Wrapper package created by OracleApplicationsAdapter in BPEL SOA 11g shows as invalid - bpel

I am using OracleApplicationsAdapter to call a package. The procedure in this package returns record type. During configuration a wrapper package and procedure is created. But it is invalid if i check in database and all calls fails with error code
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at line 1 Check to ensure that the XML containing parameter data matches the parameter definitions in the XSD.
If i use DBAdapter for same procedure then it works fine. what could be the issue with OracleApplicationsAdapter ?


Why does cxf throw an unmarshalling error on elements that have no namespace prefix when the namespace should be inherited

I am creating a SOAP client that runs in a Java 11 Spring Boot server and makes requests to a Java 8 server. I'm using cxf-rt-frontend-jaxws:3.4.3 and cxf-rt-transports:3.4.3 in a Gradle 6.9 build with the com.github.bjornvester.wsdl2java Gradle plugin version 1.1.
My client can call a simple echo test SOAP operation with no problem. That service passes a request object containing a single String and gets a response object containing the String. So I know the basic connection is working and the other end is responding.
My problem arises when I call an operation that has no input and returns a list of objects in the response. I get this error:
org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault: Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"ProposalInfo"). Expected elements are <{http://V2.pub.proposal.server.ws.cayuse.com/}ProposalInfo>
I am told that other systems call these operations with no problem.
I have stepped through the cxf and JAXB code and notice that the IntelliJ shows this text associated with a BranchingReaderSource. Not sure if this is a true error or just a side-effect of the debugger trying to call toString() on this class (which has no such method).
Method threw 'java.lang.NullPointerException' exception. Cannot evaluate com.ctc.wstx.io.BranchingReaderSource.toString()
I also notice that a class called ValidationEventLocatorImpl gets a NullPointerException on this line because "toURL" is null. I think this is because toURL comes from the empty prefix of in the response.
this.url = toURL(loc.getSystemId());
I have tried using wrapping-style "false" but that does not change anything.
I also tried to use TransformInInterceptor to map elements with no prefix to the desired prefix, but that did not work. It seems the unmarshalling error gets thrown before the interceptor runs.
Here is the WSDL used for this service; the operation that I am calling is getUnpairedProposals. I also attach a copy of the response to this operation -- the operation that is not getting unmarshalled properly. My reading of this response is that the namespace defined on the ns2:getUnPairedProposalsResponse tag should apply to the child elements such as .
Additional info:
I made several attempts to use TransformInterceptor to map the elements:
Added a map entry for "getUnPairedProposalsResponse -> {http://V2.pub.proposal.server.ws.cayuse.com/}getUnPairedProposalsResponse". This did nothing.
Inserted the TransformInterceptor at Phase.PRE_STREAM. Also had no effect.
Changed the mapping from #1 to the same but added a prefix {}, as in {}getUnPairedProposalsResponse -> {http://V2.pub.proposal.server.ws.cayuse.com/}getUnPairedProposalsResponse. This got me a null pointer exception in cxf at TransformUtils line 128 in the convertToQnamesMap method.

IBM ODM cannot generate a valid WADL

I've been plagued for months with an error in ODM.
It doesn't prevent my services from working, it only prevents ODM from automatically generating the JSON input payload when I test a service through the Rule Execution Server (the Retrieve HTDS Description File).
I attached a screenshot of the error.
What is puzzling is that:
if I move my variable from Input to Output, then the JSON gets generated in the Server Response section
if I manually enter my own JSON, the service executes correctly and I get back a decision
Does anyone have any idea what could possibly be wrong here?
Very likely your variable is not being deserialized properly. This would explain both the error you are getting and why you get it only as an input variable.
We get a similar error using a java.tim.ZonedDateTime with ODM 8.9.1, which does not support the java.time package. We just ignore the error -- and are hoping we can avoid it when we move to ODM 8.10.2.
hard to help as some of the context is missing. However the symptoms you describe tells there is a serialization issue one of the class of the HTDS interface.
It could be :
a getter/setter missing
a dependency missing in the XOM (classloader)
or a #jsonIgnore missing on a non getter/setter method whose name starts by get or set.

