Do we have any methods in mel to check string contained in some another String or not - movilizer

Do we have any methods in mel to check string contained in some another String or not.
For Example:
I had String like "mel".
I had Another String like "melcode".
Do we have any idea how to check the String "mel" is available in String "melcode".

num indexOf(str inputString1, str inputString2)
if the return value is -1 then inputString1 does not contain inputString2

As mentioned in Is there any possible way to filter movelets using mel from another movlet?
Hi Jaya Sankar, you can use indexOf which returns -1 if the first input String does not contain the second input String. There are also startsWith and endsWith as methods.


Extracting boolean values embedded in string in Python

I ran a survey on Mechanical Turk, and the results were returned to me in a string formatted like this:
[{"Q1_option1":{"Option 1":true},"Q1_option2":{"Option 2":false},"Q2_option1":{"Option 1":true},"Q2_option2":{"Option 2":false}}]
I'm not the sharpest programmer out there, and I'm struggling with how to extract the boolean values from the string. I only need the "true" and "false" values in the order they appear.
I would really appreciate any help!
You can use the regular expression module re to extract the values
import re
string = '[{"Q1_option1":{"Option 1":true},"Q1_option2":{"Option 2":false},"Q2_option1":{"Option 1":true},"Q2_option2":{"Option 2":false}}]'
bool_vals = re.findall("true|false", string)
bool_vals is a list that contains the values in the order they appeared in your input string.

Replace a specific value in a string in python

I'm trying to replace a specific values in a long string. Is it possible to do this with replace function in python?
a snipit of the string is:
'rh':0, 'rp':0, 't':'b.nan','rh':1, 'rp':1, 't':'b.nan'
my snipit string should look like
'rh':0, 'rp':0, 't':b.nan,'rh':1, 'rp':1, 't':b.nan
i'm trying to replace the 'b.nan' to b.nan but it doesn't work.
The code i'm using:
a.replace("'b.nan'", "b.nan")
You can index strings like arrays:
string = "hello"
this prints 'e'
You could try finding the index and then replacing it as such

Unity: Comparing strings doesn't seem to work in this case?

I'm trying to compare to strings in a function to be able to do stuff if it's true. However, for some reason the two strings I'm comparing are never equal to eachother.
I am creating a new string in a function, getting data from a Json and then comparing that string with another string in another class. This doesn't work for some reason. The Debug shows that both strings are equal, but the if-statement returns false.
I created two other string variables (hello & hello2) with the same value ("Hello") and this time it's comparing correctly.
Check the images below. What am I doing wrong?
As you can see in the console, both strings have the same value:
Image 1. Here's where I create the string (zoneId).
Image 2. Further down in the same function, same for-loop.
Here's where I'm trying to compare the string created in this function with another string from another class.
Image 3. As you can see in the console it's looping through the jsonArray. But it's returning false even though it's clear that both strings have the same value.
Image 4 and 5. Here I am testing with two other strings inside the function and they are working fine.
Does it has something to do calling a string from another class?
Here's how my other string in userInfo is set up:
public string userID { get; private set; }
In Image 3, is there an additional space before the second 2?
How are you processing Main.Instance.userInfo.zoneID?
You need to use string.Equals for string comparison instead of operator == or !=.
Are string.Equals() and == operator really same?

Is stringA in StringB in MATLAB

Is there a way to check if a string exists within another string in MATLAB. In python this is done easily with a in b. I do not want indexes or anything like that. I just want to check if its true or not. The answers that I find is "strcmp" or "strfind" and also regexp. regexp returns indexes. strcmp(a, b) does not seem to work. I have a string a = 'ac' and another string b = 'bc_gh_ac'. And want to check if a in b.
Best regards
The answer is indeed strfind. You have to be careful with the order of the parameters which at first seems unusual - the pattern is the second argument, not the first. The following code demonstrates:
If you simply want to test whether the string is present or not then use the isempty function:
if ~isempty(strfind(b,a))
disp('String is present');

Find if a string is present inside another string in Pig

I want to find if a string contains another string in Pig. I found that there is a built-in index function, but it only searches for characters not strings.
Is there any other alternative?
You can use this :
X = FILTER A BY (f1 matches '.*the_word_you're_looking_for.*');
More information here :
