Suppose that I have two cameras. I don't know exactly the poses of these two cameras. So their rotation matrice denoted as R1 and R2, respectively, are unknown. But I know the relative angles of these cameras along three axes. I mean if the angles along three axes of the two camera are (alpha1, betta1, gamma1) and (alpha2, betta2, gamma2), then the relative angles of these camera (deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ)=(alpha2-alpha1, betta2-betta1, gamma2-gamma1) are known.
My question is that can we form a "relative" rotation matrix R12 so that R2=R12*R1?
Because there're many methods to construct a rotation matrix. And the results of these methods are different (I'm still don't understand why can a camera have different rotation matrices). In this case, I construct the rotation matrix by multiply three rotation matrix along three axes. More specifically, R=RzRyRx.
As I test with the code in Matlab,
R(alpha2, 0, 0)*R(alpha1, 0, 0)=R(alpha1+alpha2, 0, 0).
R(alpha2, betta2, gamma2)*R(alpha1, betta1, gamma1) != R(alpha1+alpha2, betta1+betta2, gamma1+gamma2).
I have an SVG <path> with points in "model" coordinate system. For simplicity let my path consist of x, sin(x) pairs - note the lack of any scaling and offsets.
To render it on screen I calculated a SVGMatrix and put it into SVGTransformList of my path element. Also I use CSS vector-effect: non-scaling-stroke.
Now I want to pan my sine chart using a mouse, so I got the shift vector in SVG screen coordinates.
My idea is to put one more matrix in my SVGTransformList and calculate it from the screen shift vector.
Should I put this new matrix before or after my original matrix? What is considered a good style? (I know that the coefficients of the second matrix will be different in the two cases)
Also to transform my shift vector to model coordinates I transform back two SVGPoints: zero and with coordinates of my delta vector, and manually subtract the images coordinate-wise. Is it the way to transform vectors, e.g. there are
no better math or API approach?
I'm working on implementing Akush Gupta's synthetic data generation dataset ( In his work. he used a convolutional neural network to extract a point cloud from a 2-dimensional scenery image, segmented the point clouds to isolate different planes, used RANSAC to fit a 3d plane to the point cloud segments, and then warped the pixels for the segment, given the 3D plane, to a fronto-parallel view.
I'm stuck in this last part- warping my extracted 3D plane to a fronto-parallel view. I have X, Y, and Z vectors as well as a normal vector. I'm thinking what I need to do is perform some type of perspective transform or rotation that would bring all the pixels on the plane to a complete 0 Z-axis while the X and Y would remain the same. I could be wrong about this, it's been a long time since I've had any formal training in geometry or linear algebra.
It looks like skimage's Perspective Transform requires me to know the dimensions of the final segment coordinates in 2d space. It looks like AffineTransform requires me to know the rotation. All I have at this point is my X,Y,Z and normal vector and the suspicion that I may know my destination plane by just setting the Z axis to all zeros. I'm not sure if my assumption is correct but I need to be able to warp all the pixels in the segment of interest to fronto-parallel, fit a bounding box, place text inside of it, then warp the final segment back to the original perspective in 3d space.
Any help with how to think about this or implement it would be massively useful.
Looking at Convert a quadratic bezier to a cubic?, I can finally understand why programming teachers always told me that math was so important. Sadly, I didn't listen.
Can anyone provide a more concrete - e.g., computer-language-y - formula for converting a quadratic curve to a cubic? Understanding that there's some rounding errors possible, which is fine.
Given a quad curve represented by variables:
StartX, StartY
ControlX, ControlY
EndX, EndY
And desiring StartX, StartY and EndX, EndY to remain the same, but to now have Control1X, Control1Y and Control2X, Control2Y of a cubic curve.
Is it...
Control1X = StartX + (.66 * (ControlX - StartX))
Control2X = EndX + (.66 * (ControlX - EndX))
With the same essential functions used to calculate Control1Y and Control2Y?
Your code is right except that you should use 2.0/3.0 instead of 0.66.
You avoid most rounding errors by using
Control1 = (Start + 2 * Control) / 3
Control2 = (End + 2 * Control) / 3
Note that line segments are also convertible to cubic Bezier curves using:
Control1 = Start
Control2 = End
This can be handy when converting a complex path mixing various types of curves (linear, quadratic, cubic).
There's also a basic transform for converting elliptic arcs to cubic (with some minor unnoticeable errors): you just have to split at least the arc on elliptic quadrans (cutting the ellipse first on the two orthogonal axis of symetries, or on arbitrary orthogonal axis passing through the center if the ellipse is a circle, then representing each arc; when the ellipse is a circle, the two focal points are confused on the same point, the center of the circle, so you can use any direction for one of the orthogonal axis).
Many SVG renderers do that by adding an additional split on octants (so that you get also precise position not only for points where the two main axis are passing through, but also for two diagonal axis which are bissecting (when the ellipse is a circle) each quadrant (when the ellipse is not a circle, assimilate it as a circle flattened with a linear transform along the small axis only, you do the same computation), because octants are also quite precisely positioned:
cos(pi/4) = sin(pi/4) = sqrt(2)/2 ≈ 0.71, and because this additional splitting will allow precise rendering of tangents on points crossing the diagonals at 45 degrees of the circle.
