Limit a number to a range (Haskell) - haskell

I am exposing a function which takes two parameters, one is a minimum bound and the other is a maximum bound. How can I ensure, using types, that for example the minimum bound is not greater than the maximum bound?
I want to avoid creating a smart constructor and returning a Maybe because it would make the whole usage more cumbersome.
Thank you

This doesn't exactly answer your question, but one approach that sometimes works is to change your interpretation of your type. For example, instead of
data Range = {lo :: Integer, hi :: Integer}
you could use
data Range = {lo :: Integer, size :: Natural}
This way, there's no way to represent an invalid range.

This solution uses dependent types (and might be too heavyweight, check if dfeuer's answer is enough for your needs).
The solution makes use of the GHC.TypeLits module from base, and also of the typelits-witnesses package.
Here is a difference function that takes two integer arguments (known statically) and complains at compile-time when the first number is greater than the second:
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.TypeLits.Compare
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Proxy
import Control.Applicative
difference :: forall n m. (KnownNat n,KnownNat m,n <= m)
=> Proxy n
-> Proxy m
-> Integer
difference pn pm = natVal pm - natVal pn
We can check it from GHCi:
ghci> import Data.Proxy
ghci> :set -XTypeApplications
ghci> :set -XDataKinds
ghci> difference (Proxy #2) (Proxy #7)
ghci> difference (Proxy #7) (Proxy #2)
But what if we want to use the function with values determined at run time? Say, values that we read from console, or from a file?
main :: IO ()
main = do
case (,) <$> someNatVal 2 <*> someNatVal 7 of
Just (SomeNat proxyn,SomeNat proxym) ->
case isLE proxyn proxym of
Just Refl -> print $ difference proxyn proxym
Nothing -> error "first number not less or equal"
Nothing ->
error "could not bring KnownNat into scope"
In this case, we use functions like someNatVal and isLE. These functions might fail with Nothing. If they succeed, however, they return a value that "witnesses" some constraint. And by pattern-matching on the witness, we bring that constraint into scope (this works because the witness is a GADT).
In the example, the Just (SomeNat proxyn,SomeNat proxym) pattern match brings KnownNat constraints for the two arguments into scope. And the Just Refl pattern match brings the n <= m constraint into scope. Only then we can call our difference function.
So, in a way, we have shifted all the busywork of ensuring that the arguments satisfy the required preconditions out of the function itself.

What you're asking for is dependent types. There is a nice tutorial on it in
Although I don't know how friendly it will be. Do note that dependent typing was improved in GHC 8.0 but I have no experience in that area. I would make sure you're comfortable using template Haskell if you don't want it to be cumbersome.

You needn't invoke the Maybe type to take advantage of 'smart constructors'. If you like, you may accept constructors of either form (min,max) or (max,min) and still create a data type which correctly interprets which is which.
For instance, you could make a little module:
module RangeMinMax (
data Range = Range (Integer,Integer)
deriving Show
makeRange a b = Range (min a b, max a b)
And now when you create a Range using makeRange, the 2-tuple will automatically be arranged so it's in the form (min,max). Note that the constructor for Range is not exported, so the user of the module is unable to create an invalid Range-- you just need to make sure that you create valid ones in the this module.


When should TypeApplications be preferred over simple :: signatures or ScopedTypeVariables?

Considering this simple example of ambiguous type inference:
#! /usr/bin/env stack
{- stack runghc -}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- This will fail to compile without additional type info
-- let w = read "22"
-- print w
-- My go-to for this is type signatures in the expressions
let x = read "33" :: Integer
print x
-- Another possibility is ScopedtypeVariables
let y :: Integer = read "44"
print y
-- How does TypeApplications differ from the code above? When should this be chosen instead?
let z = read #Integer "55"
print z
My question is, in cases like this, is there an advantage to using TypeApplications?
In almost all cases, it is an aesthetic choice only. I make the following additional comments for your consideration:
In all cases, if a thing typechecks with some collection of type signatures, there is a corresponding collection of type applications that also causes that term to typecheck (and with the same choices of instance dictionaries, etc.).
In cases where either a signature or an application can be used, the code produced by GHC will be identical.
Some ambiguous types cannot be resolved via signatures, and type applications must be used. For example, foo :: (Monoid a, Monoid b) => b cannot be given a type signature that determines a. (This bullet motivates the "almost" in the first sentence of this answer. No other bullet motivates the "almost".)
Type applications are frequently syntactically lighter than type signatures. For example, when the type is long, or a type variable is mentioned several times. Some comparisons:
showsPrec :: Int -> Bool -> String -> String
showsPrec #Bool
sortOn :: Ord b => (Int -> b) -> [Int] -> [Int]
sortOn #Int
Sometimes it is possible to shuffle the type signature around to a different subterm so that you need only give a short signature with little repetition. But then again... sometimes not.
Sometimes, the signature or application is intended to convey some information to the reader or encourage a certain way of thinking about a piece of code (i.e. is not strictly for compiler consumption). If part of that information involves attaching the annotation in a specific code location, your options may be somewhat constrained.

