Material Design - Page content exceeding screen width - width

I'm having table content exceeding the screen width and I don't know how to fix it.
Tried to get <class="md-layout__content"> or <class="page-content"> maxwidth set to 100% of the current screen size but couldn't.
Also for left-padding the page content how should I proceed? I thought that I could add <style="padding-left: %10"> or margin maybe?
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks :)
Question Example

Please removed following property from your style sheet for Table.
then this will solved your problem.
white-space: nowrap;
removed this property from .mdl-data-table class


How to make results above content? Z-index search field issue

This code appears in a siteorigin layout builder in the header widget area. There are four elements, and #4 is a search box. When you type anything into the box, the suggested results appear under the content below.
I tried a z-index on the header, the widget, assigning a special class to the widget with a high z-index, and got nothing.
Any thoughts please, because I'm stuck.
Thank you!
This was a tough one to locate. Please, try adding to Custom CSS:
.elementor-section {
-webkit-transform: none !important;
That's to override a rule in the parent stylesheet.

Bottom of the page footer positioning issue

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to make my footer stick to the bottom of the screen, even when the page is smaller than the screen.
I'm guessing it's something to do with the container length, but I'm honestly completely unsure.
Any help would be appreciated. :)
This concept is something known as a sticky footer. The Mozilla Developer Network has a page here illustrating a few ways to accomplish it. In the example of your page, I believe you can add the following css to make your footer stick to the bottom of the viewport (screen).
html {min-height:100%)
body {100vh}
div#page {min-height:100vh; display:grid; grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto}
Assuming you are looking for something like this, but if not, be more specific. As in post the code you already have.
footer {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;

core-drawer-panel vs paper-fab z-index

I've got a fairly basic core-drawer-panel setup with a core-header-panel inside another core-header-panel in the main panel of core-drawer-panel. With me so far? OK.
Now in that container I have a paper-fab, which is great except it appears on top of the drawer when it slides out. I've tried messing about with z-indexes but can't seem to affect the drawer's z-index at all.
Anyone faced a similar issue?
I had the same issue. Setting z-index of the drawer to big number solved it for me, without any side effects
core-header-panel[drawer] {
z-index: 9999;

set div to 100% height of parent that IS NOT the body

After a few days of hounding google for an answer, I am hoping some genius out there is able to help me on this tricky problem im having.
Overall what I am trying to achieve is a 1 page website with a very large bg image that uses jquery to scroll between each div ( which is effectively the same as a 'page', set to 100% height ).
My problem is..
I have a body background image, that is approx 5000px height.
I have 3 divs that I want each to be 100% height of the browser window.
Thus when scrolling from div to div the body bg is underneath.
I cannot set the BODY to 100% height as that will simply 'cut off' my bg image to the browser height.
I need to keep my bg image in its full length.
Is there any possible way to achieve this?? I read somewhere you can set an ID to your BODY element however Im not sure that would be effective for what im trying to achieve?
I know some one out there has an answer :)
Mush appreciated
I have seen you example code now, and I think i found the problem.
You forgot to make the html tag 100% in height, this results in your problem. Try to do like this:
html, body { height: 100%; }
I made a jsFiddle demostation here:

How to add icons to Dojo grid header?

How can i add icon to dojo grid header. I tried setting the headerClasses with appropriate css class but dint work.
sample css class i used
background : url ('______') no-repeat right top;
this never worked for me.
Any help would be great.
basically you needed to add ".tundra" in front of .sample because the .tundra stylesheet is at the top of the hierarchy.
I found the solution wich may help you here:
