how to first launch my website popup - web

I have a problem where I want to make my website when you first accessed through a mobile phone message to download the app or website.
What is needed? Can anyone help me solve my problem?

Javascript for example:
You can set a cookie.
var tehDiv = document.getElemenbyId('adiv');
if (localStorage.getItem('firstTime'){
localStorage.setItem('firstTime', 'no');
theDiv.innerHTML='The html that shows download app buttons';
<div id="adiv">Here will be placed download buttons or not</div>
If need to know if is a mobile there are many scripts to that. For example this one: Detecting iOS / Android Operating system


How to open app in the Enterprise Browser?

I have a website with a payment link like this: sumupmerchant://pay/1.0?affiliate-key=aa&app-id=bb&total=0&currency=EUR&title=cc and when i open this URL in Google Chrome on my android device, it opens the app which is installed on the device. The Enterprise Browser doesn't open it (it shows a webpage not available error). Is there anyone who knows if it's possible to open another app from within the enterprise browser?
If it was possible to use the Chrome browser then i would but it's not possible since we have a webapp which needs this browser to make a connection with a Zebra printer.
Thank you in advance.
Is this Zebra's Enterprise Browser? If so, although you can't open apps by clicking on links there is an Intent API available and you could say something like this:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="ebapi-modules.js"></script>
var params = {
intentType: EB.Intent.START_ACTIVITY,
action: 'pay',
appName: '',
data: {"afilliate_key":"aa", "app-id":"bb","total":"0","currency":"EUR","title":"cc"}
I'm not sure exactly how to launch your app via Intent, the above is just a guess. More on the Intent API at

WebView, opening link in different window/tab

Is it possible to open a link like this to be opened in Safari by only changing the contents of the HTML file only?
My WebView loads a local HTML page with this source:
Link to Fanpage
How do I make it so that it opens in Safari? By default it should also open in Facebook app if it was downloaded?
It's annoying that it opens the Facebook page on the same webview and the user won't be able to go back to the previous webpage.
Would I have to face a new approach? Thank you.
I looked at other solutions but I don't know what it means by adding a delegate to the webview?
I think you are trying to get get back-history working with anchors on iOS? I have been dealing with the same issue.
Thanks to inspiration from, created the following angular directive that fixes this back-history issue. Basically it overrides the default html anchor behavior.
.directive('anchorOpenInNewWin',function() {
return {
restrict : 'A',
link : function($scope,$element,$attrs) {
$element.bind('click touchstart',function(e) {
location.href = $attrs.href;
<a anchor-open-in-new-win href="" target="_blank">google</a>
This solution could be easily translated into jquery or whatever you are using. Hope this helps

How do I load phonegap/cordova with jade?

I am developing a Web Application using node.js, express and jade. I have the following jade template which I am seeing using a WebView in a Phonegap application:
doctype mobile
var ready = function() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", ready);
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
block content
h1= title
button(id='vibrateButton', onclick='navigator.notification.vibrate(2000);')Confirm
- each service in services
div.desc= service.description
What this template will produce is a webpage with a list of items (a description and a link) which will be fetched from a mongo database. The page is served using node.js
Now, the cordova script is not loading because the alert ("Ready") is not being displayed. Also, if I hit the button the device won't vibrate and the console will display the following message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'vibrate' of undefined at
How can I include the Phonegap script using jade? I have tried to load simple scripts with just an alert and it works, but in this case I don't know why it is not working.
Could anyone provide advise please? Thanks.
With recent changes to cordova, you should take a look into InAppBrowser api. That's the recommended way to deal with remote pages embedded in your application.
In the end, you'll probably have a single index.html on the application to make sure the cordova js api is loaded and everything is ok. Then you'll open an InAppBrowser targeting your remote page (remember to whitelist it on config.xml for a better experience!).
The dot after the script is missing. Read this:
"Often you might want large blocks of text within a tag. A good
example is with inline scripts or styles. To do this, just add a .
after the tag (with no preceding space)"
It's taken from the jade-lang reference.
if (usingJade)
console.log('you are awesome')
console.log('use jade')
Will render:
if (usingJade)
console.log('you are awesome')
console.log('use jade')
these will never work.
the html pages needs to be on the client side( app side ) not in the server side(node).
Example. In a android phonegap proyect on the assets\www folder.
i dont know for wat SO is your app, but
App client side: views, phonegap, jquery .... and all the stuff to request the data to the node server.
Server side: dbStuff, and all the stuff to retrieve the data to the app requests.
hope it helps.

mailto links not working in Chrome and Safari Mobile

In my jQuery Mobile App, I have a mailto link, its href attribute is dynamically generated and it is 'clicked' via jQuery.Here is the link code:
<a id="mealLink" href="" style="display: none;">This is the mailto
A click handler is attached to it like this:
$('#mailLink').bind('click', function() {
window.location.href = $(this).attr('href');
Lastly,a function creates the href attribute for the link with emailaddress, subject and message body and click is simulated via jQuery:
$emailAddress= ..
$subject= ....
$emailLink= $("#mealMail");
Now, this code is working perfectly in:
Mozilla desktop
Safari desktop
But not working in:
Safari Mobile
Chrome desktop
Any suggestions?
After searching for complex solutions, I found a much easier solution by chance. The issue here is that if a mailto link is directly clicked, it works in all browsers, but if it is indirectly clicked, such as via jQuery .click() function, it does not work in all browsers. Therefore, here is my implementation:
This is a mail to link
$emailAddress= ..
$subject= ....
$emailLink= $("#emailLink");
Now, depending upon the context of an application, the href parameter of the link can be setup and when this link is clicked, it works. I have tested in following browers:
Mozilla Firefox Desktop
Safari Desktop
Chrome Desktop
Safari mobile on ipad 1
You should not use mailto:
Check if is not better to create a simple "Contact us" form.
But still, take a look at this: i-cant-get-mailto-links-to-open-the-mail-app-from-mobile-safari-when-using-jqto

sencha touch :: is it possible (and how) to open a website inside a panel or in external browser window?

i wonder if and how it is possible to open a website inside a panel or in an external browser window of the mobile safari! I tried to open a website inside a panel but due to crossdomain problems only the htm without the css was loaded.
any ideas?
edit: let's say, we use phoneGap
As far as I know, cross-domain issues do block you from IFRAME solutions for displaying external links inside your app.
Best solution currently is to have links include target="_blank" to force a new browser window to open.
#Stevanicus #Dalar It does open a new window in Mobile Safari if you use Phonegap and allowed domains using phonegap.plist whitelist property, but if you do somthing like
var rateMsg = Ext.Msg.confirm('Title', 'Some message', function(e) {
if(e == 'yes')//If user confirms yes
{"", "_blank");//We open a link with _blank to use mobile safari and not your webview
It does not work.