Clear the least significant set bit

I'd like to clear the least significant set bit of an arbitrary Bits type. The problem is, that I do not necessarily have the Num instance, so x.&.(x-1) is not an option. The only function I could think of is this:
clearLsb x = x `clearBit` countTrailingZeros x
I benchmarked it against the x&(x-1) version, and it is 1.5 slower on Word32 and Word64 regardless of the level of optimization. I would appreciate if anyone knows some clever hack to do it.
You may overload the function to pick the more efficient implementation at the type level, when it is available. This requires adding a type class, but even with countTrailingZeros implementation you already have to impose some type-class constraint to your function (namely FiniteBits) (1).
In particular, with some language extensions, all Num types can set to use a .&. (a - 1) equation(2):
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Bits (Bits, (.&.))
class LSB a where
clear :: a -> a
instance (Bits a, Num a) => LSB a where
clear a = a .&. (a - 1) -- more efficient implementation
newtype Foo = ... -- some type not instance of Num
instance LSB Foo where
clear a = ... -- some other approach
1. do also note that with countTrailingZeros you are ruling out Integer type, that is countTrailingZeros (16 :: Integer) will not type check, since it is not an instance of FiniteBits.
2. Though would be better to write explicit instances than use those language extensions

Creating custom data types with constraints

I'm trying to create a custom data type. As an example
data Time = Second Int deriving (Show)
However, this is too limiting (we could say later need milliseconds). I would like to instead define something like this:
data Time = Second Num deriving (Show)
This doesn't compile because Num has kind * -> ghc-prim-
How do I setup Time such that Second may contain any Num?
One of the best examples of why this might not be so desirable is found here at the Wikibooks section on Classes and Types. They say:
Type constraints in data declarations are less useful than it might seem at first. Consider:
data (Num a) => Foo a = F1 a | F2 a String
Here, Foo is a type with two constructors, both taking an argument of a type a which must be in Num. However, the (Num a) => constraint is only effective for the F1 and F2 constructors, and not for other functions involving Foo. Therefore, in the following example...
fooSquared :: (Num a) => Foo a -> Foo a
fooSquared (F1 x) = F1 (x * x)
fooSquared (F2 x s) = F2 (x * x) s
... even though the constructors ensure a will be some type in Num we can't avoid duplicating the constraint in the signature of fooSquared
This suggests that a reasonable option for you is to just create Time with a generic parameter, and then later ensure that the module functions that operate on Time data always have the necessary constraint for Num.
It won't be so much of a worry that someone goes off and foolishly makes Time String or something -- if they do, then none of the provided module functions are going to be helpful for them, so it doesn't matter so much.
There are also options to look up with GADTs, the {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} pragma, and the {-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-} pragma. But usually these start to rope in unnecessary degrees of extra complexity, especially if you're a Haskell novice like me.
There is a deprecated feature called Datatype Contexts that allows you to do that:
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}
data Num a => Time a = Second a deriving (Show)
t = Second (5 :: Int)
main = print t
This executes on GHC 7.8.3 (sorry, don't have 7.10 to check), but warns you about the deprecation:
t.hs:1:14: Warning:
-XDatatypeContexts is deprecated: It was widely considered a
misfeature, and has been removed from the Haskell language.
Second 5
A non-deprecated way to do it is to use Generalized Algebraic Datatypes (GADTs) (and you'll need standalone deriving as well):
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-}
data Time a where
Second :: Num a => a -> Time a
deriving instance Show a => Show (Time a)
t = Second (5 :: Int)
main = print t
If you try to create a variable with something non-Num, you'll get a compilation error:
t = Second "a"
No instance for (Num [Char]) arising from a use of ‘Second’
In the expression: Second "a"
In an equation for ‘t’: t = Second "a"

Couldn't match kind `*' against `#'

What the heck is going on here:
"Couldn't match kind `*' against `#'"
I was trying the following in GHCi using TemplateHaskell (ghci -XTemplateHaskell)
$(reify ''Show >>= dataToExpQ (const Nothing))
I was hoping to get an Exp out of this (which does have an instance of Show). I am doing this to insert information about haskell types in an application such that it is available as actual data, not as a string.
My goal is the following:
info :: Info
info = $(reify ''Show >>= dataToExpQ (const Nothing))
I really don't understand that error message, what is '#' anyway? If there is #, is there also # -> # or * -> #? Is it something that relates to kinds like kinds relate to types (though I would not know what that could be)?
Okay, so I do understand now that GHC has a hierarchy of kinds and that `#' is a special kind of unboxed types. All well and good, but why does this error pop up? Maybe unboxed types do not play well with genercis?
I'm not fully sure that this makes sense to me yet, since I would consider unboxed types being an optimazition performed by the compiler. I also thought that if an instance of Data exists, it needs to be there for all types that could possible be included in the data structure.
Upon further investigation I believe that Names pose the problem, is there a way to circumvent them in dataToExpQ? How to use that argument anyway?
You're right, it is the Names that cause the problem. More specifically, the problem is that the NameFlavour data type has unboxed integers in some of its fields.
There's a Haddock note on the Data NameFlavor instance that raises some red flags. And if you click through to the source, you'll see that the gfoldl definition essentially treats the unboxed integers like integers. (There's really not much else choice…) This ultimately causes the error you're seeing because dataToExpQ — having been tricked by the deceptive Data NameFlavour instance — builds an Exp term that applies NameU to an (Int :: *) when NameU actually expects an (unboxed) (Int# :: #).
So the problem is that the Data instance for NameFlavour disobeys the invariant assumed by dataToExpQ. But not to worry! This scenario falls squarely under the reason that dataToExpQ takes an argument: the argument lets us provide special treatment for troublesome types. Below, I do this in order to correctly reify the NameFlavour constructors that have unboxed integer fields.
There may be solutions out there for this, but I'm not aware of them, so I rolled up the following. It requires a separate module because of the TH staging restriction.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
module Stage0 where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import GHC.Types (Int(I#))
import GHC.Prim (Int#)
unboxed :: Int# -> Q Exp
unboxed i = litE $ intPrimL $ toInteger $ I# i -- TH does support unboxed literals
nameFlavorToQExp :: NameFlavour -> Maybe (Q Exp)
nameFlavorToQExp n = case n of
NameU i -> Just [| NameU $(unboxed i) |]
NameL i -> Just [| NameL $(unboxed i) |]
_ -> Nothing
And then the following compiles for me.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Generics.SYB
import Stage0
info :: Info
info = $(reify ''Show >>= dataToExpQ (mkQ Nothing nameFlavorToQExp))
CAVEAT PROGRAMMER The unboxed integers we're bending over backwards for here correspond to "uniques" that GHC uses internally. They are not necessarily expected to be serialized. Depending on how you're using the resulting Info value, this may cause explosions.
Also note when reifying Show, you're also reifying every instance of Show that's in scope.
There's a lot of them — this generates a pretty big syntax term.
As the documentation says, these instances do not include the method definitions.

Is a scoped type statement possible?

Is it possible to do the following:
foo = bar
type A = (Some, Huge, Type, Sig)
meh :: A -> (A, A) -> A
I only need to use this custom type inside the where clause, so it does not make sense to define it globally.
This isn't possible. Why not just define it above the function? You don't have to export it from the module (just use an explicit export list).
By the way, if you really do have a type that big, it's probably a sign that you should factor it into smaller parts, especially if you have a lot of tuples as your example suggests; data-types would be more appropriate.
Actually, there's one, slightly ridiculous, way to approximate this:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
foo :: forall abbrv. (abbrv ~ (Some, Huge, Type, Sig))
=> abbrv -> abbrv
foo x = meh x (x, x)
where meh :: abbrv -> (abbrv, abbrv) -> abbrv
meh x y = {- ... -}
I can't really recommend enabling two language extensions just for the sake of abbreviating types in signatures, though if you're already using them (or GADTs instead of type families) I suppose it doesn't really hurt anything.
Silliness aside, you should consider refactoring your types in cases like this, as ehird suggests.
