Automating program opening and workspace switching - linux

I have a Raspberry PI 3 running Fedora 21 with MATE. It is to be used to simply autoload firefox to a specific website and display some useful statistics from that page.
The tricky part is I have two different sections of that page that I need to see. I was able to get firefox to auto-start two different profiles and with the help of Greasemonkey it goes to the correct section of the pages needed. I now nee to be able to open both windows in fullscreen on two different workspaces at startup. Then I need the workspaces to autoswap like every 30 seconds. This will be on a TV overhead with the only access being SSh which is why it needs to be automated. This is beyond my knowledge now.
I have tried to use Compiz Rotate Cubes and Desktop Cubes, but I cant automate this. At this point I am at a loss.
EDIT: I have managed through a custom script to get Firefox in two profiles on two workspaces!!!! Still trying to get the desktop to switch.

I have actually solved this by writing two scripts
The first script switches workspaces 30 seconds after boot and opens the second Mozilla browser with a second profile.
#! /bin/bash
sleep 30 &&
wmctrl -s 1
firefox -P Profile2 -no-remote
sleep 15
wmctrl -s 0
The second script is an infinite while do:
sleep 30
wmctrl -s 1
sleep 30
wmctrl -s 0
I'm sure there are better ways to accomplish this, but this seems to work for us.


Autostart GUI application with LXDE session

There's quite a bit of information out there on this topic, but for some reason I just can't get it to work. This is on a raspberry pi running the 'DietPi' flavor over the raspian distro, and is perhaps what separates my question from the others.
So I have a GUI application that I wish to launch at boot, after the LXDE session has begun. So I have utilized the following file here:
and added the line:
This works, however, it launches multiple instances of this program, and the first one always crashes. This creates problems because there's some competition for resources (IO, files, etc). So what I did was create script file, / instead like so:
if pgrep "myapplication" > /dev/null
echo "my application is already running"
and then changed /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart to #/ Now what I find is the program launches once, but the instance crashes. It crashes when it attempts to create a window (opencv imshow). This is strange because the program will also run headless if an X-session is not available, but for some reason it crashes and I do not know where to check why.
Also, to test it wasn't an issue with the script file, I commented everything out except the /myapplication and I have found the script file runs in a continuous loop and every time I close the application it opens back up. I'm not sure why this is either.
I've tried adding a sleep delay in the script and it does not help. For whatever reason, it seems the LXDE autostart script is ran at least 3 times when booting the pi and the circumstances around the first cause the program to crash. Does anybody understand this sequence and behavior of calling this autostart script?
It is also possible to use the XDG standard Autostart - which is independent of the used desktop environment - by placing desktop files at
$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart (by default ~/.config/autostart)
or for system-wide autostarts at $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart (by default /etc/xdg/autostart).
Such a .desktop-file could look like:
[Desktop Entry]
The specification of desktop-files can be found at
Here was the final solution...
/etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart added the line:
and / was changed to:
if pgrep "myapplication" > /dev/null
echo "my application is already running"
if [[ "$DISPLAY" = ":0" ]]
I had to write the display variable to file in combination with the errors to file to discover the issue. At login 2 X sessions were created, display ":1" and display ":0", in that sequence. Display ":1" crashed because, although not headless, it was not initialized to a particular resolution and there was some resizing code in my program. Display ":0" was the actual display on the HDMI out and the one I wanted. Really, the conditional check to see if the application isn't necessary but I left it in there to be safe. I could have also left the # on the LXDE autostart file but it got annoying in the cases I wanted to close the application because it'd keep re-opening. Possibly I'll put it back later.
Thanks for the help!
First, some comments about opening several instances of the program: when you use "#" at the beginning of the line on the startup file (ex.: #/myapplication), this requests your system to try to launch the program, but if the program fails to open correctly, then the system will try to open it multiple times until it opens correctly -- if you remove "#" from the line beginning, then the system will only try to open the program once.
Now, to find out why the program is failing, I advise you to add
2> /file/log
to the end of every command on your script. Doing so would append any error message to a log (/file/log), and analyzing those error messages would be key to find out why the program is misbehaving.
One important note: if your program needs root privileges to run, then it will fail when called via /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart, as this method calls programs without elevated permissions.
This is an old thread but I was having problems getting autostart to start all the tasks listed. After many days I concluded there were one or more "invisible" characters that autostart didn't like. So I deleted the lines for the tasks that didn't start and retyped them. That solved the problem!
I think I corrupted the lines because I was editing some of the lines on my Windows computer. It was likely inserting CR with LF or some other stuff. I WILL NEVER EDIT TEXT FOR LINUX USING WINDOWS!
Maybe someone else will hit this problem and this may help them. I don't know where else to put this information.