A full ellipse is then converted to 8 cubic arcs (i.e. 8 points on ellipse and 16 control points): you'll almost not notice the difference between elliptical arcs and these generated cubic arcs
You can create an algorithm that uses the same "flattening error" computed when splitting a Bezier to a list of linear segments, which are then drawn using the classic fast Bresenham algo for line segments; a "flattenning" algorithm just has to measure the relative deviation of the sum of lengths of the two straight segments joining the two focal points of the ellipse to any point of the generated cubic arcs, as this sum is constant on any true ellipse: if you make this measurement on the generated control points for the cubic arcs, the difference should be below a given percentage of the expected sum, or within an absolute distance precision, and can be used to create better approximation of control points with a simple linear formula so that these added points will be on the real ellipse.
Such transform of arbitrary paths is useful when you want to derive other curves from the path, notably the curves of "buffers" at a given distance, notably when these paths must be converted to "strokes" with a defined "stroke width": you need to compute two "inner" and "outer" curves and then concentrate on how to converting the miters/buts/squares/rounded corners, and then to cut long miters at a convenient distance (matching the "miter limit" factor times the "stroke width").
More advanced renderers will also use miters represented by tangent circles when there's a corner between two arcs instead of two segments (this is useful for drawing cute geographic maps)...
Converting an arbitrary path mixing segments, elliptic and bezier arcs to only cubic arcs is a necessary step to compute precise images without excessive defects visible when zooming in. This is then necessary when your "stroke" buffers have to take some effects (such as computing dashes), and then enhancing the result with semi-transparent pixels or subpixels to smooth the rendered strokes (smoothing is easy to computez only when everything has been flattened to line segments, and alsos may be simpler to develop if it only has to manage paths containing only cubic beziers: it can easily be parallelized if needed and accelerated by hardware). Bezier arcs are always interesting because drawing them is fast and requires only basic arithmetics, and the time needed to draw them is proportional to the length of the curve with every point drawn with the same accuracy level.
In summary, all curves are representable by cubic Bezier arcs with a maximum measurable deviation allowed (you can set this maximum deviation to one half pixel, or one subpixel if you first scale up the measurement grid for half-toning or subpixel shading, and then represent accurately every curve with a reasonnaly fast rendering, and get accurate rendering at any zoom level with curves smoothed everywhere, including with half-toning or transparency levels when finally drawing the linear strokes with the classic Bresenham algorithm using fast integer-only arithmetics). These rendered curve will all have the correct tangeants everywhere, without any unexpected angles visible on approximation points, and the remaining control points in the approximation will make also a good smooth rendering of the curvature everywhere (i.e. radius of the tangeant circle), so you can use this approximation as well to derive other measurements such as acceleration, inertial forces, or magnetic effects of paths of charged particles).
If you ever need higher precision, use Bezier arcs with degree 4 (i.e. with 3 control points between points on curve) to get smoothed derivation at a supplementary degree (e.g. gradients of forces), or just split the cubic arcs with additional steps further, until the derivation is smooth enough (but using degree-4 Bezier arcs requires much less points curves and less control points for the same accuracy tolerances, than when using cubic Bezier only).
I have given an assignment of to project a object in 3D space into a 2D plane using simple graphics in C. The question is that a cube is placed in fixed 3D space and there is camera which is placed in a position whose co-ordinates are x,y,z and the camera is looking at the origin i.e. 0,0,0. Now we have to project the cube vertex into the camera plane.
I am proceeding with the following steps
Step 1: I find the equation of the plane aX+bY+cZ+d=0 which is perpendicular to the line drawn from the camera position to the origin.
Step 2: I find the projection of each vertex of the cube to the plane which is obtained in the above step.
Now I want to map those vertex position which i got by projection in step 2 in the plane aX+bY+cZ+d=0 into my screen plane.
I don't think that by letting the z co-ordinate equals zero will lead me to the actual mapping. So any help to figure out this.
You can do that in two simple steps:
Translate the cube's coordinates to the camera's system (using
rotation), such that the camera's own coordinates in that system are x=y=z=0 and the cube's translated z's are > 0.
Project the translated cube's coordinates onto a 2d plain by dividing its x's and y's by their respective z's (you may need to apply a constant scaling factor here for the coordinates to be reasonable for the screen, e.g. not too small and within +/-half the screen's height in pixels). This will create the perspective effect. You can now draw pixels using these divided x's and y's on the screen assuming x=y=0 is the center of it.
This is pretty much how it is done in 3d games. If you use cube vertex coordinates, then you get projections of its sides onto the screen. You may then solid-fill the resultant 2d shapes or texture-map them. But for that you'll have to first figure out which sides are not obscured by others (unless, of course, you use a technique called z-buffering). You don't need that for a simple wire-frame demo, though, just draw straight lines between the projected vertices.
The concept of extrinsic parameters of a camera seem fuzzy to me when there is only one viewing plane. What is the rotation matrix and translation vector relative to when we only have one image? Why wouldn't this always be the origin?
It appears you are recovering extrinsic parameters (R+T, 6 DOF) from one image of a known object (calibration target). If this is true, then the recovered parameters correspond to the camera pose relative to the intrinsic coordinate system of the calibration target.
For instance, if you are viewing a Zhang's planar target, and if you denote the target point coordinates as (0,0), (0,1), (0,2), ..., (1,0), (1,1), etc, then the recovered camera pose is relative to the coordinate system with origin at (0,0), and whose axes are defined by the vectors e1((0,0),(0,1)), e2((0,0),(1,0)) and e3 = e1 x e2.