is it possible to create crontab that runs every 5 hours 30 minutes - linux

I have to schedule execution of a .sh file for every 5 hours 30 minutes. is it possible to configure this way in linux crontab.

This should work. Also make sure your shell script should have valid permissions to exeucte.
30 */5 * * * sh yourscript


Why does this cron job run every minute?

I ran a cron job as ec2 user, in AWS server.
I set the cron command, like this
*/5 * * * * ec2-user bash ./
in crontab -e file.
It was set to run after every 5 minutes. But it runs every minute. Don't know why ?
For Amazon Linux use "0/5" instead of "*/5". This expression means every 5th minute from 0 through 59.
Next, do not specify relative paths in your crontab. Use only absolute paths.

Using crontab to execute script between 17:00–20:00 for every 10 minutes

I want to send emails to clients every day between 17:00 to 20:00. I want to run my command every 10 minutes in this period.
So the script will be executed 6 times per hour. That's a total of 18 times.
Is this possible with the crontab? How should I write the syntax?
I think this should work:
0/10 17-19 * * * <cmd>
0/10 17,18,19 * * * <cmd>

Wait 60 Seconds to Run Cron Job After Reboot Then Run Job Every 10 Minutes

I have a script that I would like to run 60 seconds after initial system reboot and then every 10 minutes after that. I currently need two cron job listings to achieve this:
*/10 * * * * php myscript.php
#reboot /bin/sleep 60; php myscript.php
The first listing will run my cron job immediately after system boot and so I need to have the second listing to account for the on start wait time.
Is there anyway to combine the above two cron listings into one?

How the cron timing is working?

Suppose, current time is 11:42 and i have setup one cron file to run at every 5 minutes.
Then this file will run at which time 11:47 or 11:45?
So basically i am trying to understand that how the cron timing is work?
Edit : it was ran at 11:45, but i don't know the reason behind it
Cron Configuration :
*/5 * * * * wget -O /dev/null http://XXX/index.php?r=controller/action
As you know, cron will run jobs at a specific time.
A cron job will not use the time it was started, only the configuration matters. This means a cron job set to every 5 minutes (like your */5 * * * *) will only ever run at times ending with 0 or 5 (eg: 12:00, 12:05, 12:10), regardless of the time you run it. This makes sense because we want to schedule a job for a specific time.
If you really need a job to run every 5 minutes, with an offset (eg: 11:42, 11:47, 11:52) you will have to give a list in the configuration.
instead of (*/5 * * * *) you would need to use:
(2,7,12,...,57 * * * *), filling ... with all the other numbers.

cronjob which backs off during off-peak hours

I have a php script which crontab executes every 30 minutes, during off-peak hours around 2-7am I don't get much traffic and so I wish to not run the script during these hours.
I'm not sure how to make a cronjob that will do this as I would find it hard to test.
The cronjob I have at the moment looks like this
*/30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/update/inv.php
*/30 0-1,8-23 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/update/inv.php
the range is inclusive, so 0-1 will do 00:30, 01:30, then 8-23 will do 0830 to 2330
You can restrict the hours you want the job to run.
*/30 0,1,7-23 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/update/inv.php
The times will be every 30 minutes until 0130. It won't run at 0200. The next run will be at 0700 and then every 30 minutes.
There's quite a good article here on how to set up the cron:
