Does magnet pull of google cardboard triggers click event in aframe? - google-cardboard

I don't have Google cardboard right now to test. I'm using universal-controls and mouse-cursor. Will pulling magnet on Google cardboard trigger click event? Here's my camera universal-controls and cursor
<a-entity camera="active:true;userHeight:1.8"
position="0 2.2 4" mouse-cursor
I'm using aframe v0.3.0 aframe extras v2.3.0

It will if you use the cursor component. The cursor component provides an implementation of Cardboard click (which are just screen taps) and emits the click/mouseenter/mouseleave events.


How to recreate singleTop behavior when using navigation component's deep links?

How to recreate singleTop behavior when using navigation component's deep links?
I'm using Jetpack Navigation and I'm currently trying to implement notification clicks. One of the fragments is used to play music. When you background the app, a notification is displayed and music continues to play. When I click the notification I would like to go back to the fragment with the playback. I would like to mimic singleTop behavior.
To handle notifcation clicks I'm using an explicit deep link (PendingIntent with navigation graph):
val pendingIntent = NavDeepLinkBuilder(context)
Unfortunately, it clears the task back stack and replaces it with the deep link destination. How can I prevent this behavior? I know there is NavOptions#shouldLaunchSingleTop but I see no way to use it with the PendingIntent and NavDeepLinkBuilder. Is it possible to launch deep link with NavOptions?

IBM Notes on hotspot onmouseover event display contents of url link

I need help with writing the javascript for a onmouseover event to display the contents of a url link when a mouse passes over a hotspot rectangle on an IBM Notes Page (Version 9).
onmouseover event
Instead of trying to do this with JavaScript, you could just add the contents of the link URL as Alternate Text on the second tab of the Hotspot Properties dialog.

UWP App example with commandbar, splitview and title

I am looking for a example code which use top commandbar, splitview with hamburgericon and title of page with backbutton near humbergericon. Something like a MSN Weaher app:
I am looking exactly the same top bar with title and backbutton and left splitview. Do you know about something like this?
You can use Template10 to get an implementation of the SplitView with Burger Icon.
Special consideration about the BackButton : in this sample, this is just a simple button, when clicked you have to call the following code:
if (this.Frame.CanGoBack) this.Frame.GoBack();
If you plan to implement this feature, be carefull when your application will be executed in tablet mode or running on a mobile phone. In these situations, you have to manage also hardware/soft back button. Please check Back button navigation documentation.

Media control buttons in 360 Video player made using google cardboard and rajawali

I have created a VR video player using Google Cardboard Android SDK and Rajawali VR.
I want to add control buttons like play, pause, stream like a normal video player.
How can I implement this?
Create a button UI inside the Sphere where your 360 video is textured.
Try this code:
Material playBtnM = new Material();
try {
//place the button picture in "res/drawable-nodpi/"
playBtnM.addTexture(new Texture("playBtn",;
} catch(TextureException e) {
Plane playBtn;
playBtn = new Plane(1, 1, 8, 8);
playBtn.setPosition(0, 0, -2);
You can use Cube or other primitves rather than Plane in Rajawali to map your texture to.
Create your own way to trigger the button. For example, using a focus point at the center. If the focus point is inside the button, then the button is triggered.
Notify the video player. Call start(), pause() or stop() method of MediaPlayer to control playback when the button is triggered.

Stop casting/disconnect box is tiny on my Android Cast app

I'm familiarizing myself with the Google Cast SDK by building a small test application, following the Cast SDK for Android guide. I've created a standard ActionBarActivity-based app as the guide suggests (even though ActionBarActivity is deprecated... shrug) I've added all the library dependencies, added the necessary XML to AndroidManifest.xml and menu_main.xml and am using the MediaRouteActionProvider to handle device detection and to show/hide the Cast button in the action bar. All is working well, and the "Connect to device" box appears as it should when I tap the Cast Button.
However, when I tap the Cast button again to disconnect, the "Stop Casting" box appears but it is unusually small.
The box is supposed to be wide enough to show the volume bar -- in my super-small version, the volume slider does in fact show up but it is unusably small. Compare to what it is supposed to look like, for example as in the YouTube app shown below.
Any idea what could be going on here? I am using basically the exact code that the Cast SDK for Android guide uses (the only addition being some custom Buttons with onClick listeners to control the media playback and to start casting several different test streams (both audio and video.)
This is due to changes that were made into the Media Router Support library and will be fixed in future updates to that library. If absolutely needed, the current workaround is to override that dialog.