Name screen session log using session name

I'm using this very simple .screenrc:
logtstamp on
logfile /tmp/screenlog-%S.log
I tried launching screens with these two methods:
screen -L -S testing
screen -S tester -L
but the filename used is /tmp/screenlog.0S.log. What am I doing wrong? Using Screen version 4.00.03jw4 (FAU) 2-May-06, and according to the manual I should be able to name the log file using the session name
If you look at the man page (man screen) for your (8-year-old?) version of screen, you'll see it's missing the %S specifier. They must have added it since your version. I'm not sure why Ubuntu 12.04 shipped screen from 2006..
P.S. I'd advocate looking into tmux. It's a little bit harder to learn, but a lot more flexible: You can move windows between sessions, You can see multiple windows at once, You can nest sessions inside of other sessions, etc.
Also, if you are just looking to log the output of long-running processes, take a look at nohup.

load linux screen setups from file

I use linux screen heavily , generally if the OS didn't restart or say as long as the SCREEN process is there, I can re-attach to my terminals.
But I don't want to set-up the screens each time after my computer restarts that's tedious work.
so I generally setup a series of screens to run different categories of command
1. create a window, rename the screen, run specific command
2. etc...
Is there a way to create these screen setups automatically , say can I script to do that ?
Edit: what is more important here is how to paste some command into the window after the window is created.
Yes, of course.
You just need to specify the configuration of screen in ~/.screenrc.
If you want to use several configurations, you can create several config files
and start screens with -c key.
screen -c ~/.screenrc1
screen -c ~/.screenrc2
screen -c ~/.screenrc3
Example of ~/.screenrc:
screen -t news 8 newsbeuter
screen -t jabber 9 freetalk
here will be open two windows: on 8 -- newsbeuter (the name of the window news); on 9 — freetalk (the name of the window jabber).

GUI wrapper for cygwin scripts?

I use some minor scripts at work under cygwin, and I would like to make them available to workmates with a familiar Windows icon. For instance, suppose I have the following:
cat *tsv | sort > combined_n_sorted.txt
Is there a simple way to make a corresponding icon, assuming cygwin is installed in my workmates' systems? These scripts may involve (cygwin's) python.
It seems that your question has two parts:
How to make scripts accessible on users' desktops.
How to give the each script a particular icon.
For (1), you could create a shortcut on the users' desktops that runs the following command:
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c 'cat *tsv | sort > combined_n_sorted.txt'
or if the commands are stored in a script,
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c /path/to/script
If you want to hide the console window from appearing while the script runs, you could use the run command (in the run package), e.g.:
C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /bin/bash -c 'cat *tsv | sort > combined_n_sorted.txt'
# or
C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /path/to/script
But it might be better for users to see the console window, so they know the script is running.
For (2), you can change each shortcut's icon individually by right-clicking on it and choosing Properties, but AFAIK that's a one-host-at-a-time change. I don't know of any batch way to do it, although no doubt there's a registry key you can set. Or, if you change the icon of the shortcut on your host and then distribute that shortcut, it might keep the same icon on other users' desktops, if the icon is a standard one that exists on their hosts.

Run a command in a shell and keep running the command when you close the session

I am using Putty to connect to a remote server. What I want to know is if there is any way to write my commands and allow them to keep running after I close the session with Putty. The reason for this is that I do not want to keep the computer ON all the time. Is there any way to do this?.
Update with the solution
For my question as it is presented the best solution is use one of the commands provided such as nohup, because you do not have to install any additional software. But if you are in the same problem use screen, install it and use it. It is amazing.
I have selected the answer of Norman Ramsey as favourite because propose several solutions using commands and screen. But please check the other answers specially the one of PEZ, then you get an insight of what screen is able todo.
screen! It's the best thing since sliced bread. (Yeah, I know others have already suggested it, but it's so good the whole world should join in and suggest it too.)
screen is like, like, ummmm ... like using VNC or the like to connect to a GUI destop, but for command shell windows. You can have several shell "windows" open at once in the same screen session. You can do stuff like:
Start a screens session using "screen -dR" (get used to using -dR)
run some commands in one window
press CTRL-A,C to create a new window open a file there in vim
press CTRL-A,0 to go back to the first window and issue some command on the file you just edited
CTRL-A, 1 to go back to your vim session
CTRL-A, C for yet another window and maybe do "sudo - su" (because you just happen to need a full root shell)
CTRL-A, 0 and start a background process
CTRL-A, C to create yet a new window, "tail -f" the log for that background process
CTRL-A, d to disconnect your screen then CTRL-D to disconnect from the server
Go on vacation for three weeks
Log on to the server again and issue "screen -dR" to connect to your existing screen session
check the log in the the fourth window with CTRL-A, 3 (it's like you've been there watching it all the time)
CTRL-A, 1 to pick up that vim session again
I guess you're starting to get the picture now? =)
It's like magic. I've been using screen for longer than I can remember and I'm still totally amazed with how bloody great it is.
EDIT: Just want to mention there's now also tmux. Very much like screen, but has some unique features, splitting the windows being the most prominent one.
nohup, disown, and screen are all good but screen is the best because unlike the other two, screen allows you to disconnect from the remote server, keep everything running, and then reconnect later to see what is happening. With nohup and disown you can't resume interacting.
Try using GNU Screen. It allows you to have several shells open at once. And you can disconnect from those running shells (i.e. close session with Putty) and they will keep doing their thing.
What you are looking for is nohup.
See the wiki link for how to use it.
screen is the best.
screen -dmS "MyTail" tail -f /var/log/syslog
This start command in background.
Use screen -r to list, and or screen -r Mytail to enter session.
If more users need access same session, use: screen -rx MyTail, and both or more users share the session.
If you can't use screen (because, for instance, your SSH session is being programmatically driven), you can also use daemonize to run the program as a daemon.
One way that works well for me is at.
at works like cron, but for a one-time job. I used it today to download a large file without having to keep my session alive.
for example:
$ at 23:55
at> wget
at> ^D
You pass at a time (in the future) and it gives you a prompt. You enter the commands you want to run at that time and hit ctrl+d. You can exit out of your session and it will run the commands at the specified time.
Wikipedia has more info on at.
./command & disown
ssh localhost && ./command && exit
