) [0,7,3,0]
ghci> runState doInteraction (System (Machine regs1) (Machine regs2))
(13,System {_machine1 = Machine {_registers = array (0,3) [(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(3,0)]}, _machine2 = Machine {_registers = array (0,3) [(0,0),(1,13),(2,3),(3,0)]}})
The OP has specified that he would like to have a way of embedding a State Machine a into a State System a. lens, as always, has such a function if you go digging deep enough. zoom (and its sibling magnify) provide facilities for "zooming" out/in of State/Reader (it only makes sense to zoom out of State and magnify into Reader).
Then, if we want to implement doInteraction while keeping as black boxes getValue and addToState, we get
getValue :: State Machine Int
addToState :: Int -> State Machine ()
doInteraction3 :: State System Int
doInteraction3 = do
a <- zoom machine1 getValue -- call `getValue` with state `machine1`
zoom machine1 (addToState (-a)) -- call `addToState (-a)` with state `machine1`
zoom machine2 (addToState a) -- call `addToState a` with state `machine2`
zoom machine2 getValue -- call `getValue` with state `machine2`
Notice however that if we do this we really must commit to a particular state monad transformer (as opposed to the generic MonadState), since not all ways of storing state are going to be necessarily "zoomable" in this way. That said, RWST is another state monad transformer supported by zoom.
One option is to make your state transformations into pure functions operating on Machine values:
getValue :: Machine -> Int
getValue (Register x) = x
addToState :: Int -> Machine -> Machine
addToState i (Register x) = Register (x + i)
Then you can lift them into State as needed, writing State actions on multiple machines like so:
doInteraction :: State (Machine, Machine) Int
doInteraction = do
a <- gets $ getValue . fst
modify $ first $ addToState (-a)
modify $ second $ addToState a
gets $ getValue . snd
Where first (resp. second) is a function from Control.Arrow, used here with the type:
(a -> b) -> (a, c) -> (b, c)
That is, it modifies the first element of a tuple.
Then runState doInteraction (Register 3, Register 5) produces (8, (Register 0, Register 8)) as expected.
(In general I think you could do this sort of “zooming in” on subvalues with lenses, but I’m not really familiar enough to offer an example.)
You could also use Gabriel Gonzales' Pipes library for the case you've illustrated. The tutorial for the library is one of the best pieces of Haskell documentation in existence.
Below illustrates a simple example (untested).
-- machine 1 adds its input to current state
machine1 :: (MonadIO m) => Pipe i o m ()
machine1 = flip evalStateT 0 $ forever $ do
-- gets pipe input
a <- lift await
-- get current local state
s <- get
-- <whatever>
let r = a + s
-- update state
put r
-- fire down pipeline
yield r
-- machine 2 multiplies its input by current state
machine2 :: (MonadIO m) => Pipe i o m ()
machine2 = flip evalStateT 0 $ forever $ do
-- gets pipe input
a <- lift await
-- get current local state
s <- get
-- <whatever>
let r = a * s
-- update state
put r
-- fire down pipeline
yield r
You can then combine using the >-> operator. An example would be to run
run :: IO ()
run :: runEffect $ P.stdinLn >-> machine1 >-> machine2 >-> P.stdoutLn
Note that is possible, although a little more involved to have bi-directional pipes, which is gives you communications between both machines. Using some of the other pipes ecosystems, you can also have asynchronous pipes to model non-deterministic or parallel operation of machines.
I believe the same can be achieved with the conduit library, but I don't have much experience with it.

How to limit code changes when introducing state?

