How can I force Enter key to move right? - windows-8.1

I am not in Excel, and SPSS (the app I am using) does not have this config option. I am on Win 8.1. Is there a way to force Enter key (numeric keypad) to move right?

Enter always goes down, but Tab will go across and wrap at the last variable.


Change excel's default cursor

For years and years, my default excel cursor was always the arrow pointer/clicker. All of a sudden it seems to be a big fat gross plus sign and I hate every second I have to look at it. I know there is a VB macro I can write that will call the default cursor, but that having to do that every single time I make or load an excel file is going to slow me down and drive me insane. Does anyone know how I can permanently set the default back to my sleek and lovely arrow?
Drag and drop needs to be enabled.
To enable drag and drop, select File > Options
Under Options, select Advanced
Under Editing Options, select "Enable fill handle and cell drag and drop"
Click OK

Select entire text from current line in Linux using a keyboard shortcut

I've been using Ubuntu/VS Code for a week and I've been struggling with text selection.
In my mac if I want to select text starting from a position until the end of the text I can easily do that with Command + Shift + arrow, but I just can't figure out how to do the same in Linux (Ubuntu), CTRL + Shift only works selecting word by word, and sometimes we just want to select an entire row or the entire text from the current position.
Appreciate the help
Put your courser on the point you want to start. Press Shift+End for the end of the line.
If you want to copy the whole line from first to last simply place the cursor somewhere in that line and hit CTRL+C.
Press Home key to get to the start of the line.
For Selecting multiple lines, use Up/Down key.
The best way is, Put your courser on the point you want to start. Press Shift then click the point you want to end using mouse/touchpad.
I tried the CTRL-C suggestion above without any result. (Mint 19.3 Cinnamon)
Accidentally, I found found that the left mouse button, triple-clicked, selects (highlights) the entire row the cursor is in. [Not seen that documented!] I suppose an expert on xdotools might write you a script for that.
Or position the cursor at the starting point and enter
Ctrl+Shift+End (or repeated right arrow) for a document,
Shift+End (or repeated right arrow) for a single line.

How do you disable the hyperlink warning in excel (Office 365)

I have tried the registry edit here:
. I notice that my decimal 1 always reverts back to hexidecimal when I close. Upon restart nothing changes when I try to open the hyperlink in excel.
0 and 1 are exactly the same decimal and Hex, see here and here
The solution that is described in the link above (adding DisableHyperlinkWarning to the win registry) might not always work.
This solution should stop hyperlink warnings in Excel for Office 365:
Download Procmon (a monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time process/thread activity):
Run Procmon.exe
Toggle Capture Events to off (File > Capture Events)
Clear the current events (Edit > Clear Display)
Toggle Capture Events on.
Click the desired hyperlink in Excel.
Turn Capture Events off.
Filter by Process=EXCEL.EXE (Filter > Filter, chose "Process" from the list, set field to "is", type "EXCEL.EXE" in the empty field, chose "Include" from the list and click "Add".)
Filter also by Operation=RegQueryValue and Result=NAME NOT FOUND
Find the first entry with "EditFlags" in the path (use the search icon to search the filtered list or CTRL+F)
Right click on that entry and select > Jump to (opens registry)
9 Add a new DWORD type named EditFlags with the hexadecimal value 10000.
In my case it was the key htmlfile_FullWindowEmbed
Modified from here
Is it changing back after restarting? if so, maybe you have some policy on your PC.
"The option to switch between the two is purely to allow entry in either format, it is always stored in Hex and for convenience the Decimal value is shown in brackets afterward in the field view
Selecting either option would have absolutely no effect on the program accessing the value and is the same either way."
Answer from here ->
The simplest solution is to use Outlook. For example, if you want to cancel the reminder when opening the embedded pptx file, you can send yourself an email with the pptx file attachment in Outlook. After receiving it, double-click the attachment to open it, and a dialog box will pop up. The following There is a check box, "Always ask before opening this type of file", uncheck it, click Open, and there will be no warning when the embedded link of this type of file is opened in ppt or excel. This method also works for other types of files. There are some settings between office components that are related to each other.

Edit text in an Excel column without deleting the current content

I'm at work and this is my first time using Excel.
I have the following question:
When I want to edit text in a column, I can press Enter or Spacebar to do so without using the mouse.
However, this way the whole text gets deleted.
Now, I want to edit text while keeping the text in the current column.
(And, yes, I'm definitely too lazy to use the mouse.)
Thank you very much, everybody. :)
NAvigate to the cell you want and then press "F2" key, this will allow you to edit the text in the selected cell. Just change and press enter!

Aptana Studio 3: Keyboard Shortcuts for Compare?

Is there any way to assign keyboard shortcuts for compare functions? I want to be able to click a key to select the next difference, another to replace from left to right, and another to replace from left to right. This seems so basic, but I can't find it anywhere!
filter using the word "compare", see if that is what you are looking for