Failed to run script function from Custom Actions

I implemented an installscript file of my own that will allow the installer to register dll's. I combined this with a custom action to actually run the function I created. I had to make this script because the dlls were failing to register with setting the property to self register. So I am stuck on how to resolve this problem with the custom action failing so that I can test my script.
Below is my script:
#include "Ifx.h"
export prototype RegisterComponents(HWND);
function RegisterComponents(hMSI)
sRunStr = WINSYSDIR ^ "regsvr32.exe";
LongPathToQuote(sRunStr, TRUE);
//change the directory to target directory
//register dll
if(LaunchAppAndWait(sRunStr, "/s " +
WAIT)) < 0) then
MessageBox("NCRUniEmulatorSO.dll", SEVERE);
Below is my custom actions:
FunctionName: RegisterComponents
Return Processing: Synchronous
In-Script Execution: Deferred Execution
Install Exec Sequence: After PublishProduct
All other sequence settings are set to Absent from sequence.
log file
InstallShield 14:17:18: Invoking script function RegisterComponents
InstallShield 14:17:18: Failed to run script function, error
0x80020006 InstallShield 14:17:18: CallScriptFunctionFromMsiCA() ends,
result 0x643 CustomAction RegisterComponents returned actual error
code 1603 but will be translated to success due to continue marking
Is this an MSI project? I would not use self-registration, instead enable COM Extract at Build in the property page for the component in question:
If this extraction does not work, then you might have dependencies that are not met for the file to load. For example a missing resource dll or something like that. The extraction process for "COM Extract at Build" will populate a number of MSI-specific COM tables that take care of all COM registration details for you (including rollback support).
InstallShield Self-Registration: Additionally you can enable self-registration for a file in Installshield and not run via custom action code at all. I think it is in the property page for each file.

Binding Exception with Ninject

We have a central logging component which I am now trying to use in a WebJob that I am developing. I am basically following this example. My Activator is identical, I have the bindingModule that has my Bind statements in it. One thing I have done differently here is to use the method versions:
instead of the generic versions in the example. I currently have constructor injection implemented but I have also set up the parameter injection as per the example. Which ever way I try to do this I end up with the error:
Error indexing method 'Functions.ProcessQueueMessage' ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot bind parameter
a null reference exception (with parameter injection). Further into the error I am told that
Make sure the parameter Type is supported by the binding
which is the part that I am finding it difficult to resolve. I have looked at the available method calls on the config object available in WebJob.program but none seems to work. What is it I need to call so that I am correctly resolving my type when I am using a QueueTrigger or BlobTrigger?

WCF DataService EF entities not found

I have an EDMX model with a generated context.
Now i generated a Self Tracking Entities library is separate project and referenced this from the EDMX model.
Also set the correct namespace in the context to the same namespace as the entities.
Now working with this all works except when i try to create a WCF data service with this context.
So just create new ObjectContext and working with it directly works fine.
But having referenced the context + model lib and the entities lib i get the following error when loading the service
The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key'. See server logs for more details. The exception stack trace is:
Now i found that this could happen when using data service with external entity lib and fix was overriding the createcontext
with code
System.Data.Metadata.Edm.ItemCollection itemCollection;
if (!context.MetadataWorkspace.TryGetItemCollection
(System.Data.Metadata.Edm.DataSpace.CSSpace, out itemCollection))
var tracestring = context.CreateQuery<ClientDataStoreContainer>("ClientDataStoreContainer.DataSet").ToTraceString();
return context;
Now the error is gone but i get the next one and that is:
Object mapping could not be found for Type with identity 'ClientDataStoreEntities.Data'.
This error occurs on the .toTraceString in the createcontext
the ssdl file has the defined type
<EntitySetMapping Name="DataSet">
<EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(ClientDataStoreEntities.Data)">
So it has to load the ClientDataStoreEntities.Data type which is the namespace and type of the STE library that i have generated from the model.
EDIT: with
var tracestring = context.CreateQuery<Data>("ClientDataStoreContainer.DataSet").ToTraceString();
It does seem to load all types , however now the service does not have any methods that i can call.
there should be 2 DataSet and PublishedDataSet but:
<service xml:base="http://localhost:1377/WcfDataService1.svc/">
is what i get.
I ran into the same issue (the first one you mention). I have worked around using the suggestion by Julie Lerman in this thread. The other suggestion didn't work for me although I will experiment with them more since Julie's solution may have performance implications since it's executed (and has some cost) for every query.
MSDN Fail to work with POCO ModelContainer which entities are located in other assembly
Edit: Sorry, just realized you utilized the other solution mentioned in this thread.
