How do I load phonegap/cordova with jade? - node.js

I am developing a Web Application using node.js, express and jade. I have the following jade template which I am seeing using a WebView in a Phonegap application:
doctype mobile
var ready = function() {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", ready);
title= title
link(rel='stylesheet', href='/stylesheets/style.css')
block content
h1= title
button(id='vibrateButton', onclick='navigator.notification.vibrate(2000);')Confirm
- each service in services
div.desc= service.description
What this template will produce is a webpage with a list of items (a description and a link) which will be fetched from a mongo database. The page is served using node.js
Now, the cordova script is not loading because the alert ("Ready") is not being displayed. Also, if I hit the button the device won't vibrate and the console will display the following message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'vibrate' of undefined at
How can I include the Phonegap script using jade? I have tried to load simple scripts with just an alert and it works, but in this case I don't know why it is not working.
Could anyone provide advise please? Thanks.

With recent changes to cordova, you should take a look into InAppBrowser api. That's the recommended way to deal with remote pages embedded in your application.
In the end, you'll probably have a single index.html on the application to make sure the cordova js api is loaded and everything is ok. Then you'll open an InAppBrowser targeting your remote page (remember to whitelist it on config.xml for a better experience!).

The dot after the script is missing. Read this:
"Often you might want large blocks of text within a tag. A good
example is with inline scripts or styles. To do this, just add a .
after the tag (with no preceding space)"
It's taken from the jade-lang reference.
if (usingJade)
console.log('you are awesome')
console.log('use jade')
Will render:
if (usingJade)
console.log('you are awesome')
console.log('use jade')

these will never work.
the html pages needs to be on the client side( app side ) not in the server side(node).
Example. In a android phonegap proyect on the assets\www folder.
i dont know for wat SO is your app, but
App client side: views, phonegap, jquery .... and all the stuff to request the data to the node server.
Server side: dbStuff, and all the stuff to retrieve the data to the app requests.
hope it helps.


how to first launch my website popup

I have a problem where I want to make my website when you first accessed through a mobile phone message to download the app or website.
What is needed? Can anyone help me solve my problem?
Javascript for example:
You can set a cookie.
var tehDiv = document.getElemenbyId('adiv');
if (localStorage.getItem('firstTime'){
localStorage.setItem('firstTime', 'no');
theDiv.innerHTML='The html that shows download app buttons';
<div id="adiv">Here will be placed download buttons or not</div>
If need to know if is a mobile there are many scripts to that. For example this one: Detecting iOS / Android Operating system

Watson Virtual Agent - added javascript to page, now what?

I followed the instructions to get my bot id, my ibm key/secret and inserted the javascript into my website. I run the site and nothing happens. What do I need to do to see the virtual agent show up on the page?
I followed these instructions to get up and running:
Used this page to get my botid:
I don't see any errors in my site console.
Code included:
<script src=''></script>
el: 'ibm_chat_root',
baseURL: '',
botID: '___mybotid___',
XIBMClientID: '__myclientid____',
XIBMClientSecret: '___mysecret____'
If your site doesn't show a box, it may be caused by a missing root element. Make sure that you have an HTML tag on your site that has an ID matching the value of el (in this case, ibm_chat_root).
If you want to, you can also directly pass an element object:
el: document.getElementById('my-element-id')

How to execute a callback on the devtools page from page's JS?

I am trying to write a Chrome devtools extension for a JS SDK we have developed. This SDK has an API addEventListener (the events are not DOM events) that I would like to use to be able to display all the events that are being published in the devtools panel I made.
Basically I would like to be able to have the following code in my devtools page script :
"mySDKonTheContentPage", function(result, isException){
mySDK =result;
mySDK.addEventListener("myEvent", function(){
Since content scripts don't have access (do they?) to the page's JS objects, I don't really know where to start.
In the script on your page, you can use window.postMessage to send your data to the content script. From there you can set up communication between the content script and the DevTools panel via a background page.
See: Messaging from Injected Scripts to the DevTools Page and Messaging from Content Scripts to the DevTools Page for examples of this in the documentation.

