How to change the breakpoint icon color in the validation/marker bar (on the right side of the editor) - android-studio

The vertical validation/marker bar on the right side of the Android Studio editor contains breakpoint, error, and TODO markers. Unfortunately, the breakpoint and error markers are the same color and wastes time sifting out the errors from the breakpoints. I would like the breakpoint markers to be a different color or hidden altogether. Any help would be appreciated.

You can change the marker colors in Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | General, by changing the color selected in the "Error stripe mark" field.


How to disable Code Inspection gutter icons in Rider Editor?

Can anyone tell me please how to disable this icon from appearing in my Rider window? It allows configuring highlighting levels.
Incidently I would also like to hide that bar it appears on as it doesn't have any purpose.
Call the context menu for the "Pencils" icon (click on the right mouse click)
"Move to status bar"
Then go to View | Appearance | Status bar widgets | Pencils

Attribute inspector for buttons has no background color

Sorry but looks a simple question. In the attribute inspector menu of all my buttons the background color option menu/property disappeared in Main storyboard. I cannot change the color. I can change the text color, the shadow color, the background gives only the option of images but no color?? I rebooted xcode, and the MacBook as well.
I found the issue. On the attribute inspector at the very bottom there is the view section. On the right of the View there was missing "show" word, looks like a bug and that's why I have not seen that I could expand the view. Now that I expanded it I can hide and show with this right button and the keyword show is there again.

VS Code intellisense doesn't show me color box for hex value color

When I write CSS, intellisense doesn't show me color box for hex value color but only icon. Before, Intellisense showed me color box for hex value. I don't know why. Now I use VS Code version 1.31.1. Can I change it or exist some extensions? Below are print screens. Thanks.
If anyone here is wondering why they no longer see the color box next to their #FFFFF color scheme in vs code, check on the bottom right that it is set to CSS and not say POSTCSS.
I'm using Color Pick vscode extension now:
Usage: After install, press F1 > enter pc

In Android Studio, how do I change the background color of the left-hand gutter?

In Android Studio (version 2.0), the background color of the left-hand gutter is the same background color as my editor. This causes me to erroneously think that my indentions are off.
If I could simply change the background color of the gutter, it will look like a separate area to my eyes, and I won't stop second-guessing the indent levels.
But I can't find the setting (not surprising--there are thousands of settings!). And as you can see, I only turn line-numbers on while debugging.
In my current settings, you can see how difficult it is to tell the gutter apart from the editor:
Finally found it!
Open up the Preferences according to your Operating System.
Editor -> Colors & Fonts -> General -> Gutter -> Background. Check the background box on the far right, then click on the rectangle to the right of the checkbox. A color picker will pop up, allowing you to change the background color of the gutter.

CMFCTabCtrl color customising

Is there the way to change the line and background colors of CMFCBaseTabCtrl?
I can change tabs color via SetTabBkColor(...) or SetAutoColors(...) but control's header and lines remain grey.
SetSysColors(...) is not an option because it changes colors globally for entire OS.
Basically we need to apply some lite/dark color scheme. I can not find the way to change tab control background and line colors. When the tab background color is set by SetTabBkColor(...) it leaves the space near the tab border.
Also its expected that SetActiveTabColor(...) will change the background of the active tab but it does pretty nothing.
And there is no way to change the text color of the active tab. I belive this stuff is customisable but can not find how.
The colors are retrieved from the current instance of the CMFCVisualManager.
CMFCVisualManager::GetTabFrameColors is used. And some other manager functions like OnEraseTabsFrame and OnEraseTabsArea.
So derive your own visual manager from the one you prefer. Overwrite the specific functions and so you can change the colors and behavior.
There is no other way. Just lok into the source code in void CMFCTabCtrl::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\atlmfc\src\mfc\afxtabctrl.cpp