I am a senior C/C++/Java/Assembler programmer and I have been always fascinated by the pure functional programming paradigm. From time to time, I try to implement something useful with it, e.g., a small tool, but often I quickly reach a point where I realize that I (and my tool, too) would be much faster in a non-pure language. It's probably because I have much more experience with imperative programming languages with thousands of idoms, patterns and typical solution approaches in my head.
Here is one of those situations. I have encountered it several times and I hope you guys can help me.
Let's assume I write a tool to simulate communication networks. One important task is the generation of network packets. The generation is quite complex, consisting of dozens of functions and configuration parameters, but at the end there is one master function and because I find it useful I always write down the signature:
generatePackets :: Configuration -> [Packet]
However, after a while I notice that it would be great if the packet generation would have some kind of random behavior deep down in one of the many sub-functions of the generation process. Since I need a random number generator for that (and I also need it at some other places in the code), this means to manually change dozens of signatures to something like
f :: Configuration -> RNGState [Packet]
type RNGState = State StdGen
I understand the "mathematical" necessity (no states) behind this. My question is on a higher (?) level: How would an experienced Haskell programmer have approached this situation? What kind of design pattern or work flow would have avoided the extra work later?
I have never worked with an experienced Haskell programmer. Maybe you will tell me that you never write signatures because you have to change them too often afterwards, or that you give all your functions a state monad, "just in case" :)
One approach that I've been fairly successful with is using a monad transformer stack. This lets you both add new effects when needed and also track the effects required by particular functions.
Here's a really simple example.
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
data Config = Config { v1 :: Int, v2 :: Int }
-- the type of the entire program describes all the effects that it can do
type Program = StateT Int (ReaderT Config IO) ()
runProgram program config startState =
runReaderT (runStateT program startState) config
-- doesn't use configuration values. doesn't do IO
step1 :: MonadState Int m => m ()
step1 = get >>= \x -> put (x+1)
-- can use configuration and change state, but can't do IO
step2 :: (MonadReader Config m, MonadState Int m) => m ()
step2 = do
x <- asks v1
y <- get
put (x+y)
-- can use configuration and do IO, but won't touch our internal state
step3 :: (MonadReader Config m, MonadIO m) => m ()
step3 = do
x <- asks v2
liftIO $ putStrLn ("the value of v2 is " ++ show x)
program :: Program
program = step1 >> step2 >> step3
main :: IO ()
main = do
let config = Config { v1 = 42, v2 = 123 }
startState = 17
result <- runProgram program config startState
return ()
Now if we want to add another effect:
step4 :: MonadWriter String m => m()
step4 = tell "done!"
program :: Program
program = step1 >> step2 >> step3 >> step4
Just adjust Program and runProgram
type Program = StateT Int (ReaderT Config (WriterT String IO)) ()
runProgram program config startState =
runWriterT $ runReaderT (runStateT program startState) config
To summarize, this approach lets us decompose a program in a way that tracks effects but also allows adding new effects as needed without a huge amount of refactoring.
It's come to my attention that I didn't answer the question about what to do for code that's already written. In many cases, it's not too difficult to change pure code into this style:
computation :: Double -> Double -> Double
computation x y = x + y
computation :: Monad m => Double -> Double -> m Double
computation x y = return (x + y)
This function will now work for any monad, but doesn't have access to any extra effects. Specifically, if we add another monad transformer to Program, then computation will still work.