NodeJS Get Completely Rendered HTML Page

I want to get a html page content from a url using NodeJS after JavaScript is fully loaded and the page is completely rendered, or get the basic html then run all JavaScript files to achieve final content.
For example let's assume there is a website based on AngularJS, so the basic html is simple, but after loading all JavaScript codes in the page, page content is completely different. I want to get that final content on my server to find something in it. Any ideas?
After-Load is a NodeJS package that works like a charm :
var afterLoad=require('after-load');
then :
Maybe it's too late, but back in the day, PhantomJS solved my problem.

Opening and writing to a new window from a Google Chrome extension sandbox page

(Cross posted here)
I have a sandboxed page (specified in my manifest) which is loaded into an iframe in my extension's background page. From within my sandboxed page, I'd like to open a new window and write to it, i.e.:
var win =; win.document.write('<p&gtHello!</p>');
This works from my extension's background page and from regular web pages, but when invoked from either content scripts or my sandboxed page, the window opens, but I cannot access the win object (it's defined, but empty---console.log outputs "Window {}").
I assume this is due to same-origin policies (with every window being given a uinque-origin within the sandboxed environment). However, since the window opens an about:blank page, I'm confused why this would matter.
Is this a feature? Is there a parameter I can add to my manifest to avoid this? And does anyone know of work-arounds that don't involve using postMessage back to my background page? My ideal solution is to have my sandboxed script open a new window and interact with it directly, not with message passing.
I can provide a full example if necessary, but I'm hoping someone might just know off the top of their head. I'm running Chrome 24.0.1312.57 on Mac and 24.0.1312.68 on Ubuntu if that helps.
Content scripts, by definition, are part of external regular web pages you load so I'm not really sure how your script could work on a "regular web page" but not the content script. Do you mean the code works when you embed it in your own pages, but not in other pages via the content script?
Regardless, if the script is working properly from your background page, you could always try messaging. (more here:
Script for your sandbox/contentscript:
//send message to background page
chrome.extension.sendMessage({todo: "newWindow"});
In background page:
//create a listener
function(request, sender) {
if (request.todo === "newWindow") {
//do your stuff here
var win =; win.document.write('<p&gtHello!</p>');
Per the cross-post here, the issue is indeed that the opened window is given a unique origin. This was intentional as the members of the standards working group (SWG) felt that it would be more secure to not make an exception for about:blank pages where they inherit the sandbox's origin.
However, to get around this issue, at least for my purposes, I can use the following method. First, forget sandboxing. This workaround uses an iframe embedded in a background page with the src url set to data:text/html,.... This gives a unique origin to the iframe so it's no longer in extension space. That means eval can be used and chrome apis cannot be accessed. Unlike in a sandbox, windows opened from the iframe share that same origin as the iframe, allowing created windows to be accessed. For example:
In a background html page:
<script src="background.js"></script>
<iframe id="myframe"></iframe>
In background.js:
document.getElementById('myframe').setAttribute('src', 'data:text/html,'+
'<script src='+chrome.extension.getURL('jquery.js')+'></script>'+
'<script src='+chrome.extension.getURL('myscript.js')+'></script>'+
In myscript.js
// To receive messages from background.js.
window.addEventListener('message', function(e){ ... } );
// To send messages to background.js.
parent.postMessage({...}, '*');
// To open AND ACCESS a window.
var win =;
win.document.write('Hello'); // Fails in sandbox, works here.
// Eval code, if you want. Can't do this from an extension
// page loaded normally unless you allow eval in your manifest.
// Here, it's okay!
eval( 'var x =; x.document.write("Hi!")' );
// No chrome apis.
chrome.log( chrome.extension ); // -> undefined
chrome.log( ); // -> undefined
// No direct access to background page (e.g., parent).
chrome.log( parent ); // -> Window with no properties.
