Testing a module with input() and print() inside - using TestCase - python-3.x

A students task is to write a python script, doing something with only input() and print().
Example task: "Write python script that asks for number 'n' and prints string of 'n' stars."
He writes a script like this:
n = int(input())
print('*' * n)
I want to write python module, that tests that his script is working correctly.
My solution till now is to do this:
from io import StringIO
import sys
sys.stdout = StringIO()
sys.stdin = StringIO(str(2))
import riesenie
s = sys.stdout.getvalue()
if s != '**' * 2 + '\n':
raise Exception('WRONG')
print("OK", file=sys.stderr)
BUT, I would like to achieve this behaviour using TestCase. Something like:
from unittest import TestCase
class TestSolution(TestCase):
def test_stars(self):
sys.stdout = StringIO()
sys.stdin = StringIO(str(2))
import riesenie
s = sys.stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual('**', s)
But this is not working.
Is there a way to achieve this? Thank you in advance.


How to Unittest sys.argv with multiple values

Let's say I have a Python script file that uses sys.argv variables. And I want to test the sys.argv with different values in multiple tests. The issue is that I have to patch and import it multiple times but i think it holds the sys.args values only from the first import so both TestCases print the same values ['test1', 'Test1']. Is my approach wrong?
import sys
ex1 = sys.argv[0]
ex2 = sys.argv[1]
import unittest
import mock
import sys
class TestExample(unittest.TestCase):
#mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['test1', 'Test1'])
def test_example1(self):
import example
#mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['test2', 'Test2'])
def test_example2(self):
import example
The problem is that Python will not (unless you work hard at it) reimport the same file more than once.
What you should do is have the import only define stuff, and define a main() function in your module that gets called when it's time to run stuff. You call this main() function directly in the script when the script is called by itself (see the last two lines of example.py below), but then you can also call that function by name during unit testing.
For what it's worth, this is best practice in Python: your scripts and module should mostly define functions, classes and whatnot on import, but not run much. Then you call your main() function in a __name__ guard. See What does if __name__ == "__main__": do? for more details about that.
Here's your code modified to work, testing your module with two different sets of sys.argv values:
import sys
def main():
ex1 = sys.argv[0]
ex2 = sys.argv[1]
if __name__ == "__main__":
import unittest
import mock
import sys
import example
class TestExample(unittest.TestCase):
#mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['test1', 'Test1'])
def test_example1(self):
#mock.patch.object(sys, 'argv', ['test2', 'Test2'])
def test_example2(self):
Results from python -m unittest:
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s

Capture a terminal output in real time of an python module

The python 'yfinance' module downloads the quotes of many Financial Securities in a pandas dataframe and in the meanwhile it displays a progress bar in the console. In this way:
import yfinance as yf
Tickerlist = ["AAPL","GOOG","MSFT"]
quote = yf.download(tickers=Tickerlist,period='max',interval='1d',group_by='ticker')
I would like to capture the console progress bar in real time, and the code should be this:
import sys
import subprocesss
process = subprocess.Popen(["yf.download","tickers=Tickerlist","period='max'","interval='1d'","group_by='ticker'"],stdout=quote)
while True:
out = process.stdout.read(1)
I make a big mess with subprocess. I need your help! Thanks.
I have already seen all the links that deal with this topic but without being able to solve my problem.
You need two python files to do what you want.
one is yf_download.py and second is run.py
The file code looks like this and you can run it through run.py
python run.py
import sys
import yfinance as yf
Tickerlist = ["AAPL","GOOG","MSFT"]
def run(period):
yf.download(tickers=Tickerlist, period=period,interval='1d',group_by='ticker')
if __name__ == '__main__':
period = sys.argv[1]
import sys
import subprocess
process = subprocess.Popen(["python", "yf_download.py", "max"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
while True:
out = process.stdout.read(1)
if process.poll() is not None:
if out != '':

Mock the input() in the module body

I've read a lot of materials, but nothing helped. I tried to write some unit tests using pytest and faced the following problem: i can mock the input() inside the function i want to test (using #mock.patch or monkeypatch.setattr for builtins.input).
This is the code in my module:
def double():
a = input()
return int(a) * 2
And this is my test file:
# #mock.patch('builtins.input', return_value='13')
def testing(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr('builtins.input', lambda: "13")
assert double() == 26
But when i have input() in the body of my module i get the error - OSError: pytest: reading from stdin while output is captured! Consider using -s.
def double(a):
return int(a) * 2
x = input()
I can fix this with adding if __name__ == "__main__" before x = input(), but i'm curious if i can solve this in any other way. Thank you for your help in advance!

unit test in python for function that has no return value

I have a function that should pick only top 10 requests from list of requests:
def prioritize_top_10_requests(list_of_requests):
if not list_of_requests:
for i in list_of_requests[0:10]:
print i
I want to write a unit test for this function just to check if 'i' is printed 10 times only though we have more list of requests.
I am writing python unit test cases for the first time.
I don't have python3 set up. The below code works with Python 3.
What it does is the following.
Created a UnitTest TestCase with one test, "test_priority".
In the test, redirect the stdout to a string.
Then execute the function.
Collect the print results from the string.
Remove None and empty strings and find the length.
Check if it is equal to 10.
import unittest
from io import StringIO
import sys
def prioritize_top_10_requests(list_of_requests):
for i in list_of_requests[0:10]:
class TestMyCode(unittest.TestCase):
def test_priority(self):
sys.stdout = result = StringIO()
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
printed_lines = result.getvalue()
print_count = len(printed_lines.strip().split('\n'))
self.assertEqual(print_count, 10)
if __name__ == '__main__':

How to mock readlines() in Python unit tests

I am trying to write a unit test to a class init that reads from a file using readlines:
class Foo:
def __init__(self, filename):
with open(filename, "r") as fp:
self.data = fp.readlines()
with sanity checks etc. included.
Now I am trying to create a mock object that would allow me to test what happens here.
I try something like this:
TEST_DATA = "foo\nbar\nxyzzy\n"
with patch("my.data.class.open", mock_open(read_data=TEST_DATA), create=True)
f = Foo("somefilename")
The problem is, when I peek into f.data, there is only one element:
Which means whatever happened, did not get split into lines but was treated as one line. How do I force linefeeds to happen in the mock data?
This will not work with a class name
with patch("mymodule.class_name.open",
But this will work by mocking the builtin directly, builtins.open for python3
#mock.patch("__builtin__.open", new_callable=mock.mock_open, read_data=TEST_DATA)
def test_open3(self, mock_open):
or this without class by mocking the module method
def test_open(self):
with patch("mymodule.open", mock.mock_open(read_data=TEST_DATA), create=True):
#Gang's answer pointed me to the right direction but it's not a complete working solution. I have added few details here which makes it a working code without any tinkering.
# file_read.py
def read_from_file():
# Do other things here
filename = "file_with_data"
with open(filename, "r") as f:
l = f.readline()
return l
# test_file_read.py
from file_read import read_from_file
from unittest import mock
import builtins
##mock.patch.object(builtins, "open", new_callable=mock.mock_open, read_data="blah")
def test_file_read(mock_file_open):
output = read_from_file()
expected_output = "blah"
assert output == expected_output