Repeatedly applying function to game board in Haskell

I've created a chess game with Haskell and everything seems to be working. However, I'm trying to define the main function of the program so that each time a move is made (which takes two positions and a board as arguments) the resulting board is kept somewhere, so that it can then be used as an argument for the next move. The code looks something like this.
makeMove :: Position -> Position -> Board -> Board
makeMove pos1 pos2 board = ...
I'm aware of the do notation and have a basic understanding of IO in Haskell, but I'm still unsure on how to proceed.
I'm assuming you want your game to be relatively dynamic and to respond to input, hence the IO question.
I'll give a bit of background theory on imperative style commands and IO interpreted as functions, then look at this in Haskell and finally talk about your case from this point of view.
Some background on imperative commands
If this is stuff you know, apologies, but it might help anyway, or it might help others.
In Haskell, we obviously have no direct mutation of variables. But we can consider a (closely) related idea of 'functions on states' - commands which would, in an imperative paradigm, be seen as mutating variables, can be seen as a 'state transformer': a function which, given one state (of the program, world, whatever) outputs another one.
An example:
Suppose we have a state consisting of a single integer variable a. Use the notation x := y meaning 'assign the value of expression y to the variable x'. (In many modern imperative languages this is written x = y, but to disambiguate with the equality relation = we can use a slightly different symbol.) Then the command (call it C)
a := 0
can be seen as something which modifies the variable a. But if we have an abstract idea of a type of 'states', we can see the 'meaning' of C as a function from states to states. This is sometimes written 〚C〛.
So 〚C〛: states -> states, and for any state s, 〚C〛s = <the state where a = 0>. There are much more complicated state transformers that act on much more complicated kinds of state, but the principle is not more complicated than this!
An important way to make new state transformers from old ones is notated by the familiar semicolon. So if we have state transformers C1 and C2, we can write a new state transformer which 'does C1 and then C2' as C1;C2. This is familiar from many imperative programming languages. In fact, the meaning as a state transformer of this 'concatenation' of commands is
〚C1;C2〛: states -> states
〚C1;C2〛s = 〚C2〛(〚C1〛s)
i.e. the composition of the commands. So in a sense, in Haskell-like notation
(;) : (states -> states) -> (states -> states) -> states -> states
c1 ; c2 = c2 . c1
i.e. (;) is an operator on state-transformers which composes them.
Haskell's approach
Now, Haskell has some neat ways of bringing these concepts directly into the language. Instead of having a distinct type for commands (state modifiers without a type, per se) and expressions (which, depending on the imperative context, may also be allowed to modify the state as well as resulting in a value), Haskell somewhat combines these into one. IO () entities represent pure state modifying actions which don't have a meaning as an expression, and IO a entities (where a is not ()) represent (potential) state modifying actions whose meaning as an expression (like a 'return type') is of type a.
Now, since IO () is like a command, we want something like (;), and indeed, in Haskell, we have the (>>) and (>>=) ('bind operators') which act just like it. We have (>>) :: IO a -> IO b -> IO b and (>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b. For a command (IO ()) or command-expression (IO a), the (>>) operator simply ignores the return if there is one, and gives you the operation of doing the two commands in sequence. The (>>=) on the other hand is for if we care about the result of the expression. The second argument is a function which, when applied to the result of the command-expression, gives another command/command-expression which is the 'next step'.
Now, since Haskell has no 'mutable variables', an IORef a-type variable represents a mutable reference variable, to an a-type variable. If ioA is an IORef a-type entity, we can do readIORef ioA which returns an IO a, the expression which is the result of reading the variable. If x :: a we can do writeIORef ioA x which returns an IO (), the command which is the result of writing the value x to the variable. To create a new IORef a, with value x we use newIORef x which gives an IO (IORef a) where the IORef a initially contains the value x.
Haskell also has do notation which you alluded to, which is a nice syntactic sugar for the above. Simply,
do a; b = a >> b
do v <- e; c = e >>= \v -> c
Your case
If we have some IO entity getAMove :: IO (Position, Position) (which might be a simple parser on some user input, or whatever suits your case), we can define
moveIO :: IORef Board -> IO ()
moveIO board =
readIORef board >>= \currentState -> -- read current state of the board
getAMove >>= \(pos1, pos2) -> -- obtain move instructions
writeIORef board (makeMove pos1 pos2 currentState) -- update the board per makeMove
This can also be written using do notation:
moveIO board = do
currentState <- readIORef board; -- read current state of the board
(pos1, pos2) <- getAMove; -- obtain move instructions
writeIORef board (makeMove pos1 pos2 currentState) -- update the board per makeMove
Then, whenever you need a command which updates an IORef Board based on a call to getAMove you can use this moveIO.
Now, if you make appropriate functions with the following signatures, a simple main IO loop can be devised:
-- represents a test of the board as to whether the game should continue
checkForContinue :: Board -> Bool
checkForContinue state = ...
-- represents some kind of display action of the board.
-- could be a simple line by line print.
displayBoardState :: Board -> IO ()
displayBoardState state = ...
-- represents the starting state of the board.
startState :: Board
-- a simple main loop
mainLoop :: IORef Board -> IO ()
mainLoop board = do
currentState <- readIORef board;
displayState currentState;
if checkForContinue currentState then
do moveIO board; mainLoop board
else return ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
board <- newIORef startState;
mainLoop board
You could use recursion to model state as follows:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let initialBoard = ...
gameLoop initialBoard
gameLoop :: Board -> IO ()
gameLoop board | gameOver board = putStrLn "Game over."
| otherwise = do
print board
move <- askUserToMove
let newBoard = applyMove move board
gameLoop newBoard
Here board is "changed" by computing a new one and recursively calling the game loop.

How do I create a thread pool?

Sometimes I want to run a maximum amount of IO actions in parallel at once for network-activity, etc. I whipped up a small concurrent thread function which works well with, but this isn't really a pool as all IO actions must finish before others can start.
The type of what I'm looking for would be something like:
runPool :: Int -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
and should be able to operate on finite and infinite lists.
The pipes package looks like it would be able to achieve this quite well, but I feel there is probably a similar solution to the gist I have provided just using mvars, etc, from the haskell-platform.
Has anyone encountered an idiomatic solution without any heavy dependencies?
You need a thread pool, if you want something short, you could get inspiration from Control.ThreadPool (from the control-engine package which also provide more general functions), for instance threadPoolIO is just :
threadPoolIO :: Int -> (a -> IO b) -> IO (Chan a, Chan b)
threadPoolIO nr mutator = do
input <- newChan
output <- newChan
forM_ [] $
\_ -> forkIO (forever $ do
i <- readChan input
o <- mutator i
writeChan output o)
return (input, output)
It use two Chan for communication with the outside but that's usually what you want, it really help writing code that don't mess up.
If you absolutely want to wrap it up in a function of your type you can encapsulate the communication too :
runPool :: Int -> [IO a] -> IO [a]
runPool n as = do
(input, output) <- threadPoolIO n (id)
forM_ as $ writeChan input
sequence (repeat (length as) $ readChan output)
This won't keep the order of your actions, is that a problem (it's easy to correct by transmitting the index of the action or just using an array instead to store the responses) ?
Note : the n threads will stay alive forever with this simplistic version, adding a "killAll" returned action to threadPoolIO would resolve this problem handily if you intend to create and trash several of those pool in a long running application (if not, given the weight of threads in Haskell, it's probably not worth the bother).
Note that this function works on finite lists only, that's because IO is normally strict so you can't start to process elements of IO [a] before the whole list is produced, if you really want that you'll have either to use lazy IO with unsafeInterleaveIO (maybe not the best idea) or completely change your model and use something like conduits to stream your results.
